Casey at Colonial High

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OneLostGrl..I hope you have started writing your book, you are such an articuate, knowledgable, levelheaded person to have survived the rotten childhood and even longer than childhood, if I remember correctly, from some of your earlier posts. Your posts and others with similar lives as yours will help others to see how a person can get to to low points of ones life and sometimes act out and do horrible things to others. You are truly a hero in my eyes and so sorry that you had to endure all your pain. Too bad Casey could not have been as smart as you and made other choices in her life.

Well said and goes for me as are becoming the heroine in your own story and doing a marvelous job of it. I have a great admiration for you already in just a few short months...:clap::blowkiss:
My mom had seizures (scary ones) but they only happened when my siblings and I were fighting, or when she could'nt control certain situations. It wasn't until I was 15 that I realized they were fake. That's when they stopped. Casey always seemed to need attention, so I can believe the seizure was faked!

Arrgh! What a friggin joke, huh?! My mom vomits when she wants attention. She will just fall ill and keep sucking up the attention until she has had enough (and you know they always get to a point where they have had enough of us- they never like us for very long!). She will stay ill sometimes for a week or more! She has ended up in the hospital several times (boy, she loved that attention!) and they cannnot find anything wrong with her. One idiot doctor even took her gallbladder out.

I have no problem imagining Casey faking a seizure. Hell, I wonder what Cindy fakes! LOL

*hugs* right backatcha! :blowkiss:

Well said and goes for me as are becoming the heroine in your own story and doing a marvelous job of it. I have a great admiration for you already in just a few short months...:clap::blowkiss:

:blowkiss: Thank you!

Ok let's stop being nice to the crazy chick before her head grows too big or we get in trouble for being off topic LOL
Look two posts up Pink! :) I don't think anyone has paid any attention though to it.
Look two posts up Pink! :) I don't think anyone has paid any attention though to it.
Sorry Sami...Because of the way it first appeared, I assumed that it was a "broken" link. Guess we've been reading at the same watering holes! :)
Sorry Sami...Because of the way it first appeared, I assumed that it was a "broken" link. Guess we've been reading at the same watering holes! :)

I was trying to copy the article but everytime I did it would come up just a few lines and it was all messed up. I thought maybe to try posting the article in a new post, but that didn't work either, so deleted it. Not sure why I couldn't post it in full? Any way, no problem, me likes sharing water holes with my friends! lol :blowkiss:
Thanks for the link Samijeansg and PinkPanther!
:blowkiss: Thank you!

Ok let's stop being nice to the crazy chick before her head grows too big or we get in trouble for being off topic LOL

From one of THE craziest chicks to another-you really are sensational and you have every right to feel pride in the struggles that you have endured and overcome...and NOW I promise I will stop all this niceness and get back to the business at hand...Where is poor sweet Caylee???:blowkiss:

Oh and to stay on topic, I saw somewhere that Casey was an outgoing, fun, popular high schooler. So how does that mesh with the quiet, loner that we have also heard about? I can't recall where I saw it-I am in a blur these days about the case...
Casey was also very talented at work according to her boss at Kodak (at Universal). She quit by not showing up for work after she was pregnant and only went back once to show off her pregnancy. Her boss had wanted to put her in management training classes for further advancement. So even without her high school degree KC had a chance for a successful future and possibly could have become an event planner and earned a veru good salary. Instead she refused to ever look for work again just decided to play act a casreer so she could be a high end exec with free-lance priviledges right away.

I trained as a Montessori teacher and one of the books i read was called "What to Do Monday" (can't remember the author's name who became a well-known educator). He spoke about certain children with discipinary this was at the kindergarten level but I find it relevqnt here. One such child was one who was very disobedient who came from a very structured and strict home where the parent was always dominant and right overpowering the child. His method of reaching this child was to play the game 'dead' with this child allowing the child to have power over the other words in this game to 'kill' the teacher. Once this child had the sense of EQUAL POWER he mellowed out and became complely cooperative and excited about learning.

I tried this on a little boy in my class and it worked.

KC never had this chance and was constantly demoralized by her mother. When she became an adult her head was filled with her mother's scorn and authority and so it became necessary for her for to assume this authority as quickly as possible as a way of having as much equal authority with her mother as poswible and as much control as well. Essentially it worked. Her family was willing to buy the bluff, willing to continue supporting her and claiming her as a dependent for the price of striving to also 'own' her child Caylee.

i definitely believe it had to do with pre empty=nest syndrome. Cindy needs to play the over giving martyr know everything controlling mother. It is easy with a yough child and not so nice with a struggling teen.

But KC was between a rock and a hard place because she had been set-up to have this child. (and yes i do believe there was another previously that KC got rid of). it was this obnoxious selfish mother demanding a child from her daughter that she wanted for her own. Hey that would make anyone mad. KC had lucid moments when she could not stand her mother yet she also knew deep within what her mother had done to shape her own mind and did not want to give KC to her mother and leave home to find a real job and her own apt.

I believe she did want to spend as much time with Caylee as possible which is why she chose not to work. She was heading for disaster though with no income of her own and desperately in need of love or at least physical contact.
She knew that if she got a job she could not afford a sitter and would have to leave Caylee with her mom and which KC made mention of "if I had wanted to get rid of my child I would have left her with my mother".

It seems she might have had other options. I don't know if it was because she was too proud, too spoiled to live a poor lifestyle for a year or two till she would be entitled to higher wage or if it was because she had no identity without herself being the mirror image of Cindy in her own style wielding her power over her friends. The allusion of having such a classy job with responsibility and freedom few executives have gave her a leading edge to pull off her mishegas.

Crime is funny. You do it once and get away with it and it feels so easy. You know it is wrong but then you rationalize and you do it again and it become an addiction like a lust and you have this high getting away with murder outsmarting the authorities. That was the great injustice done to KC that her own mother could not hold her accountable. Her mother was always blaming teachers for her lesser grades she was always trying to manipulate reality to suit herself.

I really dislike this question but it seems really fitting right now, do you have a link for any of these things you're writing about KC and Cindy; or is this whole post just your own thoughts and opinions?

KC began working at Universal late 2004, she was already pregnant when she started working and continued through her pregnancy, (I'm assuming she took some maternity leave). Caylee was born in August, at some point KC went back and stayed at Universal until after the 1st of January 2006. For whatever reason when Universal and Kodak ended their partnership KC decided this was a good time to pull out too, she quite by never completing her new paper work. In other words she worked for about 15 months give or take.

This time line was created by testimony under oath by CA stating KC had her own insurance from Universal when Caylee was born and LE pulling KC's earning statements showing no earned income after 1st q 2006. KC's former supervisor stated KC just failed to show, she wasn't fired nor did she 'quit'.

You believe KC didn't work because she wanted to spend all her time with Caylee? Yet her former very good friend who babysat when Caylee was an infant (for free no less) quit when she became convinced KC wasn't working, and she felt taken advantage of because KC was out, having fun with her friends while her BFF was babysitting for free. Then Jesse and his family took over from 7 mos til passed KC 1st Bday (I believe JG said in LE interview he and his family babysat for a year but not positive) regardless the whole time they babysat KC NEVER HAD A JOB, she left Universal before March 06!! You can find all this in the docs, from LE interviews.

Did you know that it is fairly consistently believed that when the sex drive of mothers with young children is lower than their counterparts without children it is because they spend so much time with their children touching them, hugging them, holding them that sex just feels like an extension of all that physical attention they are already getting. Not tonite, dear is really nothing more than a request to be left alone. Take the kids away for a couple days, give the mom some time to herself, for a few hours, and the ol' sex drive pops right back up there. We know KC wasn't struggling with this, don't we!

KC telling LE she could have given Caylee to her mom, in other words I didn't have to kill her, will come back to haunt her at trial. This was not a statement made to prove she wanted to keep Caylee, it was KC grasping for straws as her poorly thought out excuse or reasoning to make make LE think she had no reason to want her dead. It didn't work then and evidence will prove LE was right to toss her in jail.

While I would never dream of pretending to know more than a doctor of education (I'm assuming) who has written a book that Montesorri teachers follow. The practice of empowering a child to feel in control by suggesting he holds the power of death over his teachers or parents sounds like a very risky and scary game. What happened to using our words? and time outs? Seriously, what happens when this kid is 10 or 12 and mommy and daddy are still bullying him, he grabs a knife from the kitchen and kicks the game up a notch. Or he's 14 and his PE coach is "picking on him" so he brings a gun to school. I agree 110% that kids need to have some say in their life but a 5 or 6 year old should not have an adult playing picture teacher, mommy and/or daddy dead. That is frightening.

I haven't seen anything that would make me willing to believe any of this. Hey
if it's your opinion that's great, we're all entitled to our own opinions but they should be stated as such.

]I believe you are right, KC had other options, their are always other options, besides hurting/killing a 2 y o baby!
Really, I don't see anything in this family that was SO out of the ordinary that it would drive a person over the edge like we've seen with Casey.

Cindy might have been too controlling & overly concerned with 'appearances' & a host of negative things BUT the same can be said about MILLIONS of families and the kids do NOT end up in Casey's situation.
Someone who is familiar with terms used in counseling or therapy might use the term "neutral place". I found this excerpt from a web site when I searched the term. Beyond this I also believe she is very bright and a master manipulator (borderline personality disorder).
Imaginary Team Members: A Couples Counseling Perspective
Richard E. Watts
Sam Houston State University

Paul R. Peluso

Florida Atlantic University

The postmodern counseling literature contains numerous interventions that may help to create a neutral place for client reflection. Andersen suggested the use of "reflecting teams" for helping clients become more reflective in their thinking. A reflecting team is made up of individuals (usually other counselors) who observe and reflect on the therapeutic process that they are witnessing. Clients, in turn, then discuss their reflections of the reflecting team’s conversation. According to Freedman and Combs, an extension of the reflecting teams technique may include persons not actually present in the counseling session. Later, these team members may be invited to future sessions, and eventually the couple may be instructed to use this exercise at home to help them create alternative meanings and behaviors. In this article, the authors present a technique loosely based on the reflective team approach for use with couples.
Really, I don't see anything in this family that was SO out of the ordinary that it would drive a person over the edge like we've seen with Casey.

Cindy might have been too controlling & overly concerned with 'appearances' & a host of negative things BUT the same can be said about MILLIONS of families and the kids do NOT end up in Casey's situation.

Neither do I. My dad was a lot like CA. None of the three of us every committed a crime. We are all employed. We DID have to move away from the parents.

When I left the house, I had a morning job as a proofreader, and an afternoon job as a barmaid.
This hit the nail on the head, in my opinion. Especially the part about evil.

I know someone who is close to the A family, and they choose to believe she has been possesed by an evil entity. It's much more agreeable than believing that she is a monster or even a sociopath.

And I am not saying that I don't believe in 'possesion', because I have actually encountered it.

Is this for real?
di·a·bol·i·cal (d-bl-kl) also di·a·bol·ic (-k)
1. Of, concerning, or characteristic of the devil; satanic.
2. Appropriate to a devil, especially in degree of wickedness or cruelty
I really dislike this question but it seems really fitting right now, do you have a link for any of these things you're writing about KC and Cindy; or is this whole post just your own thoughts and opinions?

KC began working at Universal late 2004, she was already pregnant when she started working and continued through her pregnancy, (I'm assuming she took some maternity leave). Caylee was born in August, at some point KC went back and stayed at Universal until after the 1st of January 2006. For whatever reason when Universal and Kodak ended their partnership KC decided this was a good time to pull out too, she quite by never completing her new paper work. In other words she worked for about 15 months give or take.

This time line was created by testimony under oath by CA stating KC had her own insurance from Universal when Caylee was born and LE pulling KC's earning statements showing no earned income after 1st q 2006. KC's former supervisor stated KC just failed to show, she wasn't fired nor did she 'quit'.

You believe KC didn't work because she wanted to spend all her time with Caylee? Yet her former very good friend who babysat when Caylee was an infant (for free no less) quit when she became convinced KC wasn't working, and she felt taken advantage of because KC was out, having fun with her friends while her BFF was babysitting for free. Then Jesse and his family took over from 7 mos til passed KC 1st Bday (I believe JG said in LE interview he and his family babysat for a year but not positive) regardless the whole time they babysat KC NEVER HAD A JOB, she left Universal before March 06!! You can find all this in the docs, from LE interviews.

Did you know that it is fairly consistently believed that when the sex drive of mothers with young children is lower than their counterparts without children it is because they spend so much time with their children touching them, hugging them, holding them that sex just feels like an extension of all that physical attention they are already getting. Not tonite, dear is really nothing more than a request to be left alone. Take the kids away for a couple days, give the mom some time to herself, for a few hours, and the ol' sex drive pops right back up there. We know KC wasn't struggling with this, don't we!

KC telling LE she could have given Caylee to her mom, in other words I didn't have to kill her, will come back to haunt her at trial. This was not a statement made to prove she wanted to keep Caylee, it was KC grasping for straws as her poorly thought out excuse or reasoning to make make LE think she had no reason to want her dead. It didn't work then and evidence will prove LE was right to toss her in jail.

While I would never dream of pretending to know more than a doctor of education (I'm assuming) who has written a book that Montesorri teachers follow. The practice of empowering a child to feel in control by suggesting he holds the power of death over his teachers or parents sounds like a very risky and scary game. What happened to using our words? and time outs? Seriously, what happens when this kid is 10 or 12 and mommy and daddy are still bullying him, he grabs a knife from the kitchen and kicks the game up a notch. Or he's 14 and his PE coach is "picking on him" so he brings a gun to school. I agree 110% that kids need to have some say in their life but a 5 or 6 year old should not have an adult playing picture teacher, mommy and/or daddy dead. That is frightening.

I haven't seen anything that would make me willing to believe any of this. Hey
if it's your opinion that's great, we're all entitled to our own opinions but they should be stated as such.

]I believe you are right, KC had other options, their are always other options, besides hurting/killing a 2 y o baby!

yeah, wow that killing game ain't right!
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