Caylee Anthony 3 year old General discussion #95

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:laugh: And you know what, she will still remain their child while sitting in prison. :dance:They can continue to even set up visits and provide her with the funds to hang out by the phones. Its all OK, just a minor house hold adjustment, heck they hardly knew where she was in the first place. Or am I missing something here?

Nope according to Cindy's 911 call they had been missing & she found Casey / but not Caylee. So Casey is found.....sitting in the slammer / Caylee isn't found yet / Padilla is gonna spring Casey so she'll be safely at home again / Caylee is who knows where???? Padilla is planning on sucking up to Casey to get he can get the reward money / Caylee must of been given to someone/ he states Casey is on drugs & she gave her away & has to find who has her. etc etc etc

What a flipping mess.......where is Caylee?
"If she chooses to she could issue an inmate request form saying ‘I wish I decline all future visitations for the time being,’ Moore said Saturday morning. “If she wanted to change that she could say ‘I want to resume visits from whoever.’ She has not done that."

Instead, Casey has rejected her brother and parents just hours before their schedule visits. Last week, she declined her brother as soon as he arrived at the jail.

Jail records shows Daniel Walsh and Gabriel Adams, part of Casey Anthony’s defense team headed by lawyer Jose Baez, visited the 22-year-old Friday evening for about two hours.

It seems Miss Casey is in a self-protective mode, leaning on her defense team more than Family, at this point...
Maybe this has nothing to do with alienation or contrived psychological chess games between the family members or absurd theories about how Lee will trick Casey into confessing.

Maybe it's simply that Baez doesn't want Casey making statements that will end up in the hands of LE.

Still confussed? Why would it be ok for the parents to talk with Casey. Wouldn't those conversations just as likely end up in the hands of LE, same as if Casey spoke with Lee?

Is it possible that she is saving visits for others. I had previously heard that she was only allowed three visits per week. With all the hype regarding the bountyhunter and bailbondsman from CA, she could be reserving visits. Just a thought!
My fear is not hearing any "new news" till Monday......oh the agony!
Not trying to get off topic, but I am struggling with the babysitter,caregiver arrangement made for little Caylee. No thought or effort was made for the child to be attending a structured daycare where she could interact with other children.
If someone in the family worked an 8 to 5 job wouldn't it make more sense to take her to daycare and that person pick her up and take care of her in the eveningwhile the mother was working.
I just don't know anyone who is dropping a child off in the afternoon and then picking them up in the middle of the night. At least not where there is loving family to help.
Ok, now you all can bring me up to snuff on the normal ways of using babysitters now days.

I don't get why Casey....Living at home & not working needed a babysitter.....
Don't be shy Paladine. Come on in muwahahahahaha:D

Less shy, more to leach off off others contributions! Today seemed slow, so I thought I'd pay my due by posting what I'd found. But thanks for the invite.:)
Maybe it's simply that Baez doesn't want Casey making statements that will end up in the hands of LE.
I have no doubt that Baez is genuinely concerned about what Miss Casey will spout when she opens her mouth.

It doesn't excuse the fact that common courtesy would be to notify the family that visits with Casey will be refused.

Unless... psychologically speaking... Lee was aware that Casey wouldn't see him but showed up anyway to make her look bad.

Naahh... she doesn't need any help in that area. Never mind.
So "call it a night" rather than "talk to Mike" ??

I'm still wondering what's she doing since she's been up 4 days & nights.

Remember that we have only Casey's word for it that she'd been up for four days and nights. My guess is that she didn't want Christina grilling her because she had no satisfactory answers to offer, so she said that just to get rid of her.
I think Casey decided to not to meet with her brother because she doesn't need to. If she gets bailed out of jail in a few days, she can see and talk to him all she wants at home...without fear of being monitored.
The visit was scheduled before anyone knew she might be bailed out...
So, I'm guessing nobody knows who Mike is at this point?

I think that the Mike W* I mentioned has been mentioned, here on WS, previously as being the Mike that Patrick is referring to ... however, I don't know if there is any way to know that for certain. Patrick dropped his name when visiting Casey as a friend that they both had in common ... IIRC he and Casey were at onetime on each others myspace as friends although it appears that one of them deleted the other since they are not each other's friends list anymore (as best I can tell) There is actually a comment from Casey to this Mike W. on Sep 29, 2006 8:32 AM ... a verified link between Casey Patrick B* and this Mike W.*
Remember that we have only Casey's word for it that she'd been up for four days and nights. My guess is that she didn't want Christina grilling her because she had no satisfactory answers to offer, so she said that just to get rid of her.

Sounds like an exageration to me!
Not trying to get off topic, but I am struggling with the babysitter,caregiver arrangement....
[W]ouldn't it make more sense to take [Caylee] to daycare and that person pick her up and take care of her in the evening while the mother was working.
I just don't know anyone who is dropping a child off in the afternoon and then picking them up in the middle of the night. At least not where there is loving family to help

That's because the babysitter doesn't exist. It's a lie to cover up Casey's crime. It's not just that a real Zenaida denied involvement to the satisfaction of LE, or that the apartment where the imaginary nanny resided at was in reality, vacant for months.

It's also that the family is on record that this nanny was caring for Caylee for more than a year. Yet no one other than Casey ever saw the nanny. The nanny never came to the Anthony household. The family never took one photograph of the nanny. And there is not one single phone record, (cell or landline), not one e-mail record, not one text message, evincing any communication between the imaginary nanny and the Anthony family. So how were arrangements made between Casey and the nanny? How were meetings coordinated? Smoke signals? Carrier pigeons? This is the unanswerable question. It's also the unaskable question as neither Greta nor Nancy Grace nor any other of the talking heads and commentators and guest panelists have yet figured out to ask the Anthony family or their numerous apologists.

It's not worth trying to rationalize the nanny's existence. She's like a unicorn. It's a fantasy.
I think that the Mike W* I mentioned has been mentioned, here on WS, previously as being the Mike that Patrick is referring to ... however, I don't know if there is any way to know that for certain. Patrick dropped his name when visiting Casey as a friend that they both had in common ... IIRC he and Casey were at onetime on each others myspace as friends although it appears that one of them deleted the other since they are not each other's friends list anymore (as best I can tell) There is actually a comment from Casey to this Mike W. on Sep 29, 2006 8:32 AM ... a verified link between Casey Patrick B* and this Mike W.*

Thanks for the info!
Another thought I had.......what if she had the phone off/battery out & was there for awhile ??? Then just *had* to check for messages as she was leaving ??

tx, from what I understand:

1. The phone sends an automatic "ping" signal to the nearest cell tower ONCE every 15 (or so) minutes.

2. If the phone is off (for any reason) it will not send the ping.
I think that Mike thought that she said "I need to talk to Mike" and thats why Patrick was sent.
That's an interesting point that hadn't occurred to me. At first, everyone thought that's what Casey was saying. Was it after Patrick's visit that the jailhouse phone recording was listened to more closely and her real words revealed?

Remember all that speculation as to why Patrick - a kid she doesn't really know and who has been forever branded as a 'nutcase' by a Fox talking head - showed up to begin with?

Being 'sent' by Mike, if that's what Mike thought she was saying, makes some sense. Makes you wonder why Mike didn't just show up himself, but I guess that's a moot point unless something turns up to point to his involvement in something related to Caylee's disappearance.
I just cannot buy into there being a big conspiracy here. I think Casey murdered little Caylee because she got in her way of her romance with Tony. Being the spiteful little witch she is, Casey would not have given Cindy the benefit of letting her raise Caylee.

Then I think Grandpa found out when Casey came to the house and he helped her dispose of Caylee and cleaned the trunk. Then he advised her as to where to leave the car and to leave her purse in it.

I do not think that Cindy knew at first, then was told. The whole coverup began. I would be shocked if anyone outside the family knows. I honestly do not think Caylee would be tossed like a bag of garbage. When and if Caylee's remains are ever found, I think she will have been lovingly buried. When Greta was looking at the sandbox in the backyard, I got a bad feeling when Cindy mentioned it was airtight. I would like to know if another sandbox just like that one was sold between June 15 and first part of July. It would have made a perfect container. I wonder if George and Cindy went out of town after June 15th?

Also, during the video with Greta, a big flowering bush had been dug from the corner of the house by the pool and transplanted to the corner of the yard. I would like to see that bush dug up and the digs back in the backyard again.

Call me crazy, but I just really think the GP's know where Caylee's remains are. I know mine is not a popular opinion, but it is my gut feeling.

ITA! During the 1st week that this case broke there were way too many
versions of what happened by the family. You don't say your daughter has issues, then ignore frightening indicators that a decomposing body was possibly detected in the trunk of the car you've owned for years and that your issued daughter has been using. You don't file a theft report on a couple of gas cans and then try to have your daughter arrested for grand theft involving a car that wasn't even reported as stolen.

Now, we have Garrison (Henry Winkler in Nightshift, anyone?) who knows exactly how no body = no evidence goes. Who retained him anyway?

I'm in your camp LaLaw, so you are not alone.
Look,as much as I love these dogs and I saw them in action and I know how they are trained and so on,I can admit that sometimes they are wrong,they are not perfect,okay BUT in THIS case we have LIES,spin,fraud,neglect,Casey's actions and so on and so on.This case isn't based solely on the dog evidence.The LE said there was no credible information received re a possible kidnapping.There is no nanny,there is no work place.The car incident,the gas cans,everything points to.......we all know what.IMO

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