Caylee Anthony 3 year old General discussion #95

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She needs to lose the National Enquirer format of her show and treat her guests a little better. My opionion.
She also needs to pay attention to the cues she gets in her ear telling her to throw to a break in order to avoid cutting people off in mid-sentence. Very annoying.
Mandi said,in August 16th, 2008 at 2:16 am I think this whole thing with the Bounty Hunter was orchestrated by her attorney, Baez. He is attempting to force the state’s hand into showing him their evidence they have thus far (not to mention he is DESPERATE to make a name for himself).

This was posted on another blog. Maybe Baez isn't as layed back as we all think he is. He may end up being a good defense attorney and this girl may walk if LE doesn't cough up some solid evidence. I'm beginning to wonder if LE has anything solid besides Caylee is missing.

Anyhow, if this woman gets out on Monday there will be so many protests. It's going to cost a fortune keeping her safe. So many people are obsessed with this case. Just takes one nut to take her out, and then there's a chance she may take her own life. I'm sure the shrinks will do an evaluation and say she could potentially harm herself and then bail will not be granted. JMO
If the family wrote checks to a fake ZG that were later cashed by Casey, it points to her having a fake ID under that name.

I was wondering how Casey managed to forge at least one of Amy's checks - even if she 'borrowed' Amy's ID, from the photos I've seen, Amy is a blonde. I suppose she could have deposited it into her own account and then withdrawn it as cash from an ATM.

That Casey - so resourceful!

When I was first in college I tended bar at a club. On any given night there could be dozens of ID's left behind ... we kept them in a box under the register. More often than not they were left unclaimed ... and frequently other employees would go through them and pick out ones to give or sometimes even sell as "phony" id's for their underage friends to use ...

Also I was thinking that I remember reading that Casey didn't have a driver's license of her own ????
When I was first in college I tended bar at a club. On any given night there could be dozens of ID's left behind ... we kept them in a box under the register. More often than not they were left unclaimed ... and frequently other employees would go through them and pick out ones to give or sometimes even sell as "phony" id's for their underage friends to use ...

Also I was thinking that I remember reading that Casey didn't have a driver's license of her own ????

she had to have some kind of id or how did she open a checking account and write checks
Makes sense though....not sure how much this imagi-nanny charged. If the Anthony's gave Casey nanny money, there was no nanny, Casey had Caylee all day because she really had no job....then if they bought into the nanny thing all along. They would naturally think Caylee was with the nanny and Casey was at work. That would be backed up when Casey had money supposedly from working....except it was in actuality the nanny money in her pocket. Pretty d@mn clever if you ask me. That girl's parents in essense paid her to keep her own kid. Casey WAS the nanny!!!

Good point and possibly again a better reason why the gp's did not call LE when Casey "moved out" with her. They thought she was working, and being cared for and not in Casey's constant care makes more sense?
Hmm I've never heard of this bounty hunter guy but I wonder if he is going to have his camera crew with him? You know like Dr. Phil showing up to visit Brittany Spears sorta thing? Just wondering out loud. Oh and by the way, I was just watching the video of Caylee and I had heard some other members mentioning that her speach seemed delayed. My baby just turned 2 last month and he is far beyond that speach level,

My son didn't speak well at all at this age: he had problems with chronic ear infections and it hindered his hearing until we got tubes for his ears. So between the age of 6 weeks - 11 months, he missed out on alot of what he should have been learning.

And, I didn't say a word until I was 3. I didn't have any issues.
If these cell phone pings are true/real....then can some1 tell me why LE isn't searching that area??????? :doh:

Because they already know that Caylee was buried in the parents yard after that fact, the 18th if you buy the theory, which I do.
Well, so Casey canceled her visit with Lee today per advice of her attorney.
Fox News says Casey met with her 2 attorneys last night for 2 hours.
That's an interesting point that hadn't occurred to me. At first, everyone thought that's what Casey was saying. Was it after Patrick's visit that the jailhouse phone recording was listened to more closely and her real words revealed?

Remember all that speculation as to why Patrick - a kid she doesn't really know and who has been forever branded as a 'nutcase' by a Fox talking head - showed up to begin with?

Being 'sent' by Mike, if that's what Mike thought she was saying, makes some sense. Makes you wonder why Mike didn't just show up himself, but I guess that's a moot point unless something turns up to point to his involvement in something related to Caylee's disappearance.

Speculation on my part, but possible he was the tattoo artist who gave Casey the latest tattoo, or other.
Personally, Casey out of jail wouldn't bother me at all. She would have a constant reminder of her daughter. IF she is guilty of a crime against her own daughter then this would be the perfect time for a breakdown. She would not be able to hide behind bars.
Personally, Casey out of jail wouldn't bother me at all. She would have a constant reminder of her daughter. IF she is guilty of a crime against her own daughter then this would be the perfect time for a breakdown. She would not be able to hide behind bars.

I agree ... she is extremely sheltered while in jail!
what are these people thinking ?

that all of a sudden she is going to go on the STRAIGHT and NARROW

she is going to stop telling lie after lie

she is going to overnight become a really nice person ????


i can see it, now

"good morning casey, do you want some corn flakes for breakfast today?"

"SHUT UP, where is TONY ?"

"but casey dear, you need to eat"

"SHUT UP give me some more money"

"ohhhh casey, tell us what happened"


"where are you going dear?"


the parents will want her out of the house within half an hour

she will be right back in jail soon enough - RIGHT where she belongs :D:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Agreed, but I just don't think this girl started her life of grand thievery just a few months ago, according to Cindy's post she gave her "all those chances.." So I was going under the assumption that Cindy was smart enough to not give her cash or a check to her, but would make it out to ZG.. It fits in that you know Cindy would not be screaming "I wrote check to the sitter I know she exists.." because then Casey is looking at a felony ID fraud case..
Just cant get past the way she says "Zanny took her" to whomever she was yelling to in the background. She sounded familiar and whoever she was yelling to did not yell back "who the f is zanny?"...

Does anybody remember what Casey's other "Best Friend"- was it Christine- said about babysitting Caylee? Didn't she say that she was care for in her home, for about a year, until last December and that after that they didn't know where she was being taken care of? And before that Jesse Grunde's family said Caylee was with them for her first 10 months. How long, really, was Caylee under the supposed care of the Grandparents? Or was this a much more casual relationship that she had with the Grandparents?? Who actually took care of Caylee during the day/s if Cindy works from early AM to mid-afternoon?
geeeesh, i jsut read what i posted and im rolling over laughing at myself

i can see it,..........

I really would be interested in what was Caylee and Casey's normal routine when they left the house with the backpacks supposedly going to work and babysitters. Where in the world was this woman taking this child everyday.
An older write-up, but interesting...Full of himself, much? To me, this says 'motive', on his part, loud and clear...PUBLICITY off Caylees back!

The Padillas announced the move in an e-mail to Local 6 News.

The e-mail stated:

On Sunday, August 17, World Famous Bounty Hunter Leonard Padilla and his nephew Tony Padilla, owner of Tony Padilla Bail Bonds of Sacramento, CA., will be traveling to Orlando with two of Leonard Padilla's associates. Tony Padilla will be posting a $500,000.00 bond for the release of Casey Anthony."
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