Caylee Is Not Findable - FACT?

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No, I think it refers to TM being under JB's spell...different poision apple...

BUT I flunked "A" school verbalology so I may be wrong..

No, it is referring to JB biting the poison apple of greed. It was in response to the "scenario" that Friday posted earlier in this thread.

Originally Posted by Friday
We may be on to something NJ! All the psychologists on this case have agreed that the only way KC will tell the truth is if it benefits her in some way.

Leonard has raised a total of $300,000 to search for little Caylee. We could ask him to commit a reasonable portion of those funds to paying a competent negotiator (Perhaps JB himself <lightbulb!!!>) to successfully handle negotiations with her for X $$$ from Leonard's funds in payment to her to tell the whole truth. (Of course, every particle of her "truth" must check out entirely with LE or we win and she gets zero).

Ah Ha--we have here a moral dilemma: What do we most want: To punish Casey (hopefully)? Or to find out what happened to our Caylee and recover whatever remains of her???

Now before you answer, take into account the vicious circus that would erupt between Cindy and Casey if Cindy thought a lot of money was going to go to Casey (okay, after a not long enough prison term) for killing Caylee.

By the time Casey gets out of jail on parole and for good behavior, a $175,000 payoff will multiply many times and make her a very rich ex-con.

Of course, GA and CA will tie Casey up in court forever, but JB won't care because he'll be paid as soon as Casey signs the deal.

Before you answer, do NOT veer into the possible legalities that would prevent Casey from financially benefitting from Caylee's death. There are dozens of workarounds if a lawyer like MN were to write the agreement.

So what's your choice?

I'm thinking of the possible legalities to anyone that would even propose such an agreement to a client under charges of Murder1 in an ongoing investigation that offers money as the carrot dangling at the end of the string. JB would surely be brought up in front of the bar and I don't think it would be pretty.

I know, I know..........where's my sense of humor.

My response was in bold.
No, it is referring to JB.

what the heck does all that have to do with the price of tea in China anyways??? I don't get where theyre going with you? How did you find out what they were talking about? lol
what the heck does all that have to do with the price of tea in China anyways??? I don't get where theyre going with you? How did you find out what they were talking about? lol

Sorry, Valrico. I was wrong. Someone dragged the other post over from another thread. That's why there's confusion. Neverminnnnnddddddd..............
The other thing I can think of is a landfill (where she would be now for 5 months, virtually NO hope of finding her), or digested by an alligator.
In either of those scenarios, TM is correct.
However, in the second instance, there is hope of finding some clothing or something of the sort.
If we remember the case of Lori Hacking, they had GREAT trouble finding any remains of her in the landfill, and she hadn't been in there very long.

There was a similar situation here, of a woman who killed her daughter and put her in a dumpster....she finally confessed some 3 years after the landfill the daughter was taken to was taken out of service (full). There is no way to ever find the body, and the only reason she was convicted was the confession.
Sadly just my opinion,but I think one or the other of your first two scenarios is exactly what happened to Caylee.
I would be very happy indeed to be wrong.
TM said it already when he was still in the field packing up his big 2-day search extravaganza. He said it back then. Why continue to say it?

Saying she MAY not be found is his choice. Saying she WON'T be found is silly.

Why is he having TES volunteers still searching for Caylee as we speak if she won't be found?

He makes no sense. He should stay off the air.

TES searchers continue to search for the "missing", not specifically Caylee. Whomever they run across in their travels will be a successful search.
Haven't read the comments yet (so this has probably been said) but what I don't get is TM going on the airways and saying this will be the biggest search in history, blah blah, and we're not leaving until we find her. We will find her. And then two days later claiming she will never be found and pulling out. What happened in two days? Nothing. And he continues to go on NG and say she will never be found. I'm over him.

The anticipated number of searchers was 5000? 3000? In 2 days, under 1500 people showed up. Granted, they came from all over the country but 1500 people does not make the biggest search in history. You need make it happen.
No, it is referring to JB biting the poison apple of greed. It was in response to the "scenario" that Friday posted earlier in this thread.

Originally Posted by Friday
We may be on to something NJ! All the psychologists on this case have agreed that the only way KC will tell the truth is if it benefits her in some way.

Leonard has raised a total of $300,000 to search for little Caylee. We could ask him to commit a reasonable portion of those funds to paying a competent negotiator (Perhaps JB himself <lightbulb!!!>) to successfully handle negotiations with her for X $$$ from Leonard's funds in payment to her to tell the whole truth. (Of course, every particle of her "truth" must check out entirely with LE or we win and she gets zero).

Ah Ha--we have here a moral dilemma: What do we most want: To punish Casey (hopefully)? Or to find out what happened to our Caylee and recover whatever remains of her???

Now before you answer, take into account the vicious circus that would erupt between Cindy and Casey if Cindy thought a lot of money was going to go to Casey (okay, after a not long enough prison term) for killing Caylee.

By the time Casey gets out of jail on parole and for good behavior, a $175,000 payoff will multiply many times and make her a very rich ex-con.

Of course, GA and CA will tie Casey up in court forever, but JB won't care because he'll be paid as soon as Casey signs the deal.

Before you answer, do NOT veer into the possible legalities that would prevent Casey from financially benefitting from Caylee's death. There are dozens of workarounds if a lawyer like MN were to write the agreement.

So what's your choice?

I'm thinking of the possible legalities to anyone that would even propose such an agreement to a client under charges of Murder1 in an ongoing investigation that offers money as the carrot dangling at the end of the string. JB would surely be brought up in front of the bar and I don't think it would be pretty.

I know, I know..........where's my sense of humor.

My response was in bold.

I suggest a reality show like MTV Real World (Although none of them live in one) where they can go into the confessional booth and bad mouth each other..not knowing what the other said...that I would pay for.

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