Caylee Marie Anthony - 2 - missing for a month before mother contacts authorities! #3

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HOLY S***- Dog the Bounty Hunter, Geraldo, Geragos- OMG- it's like Halloween in July!!

Now That was funny!:laugh:
Geragos had absolutely nothing useful to say, At least Dog and Kimberly
can smell the coffee.

Now That was funny!:laugh:
Geragos had absolutely nothing useful to say, At least Dog and Kimberly
can smell the coffee.

Yes they certainly can smell the coffee, and what a brand coffee it is. They're on the right track.
So did Amy H have Caylee living at her place? Whats the story?

Casey claimed she was living with her boyfriend, but that was another of her lies. It turned out that the man she said was her boyfriend, was actually Amy's boyfriend. Amy was away on a two week trip and during that time, Casey used Amy's car and picked Amy up from the airport. Amy said that when she got home, she found checks gone and $700.00 worth of things missing. She said Casey stole them.
I wonder where she went on that 2 week trip? Heck, at this point, I'd almost believe NY!
I have a plausible theory on why Jesse would not be on the birth certificate and a "story" would exist for the bio father.

If he is in fact Rev. Richard Grund's son that would be the reason an agreement could have been reached. Unwed premarital sex leading to pregnancy would not be good for the Supernatural Response Team or it's "work".

Our motto is "if it's not in Heaven it belongs in Hell and if it's in the outer darkness awaiting judgment it needs to stay there!".
Casey leaves home on June 9th, telling her mother she's going to Tampa "for work", later changed to a "mini-vacation". (WTH is a mini-vacation, anyway?)

In reality, she's crashing at her ex-boyfriend's place, although she'd just started dating a new guy. While she's there, she calls her ex-fiance to see if he wants to get together on the weekend because she was free (so much for the new boyfriend?).

This girl was living a transient's life, and probably did spend some time living out of mom's car.

I'm starting to think grandma threw her out for some reason and doesn't want to admit it because of the implication that she could be in some tangential way responsible for what then happened to Caylee. Especially if Casey grabbed the car keys and took off in mom's car that she didn't report stolen.

Just speculating.
Casey claimed she was living with her boyfriend, but that was another of her lies. It turned out that the man she said was her boyfriend, was actually Amy's boyfriend. Amy was away on a two week trip and during that time, Casey used Amy's car and picked Amy up from the airport. Amy said that when she got home, she found checks gone and $700.00 worth of things missing. She said Casey stole them.

Now I'm really confused. Is the affidavit stating that Anthony, who Casey had been living with and dating since June incorrect?
No new updates but it sure felt good to me to see someone asking and stating the obvious for this so-called attorney. He sure felt the need to keep blame shifting, didn't he? Throw the heat off himself when Dog asked about Caylee. He just HAD to say how Dog has recently needed a defense atty for himself. ! I didn't like him from the moment I first saw him, the same smirking arrogance that Casey has.

My blood is boiling! What a piece of chit!!!!
Geraldo was beside himself kept saying look I'm not the enemy here!!!

The way the lawyer & Cindy treats the media ....they honestly need to tell them to, go to he!! needs to walk away! Or is that what they honestly want??? Could well be.
You mean that child wasn't seen in May. I hadn't heard anything about May.

According to the grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, she last saw Caylee on June 8th, and George says he saw Casey and Caylee on June 9th, as they were leaving the grandparent's home.

I'm assuming that Casey and Caylee left early in the morning, and George is an early riser and saw them before they left.

Now That was funny!:laugh:
Geragos had absolutely nothing useful to say, At least Dog and Kimberly
can smell the coffee.

Mark G is a waste of time! He thinks he is so smart. Haven't seen him sprouting off for a long time & wasn't happy to see him tonight.
I think you guys are spot on with so much-
Yes, LE is using the media to bait the Anthony' is a very effective tool in keeping the pressure on and making them feel like they are on shaky ground.

I think it is HILARIOUS that Dog got a chance to give his righteous indignation an airing-it is what he is best at.

I think it is funny that, as Blink said, the attorney is telegraphing that they are looking for or making a deal.

I think Geragos is an idiot...pardon my frankness.
Now I'm really confused. Is the affidavit stating that Anthony, who Casey had been living with and dating since June incorrect?

LOL, friend is Amy Huzienga, who lives with Ricardo Morales, where she lived since 6/9. Not sure of relationship between Amy and Ricardo.

Tony Lazarro, whom she was dating since May, was her BF, however she called Jesse on 6/25 to do something for the weekend (my guess mancandy went to NYC around then).. Lazarro had not seen Caylee since 6/9, where was last at the pool at his complex.

Christine Chester, Casey bff, says she walked with Casey, Caylee on either 6/12, 6/13/ 6/14 although as we all know that is not mentioned so I think we can assume LE has discounted her statement.
:U There:

And hi to not just the newbies, but the lurkers out there who are reading here with us....
LOL, friend is Amy Huzienga, who lives with Ricardo Morales, where she lived since 6/9. Not sure of relationship between Amy and Ricardo.

Tony Lazarro, whom she was dating since May, was her BF, however she called Jesse on 6/25 to do something for the weekend (my guess mancandy went to NYC around then)
Wait. Mancandy (I love that) went to NYC, one of the places that Jose Baez says the child could be?
Here's some interesting things that I'm not sure has been brought to anyone's attention. Bolded by me.

Amy's Myspace:

Ricardo Morales comments:
Dec 17 2006 9:41 PM

I'm kinda in the airport right now, on my way to PR. but I will be back in FL Jan 13! so we will hang out

He has ties to PR. Why did Amy go to PR?

Casey comments:
May 30 2008 9:05 PM

you're online!!!
i love you and miss you :)
have fun in tally!!!
Now I'm really confused. Is the affidavit stating that Anthony, who Casey had been living with and dating since June incorrect?
Casey claimed to LE that she went to Anthony Lazzaro's house on June 9th to pace and worry, but later admitted she was actually staying at Ricardo/Amy's place that happened to be directly across the street from one of the false-lead addresses she supplied for the non-existent babysitter.
I think you guys are spot on with so much-
Yes, LE is using the media to bait the Anthony' is a very effective tool in keeping the pressure on and making them feel like they are on shaky ground.

I think it is HILARIOUS that Dog got a chance to give his righteous indignation an airing-it is what he is best at.

I think it is funny that, as Blink said, the attorney is telegraphing that they are looking for or making a deal.

I think Geragos is an idiot...pardon my frankness.

I also thought it was funny when Geraldo asked the lawyer why Cindy hadn't seen Caylee in 5 wks since she lived in Orlando. What was the reasoning behind it?? Then the lawyer started tooting his horn. Especially since she is stating she is such a kind / loving Gma.
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