CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, found deceased, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *Arrest* #59

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Long drive to Pensacola, Florida. Harley can't remember, but probably Candlelight Suites, same corporate check-in, etc.,

People's exhibit 18. Harley confirms that's her mom's signature. One bed, a king-size in the room. Ate drive through food that night, too, she thinks.

As far as Harley knows, her mom didn't leave the room that night. She was asleep though, and she already testified she is a heavy sleeper. Harley had never been in the back of the van. Did she smell anything? No. Does she know why she is being asked that? Harley says because Gannon was back there. :(

Poor girl, that is such a heavy revelation. Asked if she helped her mother throw a suitcase over the bridge. No. Letecia seemed sad that next morning, she was acting down. Said it was just because of all the things that had been going on, and told Harley she felt that they were being followed.
When prosecution asked Harley if she knew why they were asking these questions, “Because Gannon was back there. Because you guys told me there was evidence that he was back there,” said Harley.

Prosecution: “I’m going to ask you a direct question. Did you help your mother throw that suitcase over a bridge in Pensacola, Florida?" Harley: “No I did not.”

Prosecution: “I’m going to ask you a direct question. Did you help your mother throw that suitcase over a bridge in Pensacola, Florida?" Harley: “No I did not.”
I admittedly don’t know the close timeline of what LS did with Gannon’s body. (I followed the case closely until the arrest, then the pandemic happened.) Are we about to find out that HH was with her for the whole transport of Gannon’s body to Florida? Or was this already known?

I am not blaming HH for not knowing it was there, I just always assumed it was some crazy nonstop drive LS did alone.
Seems HH was along the drive with LS. With Gannon’s body in the vehicle.

Not directed at you.. just thinking out loud. What options did HH have? Jump out and thumb home? Home as she knew had been ripped away. She wanted to believe her mother wasn’t capable of murdering her own stepson. Her mother had been “normal” throughout her life.

She’s testifying now to Tee’s sanity.
HH is my hero today.

Harley said she believed her mom and it wasn't until this past November that she started having questions.

When hearing her mom's plea, not guilty by reason of insanity, Harley said she initially didn't understand what it meant.

Harley said her mom appeared to know right from wrong during the entire trip where Gannon's body was taken from Colorado to Fl.

Harley said she hasn't seen her mom change personalities. She didn't see her mom not remember who she was or who Gannon was.

Harley said her mom appeared to know right from wrong during the entire trip where Gannon's body was taken from Colorado to Fl.
Damning testimony here by her own daughter that Letecia only has the one flawed personality.

Harley never saw her mother change personalities. Harley never saw her mother not know who she was, who Gannon was, etc.,

Harley saw her mother know what was going on the entire time, checking into hotels, renting cars, etc., Harley doesn't hesitate to confirm her mother never showed signs of a mental illness. Harley has been around people with a mental illness.

Never heard her mother call herself Jasmine. She did hear her mother call herself Taylor because she didn't like her name, but she acted the same, not a different personality. Lots of names including Maria that Harley confirms was never used by Letecia as having a different personality.

Harley is telling the truth and testifying because it is the right thing to do.
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