CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, found deceased, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *Arrest* #59

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I'm sorry little L doesn't have her dogs, and at the same time, I'm glad HH does.

Her life with T had been a house of T cards.

I hope she makes a good life for herself, a real one. Filled with all the things her mother could only fake.

I’m assuming G’s family is there; wishful thinking but I was hoping maybe AS would say something to her on her way out. Or something, idk.
She’s coming back for cross examination by the Defense.
Earlier when the Prosecutor asked her if she saw AS and pointed him out it looked like AS was smiling at her.
Well with our eyes we can see it is nothing for LS to throw a punch.
I for the life of me cannot figure out why she would hit a cop with a monster can. I have a lot of issues with this scene in the act.
1 issue is , the officer is so alert as to notice LS looking at their guns, but never sees her worming out the cuffs? ...
2nd issue is ...She was able to worm out of cuffs. (there is a proper way to apply them)
3rd issue is ..Why is a Monster can just free balling at the dangerous murderers feet?
So ,that whole testimony ... if the jury is paying attention might be harmful in a way,but she is definitly going to be in jail for a while.
I'm sorry little L doesn't have her dogs, and at the same time, I'm glad HH does.

The rest of her life was a house of T cards.

I hope she makes a good life for herself, a real one. Filled with all the things her mother could only fake.

Me too but you know it’s going to be hard. New friends will ask about her mom. And she was abused verbally and physically. And poor Laina!!
I for the life of me cannot figure out why she would hit a cop with a monster can. I have a lot of issues with this scene in the act.
1 issue is , the officer is so alert as to notice LS looking at their guns, but never sees her worming out the cuffs? ...
2nd issue is ...She was able to worm out of cuffs. (there is a proper way to apply them)
3rd issue is ..Why is a Monster can just free balling at the dangerous murderers feet?
So ,that whole testimony ... if the jury is paying attention might be harmful in a way,but she is definitly going to be in jail for a while.
That officer might have been asleep. They were tag-teaming drivers. Can't recall how she appeared when the video started rolling.

That officer might have been asleep. They were tag-teaming drivers. Can't recall how she appeared when the video started rolling.

All I am saying is the B.S she was talking about her watchful alertness does not show itself in the story she was telling and definitely doesn't transpose well with the events that happened.
grrrrrrr….did H say she & her “mom” left Colorado & drove clear across Kansas after L and A had an argument & then drove back home????? <modsnip: not victim friendly>
I’m screaming….just as I have been since the beginning arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
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"When I discovered [Gannon] was found in Florida, I just wanted to believe it was a coincidence."

Believed her mother until this November just gone.

Never seen her change personalities. Never witnessed instances of her not recognising her family. Never knew of her having any mental health diagnosis or treatment in her lifetime. Never known her to see a therapist. She knew right from wrong, could check into hotels, obeyed traffic laws.

HH has seen people with mental illnesses in the past. Never seen evidence of this in her mother.

Did she have the ability to form intent, form judgement, make plans and follow through. YES. YES. YES.

Never went by the name Jasmine. Never thought she was the Disney princess or claimed she was going to Saudi Arabia. Did go by Taylor, but had no personality change. Jeez, I'm not keeping up with all the names. Sorry folks. It's all no, no, no, she's never heard herself refer to herself by these names or change personalities or speak in accents.

HH was afraid she would be charged as an accessory. Flew out and gave a statement 'because it was the right thing to do'. Was made no promises that there would not be charges. Understood the consequences she could face. Now knows she could not be charged with that crime. Proffer agreement from Aug 2020 admitted into evidence.

Break before cross!
What happened in Nov 2022??
The problem with emotional and psychological abuse, especially when it is happening to a child who doesn't know different, is that your normal is not anyone else's normal but you often don't know that. And when you try to describe it to an outsider, it often doesn't sound like anything terrifying or abusive. It doesn't leave marks you can show. You can be terrified of someone who never raises a finger or their voice to you.

It can be very harmful.

Court is back from lunch recess

Jan 28th, Harley texted her mom that someone was there. She says there were detectives at the door

Letecia tells her don't open. Harley didn't open the door for the police. They knocked on the door she said.

Harley says she got a voicemail from a detective saying they want to talk to her. She forwarded it to her mom.

This is the night after #GannonStauch disappearance. She talked to her mom on the phone after 7 pm that night, Harley says Letecia told her not to talk to police.

"She had called me and told me to leave the house. She tried to get me to leave Laina there”

At around 10 pm, Harley opened the garage and detectives were out there and asked where she was going "My mom told me to tell them I was going to Starbucks and I told them that.”

Jan 28th 10:04 pm, Harley texted her mom "I told them I'm not going anywhere or saying anything." Letecia responded "Just keep saying that”

Jan 28th 1:07 pm Letecia texts Harley saying "I have to get an attorney fast”

In text messages, Letecia tells Harley to call 911 if detectives keep trying to speak with her. Harley says she did not call 911, and she just told detectives she didn't want to answer questions.

Harley says, on a FaceTime with her mom, Letecia told her to meet her at a hotel that was near Harley's work. Harley drove her Jetta to the hotel. "She said she didn't want to be in the house with Albert and Landen and his family." "She didn't want me there with them.”

Harley remembers sitting in her car for a long time and waiting for a while before seeing her mom at the hotel. Letecia showed up in her VW Tiguan.

When she shows up at the hotel, Harley says Letecia told her they needed to go home. Letecia left her car and got in Harley's. "She just kept being paranoid I guess you could say.”

Jan 29th, 2020, Harley had to go to work. She took her mom with her because Letecia's car was at the hotel near Harley's work. Before going to work, Harley took her mom to return the rental car keys at the airport. "She told me not to speed because someone was following us."

While at work, Harley was notified that Letecia was in the hospital. She left work to go to the hospital. Harley picked up a friend to go to the hospital because she was a minor. When she got to the hospital with friend, Letecia is at a Taco Bell and a stranger took her there.

Letecia gets picked up by Harley at Taco Bell. Harley let Letecia use her phone while she is in the car. According to Harley, Letecia said police took her phone. Harley is looking at texts from when Letecia texts Al on her phone.

Harley says they went to a parking garage and drove around to see if Letecia's car was still there.

Harley says she stayed the night at her friend Janine Sanchez's house on Jan 29th and Letecia did too.

The next day, Jan 30th, Harley and Letecia go to Marshalls. Harley said she was at the cash register and police came in. She said they took her phone and put her in hand cuff and it made her feel "bad.”

She said her mom was already outside when police came inside Marshalls. When Harley came out, her mom was with police in handcuffs and screamed at her Harley not to say anything.

Harley says police eventually let she and her mom go. They took Harley's car and cell phone.

Harley said she and Letecia were supposed to meet her grandma, uncle and aunt. Family picked them up at the shopping plaza and took them to the Extended Stay Hotel. They had two rooms for Letecia, Harley and three relatives.

The next day, Harley says her Aunt Brenda rented a van and they went to the house to get their stuff. Police and Albert's family were there. As they got their stuff, Harley says police had to look through everything they got.

When moving things out of the house that day, Harley did not remember seeing the big green suitcase.

As they leave from getting their belongings from the house, Letecia sees a reporter and wants to talk to him. Harley says she was waiting for her mom in the car during interview until Letecia asked her get out and answer some questions, too.

After interview, they went back to the hotel. Harley said her mom said she needed to get dog food and took their relatives rental car. Harley said her mom was gone for 2+ hours.

Feb 1st, 2020. Letecia came back to hotel with a new van. "I just knew we were leaving, I didn't know where we were going." Harley said destination changed multiple times. "She kept saying where do you want to live?”

We are seeing pictures of the white van Letecia and Harley left town in. Harley said she never went in the back because all of the stuff she needed was in the front. They had their dogs with them Harley says the dogs never went in the back of the van either.

Harley said Letecia would talk about starting a new life when they left town. Harley said she asked where they would going and the destination would change. Harley said Letecia told her "Albert went against her and doesn't believe her" so that's why she wanted to leave.

Harley said Letecia was driving. They left a Walmart in Trinidad, Colorado where Letecia got a phone and Harley said she thought they were going to Texas.

Prosecutor is asking if Harley smelled anything in the back of car when they are embarking on the road trip and she said no.

Harley said she didn't question her mom a lot because she would be told she would be disrespectful. She said if she was disrespectful in the past, her mom has back-handed her.

They stayed in Amarillo, TX. Remembers her mom making reservations close in time to when they got there.

We are about to watch video of them walking into the hotel.

Harley said it was always an "in and out thing" when they would stop at hotels. They didn't bring in their bags.

Harley said she didn't go in van by herself.

From Amarillo, they drove to Decatur, TX.

From Decatur, they drove to Pensacola.

Harley says Letecia was acting "normal" when they got to the hotel in Pensacola. At no point of the trip does she remember smelled anything.

"Ms. Hunt I want to ask you a direct question...did you help your mom throw that suitcase off of that bridge on Feb. 4th 2020." Harley: "No I did not”

After Pensacola, they went to Orlando. Harley thought they were supposed to stay for multiple days but they had to leave because she said Letecia thought "they were following us." They left Orlando and went to Myrtle Beach.

Harley said she believed her mom and it wasn't until this past November that she started having questions.

When hearing her mom's plea, not guilty by reason of insanity, Harley said she initially didn't understand what it meant.

Harley said her mom appeared to know right from wrong during the entire trip where Gannon's body was taken from Colorado to Fl.

Harley said she hasn't seen her mom change personalities. She didn't see her mom not remember who she was or who Gannon was.

Harley said her mom appeared to know right from wrong during the entire trip where Gannon's body was taken from Colorado to Fl.

Harley said her mom has referred to herself as Taylor because she didn't like her name. She said she didn't take on a different personality when she used the name Taylor.

Harley was concerned that she may be an accessory to first degree murder because of the trip. She flew out to Colorado to give them a statement. She says she did it "Because it's the right thing to do" and there was no guarantee she wouldn't be charged if she talked.

Do you now know you can't be charged with that crime? Yes. Why? Because you guys believe me.

Attorney brings up statute of limitations.

Harley signed an agreement in August of 2020 prior to coming to do an interview with DA's office in CO.

Court in afternoon break until 3:30
Yeah I believe @Kiranerys said something similar a couple of days back.
I'm pretty sure the folks who found Gannon said the odour was noticeable once they tried to open the suitcase, not from some distance away, so perhaps her mummifying him in blankets and zipping the case completely did impede the odour from seeping out.

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