CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #10

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Of course, this is their goal. A family needs closure but sadly it doesn't always happen. I too hope they find her, but if they can't, I hope they nail "whoever" did this through whatever means possible.
I think technology is going to solve this case whether it be cell phone, security video, DNA, I'm confident it will solve it and a jury will nail 'em.
I think technology is going to solve this case whether it be cell phone, security video, DNA, I'm confident it will solve it and a jury will nail 'em.

Absent a body, I think that technology is their best hope. That’s why it’s such a big deal to have the expertise of the FBI and CBI here.
Yikes, that's quite a story! I hope KB's case has a happier ending...unlikely, but we can hope.

At least we didn't have to go through the unknown. What KB's family and many others have gone through, hoping against hope would be so hard. We had resolution with an arrest on the first night, even though we couldn't believe it at first. So i just hope for resolution for her family. After that comes the long struggle with the court system unless he steps up to the plate and admits to what he has done. At least to a certain degree CW is saving the family some stress by his admission

Good point.
So, if she supposedly left the very day they were planning some sort of get together for the holidays ... didn't anyone else in the PF family ask where she was and what was going on ??
I'm wondering if LE talked to anyone else on the ex/fiances' side......

Maybe he told his family KB broke up with him so that's why she wasn't there if they did in fact have plans.. Which could be where that idea came from and why her aunt said it.
It’s so early, that I still have a lot of hope here.

If nothing of substance comes out in the next few weeks, then I will be a lot less hopeful.

I know it would be out of character for her, but I want to believe that KB did run off and leave everything behind. But I keep coming back to the fact that I really don't think she would abandon her baby. IMO, if she was able to come home, she would have by now.
So just out of my curiosity, if he is innocent and police destroyed his septic tank, does homeowners insurance cover it? I never really thought about what happens afterwards until now
I am not sure that it is the same everywhere, but in a murder that I know, LE cut out squares of the carpet and chipped tiles up and the state reimbursed the owners of the property.
I could not be claimed on home insurance because one of the tenants had indirectly caused the damage.
agree. I think he wrapped her in a tarp or carpet there and loaded her into his truck.

Really got me thinking!

Perhaps she left her home willingly with their daughter in his truck and they ended up back at the ranch and LE know this for certain, due to her cell? Hence the search warrant. He did the unspeakable but didn't make a big mess perhaps after the baby was in bed. Maybe it was planned that they spend the night at the ranch while his mother was visiting elsewhere. After the deed is done, he puts her body outside on the ground until he can wrap it up and then put it in the truck? Next day, takes the body somewhere? That would make the dogs hit on both, wouldn't it? Someone correct me if I'm mistaken and that's not possible. Maybe that's why the ground got dug up so close to where his truck was parked. All of this could have been done while the baby slept.

That could also explain the trash that may have been stored away safely prior to anyone knowing she was even missing. Darn, he had so much time to do this, IF he did!

Only thing that nixes this for me are those cinnamon rolls left out! Was dinner supposed to be at KB's house? They go to find a tree in the afternoon and before heading back he says he needs something from the ranch? So many possibilities!
The site they chose to dig up is a huge clue. It is probably the septic area as other posters have mentioned. The diggers were in and out of there fast, remember that suprised us all. Excavating looking for a body is time consuming, you have to be careful- so they weren't looking for a body. But it makes complete sense if they were just trying to access the septic system and gray water system and maybe remove a piece of the outgoing pipe from the house or filter to test for DNA or other evidence. If he used the sinks in his house to clean up, evidence goes down the drain. I know in other cases they have taken sections of pipe from the house. That being said my guess is this is more of a hands on crime without alot of need for clean up. JMO. The short length of time the diggers were being used for tells us something though.

The septic location should be public land record. Has anyone checked yet?
I mean, I could be wrong but driving 800 miles and spending a minimum of 12 hours on the road to Idaho with a smelly, rotting, bloated dead body in the back of a Toyota Tacoma pickup truck (or any other vehicle he might’ve driven), and running the risk of getting pulled over, getting into a wreck, car trouble, stopping for fuel, etc sounds like a really terrible decision to me.
It's only 2 hours to Wyoming state line, and seldom is anything recovered in Wyoming. Discard the body, and in his mind, he's home free. MOO
It's only 2 hours to Wyoming state line, and seldom is anything recovered in Wyoming. Discard the body, and in his mind, he's home free. MOO
He’s certainly behaving like he’s “home free.”

He’s not even trying to act like a typical innocent person.

Catch me if you can!
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