CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - *Arrest* #60

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There are many, many, many things I just can’t wrap my mind around in this case, but one that got me after today is that PF told KK that KB was harming the baby and at no point did she tell him to call CPS?!! If I’m a juror I want to ask that question, why? Or am I just being too logical for this case?
I think what you call logic is just common sense and the jury likely has a long list of "why?" beginning with PF's threat to her own child which KK failed to report to LE.

KK didn't need PF to call CPS, she could have done it herself. Lotsa things KK could have done, should have done and didn't do. Why? The most logical reason I can think of is that she was jealous of KB and wanted her dead.

Emotional abuse is a form of domestic violence and why judges issue protection orders, especially so if small children are involved. I know because my DD obtained one.

There is no evidence so far that PF was abusive to KB or to their child. Domestic violence usually doesn't start with murder, it escalates TO murder.


Valid points, except that an abusive person, which PF was - to animals, and previous GF if not many others - isn't going to be abusive to everyone all the time -- and they are quite charming when they want to get their way.

It seems clear to me there were major issues, or she'd have stayed in the house - and married him, particularly after having his child. Hopefully we'll hear about those.
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My God. She knew what was happening to her.

I always hoped she was knocked out immediately, and never had a clue.

This is beyond horrific. There aren’t words to describe it.

I hope those words are seared into the minds of those jurors, and they remember them when they nail the *advertiser censored*.

I just don't believe it possible for a victim to politely reply "please stop" when struck by a bat in the head.

I think that's another one of PF's liar liar pants on fire moments.


ETA: I don't want to think that KB ever knew what hit her. :(
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Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
"Her mom and that little girl never needed to see what Patrick did to her," Lee said. "And I didnt know he was capable of that. I didn't think he was capable of what happened."
#KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee @csgazette
5:05 PM - 6 Nov 2019

I am a bit confused. It sounds like she is trying to say that she did not know what he did or was going to do and I thought I read somewhere that she brought some sort of white jumpsuit or something to cover her clothes and booties to put over her shoes, garbage bags and cleaning supplies from Idaho and that sounds like premeditation/planning something... on her part to clean up something. So obviously she knew before she left Idaho what happened to bring those things.
I just don't believe it possible for a victim to politely reply "please stop" when struck by a bat in the head.

I think that's another one of PF's liar liar pants on fire moments.

I’m sure she was screaming it. He may not have hit her hard enough, or caught her shoulder or something.

He’s a liar, as we all know. But this rings true to me. I hope it does to the jury as well.
No. According to the phone records she left ID on the 23rd, arrived on the 24th, and left to go back on the 24th.

After an hour driving, I need a break as so tired.
How on earth could KK drive so far, back and forth, within a couple of days.
Guess we're so different, thank goodness.

Not only is she tough to drive, she was involved in PF's plot, to the end.
So, she isn't a weaky, as being portrayed, in her testimony, about how she was treated by PF.
She possibly gave out, which she won't admit.

Hope the Defence swoops on her, about her actions: poor little victim.o_O
I am way behind, so perhaps later, I may feel different about this 'hard, horrid, tough woman'.
I just don't believe it possible for a victim to politely reply "please stop" when struck by a bat in the head.

I think that's another one of PF's liar liar pants on fire moments.

Sadly, I think it was a plea from her while she laid on the floor bleeding, I think it’s true, and gruesome, and PF was proud of that moment.
Jakob Rodgers on Twitter
Lee met back up with #PatrickFrazee at his Florissant ranch after cleaning #KelseyBerreth's condo. "He asked me if I got it done. I told him the best that I could do. He said 'You better hope you did, because your life depends on it.'"
5:07 PM - 6 Nov 2019

More evidence of Frazee's Father of the Year-ness.


I'm taking deep breaths as I anticipate more "good-Patrick" and "tiny drops of blood" conversation.
As a nurse isn't she a mandated reporter for suspected child abuse? I'm not sure.

Yes, but according to this he told her that he had already called CPS.
She told the court he did not want to talk about it at the time, but later he started making comments about 'the mother of his child' and how he wanted to 'protect the innocent.' According to Kenney, he frequently told her of incidents where Berreth intentionally hurt their child, by slamming a refrigerator door on a hand, and not properly securing a baby gate. Soon the conversations about how to address the abuse began, according to Kenney.

She says Frazee claims he went to Child Protective Services to seek help, but the abuse was too subtle to notice. In October 2018 is when Kenney says Frazee shared with her a plan to poison a coffee to deliver to Berreth while posing as someone who had lost their dog recently. Kenney says she never put Abmien and Valium in the drink as Frazee suggested, yet went to see Berreth under false pretenses anyway. The two women had an awkward conversation before Berreth kept the cup of coffee. During this whole incident Kenney was with her aunt, who did not know what was going on.

Yeah, and somebody needs to remind CC that those "extra socks" that were so lovingly, and by lovingly, I mean perfunctorily, shoved on Baby K's little feet by Daddy Dearest probably ended up being tossed in the trash by KK.

Along with Baby K's toys.

On account of Daddy Dearest got her mommy's blood all over her socks and toys.

Probably not a great idea to bring up those socks, come to think of it.

Go back to tending your jackasses, CC.
At least you're amongst like-minded creatures, there.

Not fair to a guy who did nothing wrong. He likely had reporters show up unexpectedly one day, digging for anything they could get and asking him pointed questions and he was just telling them what he knew from what he had been told and his limited observations. Doesn’t make him a jackass.
Me too, and my heart is made of stone.

There may be no more powerful moment in this trial. Those should never be anyone’s last words.

I immediately thought of poor little Bella Watts :( Sob.

I’m sure she was screaming it. He may not have hit her hard enough, or caught her shoulder or something.

He’s a liar, as we all know. But this rings true to me. I hope it does to the jury as well.

Really, really good liars sprinkle bits of truth into their lies. It helps them not have to remember as much. I think this is the truth.
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