CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #15

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But maybe BOTH things are true. Maybe he didn't really want another child at all. But maybe he lied to her and said he did.

He may have said, a couple of years ago, let's try for a boy someday. I'd love to have a son. So later on, when she asks him, should we do it now, it seems like a good time to try for a 3rd, he may have just smiled and nodded, not knowing what else to say?[
Somewhere in this thread there was a link to a video she had taped and posted wearing a shirt that said...oops, we did it again, and then he came home, she showed him the prego results in the stick. I distinctly remember his initial reaction and it wasn't excitement. Anyone have that link or post? Just FWIW. Doesn't mean anything new at this point.
If you Google death band on hair you will find information. We learned a lot about it in Caylee Anthony's case.

When you die, there is a death band that forms at the root of the hair. It doesn't denote time of death though in the latest articles I have seen from the body farm in Oak Ridge Tennessee( for those that remember dr. Arpad Voss in the Anthony case) that were published three years ago. It does have differences in the time it takes to form the death band due to heat and water Etc.

Thank you, WSers who are posting about hair. This is all new to me - and useful.

So...would the death-band on the girls' hair indicate how long they had been dead before they were found (or before they were put in the tank)? Could LE be able to tell if they had been stored in the truck for a certain number of hours?

If it can be proven that the girls were deceased before SW arrived home, that would be the end of his defense that she killed them.

This could be big, right?

As I said, I came at this point of view before reading many of y'all's comments, so I wan't in the groove of the discussion. I stand by my observations. I am not jaded, nor do I have much to say regarding Thrive, since I don't know a heck of a lot about it. I am not smearing anyone either: I'm simply observing what I believe to be true.

In my experience, smiles don't equate to happiness. A smile can make other people think you're happy or pleased, or satisfied, or polite, or cooperative.

I find this young woman's smiles to be plastered on, an effort to convince others (and maybe herself) that she's all happiness. Like her message to her fellow Thrivers, it's marketing, smoke and mirrors; she even overtly has "happiness" as a sales pitch. The emptiness of the house, and the seeming denial about their dire financial situation, speaks, to my mind, to someone who is pretending, both to herself and to others.

That is my impression, and I'm entitled to it.

:) Totally agree, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Meant no disrespect at all. :cool:

Some very intelligent posters explained everything to me today about your post. They helped me to see beyond my defense of Shanann.
My heart tends to take over sometimes.

I extend an apology to you. :)

Wish my heart & mind could co-exist on an even keel. Thank goodness for logical thinkers! ;)
Just when I thought there would be no new info until the next court date.

Hairs in the truck - how can they be used to determine TOD? That's new to me.

And, thank goodness he didn't delete texts and searches. That's amazing. Next thing you know he'll leave a bedsheet as evidence. Oh wait.


They won’t indicate TOD per se, but if the girls were dead long before SW, hairs would begin to show signs of decomposition, which would disprove the claim that she killed them.
Affidavit states it was a bed sheet that was found by oil tanks. Not sure why my brain is focused on fitted sheets.
I think it's fairly safe to assume it is a fitted sheet because the affidavit says the pattern matches the top sheet and pillowcases that were found in the kitchen trash. Whether it's been reported that the sheet found near the oil tanks was a fitted sheet, I don't know.
Thank you, WSers who are posting about hair. This is all new to me - and useful.

So...would the death-band on the girls' hair indicate how long they had been dead before they were found (or before they were put in the tank)? Could LE be able to tell if they had been stored in the truck for a certain number of hours?

If it can be proven that the girls were deceased before SW arrived home, that would be the end of his defense that she killed them.

This could be big, right?


My understanding is that it would not tell a number of hours; instead, it could disprove the claim that SW killed the girls IF the hair showed decomposition, for example, and SW's didn't. That would indicate that they were dead for a good amount of time (decomp had set in) before SW. But, it it was a matter of minutes to hours, it would not show through the hair samples. Does that make sense?

It seems that these things have a way of snowballing, don't they? I mean, if you kill your wife, now you've made orphans of your children, so the humane thing to do is put them out of their future misery. And now having killed your children, who wants to put momma through the pain of losing her grandchildren? She has to go, too.
Yes, at least CW spared Deeter. In another case I was reading about today, (Phillip Austin) he killed the family's two poodles. :(
Phillip Austin - Wikipedia
My understanding is that it would not tell a number of hours; instead, it could disprove the claim that SW killed the girls IF the hair showed decomposition, for example, and SW's didn't. That would indicate that they were dead for a good amount of time (decomp had set in) before SW. But, it it was a matter of minutes to hours, it would not show through the hair samples. Does that make sense?

Yes, that makes sense. Thank you.

Wow. I am very curious what the results will be.

Thank you, WSers who are posting about hair. This is all new to me - and useful.

So...would the death-band on the girls' hair indicate how long they had been dead before they were found (or before they were put in the tank)? Could LE be able to tell if they had been stored in the truck for a certain number of hours?

If it can be proven that the girls were deceased before SW arrived home, that would be the end of his defense that she killed them.

This could be big, right?


The article states that at this point, investigators aren't even sure if the hairs are from when SW and the girls were alive or not. If they rode in the truck at any point while alive, they might have left behind hairs. Testing will be able to show if the hairs show any signs of decomposition. They are also testing hairs from the home, including from bedding taken from the home.
What do you think the chances are he takes a plea deal?
I think he'll definately want a plea deal. He's a coward, I believe he's shown that, imo one of the reasons he did what he did. I don't think he'd want all his lies and perhaps secret life style put out there in a court room for everyone to know. I don't think we'll ever know all the details of this family's demise, he'll go to his grave pleading this same sick story about it all. I pray every night for her family and that they are able to go on living without knowing the reasons why. It's never ending, and can drive you crazy.
I think it goes so much deeper. She was involved in a profession and movement that believed if you visualize it, it will be. She wouldn’t allow herself to have or express negative thoughts. Negative thoughts were the enemy.

Yes. Like that! But I was also thinking of something very comprehensive, like emptiness in the person. She doesn't seem to me to have been "real" in so many ways.
The article states that at this point, investigators aren't even sure if the hairs are from when SW and the girls were alive or not. If they rode in the truck at any point while alive, they might have left behind hairs. Testing will be able to show if the hairs show any signs of decomposition. They are also testing hairs from the home, including from bedding taken from the home.
We know that the hair banding did not help prosecution in the Casey Anthony case though :sigh
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