Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #24

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But now we do have solid proof he is capable of taking 2 lives. And we know he is capable of strangling someone to death. And that he is capable of carrying around his dead babies, and disposing of them. Then going to work the next day, acting like nothing happened. How many people would be capable of any of that?

Or if his version is to be believed we have someone capable of hiding all emotion and grief after watching his daughter's be murdered by their mother, hide all trace of remorse after killing his pregnant wife and spin avweb of lies to cover his tracks. That takes a special kind of someone
I’m not sure anyone disagrees with your point, in theory.

That doesn’t mean there is no evidence out there pointing to his guilt. Which is why people are speculating.

Two different things, imo.

Member speculation is based on the only known facts we have available. If those known facts change, the speculation can change.

Jumping off your post to also remind everyone that "innocent until proven guilty" is a judicial principle to be held to throughout the legal process. It does not apply to the public who are free to have their opinions.
If we are meant to withhold judgment and remain neutral without forming an opinion until everything has been laid out at the trial, then what is the purpose of even discussing the case on this site?

Innocent until proven guilty is a legal concept and is applicable to the jury. I'm not on said jury; in the court of Mtnlites, when considering the circumstantial and physical facts, CW killed all 4.
They may know that’s why DA is requesting hand prints, hand photos and buccal DNA swab. ME knows when he or she did the autopsy. If they have similarities on all three it would be from the same person.
Agree they probably will be able to make a determination. I am curious as to why they waited so long to request them though.
You know, it's surprising he didn't claim she killed the girls and then committed suicide, and all he did was bury them.

IMO, CW could have made a variety of claims as to what happened that night (“I woke up and she had killed both of them!”, “I had been downstairs getting some breakfast before I headed out to work and I heard the girls screaming”, etc etc) . I can think of a lot of stories he could have told that made more sense, so his version of the story is an odd one for sure. He chose it for some reason, even after he time to think about it.
Thinking about those workers who had to drain the oil tanks and then retrieve those little babies is so gut wrenching. I can not imagine anything worse. We all know of responders who dive for drowning victims or extricate bodies from vehicles but this is so much worse IMO. It is vile and totally inhumane on so many levels. It occurs to me that we have no idea who performed these tasks - ME personnel or Anadarko oil workers or LE personnel or a combination thereof ? I certainly pray that they are receiving some form of counseling.
Oh, I'm sure it was a combination effort. Anadarko for access to the site as well as draining the tanks, LE to collect evidence (footprints, fingerprints, tire tracks, etc.) and of course the ME... It is so horrifying to try to picture, I won't even try.
IMO, CW could have made a variety of claims as to what happened that night (“I woke up and she had killed both of them!”, “I had been downstairs getting some breakfast before I headed out to work and I heard the girls screaming”, etc etc) . I can think of a lot of stories he could have told that made more sense, so his version of the story is an odd one for sure. He chose it for some reason, even after he time to think about it.
I don't think that CW is capable of much thought other than how great he looks in his nice new shirt.
You know, it's surprising he didn't claim she killed the girls and then committed suicide, and all he did was bury them.
I believe that is because it would not fit the evidence he just realized that they were about to find. He knew when he made this confession that they were on to the location of the bodies. It was a matter of time before they found them, even without his help. So he cannot say suicide unless he again plans to revise his confession the next day.
Thinking about those workers who had to drain the oil tanks and then retrieve those little babies is so gut wrenching. I can not imagine anything worse. We all know of responders who dive for drowning victims or extricate bodies from vehicles but this is so much worse IMO. It is vile and totally inhumane on so many levels. It occurs to me that we have no idea who performed these tasks - ME personnel or Anadarko oil workers or LE personnel or a combination thereof ? I certainly pray that they are receiving some form of counseling.
Yes, I don't know what the evidence is to support the fact that the barrels were empty, and he may have gently laid them in the bottom. It is clearly stated that documentation tells us otherwise. Of course as they could not go "diving" in oil, the only option was to drain it completely. Imagine
how costly and time consuming that was, let alone traumatic. Not to mention the time it took to thoroughly and meticulously clean every last bit of oil from those precious little bodies. How could one bring themselves to dump the bodies of their own children, whether responsible for killing them or not, into a large barrel of oil? Jmo
I don't believe I am ignoring it. WE don't have the facts. But the investigators do have the facts.

Except, of course, for the 'facts' that the defense is trying to block right now. The State wants CW's handprints and the defense is trying to prevent these 'facts' from being revealed.

Why would CW want to keep his handprints secret, if he is claiming that he wasn't the one who strangled those babies. Wouldn't he want them to be compared, to exonerate him?
I wasn't aware the PD has filed a response to the DA's motion. Do you have a link? Thanks.
IMO, CW could have made a variety of claims as to what happened that night (“I woke up and she had killed both of them!”, “I had been downstairs getting some breakfast before I headed out to work and I heard the girls screaming”, etc etc) . I can think of a lot of stories he could have told that made more sense, so his version of the story is an odd one for sure. He chose it for some reason, even after he time to think about it.
That is a really great point and hadn't even occurred to me.
OT- if I’m “following” posters, wouldn’t I get an alert when they post? Nothing has been showing up for me for a while on any of the posters I’ve been following :confused:
Me too. Same question. What's the point of following someone if you can't find any of their posts! I must be missing something.
Is Pommy here? Didn't the floor plan show the stairs by the girls' rooms? IE if he came back up the stairs he would pass their rooms and presumably hear a commotion, before he got back to SW/CW room to see the monitor? (Sorry if that layout is not how I remember it).
Wow, great catch! :eek: He surely would have had to hear "something" if his story were true.
I believe that is because it would not fit the evidence he just realized that they were about to find. He knew when he made this confession that they were on to the location of the bodies. It was a matter of time before they found them, even without his help. So he cannot say suicide unless he again plans to revise his confession the next day.
I don't think he expected to have a story in place so fast. SWs friend who dropped her off that morning kind of ruined things for him. May explain all the holes in his story. Good thing. I think her testimony is going to be a major strength in this case. Jmo
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