Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #5

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Few things:
1) Keys were in her car in the garage, that's probably where she always leaves them, she was just on a trip, probably picked up and brought home by her friend to get to the airport. I suspect nothing that her keys were in her car. I know many that leave them there all the time.
2) On her FB, I looked through photos other posted of her and she has one post with a car, her white Lexus and claims that for the past 26 months she has been awarded the "Thrive" car allowance of $800 and that has made her car payment and insurance etc. She also added that she was checking out a Lexus for Chris as well....( For those questioning her income and finances etc) I would post the link to the photo but not sure that's allowed.
My speculation is that Shannan's shallow grave was for CW to discover in desperate search effort led by LE and hundreds of volunteers. He would be the hero.
The babies in the tanks were never to be found. He would've been a widower whose babies were missing. A lot of $ would pour into . A lot of sympathy would be garnered by young, single and childless women.

I think that was his fantasy.

Interesting! My theory is he was going to disappear himself once he got SW disposed of in a better fashion. He would have used Monday night to do that and then poof, the entire family would have disappeared. Still think he was in a hurry when he left her in the shallow grave but had to get to work, he couldn't miss that and raise red flags. He planned on going back before anyone reported them missing.
I thought the attempt via court order for fingernail scraping went a bit far as I thought that was standard practice to check under fingernails of a murder victim.
Kind of insulting to the ME in this case. IMO

Yes. I think that's why the court denied it. They're not going to tell the expert how to do their job.

But it makes sense why the defense would file that motion given the qualifications one has to have, or rather doesn't, to be an ME in Colorado. Someone educated me about that on here.
An interesting observation: (not mine) In every single picture of CW on SW's facebook, he is wearing a purple lupus support bracelet. (she apparently had lupus). In the infamous interview he is not wearing it. Every. Single. Picture. Then, she's gone and so is the bracelet!! IMO maybe he was also sick of the whole "my wife is sick so I HAVE to show support" this as well....

In a video she said she gave it to him and he has never taken it off in “all these years”
From the link someone kindly posted earlier ( sorry forgotten poster's name)

Former FBI senior profiler and forensic behavioral expert Mary Ellen O'Toole says:

The case has shocked the family's community, especially since Shanann Watts, who was 15 weeks pregnant, actively posted photos and videos on social media praising her husband. Former FBI senior profiler and forensic behavioral expert Mary Ellen O'Toole says investigators will have to compare the posts to interviews done with the family and friends who knew the couple best.

Somebody doesn't wake up at 30, 35, or 40 years of age and act like this," O'Toole said. "There will be indicators along the way of callousness, lack of empathy, selfishness, those kind of — in my opinion, those kinds of personality traits will begin to surface.

How investigators will use social media in the Watts family murder case

Oooh . Now that's an interesting thought but.... it would still point directly to him as the person with most diect access to where the body was
I don't think CW is a type that thinks what-ifs. I keep insinuating he is stupid because I really think he committed this crime stupidly.

In my real personal life, I never ever call anyone stupid or dumb though. I help them instead.
I am very happy to hear this. For one, our system is based on the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Also along those lines, we all deserve to have the best defence available to us should we ever be wrongly accused of something. Most of all I am happy that being afforded a sharp defence team there will be very little if anything that can be overruled during the appeal process. He certainly can not claim inadequate counsel.
Also, if someone has a stupid attorney in a criminal case, there is a certain term for that which I don't recall right now, but the first can get a new trial.
On Wednesday right before the 10:00 pmnews cycle Denver’s local ABC station broke with the news that CW confessed. The reporter apparantly has connections inside LE and he was told about the confession by an insider (or two). CBS News were still talking about where did Shanann go until the very end of the newscast when they announced the confession and said they’d confirmed the news w/two LE insiders. No idea when Fox/NBC first reported, but it was everywhere by morning.

To my knowledge, LE and prosecutors have never publically acknowledged a confession. We’ll find out when it’s unsealed but I don’t think prosecutors used a confession as grounds for charging him, and even Channel 7 (local ABC station) that originally broke the news has reverted to calling it an “alledged confession”.

I don’t think the inside LE sources were lying when they said CW confessed to police (yes, news reported it was given to LE —I know some have speculated is called alledged because he only confessed to his family). The fact the prosecutors and official statements make no mention of a confession has me worried perhaps they’re afraid the confession will get thrown out. Really worried! If the confession isn’t included in the sealed documents, hopefully the fact that he’s behind bars means they don’t need the confession to nail him.

Does anyone know if a confession is thrown out and part of the confession was telling where bodies were disposed, if discovery of the bodies and any evidence found on the bodies needs to be tossed out too? I’m new to this and don’t know rules of evidence, or whatever governs this sort of thing. Hoping those of you w/more experience can reassure me there’s no need to worry. But if there’s a chance he’s going to get off because confession was motivated by evidence that gets thrown out, and bodies, etc also can’t be used to prosecute because they were found as result of the thrown out confession I am going to be sick.
I don't think CW will be convicted solely on his confession so we shouldn't worry about procedure. I thought it interesting however that the judge mirandized him in court.
Press conference at 4 pm MST

Here is a link to follow along with court preocedures

Colorado Judicial Branch

That is two an a half hours from now. It is currently 1:30 for us timezone challenged folks. (I’m usually the one asking “what time is it there now?”, “how long til the PC?”, lol.
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