GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #61

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BBM. Well isn't she cute. The "cheese was sliding off his cracker"? It's all a joking matter to her. If you can't be serious about an entire family brutally destroyed and desecrated by the person they loved an trusted most, you clearly don't give a $%&! about anything but yourself. Sorry, not sorry, guys. She's disgusting. No one should ever, ever joke about this, let alone a woman coyly insinuating that she's so "electric" and irresistible that a man committed the murder of his own innocent babies for her. Or, correction, I guess she said her charms merely "accelerated the process." :mad::rolleyes:

I'm glad this People article is out there. The public had a right to know more than Nichol's fancy PR campaign and glamour shots in the Denver Post would have them believe.

Yes. Yes, thank you. BBM but all of this. You said it better than I did or ever could. Isn't she just so cute and fiery and as @NuttMegg said, sassy. So electric!

So disgusting.
I think they can be found in the media doc thread in the located person's section. Posted around the 19th.

Maybe we can add links to the two discovery dumps to the first page of the thread?
Yes, they are all in the media thread. The problem with a sticky on the first page of the thread is that we are getting the 2nd doc dump in pieces. It was erroneously released to the general public yesterday and then taken down. News Outlets who filed requests have all of the newest discovery, but are releasing it in pieces. So, the best way to keep up with it (for those can't read every post here) is the media thread: MEDIA, MAPS & TIMELINES - NO DISCUSSION - - Shanann Watts (34, dec.), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4
From the "I don't believe this part either" department. NK says she went upstairs to the loft at the home of SW but didn't enter any of the bedrooms. She said that quite defensively, and nervously, IMO. Why say it at all? No one asked her, IIRC.
The Interviewers were very casual about things, as if this is not a big deal, being so understanding.
Probably acted in this fashion, to let CW feel comfortable, and spill the beans.
It felt, like an 'everyday conversation'.
CW was so calm, explaining the placement of his kiddies, into the narrow openings.:eek:
Then eating pizza.o_O
Wonder what CW's diagnosis will be, besides a moron.
My apologies for asking (haven't read through the threads) but the discovery that was released yesterday is saying "Invalid Link". Any way to view it some other way?
No. That link was for media only (that had previously filed a request), and the public wasn’t supposed to have access. That’s why the site crashed.

We’ll have to wait until the people who made these requests release the data.
I listened to her tape. If you listen to the first few minutes she says she's sick, and towards the end she said she'd been up all night...perhaps she's affecting her voice and also it's raspy because of fatigue and mental trauma from a shocking discovery her boyfriend murdered his family... and yes she probably knew it had a lot to do with her.

She probably knew much more about SW than she wanted to divulge to the police. She had a racy affair, things she "couldn't remember" were things she probably didn't want to say in front of her dad and more truthfully didn't want printed in the media.

She sounds like she was in awe of SW herself (mentioning her beauty and all they had together) probably didn't feel bad for ending that, however, we read the notes CW gave her and the texts he sent. To read them I'd think he made his choice for her. Yes, wrong...very wrong all kinds of wrong. Wrong enough to have your entire future ruined by people knowing you googled anal sex? (a thing she thought she was doing in the privacy of her own home, not on the laptops of millions of people)...sorry, in my opinion...not THAT wrong.

The DA promised her what she said would be private...NOPE. I heard it and so did you, not private.

I think she was honest when she sounded very real.

When my kiddo was diagnosed with a lifelong illness, that would change our lives forever. I felt absolutely nothing. I told everyone I couldn't find my feelings anywhere. I felt like a serial killer. Why would I feel nothing? It was the most horrible thing that had ever happened to my family and I was like....there's zip there. Then in the grocery store, six weeks later. I broke down in tears and could not stop crying for two days. Finally, it hit me. I think there is some of that going on here.

In my opinion, she's guilty of having an affair. She's guilting of lying to cover up the raunchy aspects of that affair. She's guilty of wanting to win CW over SW. We saw a lot of the texts she deleted, none of them were her conspiring with CW to commit murder. She wasn't hampering the investigation to hide those details. She just didn't want the magnitude of their sex and the lives they had together getting out. She probably panicked about that.

In my opinion, she wasn't blameless of having an affair and wanting CW, he made it clear he was choosing her. She sounds like kind of a cold person...BUT... she didn't murder SW or the girls. She didn't ask CW to murder them.

I think the sentence she got was unjustified. Most mistresses don't have their lives ripped apart. And honestly....if any of us had to present our google searches to the police... what do you think they would think of most of us? I'm a writer...I write romance, crime and fantasy fiction...I can tell you honestly, without context, I do not want a police offer going over my searches. For example looking at wedding dresses doesn't mean you are planning a wedding. Maybe you are fantasizing about one...hello? How many single women in their thirties do that. I would venture to assume many. Yes, she was probably fantasizing about marriage with CW, but searching wedding gowns and getting married is a pretty wide berth apart.

Having an affair should not equal ruining your life...sorry, she's the only one not dead (heartbreaking, horrible and sad) or in jail for life, yet in my opinion, her life is just as ruined. Imagine the horror of seeing your name in print every day and your nightmare doesn't end. Sorry, even the lies she told, or the selfishness, or any of the immature things she did, didn't warrant that punishment.


I'd be with you if she hadn't felt her reputation and embarrassment were more important than the lives of missing and then dead babies and if she hadn't acted the way she did with investigators.

You give them EVERYTHING. You don't lie or evade. And she did.

Hearing her voice- I have heard the same excuse given in your post on various occasions, to excuse a lack of empathy in various people: "Well I was able to eat pizza and I didn't cry when my child died so there's nothing important about CW's demeanor." For example - nope. IMO that voice, like CW's demeanor, has nothing to do with delayed grief or shock. To me she sounded arrogantly controlled and decisive. She sounded extraordinarily annoyed and put out that she had to be there.

I could understand anger. Sadness. Betrayal. Numbness. Shock.

I really didn't detect any of that as some have. I detected a coldly selfish woman who knows how to manipulate, likes to control others and lacks empathy.

She didn't kill anyone. We all know that. So what? Just because she didn't is she not supposed to face judgment for who she is and what she did?

Not directed at you at all, but I'm kind of sick of people with low character, bad, mean, people, facing zero consequences and being protected in this country because "everyone makes mistakes", or "we have no right to judge".

Maybe it's okay that a person like her faces some societal shunning. We should have common values as a community and a culture. Like coming together to help one another and not being selfish at times of crisis. Doing what is necessary, even at our own expense, to help children. Assisting LE when asked, in major criminal cases. Having respect for others, including professionals who are doing a tough job, instead of narcissitically trying to control their job and brattily expressing impatience and annoyance with having to be involved in something that actually includes death and murder.


I don't feel sorry for her. I did. Not now. IMO she deserves some negativity for her behavior and attitude.

And her life is far from over. If serial killer and predator Karla Homolka can go on to leave prison for a Caribbean island, get married and have three kids after murdering three other minors including her own little sister, I'm sure this arrogant and decisive woman will be just fine.
I think you’re conflating that FaceTime video with a later phone call.

“We discussed a phone call between Kessinger and Chris between 9pm and 11pm on Sunday night. She was not certain what they talked about during this call. She recalled hearing a television on during the call. She said there was not a television in the basement so she did not know where he was and why he was watching television when it was so late.”

Page 572-573
Ah. Thank you for straightening me out. (From one bot to another, lol.) :)
I used to think PommyMommy and Massguy had a secret office of 200 people always ready to search but now I think they are actual computers and not really people at all haha
Shhhh. :p
My multi-quote isn't working, but I think there is an error in the Discovery (p649 as referenced by @MassGuy) on the date for the Facetime. I haven't heard the audio to see how it got started, but Monday is reported as 8/12/18, which is actually Sunday, and Monday is 8/13/2018

"NICHOL questioned CHRIS about going to the Mob site on Monday August 12, 2018 in the morning and told him to ³prove´ he had been to the site. CHRIS responded with te[t messages between him and other Andarko employees to prove he was at the site. CHRIS also sent NICHOL a picture of a release. NICHOL said CHRIS told her that LUKE EPPEL, CHRIS’ supervisor, had requested CHRIS or TROY unknown last name to respond to the release. CHRIS told TROY he would take care of the release according to NICHOL. NICHOL said she ended the phone conversation with CHRIS and he later ³facetimed´ her that evening August 12, 2018."
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BBM. Well isn't she cute. The "cheese was sliding off his cracker"? It's all a joking matter to her. If you can't be serious about an entire family brutally destroyed and desecrated by the person they loved an trusted most, you clearly don't give a $%&! about anything but yourself. Sorry, not sorry, guys. She's disgusting. No one should ever, ever joke about this, let alone a woman coyly insinuating that she's so "electric" and irresistible that a man committed the murder of his own innocent babies for her. Or, correction, I guess she said her charms merely "accelerated the process." :mad::rolleyes:

I'm glad this People article is out there. The public had a right to know more than Nichol's fancy PR campaign and glamour shots in the Denver Post would have them believe.
Yes! The weird jovial joking is one thing that really made me do a double take while listening. The detective is asking her about their last dinner together at the restaurant, and she starts complaining about the crappy location they were seated at. Because you couldn't see the tvs. And the Broncos game was on. And then she starts laughing, like "oh whatever because it was only a preseason game."

I mean what???! I get if she was talking about her reaction at the time. But she started laughing about it then.

I agree with the post above that when listening to this, I had to stop and check that she had learned at this point he had confessed. But she had.

And that's what caught my attention. You have already learned the guy you have been sleeping with for weeks, who you were thinking about potentially marrying, has annihilated his entire immediate family. And you're all giggling to the detective, "tee hee who cares about stupid preseason football!" That's the type of example where she just came off as so tone deaf to the whole situation. I don't necessarily think she is sinister or that she had any sinister motives in any of this, but it did sound like she is missing some kind of empathy chip.
The Interviewers were very casual about things, as if this is not a big deal, being so understanding.
Probably acted in this fashion, to let CW feel comfortable, and spill the beans.
It felt, like an 'everyday conversation'.
CW was so calm, explaining the placement of his kiddies, into the narrow openings.:eek:
Then eating pizza.o_O
Wonder what CW's diagnosis will be, besides a moron.
Maybe another poster has suggested this, but I think those 2 interrogators probably didn't even have to stick a finger down their throat when they got home. Vomit, bathe, turn on some silly reality show. Anything to get that creep off their minds. I can't believe they were so nice and supportive. I understand "why", just that I would definitely have been the bad cop (and I probably wouldn't have gotten the same results). I couldn't say all that...your dad will always love you, you took care of SW and your children.
One other comment, is it normal for one of the interrogators to also administer the polygraph? Seems like in all the movies I have seen, there is a special, different, polygraph technician.
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No. That link was for media only (that had previously filed a request), and the public wasn’t supposed to have access. That’s why the site crashed.

We’ll have to wait until the people who made these requests release the data.

I just filled out the CORA request form and will let you know if I hear back. The records have to be released to anyone per FOIA. It’s just a question of how long they have and if they charge for it.
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