Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #35

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AM telling him to start with Friday night is so interesting. Sounds like he has some inside information from LE. EVI or camera footage? Add to that, MG reported that BM was acting strange on Saturday. Had he and Suzanne argued on Friday and he determined then that she had to die? Could be have found a site, prepared a grave? Wow. Moo

I thought maybe AM was following the timeline LE requested folks in the area to save video from, which IIRC, was 8 May to 12 May. IMO
Investigator explains FBI's involvement in Chaffee County missing woman case - KRDO
This is the article that quotes Corsentino.

I have long thought there is criminal involvement in this case. I was thinking drugs (marijuana growing/meth distribution perhaps) I thought initially Suzanne missing was an abduction/ransom/threat to Barry, maybe for owing money. Now Medicaid fraud makes sense as to where the money came from. My husband has this explanation about Medicaid fraud and the kickback scheme involving the landscaping companies as he used to work in long term care:

Indiana has a very complex reimbursement system under Medicare and Medicaid. It's basically a paper lease of the nursing home license by a county owned hospital which allows them to draw down additional federal funds. The fraud case in the articles was a very complex system of shell companies that worked with suppliers to overcharge the nursing home and hospital for goods and services. The inflated bills were entered into the system so the expense was drawn down. The overcharge payments were then made to shell companies that then paid the vendors (ie landscapers and contractors too) the actual amount plus their share of the overcharge. This is all legal except for the overcharging scheme. There were/are several players involved that may have some connection to Barry but it would be hard to uncover. He could have been involved with the landscaping company or one of the shell construction companies that have been implicated in this scheme. In this case we are talking about $10's of millions or more.

And there is the continuing question of just how many more are involved.
Indiana nursing home fraud questions continue to follow Rob New


When BM first put out his video the one thing about it that I cannot shake is it sort of came across to me that BM was talking to someone that he knew had taken SM in a sort of revenge against him. The part about "no questions asked" and things like that struck me that maybe BM knew who took her and he knew the reason why. Like maybe BM owed some people a lot of money and has not paid up yet.

This could explain why BM quickly made some land/money based transactions shortly after SM disappeared.

The thing that does not make sense though is even if BM knew he was involved with schemes or other illegal things then once the other party ends up kidnapping your wife, you would think at that point BM would just fess up everything to LE if BM was really not responsible.

So I have brushed it aside quite a few times but I keep wondering if its possible someone he was in cahoots with past illegal activities may have taken her for revenge on BM or to get money owed to them.
Is there any possibility of that?
Friday night intrigues me....what was the catalyst for SM's disappearance?

Money, Revenge or Sex (I call it the Mrs.) or elements of all 3?

A disagreement about $ or control that created a turning point?

Was he spending a lot of time away from home?

Did she call him out on it?

Is that why he told MG he needed to spend some time with his wife on Saturday?

Did he rough her up Friday night or Saturday am and then finish the job on Saturday afternoon knowing too many lines had been crossed and there was no going back?


I think if he had physically harmed her on Friday or Saturday ,she would have left the house or called a friend to collect her if he had her car keys.
IMO, I don’t blame him for being silent. His text to LS was weird for sure, but he was ripped apart horribly on social media and his fb as well as receiving threats when fb groups started accusing him of having something to do with this a few months back. It was really horrible and actually quite frightening to see how quickly the mob mentality attacked him from every corner. He was actually followed, stalked, received death threats, his contact info spread throughout dozens of groups. He put a thank you post up later to those who defended him. If you’ve never been on the attack side of a fb crime group it can be brutal, and IMO should be a crime. They turned his life upside down. Same with MG (although I have my druthers with her last interview) which is why she had to relocate, and it tore apart her family. She was brutally attacked as well. The mob mentality is what causes many to go silent, including LE lately, because they fear their lives will be ripped open for the whole world to see. I think what others don’t understand, is it’s not an easy comeback after your name has been dragged through the web and those accusations stay out there forever. Once that happens, your life will never be the same. So I don’t blame him for staying quiet. Does he know something? I would bet on it that he does. Is he waiting until this all pans out and goes to trial in order to protect himself in the meantime, yup. JMO but speaking from experience ... you make one wrong comment in a fb crime group, and you risk having your life and privacy ripped to shreds and it damages you, mentally, forever. I’m thankful for a reputable crime group like websleuths.

If he felt that vilified, he could have made his social media private, as many begged him to do. I think he likes the attention.
When BM first put out his video the one thing about it that I cannot shake is it sort of came across to me that BM was talking to someone that he knew had taken SM in a sort of revenge against him. The part about "no questions asked" and things like that struck me that maybe BM knew who took her and he knew the reason why. Like maybe BM owed some people a lot of money and has not paid up yet.

This could explain why BM quickly made some land/money based transactions shortly after SM disappeared.

The thing that does not make sense though is even if BM knew he was involved with schemes or other illegal things then once the other party ends up kidnapping your wife, you would think at that point BM would just fess up everything to LE if BM was really not responsible.

So I have brushed it aside quite a few times but I keep wondering if its possible someone he was in cahoots with past illegal activities may have taken her for revenge on BM or to get money owed to them.
Is there any possibility of that?
I'm thinking, yes.
BM very well could have owed money to someone off the books. Possible some dangerous players are involved. And the bill was coming due.

That may have given him the idea to insinuate that she had been taken.
But the bleach hotel and the sloppy abili lead me back to BM for murder. At this time.
When BM first put out his video the one thing about it that I cannot shake is it sort of came across to me that BM was talking to someone that he knew had taken SM in a sort of revenge against him. The part about "no questions asked" and things like that struck me that maybe BM knew who took her and he knew the reason why. Like maybe BM owed some people a lot of money and has not paid up yet.

This could explain why BM quickly made some land/money based transactions shortly after SM disappeared.

The thing that does not make sense though is even if BM knew he was involved with schemes or other illegal things then once the other party ends up kidnapping your wife, you would think at that point BM would just fess up everything to LE if BM was really not responsible.

So I have brushed it aside quite a few times but I keep wondering if its possible someone he was in cahoots with past illegal activities may have taken her for revenge on BM or to get money owed to them.
Is there any possibility of that?

I do not think anyone else took Suzanne.
But his video was very odd and it could have been an offer of a bribe to some one who knew about illegal activities to keep them quiet.
I thought maybe AM was following the timeline LE requested folks in the area to save video from, which IIRC, was 8 May to 12 May. IMO
I agree. Plus, AM told the gentleman from Visual Law to watch LS recent reporting and if he didn’t already see something sinister, he would after that.

I think MG saying that BM was at the beach site/riverside property/Salida dig site Friday night factors in. JMO
Investigator explains FBI's involvement in Chaffee County missing woman case - KRDO
This is the article that quotes Corsentino.

I have long thought there is criminal involvement in this case. I was thinking drugs (marijuana growing/meth distribution perhaps) I thought initially Suzanne missing was an abduction/ransom/threat to Barry, maybe for owing money. Now Medicaid fraud makes sense as to where the money came from. My husband has this explanation about Medicaid fraud and the kickback scheme involving the landscaping companies as he used to work in long term care:

Indiana has a very complex reimbursement system under Medicare and Medicaid. It's basically a paper lease of the nursing home license by a county owned hospital which allows them to draw down additional federal funds. The fraud case in the articles was a very complex system of shell companies that worked with suppliers to overcharge the nursing home and hospital for goods and services. The inflated bills were entered into the system so the expense was drawn down. The overcharge payments were then made to shell companies that then paid the vendors (ie landscapers and contractors too) the actual amount plus their share of the overcharge. This is all legal except for the overcharging scheme. There were/are several players involved that may have some connection to Barry but it would be hard to uncover. He could have been involved with the landscaping company or one of the shell construction companies that have been implicated in this scheme. In this case we are talking about $10's of millions or more.

And there is the continuing question of just how many more are involved.
Indiana nursing home fraud questions continue to follow Rob New


I'm not on board with this theory yet but find it a refreshing shift in the conversation. I do find it intriguing. I believe it was mentioned LE traveled to IN some months back. This has always gave me pause because it can't be just to talk to friends and family and ask how they were as a couple, ask about them separately, etc. These conversations could have easily happened on the phone. But this might be one reason - checking up on BM's business and dealings in IN. IMO
If the trial started today, and I’m prosecuting, my star witness has to be SM’s texting friend - she better have something good.

After that, it gets sketchy. I could call AM as a witness and have him share his recollections. But AM better hope the reasons for the family estrangement that happened in Indiana aren’t relevant - if they’re even remotely relevant, the defence will bring them up.

The other employees MG, JP and CC. I guess I could call them up, but do I know what I’m going to get? Are they going to get their facts straight and will their accounts line up? If not, and the defence starts digging, it’s possible that the employee testimonies just end up making the waters dirty.

The witnesses all have a story to tell and there’s an element of truth in all of their stories, but without any digital info, it’s as clear as mud.

Good reminder. Patience with the process and humility about what we know and don't know are important virtues - not only for LE but for the general public as well.

I agree with the general proposition that the information made public so far would fall far short of proof of murder beyond a reasonable doubt, but that is true for nearly every case IMO. Witnesses may or may not speak publicly, but LE keeps its key forensic information under wraps in nearly all cases.

That does not and should not prevent the family and the public from maintaining an intense focus on the case, seeking to learn what facts we can, and continuing to talk about it. I wish this happened in more cases.

I am new to this, but I must say that many posts by WSers give very good information, and the kind of analysis and speculation - sometimes worthy of professional investigators - that not only maintains interest but might possibly advance the inquiry.

To the searchers, godspeed! Bring her home.
I never believed in a kidnapping for revenge or to strong arm someone to pay on debts. At least not in the United States. My next comment will sound heartless to some but I think the victim in this type of scenario comes with more problems than their worth to the bad guys who kidnapped them. IMO

ETA: clarification
Yup. Or was Suzanne even alive and above ground ever on Saturday?
Well, it seems SM was messaging back and forth to her best friend for some hours, talking about all the details of an upcoming wedding of a relative, so I think we can safely say she was alive up until 12:30 PM Saturday, when SM's messaging stopped in such an alarming manner that her friend was frantic for her to call back.
When BM first put out his video the one thing about it that I cannot shake is it sort of came across to me that BM was talking to someone that he knew had taken SM in a sort of revenge against him. The part about "no questions asked" and things like that struck me that maybe BM knew who took her and he knew the reason why. Like maybe BM owed some people a lot of money and has not paid up yet.

This could explain why BM quickly made some land/money based transactions shortly after SM disappeared.

The thing that does not make sense though is even if BM knew he was involved with schemes or other illegal things then once the other party ends up kidnapping your wife, you would think at that point BM would just fess up everything to LE if BM was really not responsible.

So I have brushed it aside quite a few times but I keep wondering if its possible someone he was in cahoots with past illegal activities may have taken her for revenge on BM or to get money owed to them.
Is there any possibility of that?

I hear what you’re saying @Hatfield and thought along the same lines. Then I thought further about that scenario, and wondered if anyone where to be taken, it would have been one of the daughters IMO. I feel that would have had a greater impact on the family if it was one of the daughters that was targeted.
I'd like to buy a clue. No I mean it. Why not start a fund to bribe the witness's to answer some questions. Hey Morgan heres 1000 dollars - just need a sworn statement...imo kinda like a go fund me ......I think outside the box sometimes just saying
When BM first put out his video the one thing about it that I cannot shake is it sort of came across to me that BM was talking to someone that he knew had taken SM in a sort of revenge against him. The part about "no questions asked" and things like that struck me that maybe BM knew who took her and he knew the reason why. Like maybe BM owed some people a lot of money and has not paid up yet.

This could explain why BM quickly made some land/money based transactions shortly after SM disappeared.

The thing that does not make sense though is even if BM knew he was involved with schemes or other illegal things then once the other party ends up kidnapping your wife, you would think at that point BM would just fess up everything to LE if BM was really not responsible.

So I have brushed it aside quite a few times but I keep wondering if its possible someone he was in cahoots with past illegal activities may have taken her for revenge on BM or to get money owed to them.
Is there any possibility of that?

Both your post and the quoted post are quite interesting to me... I shared your intuition on that also had tinges of the Silence of the Lambs Senator’s plea, ie they knew the SK/ Buffalo Bill had her, she spoke to one person...
As always, I see your points and also others...(annoying the way my brain functions, my apologies) couldn’t BM have been involved in bidding contests and repeatedly lost, because he was not in the kickback approved vendor list?
The wealth we see from Morphews, is small compared to the amounts being shuffled under the table in the senior care fraud. Inheritances explain some of it. BM as a witness is an option, for me.

The case against New appears to have been dropped, but perhaps, just deeper probe. It’s possible BM could have been a witness to this, which could be reopening?

I found the whole senior care funds abuse to be fascinating, but for SM to have been kidnapped and murdered because of BMs involvement, less likely.
The investigation seemed to have shown a lot of mutually beneficial criminals, moo.

We have some really good sleuthers here, and elsewhere, the unapproved sources, surely all this would have been uncovered, before now, so I research.

all of this, thinking as I text, JMVHO
AM telling him to start with Friday night is so interesting. Sounds like he has some inside information from LE. EVI or camera footage? Add to that, MG reported that BM was acting strange on Saturday. Had he and Suzanne argued on Friday and he determined then that she had to die? Could be have found a site, prepared a grave? Wow. Moo

And the fact that CCSO requested that residents save their surveillance footage from Friday May 8th to the 10th.
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