Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #41

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they seemed pretty candid to me, I didn't feel like that was acting, that was true irritation and frustration for Andy, moo. Is it possible Andy wasn't "at the tree alone" but was asked to call and tell them that?

Im not sure if any of you have heard of this thing called triangulation? :rolleyes::p
I think a lot actually. You can pay them less cus they need the work , pay under the table and not have to account for it for taxes , etc.

we don’t know where the family money came or comes from. Could be inheritance that allows expensive homes and vehicles. I know a couple teachers and bike mechanics with pretty nice lifestyles. Money doesn’t come from their day jobs...

"The Fog of War."


Please elaborate. Where is this comment directed?

Which lesson of the eleven are we referring to, many of them could be applicable..

lessons No. 1 and 2 ("Empathize with your enemy" and "Rationality will not save us"), or for that matter No. 6 ("Get the data"), No. 7 ("Belief and seeing are both often wrong") and No. 8 ("Be prepared to reexamine your reasoning")
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #40

Bringing this post over. I tend to agree that the Dailymail location might be a different land owned by Barry near woods. Makes sense then that the tree purchase might be related to that property. Maybe the invoice was the proof they needed to show that Barry owned the property.
Just jumping off your post - wondering how many properties he/BM owns? It's said just 2, then 5, so does anybody know how many properties BM owns??
this is where the dog alerted sunday.

today, they went back with 2 dogs to this location, and both dogs hit at that exact spot where the dog in photo one is.

DLR. does not look right.

the dog hitting there is probable cause for a warrant. investigators have to come in and eliminate this as a possibility.

we know there are no remains on the surface. so, why isn't the ground being processed and examined for what is below the surface a la daybell?

it was only about 12 hours from the discovery by the dogs at this site, and we already have a press release stating "nothing to see here," as well as a notification to the family that there is nothing at that spot, and basically "good luck" with finding your sister. andy later learned nobody was even watching the spot, so chris advised him to camp out there, hold a press conference there in the morning, and insist that someone eliminate that spot.


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Maybe Fox didn’t think Lauren’s spots on Suzanne were resonating with the audience (unlikely), or she was pulled because she is now likely a witness?

Maybe Barry really opened up and made some type of admissions to her that she could testify to (not hearsay.).
I have a question that goes back to the beginning of the investigation into SM's disappearance.

In the first couple of days I remember hearing that dogs were utilized to find SM. It was never established, to my recollection, whether they were search dogs for living individuals or cadaver dogs. If they were from the Department of Corrections, I presume they were dogs to track down escapees and wouldn't have been helpful to find HR, if the initial intent was to find an injured but living person.

However, what if a DOC person was an associate or friend of BM and purposely avoided any areas where an injured/deceased person may have been, successfully eliminating a search area as nonproductive.

Just thinking out loud. Not casting aspersions on anyone. JMO
As someone who has lived in this community for 30+ years, it is difficult to read how much misinformation is being spread here. I don’t in any way intend to give anyone a hard time, just hard to see people you know talked about so salaciously.

The past couple of days have been rife with rumor and innuendo here, and it's definitely wearing. We do have a couple of other people from your area and they are longterm residents as well - we depend on them to set us straight (some people have stranger theories than other people, of course).


I for one would love to hear theories based on local knowledge. Suzanne is somewhere. Something happened to her. In the first days, I actually threw "mountain lion" out there (because I have a longterm interest in wilderness misadventures and we've had a couple of bicyclists attacked here in SoCal in the last 10 years - and we all know this year has been a year with more wild animals out and about).

But your own LE says that's not the case. The new search says that's not the case. LE also says they don't think it's a stranger abduction or a suicide. It is clearly not a medical emergency that left her collapsed on a trail near her home.

I don't think she ran away. But I do fear that she will never be found.
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Obviously, the press does not care. At all. BM doesn’t care at all. LE doesn’t care. MG left town.
The searchers cared. The 500 plus souls who spent their time and money to help Andy Moorman. And tonight I am guessing they are angry. I think the people of Salida should be angry. I am angry. Tonight it feels like evil won.
I don't think it's true that LE doesn't care. They have had more than 15 agencies involved in this investigation from the beginning.

PE claims that LE could only "muster" 100 people in the search for the first three months. How could they know this? They don't know what cell phone and GPS data has been analyzed, they don't know how many hours of surveillance footage LE have poured over, or how many people they have interviewed. They don't know the 10 other locations they have searched, they don't know what other leads they have, and they probably don't know the details about the up-coming search that LE is planning for. I don't think they have even mentioned it.

They said they have established the timeline, but how do they know it matches up with LE's timeline? This isn't their investigation. Maybe there is a good reason investigators don't think the body is in the two locations the dogs alerted to. They knew about the beach site early on. They said they searched several locations on that property. Maybe they already used their own search dogs in that area.

This search isn't over yet, and detectives haven't finished investigating the new leads yet. Like the PE guys said, sometimes you have to be patient.
the tree 2 cadaver dogs hit on. this is the one andy is guarding.

is that 2 or 3 small saplings?

Have not yet figured out reposting images. I’m referring to pic of tree(s) on p 26.

the ‘main’ tree looks like a lodge pole or ponderosa Pine (not 100% on this, hard to tell with younger trees) and the two smaller behind are Aspens. It is weird for a lot of reasons - to me, the rocks look placed but the trees don’t really look ‘planted’ - more like volunteers. Nobody plants trees that close together and honestly, aspens are sort of like weeds, they are not typically used (at this size anyway) in landscape planting. The tree could be planted but the Aspens would not have been able to get that big in one season and if the tree was planted, it would’ve disturbed Aspens.

I want to be wrong. I want to find Suzanne and I want this to be a hasty planting job but it just doesn’t look like it was planted this year. This is my own (somewhat educated but I’m not verified) opinion.
There’s one individual at the heart of this, and that is BM. He has torn apart his family, and in just a couple of years, torn apart the people of Salida. He is the center of this cyclone of noise and disinformation. This is playing out like he, and possibly a select few people are trying to make it.

It’s not LE, the people of Salida, PE, or LS. Remove that, and you have the POI in the murder of his own wife. Don’t know whatever he was in the past, and don’t care. What he is now, is a terrible husband, a rotten dad, and a cold hearted, dangerous person.

People are letting this loser lead them around by the nose.

Of course, just MOO :)
Can someone tell me how quickly the FBI was called onto the case in the very beginning? She disappeared “Mother’s Day” then when did fbi come in. Thx.

Right away, May 14
On Wednesday, Sheriff John Spezze told CBS4 while it’s an open investigation, he would not rule out a criminal investigation. He adds the probability of an animal attack is not very high.

The FBI and Colorado Bureau of Investigations are now involved.

Spezze would not say whether they found her bike, or if the husband was in town when she was reported missing.
Family: Suzanne Morphew's Husband Offers $100,000 Reward In Disappearance Investigation
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