Cobra: Tapes, Interviews & Case Discussion

How ignorant of me to not thank you Nomore for all your hard work. I was so caught up reading the transcript, I lost myself in it.

Thank you so much for doing this.

OMG, Whisperer you are so not ignorant!!! It's easy to get caught up in reading words that Ronald actually spoke himself - very fascinating...
(by the way, YW)
I find it interesting that he can talk so non-chalantly about the gators too, nomore.

It is just too weird that HE is the one who made that remark about throwing the body in the water at different locagtion and he transferred that on to JO. This is the thinking of an addict/criminal. They are very good at displacing there faults and firmly planting them on another. The victim walks around dazed by all this and sometimes feel like they, themselves, are the crazy one.
I would like to know exactly where rc was standing when he was threatening JO with a tire jack. Does that mean his trunk was opened and he was outside with his car? People don't have tire jacks in their homes. I am betting rc keeps his guns in the trunk of his car.
Wow, whisperer, I just looked and you have 8000+ posts, and I just joined today but know in my heart that what you are feeling in Haleigh's case is what I am feeling.
The reason why only Ron and Misty know what happened to cause a fatal accident to Haleigh is because it happened when ONLY those two were present.

It was either a mutual decision to give Haleigh "house" drugs to put her to sleep so that misty wouldn't have to take care of her in her own downer state or:

Ron was pissed off when misty came home (after he demanded this) that he pulled out his gun, pointed it at her, Haleigh ran to the rescue of Misty, the gun goes off, no harm noticably done.....bullet lodged in Haleigh's 911 or Ron?

................................................. To much to lose by calling 911. Too many drugs in the house waiting for vendors. Gotta make a decision.

Can't lose Junior...........get rid of the drugs and the body
Ever since this transcript went up, I have a more than terrible feeling about rc and his temper. He was in no condition to go to work..none at all. I don't know why this is hitting me so hard tonight. It is like I can picture him that day. It gives me the chills.
If I were misty I would have taken off after seeing the mood rc was in...and I bet she did. He probably called tn and she begged misty to come back and watch those kids. They may have been left alone for awhile...rc locking them inside..and him leaving to either find misty or go to work.

TN wasn't nearby and she asked AS to check on the kids. I still haven't pieced this together yet.
COBRA & RON (5:26 minutes)
Cobra: you look like you ain`t scared of needles bro

Anybody else "getting the feeling" that Cobra was onto something (...or some things)? I am. JMO ~
I am the opposite of you, whisperer, in the sense that I have felt from day 1 of Haleigh's disappearance and seeing Ronald on tv that his personna was one of a batterer type guy.
Chills is an okay description.
COBRA & RON (5:26 minutes)
Cobra: you look like you ain`t scared of needles bro

Anybody else "getting the feeling" that Cobra was onto something (...or some things)? I am. JMO ~

I honestly believe that Ronald was (something) Cobra from the very beginning, nomo, but will be glad to be proven wrong.
I wonder if Cobra has any more tapes...hehe

Between Art Harris and him, they must have this figured out. Remember AH did a lot of editing.

I found it strange that rc dismissed WBG so easily..that always concerned me. Why wouldn't he be hunting him down? And to think now they are in the same jail...LOL
I honestly believe that Ronald was bullcrapping Cobra from the very beginning, nomo, but will be glad to be proven wrong.
Yeah, the testosterone was everflowing that day on both their parts.
I find it interesting that he can talk so non-chalantly about the gators too, nomore.

It is just too weird that HE is the one who made that remark about throwing the body in the water at different locagtion and he transferred that on to JO. This is the thinking of an addict/criminal. They are very good at displacing there faults and firmly planting them on another. The victim walks around dazed by all this and sometimes feel like they, themselves, are the crazy one.

Oh don't I know it! IMO I think Jo has had some mental health/illness issues and, unfortunately, this made him the perfect target. I can hear them now, "We'll tell em' Jo dunnit cause he's *advertiser censored**in crazy anyway. He can plead insanity and (in Ronald's words...) he'll be out - see, no harm done." :crazy: :banghead:
I am the opposite of you, whisperer, in the sense that I have felt from day 1 of Haleigh's disappearance and seeing Ronald on tv that his personna was one of a batterer type guy.
Chills is an okay description.

OH, I always thought of him as an abuser but for some reason reading the transcript, the violence is so real at the moment. Maybe it is because it is late and I am concentrating and all is quiet here.

If he did that to JO and JO was not equipped to handle that kind of confrontation and intimidaiton, anything could have would seem though that JO would go after rc and not a llittle girl, unless he is psychotic.

RC denied the fight when questioned about it right after Haleigh disappeared but then when he was talking to Cobra, he fesses up. This guy ron is nothing if he isn't contradicting himself.
I honestly believe that Ronald was bullcrapping Cobra from the very beginning, nomo, but will be glad to be proven wrong.

Ronald was denying ever using needles/shooting up when Cobra mentioned it to him. :)snooty: See, no track marks on my arms...) Misty's recent mention of Ronald being in the bedroom shooting up... tells me that Cobra was onto Ron back then. Now I'm curious if he was onto something, when he kept trying to get info out of Ron about having a "relationship" with LE...someone wanted him out of the picture - IMO

Oh don't I know it! IMO I think Jo has had some mental health/illness issues and, unfortunately, this made him the perfect target. I can hear them now, "We'll tell em' Jo dunnit cause he's *advertiser censored**in crazy anyway. He can plead insanity and (in Ronald's words...) he'll be out - see, no harm done." :crazy: :banghead:

Exactly, normoresorrow, because this seems to be the way this entire family has learned to scam themselves on the face of this Earth since inception.
At some level, rc knew he was going to prison as he announces it on the 911 tape. According to his thinking he'd rather go to prison on a drug charge then a murder charge.Prison doesn't scare him...I think he feels relieved. He now looks like a big shot for real, as money is (thanks to mommy) constantly in his account and can buy the brothers all day and night. He can finally achieve the top of the food chain where he believes he deserves to be. Things will change for him in the Big House though...and he won't like it.
Well I'm off to catch a couple hours of sleep before going into work. Good thing I only have a few hours of work to do today... See you all later!
Ronald was denying ever using needles/shooting up when Cobra mentioned it to him. :)snooty: See, no track marks on my arms...) Misty's recent mention of Ronald being in the bedroom shooting up... tells me that Cobra was onto Ron back then. Now I'm curious if he was onto something, when he kept trying to get info out of Ron about having a "relationship" with LE...someone wanted him out of the picture - IMO

As an outsider, I do feel that I am treading delicate waters here in a way, learning that folk's shoot up drugs under their sacks was new to me until Ronald said it on the record.

I am shrinking just thinking of it!! Queen Elizabeth is passing over my very face waving, smiling, telling me "It's gonna be okay, Lynx, this shall pass."

AHEM...........I won't rest until Haliegh has justice.
ron: do i think that`s where my daughter`s at? (answers own question) probably.

cobra: yea, well i`m trying to get a team down here brother and the only thing that`s stopping that right now… the only thing that is stoppin me is the sheriff and the *advertiser censored**** deputy wont call me back and they got the power to do it and they aint called me so… i finally talked to somebody from FDLE this afternoon and they gotta…

ron: well let me get on my phone and see if i can get john…

BBM Dark Red...IMHO..nuff said

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