Cobra: Tapes, Interviews & Case Discussion

At some level, rc knew he was going to prison as he announces it on the 911 tape. According to his thinking he'd rather go to prison on a drug charge then a murder charge.Prison doesn't scare him...I think he feels relieved. He now looks like a big shot for real, as money is (thanks to mommy) constantly in his account and can buy the brothers all day and night. He can finally achieve the top of the food chain where he believes he deserves to be. Things will change for him in the Big House though...and he won't like it.

I hear ya and agree, Whisperer, he thinks it's cool now on these charges, but he hasn't seen the "Big House", and after 15 years Misty ain"t gonna wanna him anyway.

That's what these (something) don't understand----cripes, 15 years!!!
Okay, Emerlalgem, this definitely looks like' Ron has had "connections" with local LE from day one of Haleigh's reported missing.

What does "BBM" mean?
Okay, Emerlalgem, this definitely looks like Ron has had "connections" with local LE from day one of Haleigh's reported missing.

Imagine that

What does "BBM" mean?

Bolded By Me

My response RED
Cobra is conniving .... It appears that he has been able to provide us with valuable information in this case. But really ... Is he planting evidence, creating scenarios, creating POI, confusing LE and the public? What does he plan to gain from his efforts?
REWARD MONEY .......... let's get the reward money higher here folks, and keep them donations coming in! JMO
Cobra is conniving .... It appears that he has been able to provide us with valuable information in this case. But really ... Is he planting evidence, creating scenarios, creating POI, confusing LE and the public? What does he plan to gain from his efforts?
REWARD MONEY .......... let's get the reward money higher here folks, and keep them donations coming in! JMO

I hear what you're saying about Cobra B4 and, like just about everybody else involved in this case, I had/have serious questions about his motives as well. With that said, the only interest I have in these particular transcripts is the fact that they include Ronald himself speaking in them rather than Cobra (or anyone else for that matter...) saying Ronald said this, that, or the other - If not for that, I wouldn't give them the time of day! JMHO ~
I'm not going to say that Ron doesn't have LE connections unrelated to the case, because we just don't know, BUT: him saying he would call "John" is, in my opinion, not exactly a definite sign and proof that he did have prior connections to LE. These tapes had to be done a good month after Haleigh went missing, given that Cobra did not show up in Satsuma until March. A month into things: no surprise that Ron would have direct numbers to members of LE in charge of the case. He's the father, this is his daughter missing... without a doubt LE would want to make sure that he has direct access to the individuals working the case.

Cobra's motivation: I say it was more like 25% reward money, 75% exploiting the case to gain publicity all in the name of becoming the next famous tv bounty hunter. That is why he brought Art on board to ride along and film things. I'm going to guess the "crew" he wanted to get down there was actually the Discovery filming crew that he and a bounty hunter crew he was later running around with on an unrelated case. (He talked about it on that "radio" show).

Do we know if Cobra ever produced the tapes that he claimed had Ron calling Nancy Grace on them... the one where Misty supposedly said something about people being on to them?
Can I get a link to these tapes please? I'd like to make sure they are documented in our Case Calendar. Thanks in advance! :blowkiss:
Can I get a link to these tapes please? I'd like to make sure they are documented in our Case Calendar. Thanks in advance! :blowkiss:

Sorry Kimster I didn't see this sooner. I was off searching for some other docs. I found the link to the audio recordings (4) here;
*I was able to listen to them w/out any problems using Windows Media Player.
Thanks! I just wanted to make sure we have the source documented for future reference! :D
I'm not going to say that Ron doesn't have LE connections unrelated to the case, because we just don't know, BUT: him saying he would call "John" is, in my opinion, not exactly a definite sign and proof that he did have prior connections to LE. These tapes had to be done a good month after Haleigh went missing, given that Cobra did not show up in Satsuma until March. A month into things: no surprise that Ron would have direct numbers to members of LE in charge of the case. He's the father, this is his daughter missing... without a doubt LE would want to make sure that he has direct access to the individuals working the case.

Cobra's motivation: I say it was more like 25% reward money, 75% exploiting the case to gain publicity all in the name of becoming the next famous tv bounty hunter. That is why he brought Art on board to ride along and film things. I'm going to guess the "crew" he wanted to get down there was actually the Discovery filming crew that he and a bounty hunter crew he was later running around with on an unrelated case. (He talked about it on that "radio" show).

Do we know if Cobra ever produced the tapes that he claimed had Ron calling Nancy Grace on them... the one where Misty supposedly said something about people being on to them?

I totally agree (BBM above) with you Elphaba - that, in and of itself, hasn't even entered into my reasoning for having some serious concerns about any possible confict of issues. I think your explanation makes perfect sense! JMHO ~
During the 911 call Ronald can't be bothered with the small, albeit critically important, details, such as what was HaLeigh wearing or her DOB;

911: "It's OK sir, we've got them on the way...ok- can you give me...what kind of description of pajamas was she wearing?"

Ronald Cummings: "I don't f%$ know!"

911: "What's her date of birth?

Ronald Cummings: "i'm going to f'ing kill somebody"

911:"Tell him we understand- we need to get her date of birth."

Misty: "what's her date of birth?"

Ronald Cummings: "F her date of birth- we need to find her- f her date of birth."

But apparently Ronald really is a "detail man" at heart after all...

ron: you know what`s crazy, though?

cobra: huh?

ron: my daughter come up missing feb the 10th… feb. the 10th, at about
three 27, 28… i was there for about three minutes turning the house
upside down and then told misty, call 911, call 911. call 911.

cobra: i heard ya , i heard the tapes. i heard em off the tv.

ron: at 3:26 is when the 911 call was made. so, i must have pulled in at about 3:23. they also have ummm surveilance videos from the top of the hill where it goes from two lanes to 4 lanes… they asked me if i was there what took me so long to get home? i said i stopped at the store…well what store? i told em, well what did you buy? i said, i bought a pack of basic lights in a box, i bought a pack of newport shorts in a box, i bought a pack of honey roasted peanuts, i bought a pack of salted peanuts, and i bought a 30 ounce Budweiser in a bottle.

No "*advertiser censored** what I bought at the store, you need to find my daughter!" ? Or perhaps just a simple straight-forward answer like "Peanuts, beer, and cigarettes." ? In stark contrast to the 911 call, here, when Ronald is being questioned by LE about his missing daughter, despite all of the stress that any average/typical parent would be experiencing at this point which would understandably cause them to forget minor (and meaningless) details, such as the type and/or brand of peanuts you bought... not Ronald. If anything his anxiety and tension should have been over the top at this point thinking about his little girl out there, God knows where with God knows who and the clock is ticking... "*advertiser censored** her date of birth!" * "I bought a pack of basic lights in a box..." * Haleigh's pajamas? "I don't *advertiser censored**in know!" * "I bought a pack of honey roasted peanuts..." Yes, I find this troubling - JMHO ~
Always the (something) the Cobra Tape, he also speaks and tries to convince Cobra that his friend OT is being confused by another with the exact name.

Does anyone have any idea why he tried to come up with two people with the same name as his friend OT. He even went as far as they have similar SSN's. To top it off, he said that one of them is a batterer and a drug dealer but his friend with the same name is not. OT's name is extremely rare and two living in the same community, unrelated is ridiculous. This shows us the extent he will go to outright lie and try to impress people with his knowledge...even if it flies in the eyes of reason.
Always the Smart the Cobra Tape, he also speaks and tries to convince Cobra that his friend OT is being confused by another with the exact name.

Does anyone have any idea why he tried to come up with two people with the same name as his friend OT. He even went as far as they have similar SSN's. To top it off, he said that one of them is a batterer and a drug dealer but his friend with the same name is not. OT's name is extremely rare and two living in the same community, unrelated is ridiculous. This shows us the extent he will go to outright lie and try to impress people with his knowledge...even if it flies in the eyes of reason.

Whisperer, There really is an OT with a criminal record (search Putnam County Clerk of Court site), however the PC jail shows no records - now whether or not it's Ron's friend OT I couldn't tell you.
Well I found 3 docs with OT on them at Putnam for criminal charges. Arrested 1/4/10 of this year. Did I miss this? 2 battery charges? One victim with a familiar last name in 2007. Hmmm..the other a new name.

Wonder what's on the civil end. Interesting but mostly sad the deeper you dig. Tears you apart some days to let it all sink in. Geez...

Type in the last name and put a percent symbol after the name like this Cummings%.

Oh and is this the right person? Being there's two with SSN's being a number off? I'd say something but won't.
My take on Ron mentioning Orlando is that Ronald was really thinking he was totally thugish and the proof was he had a black friend. I think this really makes Ronald feel legit in his twisted logic. He also brags to Cobra, I think he likes how Cobra is flattering him when they talk about the needle, and Ron says, yeah, but does it look like I have ever met one, or something like that, and to me its so apparent he thinks hes pulling yet again something over on people, hes proud hes shooting up but doing it somewhere where no one can detect.

Him answering his own question, oh, you think my daughter is with those gators, probably, I mean, what kind of cold evil being is this? How nonchalant can you get? Most people would be tore to shreds thinking a gator is burrowing with their 5 year olds body! I really used to think Ronald loved his child until I heard this tape. I think he is cold and probably one of the most callous brazen criminals the world has seen in sometime.

I'm not going to say that Ron doesn't have LE connections unrelated to the case, because we just don't know, BUT: him saying he would call "John" is, in my opinion, not exactly a definite sign and proof that he did have prior connections to LE. These tapes had to be done a good month after Haleigh went missing, given that Cobra did not show up in Satsuma until March. A month into things: no surprise that Ron would have direct numbers to members of LE in charge of the case. He's the father, this is his daughter missing... without a doubt LE would want to make sure that he has direct access to the individuals working the case.

Cobra's motivation: I say it was more like 25% reward money, 75% exploiting the case to gain publicity all in the name of becoming the next famous tv bounty hunter. That is why he brought Art on board to ride along and film things. I'm going to guess the "crew" he wanted to get down there was actually the Discovery filming crew that he and a bounty hunter crew he was later running around with on an unrelated case. (He talked about it on that "radio" show).

Do we know if Cobra ever produced the tapes that he claimed had Ron calling Nancy Grace on them... the one where Misty supposedly said something about people being on to them?

BBM.. Oh I can definitely relate to what you are saying however, I've seen the smirks when he mentions JM's name so I am more inclined to think differently..
I also know JM was at one time part of the drug division with PCSO, but was for some reason transferred out of that department..And I have learned some other things too..

Bottom Line for me I do feel Cobra was right on concerning Ron and his relationship with someone in LE...For certain LE didn't want Cobra snooping around down there... Same applies to Geraldo's visit and his questions concerning the drugs too...JMO
My take on Ron mentioning Orlando is that Ronald was really thinking he was totally thugish and the proof was he had a black friend. I think this really makes Ronald feel legit in his twisted logic. He also brags to Cobra, I think he likes how Cobra is flattering him when they talk about the needle, and Ron says, yeah, but does it look like I have ever met one, or something like that, and to me its so apparent he thinks hes pulling yet again something over on people, hes proud hes shooting up but doing it somewhere where no one can detect.

Him answering his own question, oh, you think my daughter is with those gators, probably, I mean, what kind of cold evil being is this? How nonchalant can you get? Most people would be tore to shreds thinking a gator is burrowing with their 5 year olds body! I really used to think Ronald loved his child until I heard this tape. I think he is cold and probably one of the most callous brazen criminals the world has seen in sometime.


(BBM above) Exactly! What dock is Ronald referring to here? Is it the dock that was JUST recently searched (Shell Harbor)? If I thought my child had been thrown in the water like a piece of yesterdays trash, all the angels in heaven couldn't have stopped me from going into those waters myself to search for him/her - Wonder if TN & Gma Sykes ran to search this area at the time Ronald mentioned it? Somehow I doubt it. JMHO ~
I think when Ron was talking about the gator pushing her into the mud he was trying to get Cobra to quit looking for her. She is gone might as well go home.

Cobra's failing was making excuses for Ron and Misty and TN's behavior. He should have just stuck with the evidence he was hearing and not tried to rationalize it.
I think when Ron was talking about the gator pushing her into the mud he was trying to get Cobra to quit looking for her. She is gone might as well go home.

Cobra's failing was making excuses for Ron and Misty and TN's behavior. He should have just stuck with the evidence he was hearing and not tried to rationalize it.

I just wish Doc that he (Cobra) wouldn't have continuously interrupted Ronald and have let him talk-talk-talk... missed opportunities :banghead:
This tape gives you an insight into rc. In contrast to the snippets we got when interviewed, he appears to be even more despicable. His arrogance is appalling. It can be easily reasoned why people think he is guilty even if he isn't. He is simply not likeable on any level. His speech patterns, callousness and his behavior leads people down the road of "Hang him".

The fact that he was given two precious children to keep in his care disgusts me.

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