Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #29

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Still waiting to hear why Trump turned down the WHO (World Health Organization) Corona Virus test packets, about 2 months ago. WHO supplied a multitude of tests for South Korea and 49 other countries, but Trump turned it down. SK tested thousands of people a day, and kept the curve down to avoid complete catastrophe on their health system.

Yet in the USA we turn down the same tests?

U.S. Lags in Coronavirus Testing After Slow Response to Outbreak

Coronavirus cases have dropped sharply in South Korea. What’s the secret to its success?
"Behind its success so far has been the most expansive and well-organized testing program in the world, combined with extensive efforts to isolate infected people and trace and quarantine their contacts. South Korea has tested more than 270,000 people, which amounts to more than 5200 tests per million inhabitants—more than any other country except tiny Bahrain, according to the Worldometer website. The United States has so far carried out 74 tests per 1 million inhabitants, data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show."
South Korea’s experience shows that “diagnostic capacity at scale is key to epidemic control,” says Raina MacIntyre, an emerging infectious disease scholar at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. “Contact tracing is also very influential in epidemic control, as is case isolation,” she says."
I think campgrounds in the California national parks are still open, but California State Park campgrounds have been ordered to close, so it might not be too long before the same happens to campgrounds in the NP's.

Right now, lodging closures in Yosemite and Sequoia/Kings Canyon are slated to last until March 31.

I wonder how this will affect permanent RV'ers. I have family members whose father travels around the country driving his lady friend's truck and travel trailer. According to this 2018 Washington Post article,

there are 1,000,000 Americans with this lifestyle.
“Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, appearing on The Times’s podcast “The Daily” this morning, emphasized that his priority remained halting the spread of coronavirus — and not the economic fallout from mandatory closings and restrictions that have been put in place.

“You are past the time of monetizing these decisions,” he said.

“You are at a point of deciding: how many people are going to live, how many people are going to die?”“

N.Y. Braces for Months Under Coronavirus Restrictions: Live Updates
I tried staying away from this thread but decided to come over today. This has prob been asked before but if someone texts positive for covid-19 what is the treatment plan? I know it’s a respiratory illness so would nebulizer breathing treatments be a good idea? Just wanted to get some advice.

CDC is your friend .. You can also access the clinical protocols, they may be a little technical.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
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“Mayor de Blasio calls for military intervention.
Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Wednesday morning that the United States military should get involved in helping to coordinate the medical response to the disease.

“The military has extraordinary medical capacity,” Mr. de Blasio said on “The Today Show.” “It’s needed in places like New York right now.” He added that the medical resources and logistical know-how of the armed forces were not being deployed as they could.

“The American military is being sidelined when they should be given a chance to get in this game and help us all.”

Mr. de Blasio also continued to insist on the importance of a discussion about shelter-in-place-measures in the city, and said that he would have a conversation with the governor — who has strongly opposed the idea of such measures — later Wednesday.“

Hospital Ship Headed to New York as Virus Count Spikes: Live Updates
“Mayor de Blasio calls for military intervention.
Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Wednesday morning that the United States military should get involved in helping to coordinate the medical response to the disease.

“The military has extraordinary medical capacity,” Mr. de Blasio said on “The Today Show.” “It’s needed in places like New York right now.” He added that the medical resources and logistical know-how of the armed forces were not being deployed as they could.

“The American military is being sidelined when they should be given a chance to get in this game and help us all.”

Mr. de Blasio also continued to insist on the importance of a discussion about shelter-in-place-measures in the city, and said that he would have a conversation with the governor — who has strongly opposed the idea of such measures — later Wednesday.“

Hospital Ship Headed to New York as Virus Count Spikes: Live Updates

Have they closed school and bars? Have they called up the National Guard? VA Governor already worked on plans for alter medical site.

GA HHS sequestered an Atlanta motel.

Got to help yourself before folks will help you.

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I understand some people have to take their children with them. I am just saying it's not very safe for the children and others right now. In Wuhan, people were ordered to sit in their apartments, with food being delivered to these apartments. We (US) are not doing nothing like that. Fact is, it's going to spread covid around.

This would be the wisest advice for families with small children to order delivery or curbside pick up than risk infecting or being submitted to COVID-19.
Or ask or pay a neighbor to run to the store for them. Neighbors need to start helping each other out. It's sad we haven't before helped single parents with small children.
Better yet a govt service that could deliver the groceries the same day.
I wouldn't subject a child to going to the grocery stores. Most kids hate it and get overwhelmed, stressed out by it let alone during a pandemic and people are acting irrational and frightening to children.
Reply to self.
Notes from his presser :

*PA Governor Wolf joins NY, NJ and CT governors in coalition against CV to work together enforcing same regs.

*Mandatory - only 50% of workforce can be required to go to work in NY. Does not include essential workers.

*Number of cases up because testing is up. 14,000 tests done so far.

*23% of cases (549 out of 2,382) hospitalized

*108 have been discharged.

*Focus on facts. We know how this virus has performed elsewhere and here.

*Patient recovered. Was tested after having virus and tested negative.

*Panic and fear disconnected from reality.

Must be why WH presser delayed.

Well, heck if "panic and fear are disconnected" don't guess they need help. They might want a give the mayor of NY a call, he's singing out of a different hymn book.

Presdent on now.
I'm somewhat ashamed to admit this but I will in case anyone else hadn't considered it. Hubby and I drink lots of ice water. When our glass is empty we automatically put that glass up to the ice dispenser on the frig door. So we have been continuously spreading our germs on that ice dispenser.
I'm somewhat ashamed to admit this but I will in case anyone else hadn't considered it. Hubby and I drink lots of ice water. When our glass is empty we automatically put that glass up to the ice dispenser on the frig door. So we have been continuously spreading our germs on that ice dispenser.



From Jerry Falwell Jr. to Dr. Drew: 5 Coronavirus Doubters
While public health experts warn people to take precautions, these popular media figures insist that the virus is overhyped.

“Misinformation about the coronavirus continues to circulate across swaths of the American media — on popular podcasts, in blog posts, in online videos and on prime-time cable news shows — as recently as this week.

Some of the disseminators are entertainers. Others are medical doctors. Some are conservatives who insist the virus is being hyped for political purposes. One is a comedian with no medical training who has raised doubts about vaccinating children.

Even as President Trump and the federal government’s top public health officials warn that the virus is not something to be taken lightly — and the authorities reported more coronavirus deaths in the United States on Wednesday — these commentators make misleading comments, cherry-pick facts and go so far as to claim that the virus could be a hoax or a North Korean plot.”
-more at link
From Jerry Falwell Jr. to Dr. Drew: 5 Coronavirus Doubters
While public health experts warn people to take precautions, these popular media figures insist that the virus is overhyped.

“Misinformation about the coronavirus continues to circulate across swaths of the American media — on popular podcasts, in blog posts, in online videos and on prime-time cable news shows — as recently as this week.

Some of the disseminators are entertainers. Others are medical doctors. Some are conservatives who insist the virus is being hyped for political purposes. One is a comedian with no medical training who has raised doubts about vaccinating children.

Even as President Trump and the federal government’s top public health officials warn that the virus is not something to be taken lightly — and the authorities reported more coronavirus deaths in the United States on Wednesday — these commentators make misleading comments, cherry-pick facts and go so far as to claim that the virus could be a hoax or a North Korean plot.”
-more at link
I couldn't read past the first two.
Head-banging emoji.
First confirmed case in my City. Travel related. Home isolation. Co-worker sent home for 2 weeks due to his wife in isolation. Her results pending. Canadian/U.S. border closed to non essential. I worry for my Sister and Brother In Law who are high risk. If something happens I cant get there. Would it be even a wise decision if I could. Snowbirds and spring breakers heading home-I don't even want to think about that. I just don't even know what to say anymore. I had a good cry this a.m. and it sure helped. It got so very real. 1st Grand to arrive in July.....stay safe everyone.
I tried staying away from this thread but decided to come over today. This has prob been asked before but if someone texts positive for covid-19 what is the treatment plan? I know it’s a respiratory illness so would nebulizer breathing treatments be a good idea? Just wanted to get some advice.

I think it could be. I have some inhalers on hand I plan to use if either of us become ill.
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