Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #29

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Still waiting to hear why Trump turned down the WHO (World Health Organization) Corona Virus test packets, about 2 months ago. WHO supplied a multitude of tests for South Korea and 49 other countries, but Trump turned it down. SK tested thousands of people a day, and kept the curve down to avoid complete catastrophe on their health system.

Yet in the USA we turn down the same tests?

U.S. Lags in Coronavirus Testing After Slow Response to Outbreak

Coronavirus cases have dropped sharply in South Korea. What’s the secret to its success?
"Behind its success so far has been the most expansive and well-organized testing program in the world, combined with extensive efforts to isolate infected people and trace and quarantine their contacts. South Korea has tested more than 270,000 people, which amounts to more than 5200 tests per million inhabitants—more than any other country except tiny Bahrain, according to the Worldometer website. The United States has so far carried out 74 tests per 1 million inhabitants, data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show."
South Korea’s experience shows that “diagnostic capacity at scale is key to epidemic control,” says Raina MacIntyre, an emerging infectious disease scholar at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. “Contact tracing is also very influential in epidemic control, as is case isolation,” she says."
the tests were not approved by FDA. You can read at the WH press release from yesterday. Moo
Maybe starvation can induce you to lower your expectations?

I'm joking, but maybe this isn't the time to be overly picky about your produce. It is what it is.
Sorry, but I'm not going to eat brown, wilted, old produce. Just joking, but I'll leave that stuff for you.

There are a few things that I like about Trudeau's pressers. He's always outside, always stands alone without a ridiculous bunch of people standing too close behind him. He addresses the main concerns and speaks in a reassuring voice.
Much like Boris Johnson's press conference of Monday. That was very well done and lacked the...hyperbole.... that mars some of the US presentations.
I'm somewhat ashamed to admit this but I will in case anyone else hadn't considered it. Hubby and I drink lots of ice water. When our glass is empty we automatically put that glass up to the ice dispenser on the frig door. So we have been continuously spreading our germs on that ice dispenser.
You don’t even want to think about restaurant ice machines, or soda fountains. MOO.
Must be why WH presser delayed.

Well, heck if "panic and fear are disconnected" don't guess they need help. They might want a give the mayor of NY a call, he's singing out of a different hymn book.

Presdent on now.

I should have finished the quote but I was transcribing as he talked.
"Worse than the virus is the fear that is spreading relative to panic-shopping and lockdown. The panic and fear is wholly disconnected to the reality."

Also, he was giving examples of people who have recovered, and stats on increased testing resulting in increased cases and also lower mortality. I don't consider that he was downplaying the seriousness in anyway, and I took hope in what he said advising people to look at all the facts.

He has been out in front of this from the beginning, so I'm all ears when he speaks. JMO

the tests were not approved by FDA. You can read at the WH press release from yesterday. Moo
I can't see turning down tests when there was and still is no mass substitute. The president had and still has the power to overrule the FDA. I'm sorry I can't believe most of what I hear in those conferences, like 5 minutes ago (18-3-2020) when Pence just said there is no need to test anyone if they don't have symptoms.

A person can be virulently contagious before that same person develops symptoms. Sometimes those very contagious people never develop ANY symptoms themselves, maybe a slight dry cough. They will go on blithely infecting other people because of the information they just received from VP Pence.

IMO they are spreading this dangerous misinformation to CYA for not developing a diagnostic testing program in the USA, such as South Korea made very good use of.
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I get angry that some college kids are still flocking to the beach for their Spring Break!!! We are dealing with a serious situation and the curve needs to get flat . My college kid cancelled his beach plans then so can others. SMH
High school kids in my area are going. Smh why would a parent allow/fund a vacay at this time.
I already told my sister that if I die, she'd better throw out all the food from her chest freezer, cause I'm renting it until I can get a funeral with all my family attending. Maybe they can have a small ceremony in the grocery store, because at least more than 10 people can attend. I'll choose it to be held in the flower section! :)

I can't see turning down tests when there was and still is no mass substitute. The president had and still has the power to overrule the FDA. I'm sorry I can't believe most of what I hear in those conferences, like 5 minutes ago (18-3-2020) when Pence just said there is no need to test anyone if they don't have symptoms.

A person can be virulently contagious before that same person develops symptoms. Sometimes those very contagious people never develop symptoms themselves, but a slight dry cough. They will go on blithely infecting other people because of the information they just received from VP Pence.

I post this daily, from Dr. Birx:

So if you have any respiratory symptoms, you want to protect yourself and treat yourself, but you also want to protect others. And so let’s everyone assume, when they have a respiratory illness, that you have a contagious illness because if it isn’t allergies, it’s contagious. And let’s use those precautions across the board, and let’s — when you get a negative test, that means you’re negative that day. That doesn’t mean that you couldn’t get the virus spreading overnight, because it replicates in your nose and your nasal secretions, and you would have a positive test tomorrow.

So if you have a negative test, that doesn’t mean that you can discontinue precautions. It doesn’t mean you can start taking risks because you were negative. So let’s ensure that if you had symptoms, you are contagious; let’s treat yourself as being contagious. And if you have a negative test, let’s make sure that you’re still protecting others from whatever you do have and that doesn’t reassure you personally and you take additional risk.
Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #29

Realistically, you could get tested, be negative and stop at WMT on your way home and be one positive.
I post this daily, from Dr. Birx:

So if you have any respiratory symptoms, you want to protect yourself and treat yourself, but you also want to protect others. And so let’s everyone assume, when they have a respiratory illness, that you have a contagious illness because if it isn’t allergies, it’s contagious. And let’s use those precautions across the board, and let’s — when you get a negative test, that means you’re negative that day. That doesn’t mean that you couldn’t get the virus spreading overnight, because it replicates in your nose and your nasal secretions, and you would have a positive test tomorrow.

So if you have a negative test, that doesn’t mean that you can discontinue precautions. It doesn’t mean you can start taking risks because you were negative. So let’s ensure that if you had symptoms, you are contagious; let’s treat yourself as being contagious. And if you have a negative test, let’s make sure that you’re still protecting others from whatever you do have and that doesn’t reassure you personally and you take additional risk.
IMO you can't deny testing to all people because some will be false negatives, or negatives before infection. If you stop testing people because there may be negatives, that means our country misses all the true positives.

So, Dr. Birx is saying that we don't want to invest in testing any possibly negative people, and that missing positive people is somehow worth that inconvenience to the momentarily negative person.
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Detroit automakers agree to shut down plants amid positive coronavirus cases

Detroit — Detroit's three automakers have agreed to close all of their factories due to worker fears about the coronavirus, according to an Associated Press source.

Automakers are expected to release details of the closure later Wednesday. The United Auto Workers union has been pushing for factories to close because workers are fearful of coming into contact with the virus.

The move comes after two Michigan auto assembly plants have shut down Wednesdaamid positive cases of coronavirus among workers and just one day after rejecting union calls for broader two-week plant closures...
Central Florida ~I was reading on a forum specific to my retirement community. Many people reporting requests from adult children to come and visit with the grands. Schools out, parents off work, airfare is cheap ~ Let's go visit a bunch of senior citizens during a pandemic! Yay!

This is really a problem. Some parents just can't say no when they should. Maybe it will help that there is little to do now. Rec centers, movie theatres, most restaurants, all closed.
Hopelessly behind reading. Am just now able to sit down for a bit. Major scrambling this morning. I got notification yesterday that my dog food order from Amazon had shipped. So relieved. I have two Labs and I will be out of food tomorrow (thought I had more...don't ask...I should have been more vigilant). Overnight I got another notification from the 3rd party seller that the packaging had been damaged and they are cancelling the order. sold out of the kind my dogs eat. I hate to switch brands...makes their stomachs upset.

Grocery delivery isn't available where I live.

Tried to make an account at the big city grocery store so I could order dog food and a few groceries for curbside pickup. Website keeps crashing on me.

Tried at a smaller store in a different town. Supposedly they have my dog food etc. I got a confirmation to pick up this afternoon.

I hate hate hate to go out, but, hopefully I can get all of this and then be done. The plus side is hopefully they have eggs. I ordered two cartons--my neighbors can't find any so I'll drop them off on my way home. Fingers crossed.
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