Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #29

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I understand some people have to take their children with them. I am just saying it's not very safe for the children and others right now. In Wuhan, people were ordered to sit in their apartments, with food being delivered to these apartments. We (US) are not doing nothing like that. Fact is, it's going to spread covid around.

This would be the wisest advice for families with small children to order delivery or curbside pick up than risk infecting or being submitted to COVID-19.
Or ask or pay a neighbor to run to the store for them. Neighbors need to start helping each other out. It's sad we haven't before helped single parents with small children.
Better yet a govt service that could deliver the groceries the same day.
I wouldn't subject a child to going to the grocery stores. Most kids hate it and get overwhelmed, stressed out by it let alone during a pandemic and people are acting irrational and frightening to children.
IMO, I want to shop and pick out my groceries myself. I buy fresh, and don't want the old, wilted, brown etc produce. Or the next day expired date on dairy products, meat and even salad dressing. I use to just pick from the shelf until I realized that the salad dressing I bought last month was already expired. Big box stores are notorious about having close to expire dates.


Luckily all the delivery services I ever used NEVER sent me a wilted produce item or expired dairy product. It would reflect poorly on their company.
I use Aman Prime/pantry and Amazon Fresh/Whole Foods plus local HEB delivery. I'm very impressed! Sometimes they throw in extra goodies like new products to sample.
This would be the wisest advice for families with small children to order delivery or curbside pick up than risk infecting or being submitted to COVID-19.
Or ask or pay a neighbor to run to the store for them. Neighbors need to start helping each other out. It's sad we haven't before helped single parents with small children.
Better yet a govt service that could deliver the groceries the same day.
I wouldn't subject a child to going to the grocery stores. Most kids hate it and get overwhelmed, stressed out by it let alone during a pandemic and people are acting irrational and frightening to children.
Trust me, neighbors are helping neighbors. I'm in the midst of it, living it. As neighbors, we're especially looking out for our elders, single moms, and kids.

If it's not happening where you are, well, make it happen.

Standing shoulder-to-shoulder again :mad: So much for social distancing :rolleyes:

I can't watch it right now.

Can someone please count the number of times someone touches that podium and how many people touch it?

I think Dr. Bix has never touched it (she seems to stand to the side of it ), but I think Dr Faucci has touched it in several conferences
A few things to help keep this vital discussion open and safe:

  • This forum is NOT for debate. It is for the sharing of information and feelings. If someone’s feelings are not in line with yours, DO NOT DEBATE. It is not productive and it negates the purpose of the discussion here. STOP before you reply in anger to someone who posted something you do not agree with or like. REPORT it instead and Mods will determine how to handle it or whether it can stay. DO NOT DEBATE.
  • Discussing personal FB posts of ANY kind, yours included, is a violation of TOS. Apparently Facebook has had a technical glitch and numerous posts by many folks were deleted in error. THAT IS NOT FOR DISCUSSION ON THIS BOARD, and those posts talking about it will be deleted.
  • ANY of the above CAN be discussed in Private Messages. That is where these subjects belong.
This is an extremely difficult and challenging time for all of us. It is not uncommon for fear to manifest itself in anger. We can try our best to direct our fear and anger in ways that do not hurt others, but will still allow for venting anger because that is normal and healthy. We just need to try to keep the anger off the boards so that we can all manage our fear at such a time as this.
Still waiting to hear why Trump turned down the WHO (World Health Organization) Corona Virus test packets, about 2 months ago. WHO supplied a multitude of tests for South Korea and 49 other countries, but Trump turned it down. SK tested thousands of people a day, and kept the curve down to avoid complete catastrophe on their health system.

Yet in the USA we turn down the same tests?


I found this Coronavirus testing: WHO and CDC never discussed providing test kits to the US, global health agency says

I've seen numerous articles about this rumor but this seemed the most reliable.
Trust me, neighbors are helping neighbors. I'm in the midst of it, living it. As neighbors, we're especially looking out for our elders, single moms, and kids.

If it's not happening where you are, well, make it happen.


This, with bells on!

Those that don't want or need to be community spirited are the ones who should just stock up more and lock their door.
You just have to laugh. I used to think that I had "stress". That is so trivial compared to the last 24 hours of my crazy life.

Geez, I wish that I had the same "stress" I was dealing with three months ago. Like, "gee, what pants should I wear to yoga today..."

In the last 24 hours I have spoken to a hospice nurse, dealt with filing for unemployment, and now, an earthquake, affecting my house and family in SLC, UT. On top of Coronavirus.
What are yalls thoughts? Some people in my small rural town/ county are wanting to do like Dare County and block access for tourists who are flooding here and depleting our one grocery store. Some people think it’s a horrible idea that they are adamantly against. The closest hospitals are small and 45 minutes to an hour away

So they want to block outsiders from shopping at the grocery stores? People who are visiting the area? How would anyone determine that? Make people stand in line and show proof of living in the county or something? That sounds awful to me. Why are there so many tourists in an area with only one grocery store and not enough food?
Coronavirus: How to protect your mental health
''With weeks and months of the coronavirus pandemic ahead, it is important to have down time. Mind recommends continuing to access nature and sunlight wherever possible. Do exercise, eat well and stay hydrated.

AnxietyUK suggests practising the "Apple" technique to deal with anxiety and worries.

  • Acknowledge: Notice and acknowledge the uncertainty as it comes to mind.
  • Pause: Don't react as you normally do. Don't react at all. Pause and breathe.
  • Pull back: Tell yourself this is just the worry talking, and this apparent need for certainty is not helpful and not necessary. It is only a thought or feeling. Don't believe everything you think. Thoughts are not statements or facts.
  • Let go: Let go of the thought or feeling. It will pass. You don't have to respond to them. You might imagine them floating away in a bubble or cloud.
  • Explore: Explore the present moment, because right now, in this moment, all is well. Notice your breathing and the sensations of your breathing. Notice the ground beneath you. Look around and notice what you see, what you hear, what you can touch, what you can smell. Right now. Then shift your focus of attention to something else - on what you need to do, on what you were doing before you noticed the worry, or do something else - mindfully with your full attention.''
Don't worry, you won't turn into a communist country just because supplies are limited to each purchaser. It's a fairly common practice for stores to put limits on amounts that any one person can buy. It's unfortunate that it is necessary, but it certainly doesn't make me uncomfortable. In fact, I feel better knowing that everyone has a better chance of getting what they need. After all, the situation requires it.

I agree. Rationing/limits on food purchases happened during wartimes in America. This is not a communist concept it's a logical plan.
I've been renewing by mail for years - and still have my photo from the 90's on my license because of that. It's ridiculous (but, boy, don't I look good for my age!). I need a new license with updated photo....but it will wait.


Oh boy, having relocated 1,000 miles 4 months ago...I have been working on updating my legal and medical information. I was getting close to the end of my list...sooo close. All I need for sure now is to get my new Rx eyeglasses before my new Rx expires on Sept 1, 2020. This situation pushes my timeline back for a while. Since I need to go in person to the optometrist to get them.
I have already updated my car title, tags, Real ID drivers license, medical Rx, snail mail paper trail, cell phone, and other stuff i can't remember.
All the while helping Dad get his affairs in order....visiting lawyers etc, taking him to his Dr appts etc.
Now, most all is on shut down.
''WestJet is temporarily suspending all flights between Canada and the U.S., Mexico, the Caribbean and other international destinations as of Sunday, March 22 at 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time — an operational decision that will leave thousands scrambling to get home by other means. The flight cancellations will be in effect for at least 30 days.''

''Up to $5,000 available for travellers

To help people like Roche, Allen, Caruana and symptomatic Canadians stuck overseas, Foreign Affairs Minister François-Philippe Champagne has announced a new "special financial assistance program."

The COVID-19 emergency loan program for Canadians abroad will give citizens the option of applying for an emergency, repayable loan of up to $5,000 to help pay for plane tickets — which have become much more expensive in recent days — or to "temporarily cover life-sustaining needs while they work toward their return," according to a backgrounder supplied by the government.

"Each application will be assessed on the individual situation and need. In all cases the Canadian will need to undertake to repay the loan in its entirety," the backgrounder said.

Eligible Canadians now outside Canada and needing help to return home can contact the nearest Government of Canada office or Global Affairs Canada's 24/7 Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa at +1 613-996-8885 (collect calls are accepted where available), or they can email''
Hell is coming,” Pershing Square’s Bill Ackman says he told CEOs as he became concerned with the coronavirus threat. “This was a feeling like I’ve never had. Like there’s a tsunami coming.”

His advice to the White House? “Shut it down now.”

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