Delay revealed-Motion to determine competency filed by defense

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My take is that casey is insisting on testifying, against counsel's advice. We all know she will come across as nutso. Either that or she wanted to fire her team or someone on the team - I said they would likely do competency exams if she wanted to suddenly fire her team - or she otherwise is insisting on a bizarre strategy.
Was just re-watching ICA's odd behavior when she entered the courtroom this morning. She was smiling and looked bright eyed, had that look like the cat that ate the canary. I think she is HAPPY she was declared competent because she is biting at the bit to get on that stand and TELL the jury EXACTLY what happened. Afterall, she is "SUCH a good liar", she will have no trouble conning them into seeing things her way.
I really think on Friday that ICA was just upset because LA was upset. But something ticked her off by the expression on her face in that video, man evil if I ever saw it. Those clenched teeth just scared me and I bet that is a common look on her when she is not getting her way, IMO.
This girl is just evil, not sick, you can read her letters to jail friends, she was mad at GA when she saw GA's interview with FBI, she used the F word then put frown faces. She is a huge liar, and very confident that she is still the one in control. She talked about moving to another country and starting over when this is done, and that her Mom said she would go with her. She just thinks she is smarter than everyone else. IMO, are all evil people sick making all good people healthy?
The only reason I would ask for a competency hearing is if ICA WASN'T lying to me!!!
Casey wants to testify. It's near the end (HOPEFULLY) of the defense presentation. She wants to get on the stand and garner the spotlight.

The DT does not want her to.

Therefore, as part of their strategy, they're "questioning her competence" on the record as a face-saving (client saving) tactic. She is happy that she's going to testify. When she's done testifying, the defense can say "see, we questioned her competence" to counter any points the prosecution scores. The timing of this can't be a coincidence.

But I have a question: Is the jury to be aware of this competency hearing?
I certainly hope the jury does, not right if they sit there and think she is sick.
I agree with several others. IMHO, Casey wants to take the stand, which is her right, and the DT filed this motion trying to stop her and to protect themselves.
Was just re-watching ICA's odd behavior when she entered the courtroom this morning. She was smiling and looked bright eyed, had that look like the cat that ate the canary. I think she is HAPPY she was declared competent because she is biting at the bit to get on that stand and TELL the jury EXACTLY what happened. Afterall, she is "SUCH a good liar", she will have no trouble conning them into seeing things her way.

I KNEW she was up to something on Saturday... the look/smile she gave HHJB (like she had kicked him in the beans) was because she was proud of herself "for being such a good liar"... she got HHJB to stop everything and tend to her fragile state of mind...

BUT just because you think you excel at bean kicking doesn't mean that you actually do...
Sorry if this was posted is the pdf for the motion.

Psychologists said Casey Anthony competent to proceed

"Snip" By Anthony Colarossi and Bianca Prieto, Orlando Sentinel
1:15 p.m. EDT, June 27, 2011

Read: Emergency motion, orders regarding Casey Anthony's competency evaluation (PDF)

A secret conversation between Casey Anthony and her lawyers prompted them to ask for an emergency competency hearing and halted court Saturday, according to court records released this morning.

Chief Judge Perry responded that same day by ordering forensic psychologists Dr. Harry A. McClaren and Dr. Ryan C.W. Hall, as well as psychologist Dr. Daniel Tressler, of Altamonte Springs — to evaluate Anthony at the Orange County Jail.

The psychologists determined Anthony is competent to stand trial.

Read more...,0,3654894.story
Oh what a tangled Web we weave .... but the Web is unravelling. Desperate times need desperate measures.

Damage control. The ship is sinking since the captain must testify and no one is willing to go down with the captain, ICA.
VP said "we know she has issue she said nothing for 31 days,,,,if I committed murder I would Never say anything, how many murders say nothing about it.

She probably mentioned the incest many times to get it on the record

Smart move - EXCEPT it is powerful - competent people don't act the way she did. Now the jury will think she purposely acted evil
I don't think the jury will hear about this.
I wonder if the Psych eval was due to ICA bearing her teeth at CM the other day? Wonder what she said?
That was my thought too! That video of her showed her baring her teeth like a wolf at JB- she was enraged, until he turned and looked at her, then she had to hide her expression.
... as Evil does


The Unraveling of the Perpetrator?


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Geraldo R reported that JB stated that court would start as usual on Monday morning when he was questioned about what had transpired on Saturday.
How did JB know that court would commence as usual on Monday if none of the Mental Health experts had yet to examine ICA and submitted their reports?
Did JB know the motion to evaluate her competency was just a ploy for more time and she would be deemed competent? Seems odd to me.

Please. Geraldo just wanted to look like he knew something that nobody else did. He took a chance that it would be like the time recessed early when JB has some sort of issue and when it resumed we never found out happened or heard anything else about it. In the end, he was WRONG...imagine that...he said court would start Monday like nothing happened, but we did find out what Saturday was about. He is a big faker.
So what are the odds of us actually getting to read those doctors' reports? Can they be released to the public?
From this video this rant happened right after a sidebar during Cindys latest testimony. What was said during that sidebar?

Please, if anyone gets a hold of any of the sidebar transcripts coming out lately, post prominently!

Wish JB's head weren't blocking ICA's rant in the video. To me, my first thought was that ICA threatened CM's life with something like "I'm going to kill you!" and then quickly turned "nice" when JB noticed her. Totally, just making a guess, but threatening the life of your attorney might make him want her to go through a competency hearing.

...And after re-watching the "rant"...I see where she points at JB. Does look like she says, "You, get him" or something like that to CM while pointing at JB. So, is it JB she's mad at and not CM?
OK, maybe since Casey sees that George and Lee aren't going to say they molested her, she's now claiming it was Cindy that molested her. Afterall, looks like Cindy will fall on the sword with vigor just to help Casey!!!!

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