Dr. Phil w/George and Cindy Anthony Air Date 9/13 and 9/14 2011 Thead # 2

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LOL Next we will see CA and GA on Dr. Drew's Celebrity Rehab!! Do the celeb's get paid for being on this show?

:great::great: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

And after that will be Dancing with the Stars. :floorlaugh:
About Cindy's comment relating to knowledge of where Caylee had been dumped...

Just remembered the snippet of one of the first jailhouses visit, where Cindy says- we don't know where Caylee is, and Casey sneers and says sarcastically, you don't?

Thinking about it now, I'd bet that Cindy is play-acting for the cameras, knowing the tapes will be used in court, and Casey, knowing that Cindy knows well enough, if not yet exactly, lets her game face slip for a moment out of pure contempt for her mother.

one phone call i am trying to remember was something like =Casey has been called a pathological liar and a narcissist. (one who only thinks of .... And she said "What do you mean you don't know what MY involvement is in this? (as if to infer Cindy did have a part in all tis too?) It would explain ... Perhaps they asked her to go along with this, to keep us all confused? I think too, the
I can't see how anyone would be surprised. I guess the sad part of that is FCA sees this as well and perhaps think, if my parents can get high ratings for an interview, I wonder what I would get?

well...I didnt (and will not) watch this, I've depended on what's been posted here :great: but I will admit that if OCA was interviewed at least as brutally* as GA & CA appear to have been and I knew she was not paid....I would watch it to see her body language. chick might lie like a rug but her body language gives her away every time.

*I get that this wasnt particularly brutal, but it wasnt softball either.
one phone call i am trying to remember was something like =Casey has been called a pathological liar and a narcissist. (one who only thinks of .... And she said "What do you mean you don't know what MY involvement is in this? (as if to infer Cindy did have a part in all tis too?) It would explain ... Perhaps they asked her to go along with this, to keep us all confused? I think too, the

You mean this one? Casey says, "You don't know what my involvement is..."

LOL Next we will see CA and GA on Dr. Drew's Celebrity Rehab!! Do the celeb's get paid for being on this show?

:great::great: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Yes. One of my cousins was on and paid very nicely ~ over and above the free treatment.
well...I didnt (and will not) watch this, I've depended on what's been posted here :great: but I will admit that if OCA was interviewed at least as brutally* as GA & CA appear to have been and I knew she was not paid....I would watch it to see her body language. chick might lie like a rug but her body language gives her away every time.

*I get that this wasnt particularly brutal, but it wasnt softball either.

That's the thing though, there is no way she's not going to get paid for something like that. Even if whoever is doing the interview says they didn't pay her, I wouldn't buy it.
I actually like Dr. Phil and will continue to tune in as long as his show doesn't get any sleezier then the A's. I don't watch it everyday but do usually find some of his guests are interesting and need his guidance.

JMHO but I believe GA has been upfront all along. I know many people say he has lied but I don't see it. Not even the KH affair nonsense. First off, the woman is butt ugly and I believe GA has a bit more class then that lol. I do not believe KH for a millisecond, I feel she did the whole story of an affair for bucks. I believe GA has avoided questions for fear of being lambasted by CA. CA is the one with her head in the sand. She's the one who has lied to cover KC's butt. And by golly GA just better shut up and go along with it or else there's heck to pay. Now that they are in front of Dr. Phil, they know there's no pulling no punches, he won't hear of it, he will call them on it. For anyone who watched the interview, you can see how he digs at Cindy when she gives a ridiculous statement.

Bottom line is, both George and Cindy believe KC was responsible for Caylee's death, George believe she murdered her and Cindy is going with the drown theory. I wish GA would divorce CA and file a lawsuit against KC. Now wouldn't that be something. Maybe that is what CA is fearing and she's sticking to her accidental drowning story to ward of GA's lawsuit. :O


I saw many signs of anger coming from Cindy. She got her little digs in and the shed being locked was one of them. Of course she blames George. I have no doubt he has been used as the scapegoat for many years in that house by both women. Knocking George around is as regular as the sun coming up, imo.

She blames him totally for his on line gambling habit he had back in 2005 yet a lot of times gambling can become a substitute because the person feels alone, depressed, and cutoff or unloved by their loved ones so they turn to other things that occupy their mind. Did Cindy ever consider that it was something deeper that made him turn to that because there is no evidence that he had done it in prior years. Nope, no excuses for George or wanting to understand the 'why' it came about in the first place. George is so use to being blamed for everything that he always just accepts the total blame and holds everything inside and tries to endure and hang on. By now he has such codependency he knows nothing else. He is as addicted to Cindy as if it is bad drugs.

So of course she blamed him because he dared lock the shed up to keep his thieving daughter out. How dare George.....he is the reason she had to borrow a shovel. Poor Casey. And bad George.

I did like it when she started on that trail of lies about the neighbor and she lies with greatest of ease. She tried to say the neighbor saw Casey's vehicle in the driveway the entire hour:innocent: but George corrected her and said the neighbor actually said he did not watch Casey constantly for he was doing other things around his home. But to hear Cindy tell it the neighbor set up surveillance looking at nothing but Casey's vehicle the entire time.:innocent: Ugggh. She can spin a lie on a dime.:innocent:

So for Cindy she has built this imaginary story based on nothing but fantasy and lies (sound familiar?) and she fully expects George to get over what was done to Caylee by Casey and forget that she was tossed away like garbage. "Forget it George.......move on.":innocent:

That is NEVER going to happen and I don't wish divorce on anyone but George Anthony needs to get out of that toxic relationship that has held him captive for over 30 years. It is slowly killing him.

Just look at the two of them. Cindy looks rested and healthy..never losing weight. Not a care in the world:innocent: and George is still going through the grief of losing what was most precious to him and who did it. He seems very fragile and is just a shell of the man he was before his world was shattered beyond repair.

What does oca mean?

Offender Casey Anthony, I believe.

I like it better than OKC, Offender Casey. I live in Oklahoma City, which is often shortened to OKC, so I always do a double take when I see that one!
Offender Casey Anthony, I believe.

I like it better than OKC, Offender Casey. I live in Oklahoma City, which is often shortened to OKC, so I always do a double take when I see that one!

Thanks Aedrys.

Also, if anyone has a link to Part 1, could you post it. I realize this is probably not going to happen, but still trying. Thanks - Solace

I saw many signs of anger coming from Cindy. She got her little digs in and the shed being locked was one of them. Of course she blames George. I have no doubt he has been used as the scapegoat for many years in that house by both women. Knocking George around is as regular as the sun coming up, imo.

She blames him totally for his on line gambling habit he had back in 2005 yet a lot of times gambling can become a substitute because the person feels alone, depressed, and cutoff or unloved by their loved ones so they turn to other things that occupy their mind. Did Cindy ever consider that it was something deeper that made him turn to that because there is no evidence that he had done it in prior years. Nope, no excuses for George or wanting to understand the 'why' it came about in the first place. George is so use to being blamed for everything that he always just accepts the total blame and holds everything inside and tries to endure and hang on. By now he has such codependency he knows nothing else. He is as addicted to Cindy as if it is bad drugs.

So of course she blamed him because he dared lock the shed up to keep his thieving daughter out. How dare George.....he is the reason she had to borrow a shovel. Poor Casey. And bad George.

I did like it when she started on that trail of lies about the neighbor and she lies with greatest of ease. She tried to say the neighbor saw Casey's vehicle in the driveway the entire hour:innocent: but George corrected her and said the neighbor actually said he did not watch Casey constantly for he was doing other things around his home. But to hear Cindy tell it the neighbor set up surveillance looking at nothing but Casey's vehicle the entire time.:innocent: Ugggh. She can spin a lie on a dime.:innocent:

So for Cindy she has built this imaginary story based on nothing but fantasy and lies (sound familiar?) and she fully expects George to get over what was done to Caylee by Casey and forget that she was tossed away like garbage. "Forget it George.......move on.":innocent:

That is NEVER going to happen and I don't wish divorce on anyone but George Anthony needs to get out of that toxic relationship that has held him captive for over 30 years. It is slowly killing him.

Just look at the two of them. Cindy looks rested and healthy..never losing weight. Not a care in the world:innocent: and George is still going through the grief of losing what was most precious to him and who did it. He seems very fragile and is just a shell of the man he was before his world was shattered beyond repair.


ITA. Cindy even gained weight at one point! She is obviously not suffering. I do think George is suffering, but sometimes, you have to be the one that gets yourself out of your own suffering. If he is waiting for someone else to get him out, he'll be waiting for the rest of his life. He has to choose to get away from Cindy and help himself to become better before that happens. I do really wish he'd leave Cindy and better himself, but sadly, I don't think he ever will. I don't think he knows what to do with himself without a woman there to tell him what to do.
Cindy knows but she can't admit it. She is going to say the child drowned yet KC still was chopping down bamboo that very same day. Riggggggggggggght.
I still have nothing but sympathy for Cindy. I do believe she is in deep pathological denial. How would it be of any benefit to her to actually accept the truth? If she needs to believe it was an accident and Casey lies because of a brain tumor, chemical imbalance or whatever to get out of bed and simply survive everyday...so what? Why does anyone care? Her beliefs didn't kill Caylee. Her actions didn't get Casey off.
My Take: There was a rivalry going on in that house like the world has not seen. When cindy would come home, casey would hold caylee, trying to keep cindy from grabbing her. casey wanted it both ways. She couldn't have it though...not anymore. cindy had the upper hand. After almost three years of this, casey decided to take matters into her own hands. Cindy was going to pay for getting physical with her. It is very likely cindy and her got into it with casey being on the floor and cindy stronger than her may have tried slapped her or worse.

This makes a lot of sense to me. Casey would drug and/or ignore Caylee all day. When Cindy came home, she would go into hyper mommy mode. This could be why Cindy has consistently insisted Casey was a good mom. Because when Cindy was around Casey was a good mom competing for Caylee's love.

The image of Cindy pinning Casey to the floor (giving her a good old fashioned spanking) makes me snicker a little bit.
I don't stick up for my child if he's done something wrong, and I don't protect him from the consequences. This is just as vital as providing food, shelter and love.

Respectfully snipped and bolded from BellaVita's post at 5:23AM today:

"Cindy: To me, that was not Caylee, I mean yes it breaks my heart that her body was left there but what were we gonna do anyway? Our belief is for cremation. And Caylee's remains would have been cremated at that time and they were cremated 7 months later."
Cindy is trying to imply that it's not important to what happened to Caylee's body after death because it was not really Caylee? Then why is it so important now? So important that she wears Caylee's ashes? Her actions seem to contradict her words, to my thinking.
I believe she was just trying to trivialize Casey's offense.
What's new?

I've always believed how we treat our dead is as much a ritual for the living as it is for the deceased. Not only does it say how we feel about someone, it shows our humanity. And I have no doubt Cindy Anthony feels the same way. Why else have that televised grandiose memorial service, that somehow managed to be more about Casey Anthony than baby Caylee.

How we treat our dead signifies the respect we have for human life itself. That's why when we hear stories of graves being desecrated we are outraged, that's why we pick out a favourite outfit for the deceased, close their eyes, make them look as good as possible before we bury or cremate them. Where atall possible we treat the dead with reverance. Its fundamentally the decent thing to do as well as a comfort to those left behind. This is how we demonstrate love and respect to the life departed and give them dignity.

How was Caylee Anthony's body treated. It was treated like a bag of refuse, tossed hurriedly from the roadside. She had duct tape over her tiny, once beautiful face. Animals and insects fed on her. There's no escaping that Cindy and there's no excusing it.
IMO, Cindy wanted the baby; she knew KC was pregnant, there is no doubt about it and she also knew that KC had problems; they did not just surface. But Cindy wanted another baby in the house.
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