Drew Peterson's Trial *FIFTH WEEK* part one

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RT @StacyStClair: #drewpeterson expert Jentzen says Savio fell on side, then hit head knocking her out...

[AND earlier today he said she hit her head, which made her dizzy and then she fell and drowned...]

eta; I guess that explanation was in his pretrial hearing testimony.
Dr. Vincent J. M. Di Maio is an American pathologist and a nationally renowned expert on the subject of gunshot wounds.[1][2] Di Maio is a board-certified anatomical, clinical and forensic pathologist, and a private forensic pathology consultant.[3]

maybe Drew, after he profited so handsomely from KS's death? I know he's a tightwad about money (money-grubbing) but I suspect he would pay out of his ample account to save his own azz.

jmo abbie

Well, he probably had money from a source he wouldn't care to name. He was a crooked cop in my very honest opinion. It doesn't take much of an imagination on my part.

Well, he probably had money from a source he wouldn't care to name. He was a crooked cop in my very honest opinion. It doesn't take much of an imagination on my part.


Agree. Like this magically disappearing cocaine and cash from the trunk of a suspects car......

I truly wish expert's testimony was solely based on their reputation and not a paid service. Understandable for travel expenses,meals,hotel to be covered. If their testimony was based entirely on their opinions it goes to their credibility and reputation. How it should be :moo:
Now now. Let's not start calling people names or I'll have to go into mod mode. :nono:

In Session The jurors are now back in the courtroom. Prosecutor Connor continues his cross-examination: The witness is asked about his prior testimony (in which he indicated that Savio probably hit her head first, which is not what he’s said today). “I don’t recall it.” “Is there anything that would refresh your recollection?” “If it was in the court documents, I would assume that would be my testimony.” That concludes the cross-examination of this witness.
Finally caught up. Busy day IRL.

Keep doing work Prosecution!

In Session “The body of Kathleen Savio was face down, with an injury to the back of her head . . . it’s your testimony she ended up face first, despite an initial fall backwards?” “I believe she was found lying on her left side. Her face is to the left lateral position.” Despite being shown a photo of the body in the tub, Dr. Jentzen maintains “that is not a face down position.” Once again, he insists that the injury to her buttock is actually “a drying artifact . . . we see it all the time with bodies that are out in the air for some time . . they occur in certain areas of the buttock area . . . the buttock crevice area . . . I can’t explain it.”

After all of those glowing reports and a 29 page resume, this mornings witness still left open a few cracks for the state. he could not say for certain it was an accident. And his accident scenario was confusing when explaining exactly how it happened. He also admitted it might have been a homicide and he admitted she might have had defensive wounds on her hand and he admitted that many orher pathologists disagreed with a few of his findings...
After all of those glowing reports and a 29 page resume, this mornings witness still left open a few cracks for the state. he could not say for certain it was an accident. And his accident scenario was confusing and he contradicted himself when explaining exactly how it happened. He also admitted it might have been a homicide and he admitted she might have had defensive wounds on her hand and he admitted that many orher pathologists disagreed with a few of his findings...

I love reading this post! I hope the jurors have made mental notes of all these points. :yes:
maybe Drew, after he profited so handsomely from KS's death? I know he's a tightwad about money (money-grubbing) but I suspect he would pay out of his ample account to save his own azz.

jmo abbie

Well he was willing to pay $25,000 to have Kathleen murdered so he shouldn't have any problem trying to save his own butt.
In Session Attorney Meczyk begins his redirect. Once again, the witness is asked about some prior testimony (regarding the three separate bruises v. one impact question). “You said it was possible it could be three separate impacts, or could be the same impact?” “Yes.” “Doctor, you told the jury you’ve been paid $8,000?” “Yes.” “Because you’re an amateur or a professional?” “I am a professional forensic pathologist . . . I have used a lot of time and effort in this case.” “Does that amount of money influence in any way the opinion you’ve rendered before this jury?” “No, it’s just for my time and effort.” That’s it for redirect. There is no recross, and so the witness is excused.
As Jentzen leaves courtroom, #Drewpeterson judge asks him to leave copy of scholarly paper he wrote on frustrations from dealing w/ lawyers.

judge's joke about frustrating lawyers gets big laugh in the courtroom....
Dr. Vincent DiMaio called to the stand. #drewpeterson

DiMaio is a forensic pathologist. A nationally-renowned expert on gunshot wounds, according to Wikipedia
In Session The next defense witness takes the stand: Dr. Vincent DiMaio (questioned by Ralph Meczyk). “Did I ask you to come to a conclusion as to the death of Ms. Kathleen Savio?” “Yes.” “Did you do that?” “Yes, Sir.” Before he gives that opinion, however, he is questioned about his educational and professional background. Just as he is about to start, the judge calls the attorneys to a sidebar.
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