Dylan Redwine Case Discussion Thread/Dylan's Remains Found

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Can anyone, from all the pictures, all the video, show me one picture with Dylan having a cell phone in his hand?

I practically live on my cell phone, and there's not a single photo of me out there with one in my hand. People don't generally take pictures of others texting or talking on the phone.
As well, during the DP show, Mark was trying to indicate a different place, but was interrupted so many times, he never got a chance to clarify what he was trying to state.

In fact for someone that is to be such a "hothead", he never "LOST IT" once. Conversely, I did see other get hot under the collar.

So much for the characterizations so many have blindly accepted, with out proof.

Even LE completely dismissed the one report of DV over 20 years ago. Why is no one asking themselves why we have not even heard who took Dylan to the airport? Anyone?

Have we seen even remotely one timeline of anyone other than Mark?
No we have not. Why is no one asking why?

Who cares who took Dylan to the airport? He arrived there safely, so I don't see that it matters.

What other timelines do we need? Mark was the adult in charge of Dylan and was the last to have seen him alive. So obviously his timeline is the most important one.

And just because Mark SEEMS jovial and laid-back it does not mean he is not seething and raging internally. JMO
<o/t, but just want to say Cluciano63, your avatar is adoooooooooorable!!!!

Then can anyone explain how he was able to get this body, down a steep slope, and stuffed into a drain? This thought process is flawed.

Did anyone look at what the handpicked team was using? What skills they had? If one had, one would not assume something so absurd.

Especially, as stated, if he was so DRUNK and a lazy good for nothing? Can anyone explain to me how while DRUNK he was able to do all of this? Can anyone explain how he was able to not only get down to this location but back up?
The thought process of the body be stuffed into a drain is flawed. The drain might or might not be where the all bones were found. If the drain was where some were found, it starts somewhere and ends there, or starts there and ends somewhere else (I couldn't really tell from the short video I saw). If the drain starts somewhere else, the remains could have washed into the area found. No climbing involved. It is possible that the drain that was shown in the video runs under the road (possibly at Bear Creek).

The thought process of there being any climbing involved to put the body at the drain is also flawed. If this drain is under a road, there may or may not be a steep slope involved at either end. It depends on where it is and how long the drain is. The steep slopes pictures were where the searchers were looking and remains may or may not have been found in those areas. It is entirely possible that the body was thrown off a steep slope. Or left in the creek. Or buried and unearthed. Or half a dozen other things.

You'd be amazed what a drunk person can do, BTW. Not saying that any drunk person did this, but they would be perfectly capable of doing so.
Well I really doubt he was going to hike 10 miles up the mountain, if that is what you are trying to imply here.

Ask Cory how far he hiked.

I have no idea how far he would hike. I would not be hiking in the mountains, by myself, with bears, mountain lions, but I can't speak for Dylan.
Sorry if this has been covered as i have just got home for the evening but is Mark chuckling when he is talking about Dylan and locating all of him ? - it is about 1 min 3 secs in .


Yup, it was a chuckle. Though IMHO not a "joke" chuckle. I think it was a reaction to exactly what he was saying. Like when you laugh and shake your head because what you are saying is so (for want of a better word) ridiculous.
Mark Lunsford and his father Archie were both lied to and accused by LE in the process of his daughters murder case being investigated. Both were the main suspects in the death of Jessica Lunsford. Popular opinion was that Mark and/or Archie murdered Jessica. The court of public opinion had Mark Lunsford tried, found guilty and was eagerly awaiting his execution.

Until they arrested John Couey and got a confession out of him. John Couey wasn't even on their radar, he was a RSO who was not where he was suppose to be living. He was in fact living across the street from the Lunsfords at his sister's house, unbeknownest to any of the neighbors.
This young man R, was Dylan's friend. What does Dylan's friend state about Dylan's relationship with his father? One has to love kids. This young man has NO agenda.

Take the time to listen to what he states.

http://www.koat.com/news/new-mexico/alb ... index.html

I listened very much to what R said and I read his text messages too. R seemed to pick up fairly quickly that Mark had told Dylan no he couldn't visit his friends that night. Even when R asked Dylan why, Dylan's original response to R was Idk. It was R who texted your dad said no?

Do we always show who we are in front of company? In my opinion, most of the dysfunction happens behind closed doors. Shiny example in the public eye and behind closed doors it can change with a blink of an eye.

Text messages -
Can anyone, from all the pictures, all the video, show me one picture with Dylan having a cell phone in his hand?

I have sat here for 7 months listening to Dylan being tech savvy, generational, and in ONE interview, Cory stated he loved hiking, throwing the football, camping.

7 months of listening to this. Then in a 3 minute clip, from Cory's own mouth, he liked hiking, camping, throwing the football????????????


Why on earth do you need to take a photo of somebody on a phone for that to proof they always texted friends. LE have said

Investigators say the place where Dylan's remains were found was not a place he would have gone on his own.
"Dylan had a very set routine. He was a very communicative fellow on the Internet and Twitter with his friends. And he had very specific definite plans with his friends and he never showed up for that...it's totally unlike Dylan."
Ask Cory how far he hiked.

I have no idea how far he would hike. I would not be hiking in the mountains, by myself, with bears, mountain lions, but I can't speak for Dylan.

LE can and said

Investigators say the place where Dylan's remains were found was not a place he would have gone on his own.
Can anyone, from all the pictures, all the video, show me one picture with Dylan having a cell phone in his hand?

I have sat here for 7 months listening to Dylan being tech savvy, generational, and in ONE interview, Cory stated he loved hiking, throwing the football, camping.

7 months of listening to this. Then in a 3 minute clip, from Cory's own mouth, he liked hiking, camping, throwing the football????????????


I remember hearing about how he was not an outdoorsy kid, even in the face of video clips showing Dylan mugging it up at the reservoir with all his friends, and pictures of him in a baseball uniform. I remember hearing how Dylan would not go outside on his own, he would not fish on his own, he would not hitchhike.

But then it comes out that Dylan loved baseball, spent last summer outdoors from dawn to dusk, hanging out with friends, riding ATV's, swimming, fishing, hiking, camping and even a story of him hitchhiking. But those that knew he best insisted he would never do these things and didn't like them. Except then later they said he did. :facepalm:
That is probably the point Cory was trying to make. While Cory probably has no recent knowledge of where the pole was stored, the whole fishing pole + backpack + shorts + November - tackle - coat thing never added up for me.

I truly don't understand why the backpack is missing. Assuming MR is not the culprit, why would Dylan take *all* his stuff. If MR is the culprit, why wouldn't he just bring the pack inside? I'd love to hear from anyone with a great explanation for this.

If MR was the evil behind Dylan's death the only reason I can think of as to why he did not bring Dylan's items in the house was b/c evidence of Dylan's death may have been on it.

If MR is not involved..... Dylan might have taken his items if he was running away.
If kidnapped while running away then the kidnapper would have taken everything.
If kidnapped from the house or if Dylan wandered outside for a bit I do not see why the pack would have been taken. Unless Dylan had a habit of walking around the house with it on his back.

Personally not sure why he would want to runaway. He had already sucked it up, got on the plane to go visit his dad the only thing left was to bare with it for a bit. He did have his friends to look forward to so he knew some of that time would be spent with friends.
To my knowledge, LE has not cleared anyone, even those supposedly 6 hours away.

I believe, from watching the actions of LE, that Elaine and Cory have been cleared. They passed their poly's. They have been included in the searches and have been in close contact with LE, who even helped her craft some of her questions for Mark in their mediation. It is also evident in the March Press Release, in which they confirmed the family's whereabouts, as being 6 hours away, and instead asked people to send in info they might have about MR's and DR's interactions on Sunday and Monday.
If MR was the evil behind Dylan's death the only reason I can think of as to why he did not bring Dylan's items in the house was b/c evidence of Dylan's death may have been on it.

If MR is not involved..... Dylan might have taken his items if he was running away.
If kidnapped while running away then the kidnapper would have taken everything.
If kidnapped from the house or if Dylan wandered outside for a bit I do not see why the pack would have been taken. Unless Dylan had a habit of walking around the house with it on his back.

Personally not sure why he would want to runaway. He had already sucked it up, got on the plane to go visit his dad the only thing left was to bare with it for a bit. He did have his friends to look forward to so he knew some of that time would be spent with friends.

Thanks for responding! Since the post you are quoting, I thought of the evidence in/on the backpack as well in an MRDI narrative. I've outlined one in a more recent post.
Wow...just reading through the thread a bit. I'm so glad there is some movement in Dylan's case, and hopefully it is a movement toward justice.

It is interesting some of the things that catch my eye, and this is neither here nor there really, but I read a couple of posts citing Dylan's mom not sending him with a jacket in November as an example of her own flaws as a parent.
Now, mind you, I would rather step barefoot in a pile of dog shet than to try and take either side in a contentious divorce, but my thoughts in the jacket are this: Dylan was fourteen. Old enough to know that if he doesn't pack his jacket, it's possible he may get cold. As a parent, I would leave the responsibility of packing a jacket up to him. I mean, I'd suggest it and have it cleaned and ready, but if a fourteen year-old doesn't bring his jacket on a trip, I wouldn't necessarily blame the parent.
The kid says Dylan and his dad got along great. You're right, why would he lie?

When Dylan was very young they did get along great. But as he was growing up, and hitting the teen yrs, things were getting rocky.

Mark was estranged from his 3 older sons. <Mod Snip>
MR said he is the top suspect. So he must be a group thinker/hive whatever, or incapable of thinking for himself as well.
Wow...just reading through the thread a bit. I'm so glad there is some movement in Dylan's case, and hopefully it is a movement toward justice.

It is interesting some of the things that catch my eye, and this is neither here nor there really, but I read a couple of posts citing Dylan's mom not sending him with a jacket in November as an example of her own flaws as a parent.
Now, mind you, I would rather step barefoot in a pile of dog shet than to try and take either side in a contentious divorce, but my thoughts in the jacket are this: Dylan was fourteen. Old enough to know that if he doesn't pack his jacket, it's possible he may get cold. As a parent, I would leave the responsibility of packing a jacket up to him. I mean, I'd suggest it and have it cleaned and ready, but if a fourteen year-old doesn't bring his jacket on a trip, I wouldn't necessarily blame the parent.

I agree. In this specific case, Dylan packed a large hooded sweatshirt. It is not technically a 'coat' but it does provide warmth. When my DS was 13 he wore shorts, even in the rain. And he wore hoodies, not coats. It is not that unusual, imo.
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