FL - Mass Shooting at Pulse Nightclub, Orlando 12 June 2016 #3

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I thought it was reported Disney reported their suspicious behavior at the time it happened.

Eta: Sorry, this is in response to rsd1200s post.
Ever notice all the arguments presented about the 'low' number of people in the US killed or injured by a terrorist(s) in the name of Islam starts counting on September 12th, 2001?

Those articles and graphs and studies never seem to want to include the 2996 people killed or the more than 6000 people injured on 9/11.

I'd like to see a tally of total people killed or injured in the US, by any person or group, in the name of Islam, starting September 10th, 2001.

Anyone have THAT number?

To say that number is "pretty high" would be understating it.

Islamic terrorism is real. It's here within the borders of the US. They really do want to kill us. No amount of wishful thinking is going to make that reality disappear.
He mentioned the Roof shooting (church one) negativily - after saying he had no issies with africian americans

and yet, he had no qualms killing blacks either. he was an radicalized equal oppurtunity hater :furious:
I'm trying to catch up on reading. But I have a question. Is there any difference between homophobia and internalized homophobia?
Ever notice all the arguments presented about the 'low' number of people in the US killed or injured by a terrorist(s) in the name of Islam starts counting on September 12th, 2001?

Those articles and graphs and studies never seem to want to include the 2996 people killed or the more than 6000 people injured on 9/11.

I'd like to see a tally of total people killed or injured in the US, by any person or group, in the name of Islam, starting September 10th, 2001.

Anyone have THAT number?

The attacks killed nearly 3,000 people from 93 nations. 2,753 people were killed in New York, 184 people were killed at the Pentagon and 40 people were killed on Flight 93. Perpetrated by Al-Qeda, an international Islamist extremist terrorist network founded in the late 1980s by Osama bin Laden, who was killed in a U.S. military operation on
May 1, 2011. Fifteen of the 19 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia. Two were from the United Arab Emirates, one was from Lebanon, and one was from Egypt. I don't have the total number for those injured and those dying are still happening b/c of what they ingested there that day. Thank Heaven for the people who went and fought Congress for the funds to help those brave men and women who are suffering from the after effects all these years later.

Edit: And no, I've always seen the list start w/911 as the largest single day, terrorist, disaster. Now, possibly they word it "since" 911, but 911 is always there. No one ever forgets that horror.
Wondering how much shorter than his wife, was the shooter?
Did that have any significance for him?


'Not the smartest, but... beautiful'; Details emerge about Orlando shooter's wife

I think he married for his father. Look pa I am heterosexual! It lasted 16 weeks --there is so much info in that fact. Actually, has anyone heard of a marriage that lasted a dash longer than a quarter of year!!

media just said "he was drawn to ISIS" he was not "drawn" to ISIS..in moo........... his father is from that part of the world, a narsisstic, homphombic, unemotional leave blank!

there is a difference IMO
YES. There ARE criminals in our midst, who DO want to kill us, and some of them do so in the name of an ancient faith. JMO
I think he married for his father. Look pa I am heterosexual! It lasted 16 weeks --there is so much info in that fact. Actually, has anyone heard of a marriage that lasted a dash longer than a quarter of year!!

media just said "he was drawn to ISIS" he was not "drawn" to ISIS..in moo........... his father is from that part of the world, a narsisstic, homphombic, unemotional leave blank!

there is a difference IMO
Some men have short men syndrome, others do not. My son is barely 5'7". His g/f is taller than him and he could not care less. His grandfather is shorter than him and the women just love him! After grandma passed he had women running up and down the street w/casseroles and offering to move in and "keep house" for him.

But as to the marriage, he probably was abusive and she left.

meant to respond to dotr on the height issue.
BBM. Some of us do see that and say that. And we're called racist and Islamophobic.

Sometimes, reality bites. Reality is, they are determined to kill us.

JMO, but I would think it rather difficult to dialogue with a death cult. With an ideology that wants you converted or dead.
I think he married for his father. Look pa I am heterosexual! It lasted 16 weeks --there is so much info in that fact. Actually, has anyone heard of a marriage that lasted a dash longer than a quarter of year!!

media just said "he was drawn to ISIS" he was not "drawn" to ISIS..in moo........... his father is from that part of the world, a narsisstic, homphombic, unemotional leave blank!

there is a difference IMO

Agree, except homophobia is not limited to "THAT" part of the world, and neither is narcissism. JMO
long indeed ,but was looking for the latest, this came up, did not need to watch it, but thought of ya all

To say that number is "pretty high" would be understating it.

Islamic terrorism is real. It's here within the borders of the US. They really do want to kill us. No amount of wishful thinking is going to make that reality disappear.

I found a list, can't link it right now, on my phone at the car dealership. Had to add all the instances in my head, so is approximate.

Since, 1972 there have been @3196 people killed in the US, in the name of Islam.
YES. There ARE criminals in our midst, who DO want to kill us, and some of them do so in the name of an ancient faith. JMO

not ancient by any means. it's like 1000 yrs old, kabbalah was created like 900 yrs ago Judaism is like 5000. No islam is kind of a new religion.
I'm trying to catch up on reading. But I have a question. Is there any difference between homophobia and internalized homophobia?

Homophobia is the fear of homosexuals and the other is being homosexual and fearing it b/c one believes what homophobes say is true. This is what I believe it to be from a straight's perspective. jmo

[FONT=&amp]38,300 people were killed and 4.4 million injured on U.S. roads in 2015,

From 1999 to 2014, more than 165,000 people have died in the U.S. from overdose

New research estimates up to 440,000 Americans are dying annually from preventable hospital errors.

  • murder Number of deaths: 16,121





I've been saying for years that if we really want to save lives, we should lower the speed limit universally to 15mph, and require that all cars be built like Hummers, and make driver licenses much harder to get.

But all of that is irrelevant to this thread, which is about a terrorist attack by an Islamic terrorist.
not ancient by any means. it's like 1000 yrs old, kabbalah was created like 900 yrs ago Judaism is like 5000. No islam is kind of a new religion.

TY. I think that you left out a few centuries there, but no matter. If most ancient wins the prize, then Polytheism rules! Religions developed and evolved out of a HUMAN need for ultimate leadership and protection. It was created by man and edited by man, depending upon tribal needs. It is interpreted by man, as well. Man can't conceive of his own death. Faith, whatever it is, is the promise of life after death. JUST MY OUTLOOK.
Watching closely here.

Fair warning - low on patience.
CARIIS - I always enjoy reading your posts. But I too have gotten confused what with your use of "McDonalds" vs. "Burger King", etc. I would like to understand what you are saying. Perhaps I should say I want to be able to easily understand what you are saying!

Are you saying that OM was espousing loyalty to two opposing groups? What are those groups and how are they in opposition?

P.S. Did you see that it has been announced that the EgyptAir plane has been located?
I deleted the posts with the statistics !!!
CARIIS - I always enjoy reading your posts. But I too have gotten confused what with your use of "McDonalds" vs. "Burger King", etc. I would like to understand what you are saying. Perhaps I should say I want to be able to easily understand what you are saying!

Are you saying that OM was espousing loyalty to two opposing groups? What are those groups and how are they in opposition?

P.S. Did you see that it has been announced that the EgyptAir plane has been located?


TY! I yours as well!

Kinda funny. How that came up (Burger King etc) was I was astounded to learn that he kept saying , on different calls - he was representing for different terrorist groups, that all had totally different belief systems as it relates to killing us.

I could not remember, much less spell (!) the three different groups!

So I came up with an anolgy I could spell somewhat!

And no I did not know Egypt ty for letting me know - this has been so unreal for me(Pulse) that I had not checked in on that !

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