FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #18

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Links don't seem to be a problem. No personal info (like a name) is showing.

But as to the connection to the case (other than the last name) ... which is extremely common ... there is also a dermatologist by that name in GA. And another lawyer in CT. And a mental health counselor in WA. Didn't go any further. IMO, we should move on. I don't know the WS rule on DNFTT but am trying to find.

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The animosity between DT & ST is very evident to me. The comment DT made to reporter "Yes the Father is in the picture", shortly after when asked another question re ST coming to FL. "well if he is coming to Fl he won't be staying at my home", she said this in a rather curt way. JMO

I know from personal experience, my Dad cheated on my Mother & she literally loathed the man. However, a death in our family (even though they literally could not be in the same area at the same time), they buried their hate for one another & mourned the loss. If interviewed by the media, I am confident my mother would have made similar statements as DT when asked about my Dad.
I see what you're saying mommaD - unfortunately I've had to write & pay for an obit. I wonder what happened between the two of them (DT & ST) that would cause her to react in such a manner. I can't see the boyfriend having that much control over DT and her kids to stop them from communicating with ST... know what I mean?

Why not? There are plenty of men like PC and they are pure evil. They go into a woman's life and take over the role of dad even though the dad is there. I wouldn't mind if Somer didn't but if she really wanted her dad to come and get her, there must have been something seriously wrong there.
I see what you're saying mommaD - unfortunately I've had to write & pay for an obit. I wonder what happened between the two of them (DT & ST) that would cause her to react in such a manner. I can't see the boyfriend having that much control over DT and her kids to stop them from communicating with ST... know what I mean?

yes, I know what you mean.. wonder which of the 2 will break and tell what first???? I know I am out with my thoughts to much ( thats why I have to watch myself here) I don't keep much back. I am not a sneaky person.. I know we don't like seeing dt snarl but maybe she is this way also. she is out with her carp as I say about myself. but others I have been connected to are sneaky and try to make themselves look like mr . goody 2 shoes.. just irks me sometimes.. bad relationships show with snarky comments and faces.

just my opinion and experience..
I hear ya, all in all it is my opinion that he should not have been omitted and listed as Somer's father in the obit. To me this is the norm, regardless if the parents are split up.Thx
I haven't been able to read for a week what is the general thoughts of everyone? Is LE any closer? Do you all think DT is lying? Throw me a bone....Anyone?
I haven't been able to read for a week what is the general thoughts of everyone? Is LE any closer? Do you all think DT is lying? Throw me a bone....Anyone?

I would throw you a nice meaty one if there were any. The Cupboards are bare and we are dealing with just a few scraps of info.
Just my :twocents: here.. I don't know if any of you have done an obit for family member ... that said my experience with my mothers ... we (me, my son , daughter , step-father) all sat around the table with funeral home directors and they helped us do the obit. they ask the questions needed and family answers them... like deceased mothers husband name , children and names address sometimes too.. thats personal if want that.. brothers sisters grand childeren greats , mother and father.

see where I am going. us as family decided what we wanted in the obit for my mother and what papers we wanted it in and what towns..
now for us we had to pay for ads..

we had to pay by how many words or lines after so many (can't remember exactly that part) and we had to pay for other papers..
mom's was in local and her hometown state.. and a couple others..

but we did it all. I don't know if this the norm... by husbands mothers was like this also.. family filled out obit years ago.

ETA: remember DT had all this gifted to her for Somer.. if the media is correct on this reporting.. so I don't know what they would charge for obit .. free??? limit space???

My thought, MommaD is that of course Diena was giving the information for the obituary, and would have had her closest family members w/her, especially her b/f, who, I believe, if as controlling as we think he may be, would have had more to do w/this than we know.
Well, well. I googled the above and found this site:
Just how far is West Columbia SC from ST? There's a picture, and a phone #, btw, if you go to some of the tabs.
There's also this, but I doesn't seem to have anything to do w/this except for the last 4 digits of the ph #.
Can I show these links? If not, somebody tell me now!

WOW doggies - really not sure that it's allowed but regardless, nice work!

Going to chew on that a little while....

Hey can you do me a favor - please edit your post #363 and DELETE THE LINK in the middle of my post that you quoted??!?!?

Absolutely he was the father and his name should have never been omitted. I think it was a spiteful act by DT. That was not the time for such and I'm sorry that alone tells me a lot about the character of a person.
I've been searching, wondering if ST's side of the family had written his own obituary for Somer.

If anyone sees, please post (again).
I just have this feeling that we will be shocked when we find out what happened. I hope I'm wrong..I hope I'm very wrong.
I haven't been able to read for a week what is the general thoughts of everyone? Is LE any closer? Do you all think DT is lying? Throw me a bone....Anyone?

Definitely, lying in my opinion. But who am I?
I'm having a hard time understanding this intense hatred for ST that Diena has ... even 3 years (or so, IIRC, that [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4431797&postcount=291"]sadnpod posted[/ame]) after beginning her relationship with C. Perry C.
I've also done several obits on my family members and trust me one cannot forget to put mother and father names. It has to be done on purpose.
I haven't been able to read for a week what is the general thoughts of everyone? Is LE any closer? Do you all think DT is lying? Throw me a bone....Anyone?

we are just picking at the same bone hippy.. that bone is getting so thin I am hoping it will break soon and let out a whole lot of info..
Links don't seem to be a problem. No personal info (like a name) is showing.

But as to the connection to the case (other than the last name) ... which is extremely common ... there is also a dermatologist by that name in GA. And another lawyer in CT. And a mental health counselor in WA. Didn't go any further. IMO, we should move on. I don't know the WS rule on DNFTT but am trying to find.

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But to have the same first name and same numbers as last 4 of his phone number?!?!?!

I guess we should drive to the long & seemingly endless list of strange and odd coincidences in this case and add yet another one...

[Excuse me while i drive past the astros revealing the astroid on Somer's chart by the name of WK...hard to believe but apparently true...]

Why not? There are plenty of men like PC and they are pure evil. They go into a woman's life and take over the role of dad even though the dad is there. I wouldn't mind if Somer didn't but if she really wanted her dad to come and get her, there must have been something seriously wrong there.

But once again pinamia, that is hearsay that Somer called & asked her Dad to come & get her... obviously the paternal & maternal sides have their differences & a line was drawn in the sand. But ya know what? Regardless of the domestic issues, it still doesn't take away from the fact that there is a killer out there that needs to be caught. That's what I'm going to try and stay focused on.... the subhuman piece of that did the unthinkable .
I have been at a wedding in New Orleans my friends son and anyway the brides aunt was there she is from Orange Park (small world). When I met her I asked her later if she knew of the case. She told me of course this is only gossip that LE has been in front of DT's house because BF been recieving death threats. She also said gossip is HE is not a nice person. She does not know them personally and as I said this is only gossip @ a wedding reception
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