FRANCE - Two hostage takers kill priest in church of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, July 2016 *arrests*

Alexander Marquardt @MarquardtA
ABC News Foreign Correspondent


Perimeter around the church attack in #StEtienneduRouvray near Rouen. "It will never end," a girl here told me.
"We die for everything now. We die for going to see fireworks, going to a concert, now we die for going to mass. It will never end."

1 of the French church attackers was 19yo Adel Kermiche. Had tried to go to Syria twice. He was under house arrest, with a tracking bracelet
The other was a minor, born in Algeria whose older brother is wanted for going to Iraq or Syria on Kermiche's ID.

Kermiche tried the first time via Germany in March 2015 with his brother's ID. Tried again in May 2015 with cousin's ID via Turkey/Geneva.

After 10mos in jail, again under house arrest. Had to stay w family, allowed out 8:30am-12:30pm during week, 2pm-6pm on weekends/holidays.
Also had to report once a week to the police, prove he was active professionally, couldn’t leave the region, hand over his passport and ID.

The attackers had fake suicide vest, bomb, kitchen timer wrapped in aluminum foil. 3 knives, one gun.

After hostages ran out of church, the two attackers came out shouting "Allahu Akhbar" and were "neutralized" by police.

All this from the Paris prosecutor who just gave a presser.

Thank you ZaZara for all your updates and comments.

This incident should not be whitewashed in political correctness by the press or rationalized by politicians. The backlash from this, IMO, will be worldwide.
Thank you ZaZara for all your updates and comments.

This incident should not be whitewashed in political correctness by the press or rationalized by politicians. The backlash from this, IMO, will be worldwide.

Thank you wendiesan for your kind words. I am sooo tired. Opened my computer this morning and off it went.
France, and Germany also. Threadhopping.
It seems like the news is getting worse each day, and our so-called leaders are clueless. Not good. Not good at all.

These terrorists raised a lot of red flags like mass shooters/spree killers.

When you think about, they share common characteristics. They are injustice collectors, terrorists being vicarious injustice collectors.

Wound Collectors

On Wound Collectors

The Dangerous Injustice Collector: Behaviors of Someone Who Never Forgets, Never Forgives, Never Lets Go, and Strikes Back!

Psychology of Terrorism - National Criminal Justice Reference Service

Profiling Mentally Ill Mass Murderers Mentally Ill Mass Murderers.pdf
Um, no, It is not the religion. It is extremists who twist it. Surely you have read about all of the different Muslims who denounce this? Much info on that.

It's not the religion, but people have a really hard time separating Muslims from terrorists.
The Islamic State’s Amaq news agency described the attackers as “soldiers” of the militant network, according to the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors terrorist activity. But it was not immediately clear whether the assailants had direct contact with the Islamic State.

French authorities identified one of the attackers Tuesday evening as Adel Kermiche, a 19-year-old local resident already known to anti-terrorist investigators and whose parents had reportedly alerted authorities about his radicalization.

I can't even imagine having to do that. SMH
Article about Father Jacques Hamel, the murdered priest. He was truly loved by his community.

So infuriating, and sad. But we can solve this problem of radical islam, given enough resolve from leaders. We know exactly what we need to do to fix it. But sadly, even with all the recent horrific murders of innocent civilians, incredibly, we're not there yet. More will die unspeakable deaths until we can come together to solve the problem. I hope it's very soon.
'Monitoring just one suspect around the clock requires 20 agents.[2]'

I would like to add to that definition: 'or one deportation.'

People still believe that islam is a religion of peace. You are kidding yourselves. This is their doctrine- kill anyone who is not muslim. Lie when necessary to advance our cause. Cry that you are discriminated against. Allow no one to cry that we discriminate against them, that is our right. Force non-muslims to pay for peace, then do not give them the peace that they paid for. Congregate in condensed areas that are easier to take complete control of.
All of this words great for the men. The women and children live horrific and abusive lives, then the young males grow up to abuse just like they have suffered. If is a vicious cycle, it has continued for hundreds of years.
The third jihad has begun.
I know I have to say: MOO

Respectfully... I'm sad for you. And I'm sad for any Muslim friends, neighbors and coworkers you have. The doctrine of Islam is not kill anyone who isn't. Are you familiar with the five pillars of Islam?

I believe Muslims are a peaceful people and I am not kidding.

It's sad how the terrorists breed hate and their enemies - Muslims and non-Muslims - turn on each other. It must satisfy them a great deal to create such strife, dishonesty and fear.
Article about Father Jacques Hamel, the murdered priest. He was truly loved by his community.

So infuriating, and sad. But we can solve this problem of radical islam, given enough resolve from leaders. We know exactly what we need to do to fix it. But sadly, even with all the recent horrific murders of innocent civilians, incredibly, we're not there yet. More will die unspeakable deaths until we can come together to solve the problem. I hope it's very soon. said it, KZ.
It is all incredibly sad & infuriating.
This afternoon, French police arrested a teenager, known only as 'HB', in connection with the attack after raiding his home in the town following the church rampage. Photos of the arrest show the 17-year-old boy - believed to be related to one of the suspects - being guided to a police car, with a piece of black fabric over his head...hostages, who are yet to be identified, were also forced to kneel at the altar by their captors, before one of them - believed to be a second nun - was gravely injured.
London is next on the list of target cities for twisted jihadis along with the US capitol Washington DC, it has been claimed. Images threatening attacks in London and other major world capitals have been posted on jihadi messaging app Telegram, according to SITE Intelligence Group.$sitewide%20p$1
July 27, 2016
9:15 am(15 minutes ago)

French church attack: Faith leaders call for more security


French religious leaders have called for more security at places of worship following the murder of an elderly priest in Normandy on Tuesday.
Representatives of Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Buddhist faiths spoke after meeting President Hollande.

Father Jacques Hamel was killed while conducting morning mass in his church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, a suburb of Rouen.

The killing came 12 days after the attack in Nice in which 84 people died.

Only one of the two attackers has been named. Adel Kermiche, 19, had twice tried to reach Syria to fight with the self-styled Islamic State group (IS).

•What we know about church attack

•France responds with calls for peace and understanding

•Tributes to Fr Jacques Hamel

•Airline's concerns over France as destination

According to Le Monde (in French), the prosecutor's office had asked for Adel Kermiche to remain in detention but this was overruled by a judge. She ordered that he be released to house arrest with an electronic tag ensuring that he remained at home, except on weekday mornings.
This meant that on Tuesday morning he was free to leave the family home and head to the church.
He and his fellow attacker slit Father Hamel's throat before being killed by police.
One of four people taken hostage suffered severe knife wounds, prosecutor Francois Molins said.
Respectfully... I'm sad for you. And I'm sad for any Muslim friends, neighbors and coworkers you have. The doctrine of Islam is not kill anyone who isn't. Are you familiar with the five pillars of Islam?

I believe Muslims are a peaceful people and I am not kidding.

It's sad how the terrorists breed hate and their enemies - Muslims and non-Muslims - turn on each other. It must satisfy them a great deal to create such strife, dishonesty and fear.

Every muslim that I know, I know from doing business with them. The difference is the ones who were born and raised here, and raised on a modified version of islam, that does not teach jihad as their main lesson. But even some of those will become radicalized because they feel that their 'homeland' is being mistreated by non-muslims. Or they are first generation, being raised by parents who still adhere to that culture in their home, then it is drilled into their head and usually they are unable to make friends or adjust to our society. Or they do try to live like us, and the parents disown them or in radical cases, kill the daughter or attempt to send then back to the homeland. Just like our homegrown nutjobs, they go online and meet up with others and get pumped up and decide to be the one to make a difference. Some of these people have told me about themselves or their family members going to visit in their homeland, and not being able or willing to abide by the restrictions placed on them there. These are happy to return to their American life.
Some of these will not discuss anything muslim and I would never try to force the issue. We have one MD and his wife is a neurosurgeon, and they fear for the lives of their children each time an attack occurs. These 2 do speak out against it and their children are in an exclusive private school.
If you are able to befriend a second or third generation muslim, who you can really talk to, who wants to talk about this issue, you'd be surprised what you'd learn.

I respect other cultures and religions, but I do not feet that is necessary to the point of it endangering my self, family or homeland. When we are allowing in people from cultures, knowing full well how dangerous they can be, and not knowing anything about their background, we are asking for trouble. Just read what is going on in Germany and Sweden, how the percentage of rape has grown, and their gov'ts not willing to even call out the rapists.
Just for information, I am a federal employee and most of my co-workers are former military or current reservists or national guardsmen.
And as always, this is MOO.

The church in Normandy where yesterday an atrocity was committed by two Islamist terrorists was on a list of targets that was found last year with an Algerian jihadist who was on the verge of committing several attacks. Moreover, Kermiche Adel, one of the perpetrators, was in contact Maxime HAUCHARD, a prominent IS-executioner in Syria. All tis was known to the French intelligence services.

The church of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray figured indeed on a list of targets that was found in April last year on the computer of the Algerian jihadist Sid Ahmed Ghlam.

Ghlam was a radicalized student in Paris. Already in 2014, his family alerted the French police that he was radicalized. They tapped his phone during one year but have no evidence that Ghlam was planning something.

On April 19, 2015 this turned out to be wrong. Ghlam killed the driver of a car in his street, whom he suspected to be a secret agent on his trail. He was on his way to carry out an attack on the church of Saint-Cyr-Sainte-Julitte.

But Ghlam got himself injured - how that happened is still unclear, but he got two bullets in his body and had to abandon his attempt. He called the ambulance himself.

Examination of his computer revealed that the day before Ghlam had received various instructions to "take action". A list was also found with targets: all of them were churches. And the church where yesterday two radicalized young men cut the throat of a priest, was also on that list.

That Ghlam had to be taken seriously, is evidenced by the fact that he was in contact with Said Kouachi, one of the assassins at Charlie Hebdo. He also turned out to be on his on the way to church with four Kalashnikovs, a revolver, a bulletproof vest and a flamethrower.

There is more. Adel Kermiche, one of the two who committed the terrorist act in the church yesterday, was in contact with Maxime HAUCHARD. HAUCHARD also comes from the Rouen region. He is known as one of the prominent executioners of Islamic State in Syria; one might consider him the French version of Jihadi John.

The French intelligence services knew this. If they had looked into the matter a little better, they might also have been able to see: a person who tried to travel to Syria twice and who was for 10 months in pre-trial detention due to "links with a terrorist organization" and who was in contact with a head of IS, lived near a target that was on a particularly serious list.

In addition to, the Kermiche family repeatedly sounded the alarms (Read: A year ago begged mother church of all terrorist for help because her son was to radicalize). Within the Arab community in the region Adel Kermiche was known as a "ticking time bomb".


From other sources:

More importantly, the church also “happened” to be right next door to the Yahiya mosque of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, whose best-known worshiper was the notorious French jihadist executioner Maxime Hauchard.

Hauchard, who appeared in a video of the beheading of American aid worker Peter Kassig and 18 Syrian military captives in 2014, converted to Islam at the age of 17 and frequented the mosque of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, a stone’s throw from the parish church

The cruel and violent death of this frail, eldery priest was waiting to happen. The State and the judge are on the side of the killers.
Michael Horowitz ‏@michaelh992
Geopolitical and security analyst


Al-Aamaq just released a video of the two jihadists responsible for the attack of a church in Normandy, pledging allegiance to #ISIS #France


Waiting for that other video...... I hope they did not manage to upload their killing of Father Jacques
Jenan Moussa


#breaking ISIS just released 1 min 8 seconds video of the two church attackers in #Normandy. This is them. @akhbar

Video consists of full pledge of allegiance by two attackers to ISIS-leader al-Baghdadi followed by 3 times "Takbeer". #Normandy

Video does NOT show killing of the priest. Unclear to me where video was shot. In church or other location? Not clear. @akhbar #Normandy


The second terrorist apparently still has not been identified.
His face is clearly seen in the video. No doubt this will speed up the process of identification.
I know none of us want any of our rights taken away, but IMO anyone who is promoting violence and or showing videos of beheadings etc to further their cause needs to be shut down..Including internet, twitter, any social media. Which will make it harder to recruit others..Its a start and I don't care if it violates a right of mine..I'd rather it not be available for anyone to access.
They should not be idolized in any way shape or form.

Reportedly, the second terrorist, together with Adel Kermiche, of the attack on the church of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray and the murder of Father Jacques Hamel has been identified by investigators as Abdel Malik Nabil P., 19 years.

The young man comes from Saint-Die-des-Vosges (Alsace-Lorraine-Champagne-Ardenne). He had just finished his secondary education in the vocational school Marlioz Aix-Les-Bains and had earned his BA in 2015. According to our information, i he was not known negatively to the management of the institution.

A source close to the investigation told AFP that Nabil Abdel-Malik P. had not been convicted. Justice therefore does not have his fingerprints nor his DNA, delaying his formal identification.

Nevertheless, he was the subject of an S card, which was issued by the intelligence services recently. The Coordinating Unit for the fight against terrorism (UCLAT) released on July 22, just four days before the attack on the church, a note in which they says they "had received information from a reliable source about "a person" who would be willing to participate in an attack on the national territory. " This information is accompanied by a photo of an individual, who "strongly resembles" Abdel-Malik P., according to a source close to the investigation.

An identity card in the name of Abdel Malik P. had been found Tuesday during a search at the family home of Adel Kermiche, Rue Nikola Tesla in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray.


His mother cannot believe it. Never noticed anything suspicious about her son:

"My son could never commit such an act. He spent the weekend at home. On Monday, he had gone to one of his cousins in Nancy and he knew no one in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray. I look forward to him returning back home."


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