GUILTY GA - Antonio Santiago, 13 mos, Brunswick, 21 March 2013 - #1

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Mom is disoriented to time.
Mom states in the below news clip: "I'm afraid to go on walks. Yesterday was the reason." Also in the video, Mom says the crime happened "that morning" not this morning.

Brunswick police, along with a SWAT team and various agencies, had launched a vast manhunt across the Glynn County area in search of the two teenage suspects after the shooting on Thursday morning.

The shooting was yesterday, not today.
Can I still slap someone? I've had a crappy day :p

Oh hell, just slap me! I just looked at the kids facebook page and am now wishing his parents and anyone else who knew him and did nothing to straighten this kid out would be arrested as well. :sigh:
Mom is disoriented to time.
Mom states in the below news clip: "I'm afraid to go on walks. Yesterday was the reason. (implying her son was killed yesterday)" Also in the video, Mom says the crime happened "that morning" not this morning.

More irrational statements from the above video:

"I’m hoping there is no connection to the death of my first son because there is a young woman that lives next door to me who did a lot of crack cocaine. I asked her please don’t smoke it in the house and she got really mad. I think she was the was responsible for influencing the death of my young son He was 18.................

Why does she refer to her relationship with her deceased baby's dad in past tense if there is nothing wrong with their relationship?

Reporter: Were there any problems in the home?
Mom: No, me and the baby’s dad just live apart because we never got married yet. We were waiting on that We’ve been dating 3 years. We just wanted to make sure that everything would work out.

This is what one normal sees in an immediate grief reaction: shock, disbelief, denial, negativism, hostility, anger, and guilt.

Something is not right. Irrational thinking and disorientation to time are not a grief reaction.
(No, I don't need a lecture about how "everyone grieves differently.)

Been a long time since I've worked much with psych meds, any possibility she is heavily medicated causing the issues?
Been a long time since I've worked much with psych meds, any possibility she is heavily medicated causing the issues?
No, not with a sedative/benzo. She doesn't appear drowsy (Xanax, Ativan).
Me n my n****'s a turn ur block into a murder scene.

From his Facebook about section.


From a comment on the Brunswick News Facebook page, paraphrased:

The parents of the 14 year old are both incarcerated.

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Just speculating but I wonder if the police are looking at this as a drug deal gone bad? Could the mom have been purchasing drugs from these 2 and the deal went bad or could they have been purchasing drugs from the mom and the deal went bad? I don't know something still just doesn't seem right with this.

Or perhaps a gang initiation? I wonder who was the actual shooter, younger or older. I am only asking because the FB page that was linked shows lots of pictures of the person making gang signs.
Mom just picked up her dead baby that had been shot in the face and tried to administer cpr to him.She is probably all over the place with what she says and does and will be for some time. What a horrible thing to have to go through.
I'm surprised that some are still suspicious of Antonio's Mom.

Stunned actually.
No, not with a sedative/benzo. She doesn't appear drowsy (Xanax, Ativan).

If she had never taken a benzo or a narcotic before or had taken them rarely, she would appear drowsy. If she had a tolerance to either or both, she could seem perfectly awake on them but have side effects related to cognition.

Since we know she has a history of a debilitating injury AND a past traumatic event (the loss of her first son), I think it's safe to assume she has some drug tolerance.

If she is normally on a pain medication in the narcotic family and a doctor gave her a benzo to calm down, she could certainly have thought processing side effects from their interaction.
Burns my cookies that the taxpayers of Georgia now get to spend a whole lot of their hard earned money to defend this !!!!!!!

Oh but just wait, soon we will be hearing he was a "good kid" that was trying to turn his life around! He just got mixed up with bad people! He may even be a "loving and devoted father"!

And yeah the GA taxpayers will be paying to support this for the rest of his sorry life, ain't no way he is getting the needle.
Me n my n****'s a turn ur block into a murder scene.

From his Facebook about section.


From a comment on the Brunswick News Facebook page, paraphrased:

The parents of the 14 year old are both incarcerated.

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Well there ya go! Some people just shouldn't be allowed to procreate! :banghead: They just infect the world with more worthless <mod snip>!
Mom just picked up her dead baby that had been shot in the face and tried to administer cpr to him.She is probably all over the place with what she says and does and will be for some time. What a horrible thing to have to go through.

I'm surprised that some are still suspicious of Antonio's Mom.

Stunned actually.

I'm not surprised. She did act very strange in the uncut video. Maybe suspicious isn't the right word. :dunno:

I would just hate to see that this arrest was a rush to judgment. It is still an on-going investigation and they haven't released many details.
Me n my n****'s a turn ur block into a murder scene.

From his Facebook about section.


From a comment on the Brunswick News Facebook page, paraphrased:

The parents of the 14 year old are both incarcerated.

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Im not sticking up for this kid but it is sad. He listed his interest on FB as "changing my life" and "going to school". I just wish he had more support in his life to make him follow through with that and this might have been avoided.
I'm surprised that some are still suspicious of Antonio's Mom.

Stunned actually.

I am on the side of the innocent baby that lost his life. I pray that the mother had nothing to do with putting an innocent child in this situation. BUT just because 2 arrests have been made, I still hope that LE investigates this fully and doesn't stop simply because they think they've got their guys.

From where I'm standing if the mother ends up having been in that area because she was trying to buy or sell drugs then she is just as guilty as the other two.

I pray the evidence turns out to confirm her story but I guess I am just a cynic when it comes to innocent children losing their lives. I can't help but think why would she not just give them her purse.

1: Agree, something is waaay not right and think you may be onto something.

2: They live apart so she can maximise her benefits, no two ways about it.

Mom's statement of "I asked her please don't smoke it in the house" is concerning. Does mom live in a row house or condo and the neighbor's crake fumes enter her home? <mod snip>

Could more horrible accusations be thrown at the mother?!?

Do we really have a detailed and accurate assessment of how a mother should react after watching her second child lost to violence be gunned down in front of her? Fortunately, not a whole lot of people are ever in that situation. We don't know what her psychological state was BEFORE this happened. We know she had a pretty substantial injury to her spine. We don't know what other damage was suffered during the car accidents that led to her spinal injuries. Concussion? PTSD? Damage to the frontal lobe? There are any number of things that could explain her detachment and confusion.
I am not sure why "every black child" would need to be afraid, Brunswick is a majority black city. Would you say the same about white children in a majority white city?

If you know Brunswick and Jacksonville, you know there there are racial bias issues, no? I lived in Jacksonville for 16 years and spent lots of time in Brunswick, have a few incidents occur there that I've never encountered anywhere else I've been.
Mom's statement of "I asked her please don't smoke it in the house" is concerning. Does mom live in a row house or condo and the neighbor's crake fumes enter her home? <mod snip>.

Have they said where the mother lives? I looked on google maps of the intersection of London and Ellis as an article said, but the area seems normal to me. I also tried to do a property records search but am coming up with nothing either.
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