Found Deceased GA - Timothy Cunningham, 35, Chamblee, 12 Feb 2018 #2

Yes I read this, all they indicated was that the relative was related to the mother. I find that odd.

Do you mean odd that they went by or odd that they had a key? Or both? :)

Articles about his work have stated that he had deployed for quite a few public health missions. Since he traveled for work and had a pet, maybe it's not super strange for a local, trusted relative to have a key? And given their "concerning" conversations, followed by radio silence, I can see why a parent might send someone over.
I've been following this from the beginning. Socioeconomic status is in his favor to show up on the news and for people to volunteer for searches. However, something isn't adding up. I understand if his family wants to keep certain things private. In the long run though not being completely forthcoming when pleading with society to find their loved one... it's not going to help them. I followed a couple cases in my area and the family kept saying certain things but I knew of family members. I realized what the family was saying to the media wasn't the truth. At the end of the day I would rather be honest and do whatever it takes to find my son/daughter etc However though in my profession I've learned that sometimes family is naive about the real world. Families do not want to accept behavior that they didn't raise their child to live "like that". They don't want to believe their child would feel a certain way or suffer from mental illness. Not all people believe in pharmaceutical medicine to help someone dealing with an issue like depression or anxiety. Some parents believe that you just toughen up or pray on it. Based on what I've seen in the media with his father and his comments I believe he has certain expectations of his children. Someone out there that is close enough to the family knows something to shed a different light. It's not necessarily an expectation that they spill secrets but family dynamics information can help to think of ways people react and why they vanish. If it's not foul play and he's not listed as endangered...then what is it? I would rather put my pride to the side and do whatever it takes to find my child. I would've hired a private investigator weeks ago.

This is something I have brought up SEVERAL times. I am in the area and I havent seen Tim's photo in any local spots. Not to mention, searches are conducted without the solicitation of the public. The public is made aware after the fact. I understand he is a government official, etc. However, and I say this with the up most respect. This man is missing. Tim's face is on the news, however, there is a silence that is evident.
I honestly feel that Tim had mental issues that his family were aware of. This is a 35 year old man, who's mothers relative felt the need to check on in regards to him acting strange. I honestly dont feel that the behavior, though alarming, was something that his parents were not entirely use to. I say that because, as a parent, if my child is acting derange, etc. I would call the police in route. Not to mention, his parents are dressed very well, which indicates they took the time to pack. I know that is there child, but in several interviews they speak directly to him. It would be interesting to see, if he had the behavior to disconnect. Some people do this to regroup, etc. I think its important to take away his achievements etc, and study the man. I know people who have kids and stay on them about being successful and aspiring. Often the kids are withdrawn sociably but are high achievers. Im not speaking in all cases but in general. I want speak on his personal life, because I dont know it. However, I think more emphasis has to be given on TIM the man, vs Commander Tim. More importantly, what kind of person was he personally. I know in earlier articles so one mention he was the type of person that would help you move etc.. My thoughts are was he overly helpful. Did he help the wrong person? etc..
Do you mean odd that they went by or odd that they had a key? Or both? :)

Articles about his work have stated that he had deployed for quite a few public health missions. Since he traveled for work and had a pet, maybe it's not super strange for a local, trusted relative to have a key? And given their "concerning" conversations, followed by radio silence, I can see why a parent might send someone over.

:) Your bring up a valid point. I found it odd that the relative, went by, who had a key and didn't go in the home. The relative, based on the article only looked around outside.
“The reporter states: "... We asked the father over the weekend in the case that Timothy is listening this morning what he would say to him, and this is what he had to say.""Tim, we love you. There's no reason why you can't come back home. If there is a certain amount of care or attention that you need, come back and we can take care of that.“

This interview makes me feel that Tim was experiencing a mental health crisis during those last conversations with family.

I also find it interesting that his father wouldn't understand that if Tim was in mental health crisis, he would probably not be in the right frame of mind to just come back home. Tim may not even know himself at this point.

I wonder if this lends any clue to how Tim's father may have felt about Tim's history of mental illness, assuming that's what his father meant when he said Tim didn't seem like himself. All of those calls to family could have been an unanswered cry for help. And speaking from experience, I know what it's like to have mental illness reduced by family because it doesn't align with their perception of my success.

Tim's story hits home for me, and although the details are limited and sketchy, at best, there are just so many indicators in what his family has said that make this a story of someone choosing flight as a response to all those stressors he faced.

I just hope he's found sanctuary and not at the expense of life.
This is something I have brought up SEVERAL times. I am in the area and I havent seen Tim's photo in any local spots. Not to mention, searches are conducted without the solicitation of the public. The public is made aware after the fact. I understand he is a government official, etc. However, and I say this with the up most respect. This man is missing. Tim's face is on the news, however, there is a silence that is evident.
I honestly feel that Tim had mental issues that his family were aware of. This is a 35 year old man, who's mothers relative felt the need to check on in regards to him acting strange. I honestly dont feel that the behavior, though alarming, was something that his parents were not entirely use to. I say that because, as a parent, if my child is acting derange, etc. I would call the police in route. Not to mention, his parents are dressed very well, which indicates they took the time to pack. I know that is there child, but in several interviews they speak directly to him. It would be interesting to see, if he had the behavior to disconnect. Some people do this to regroup, etc. I think its important to take away his achievements etc, and study the man. I know people who have kids and stay on them about being successful and aspiring. Often the kids are withdrawn sociably but are high achievers. Im not speaking in all cases but in general. I want speak on his personal life, because I dont know it. However, I think more emphasis has to be given on TIM the man, vs Commander Tim. More importantly, what kind of person was he personally. I know in earlier articles so one mention he was the type of person that would help you move etc.. My thoughts are was he overly helpful. Did he help the wrong person? etc..

Oh my goodness.... get out of my head!!! I agree with you 150%. I think people are too focused on his education, job and social status vs. TC as a human being. There are many highly intelligent individuals in the world who are smart, attended the best colleges, have great careers and suffer from mental illness. I’m convinced he was on meds that either he stopped taking or maybe the meds he was on were no longer effective.

I’m willing to bet dollars to donuts TC was known amongst his immediate family to suffer from mental issues and treated it like the pink elephant in the room - they just never imagined it would reach this magnitude. I have a friend I’ve known since junior high school who is highly intelligent, pursuing her Ph.D and she’s successful by her own right, but she suffers from severe depression so badly that at times as she explains it makes her want to drive her car into a guardrail.

From the outside looking in TC’s disappearance seems complex, but I have a feeling when it’s all said and everything comes out we will find it was not as complex as we have made it to be.
I think Tim the Man vs. Commander Tim is a great way to put it, and I don’t think it’s out of line to make some assumptions about their family dynamics (based on what we’ve seen). He is so accomplished, but that can come with a TON of pressure, too.

He would apparently do a lot for others, but did he neglect himself in the process? Did he have anyone to lean on? Being in a relationship is not the be-all, end-all of life, but I do still wonder if he had a partner of any kind. Has it been discussed whether he was possibly gay and if that maybe wasn’t acceptable to some people in his family? (I tried to read all of Thread 1, but there was a lot! And I hope this question is allowed.)
:) Your bring up a valid point. I found it odd that the relative, went by, who had a key and didn't go in the home. The relative, based on the article only looked around outside.

Well, that is kind of strange then. Wonder if the windows were open at that time. Was this Tuesday?
I think its time the parents did a new interview to clear up the inconsistencies between CDC and police and Tims mental state.
I can understand them not wanting to say too much in the beginning if they thought he might be alive, but after a month its time to say more so everyone is on the same page.
So much misinformation seems to be creeping in.
Just catching up and decided to repost this here. I’m on my iPad I unfortunately don’t know how to put it in the quote box thing. But thank you for transcribing, JazzTune!

by JazzTune 2/24/l8 Post #78 Thread #1 :

“The father speaks in the video from this link, and I have transcribed his words and the reporter's below to the best of my understanding.
The reporter states: "... We asked the father over the weekend in the case that Timothy is listening this morning what he would say to him, and this is what he had to say.""Tim, we love you. There's no reason why you can't come back home. If there is a certain amount of care or attention that you need, come back and we can take care of that."The reporter then states: "The father then says he and several family members had conversations with Timothy a week ago Sunday, and he said he seemed confused at that point, and there were bits of anger in his voice”. “

Thank you so much! I'm really impressed! My tech skills are so limited.

I have no idea how you did this, but I really appreciate you taking your time to do so. Very kind and helpful of you...
This interview makes me feel that Tim was experiencing a mental health crisis during those last conversations with family.

I also find it interesting that his father wouldn't understand that if Tim was in mental health crisis, he would probably not be in the right frame of mind to just come back home. Tim may not even know himself at this point.

I wonder if this lends any clue to how Tim's father may have felt about Tim's history of mental illness, assuming that's what his father meant when he said Tim didn't seem like himself. All of those calls to family could have been an unanswered cry for help. And speaking from experience, I know what it's like to have mental illness reduced by family because it doesn't align with their perception of my success.

Tim's story hits home for me, and although the details are limited and sketchy, at best, there are just so many indicators in what his family has said that make this a story of someone choosing flight as a response to all those stressors he faced.

I just hope he's found sanctuary and not at the expense of life.

This is very well said. Thank you for sharing your personal experience too.

IF Timothy had a mental health crisis, I do believe his family may have realized there were 'problems' but not understood the severity of them, or their implications for Timothy's well-being.

They lived in Maryland, so it's not like they would be observing his speech and body language every weekend, so to speak. I think they were picking up that something wasn't right with him in their phone conversations, but never dreamed he could be a real danger to himself.

I don't think that idea would have crossed their minds. Very few families ever go there.

In my opinion, if this is true, I don't believe Timothy would have had the reasoning ability at that point to make the rational decision to leave. The illness would have been completely in charge of his actions and would have had the last word...

I hope I'm wrong. I hope he is hearing their urgent requests to return to them..

Do we know the picture of his car in the garage was taken after his disappearance?
I get ya. I'm definitely leaning toward this being a mental health or personal crisis where Timothy left on his own accord (but as JazzTune wisely has pointed out, *if* it's a mental health crisis, there is a lack of logical choice on his part), but it's good to pursue all avenues.

So although I don't feel I have much on the potential of foul play, does anyone else see any elements differently? Does anyone have ideas of how these 3 things, for instance, could relate to foul play?
-two windows open (and for clarification, they were on the second floor, front -- or no?)
-how his vehicle was parked in the garage
-last communications with family/as to timing

My further question about the windows is whether they had screens. If the open windows were on the front, upstairs, I find it hard to see them as a point of entry or exit for someone who may have been in his house when he returned/came in after he got there. But I guess it isn’t impossible. If the screens were in tact, though, it pretty well eliminates that possibility. I also wonder which room(s) they were in. Has that been said?

(And I know his parents said he was environmentally conscious, but I don’t think anyone, green or otherwise, would normally leave their house unattended for days with windows open. Especially in Atlanta.)
If anyone wants to discuss a theory that concerns the CDC then there has to be something to back it up. Otherwise, this theory becomes a conspiracy theory.

A theory involving the CDC needs evidence. Needs something. Otherwise, it is random wild guessing.

I know it is very frustrating. Things are slow. No one is talking but please ones you take that leap, be it big or small, into conspiracy land then things get out of control within minutes and I am not exaggerating.

So please, step back, do not dip your toe in conspriacy land. OK?

Thank you,
Call me naive, but I don't get the big deal about the neighbor having Timothy's phone number. We all have each other's phone number in our area of the neighborhood. We get each other's mail and paper when any of us travel.

We note any unusual activity. Some of us even remind our neighbors by text if we notice their garage door still open late at night.

In short, we watch out for each other's property. I don't understand why there is a significance to his neighbor having his phone number, even if she is the man's wife. Perhaps she is at home more often, and finds it easier to keep tabs on Timothy's property.

The only thing that bothers me about Timothy's comment asking her to delete his phone number is that he is saying to delete his phone number! That sounds like he is not planning on needing it anymore.

THAT is what is worrisome and noteworthy to me about this whole episode.

I bet the neighbors are sorry they ever said a word about it. They never dreamed it would blow up into such a big deal. The very fact they even mentioned it at all makes me believe it was totally innocent.

I can't help but put myself in her shoes too. If any of my neighbors turned up missing I worry I'd be looked at side-eyed too, since I have all their numbers.

I know one thing for sure. I'd keep my mouth shut about it...

Also, asking to have his number removed from her phone feeds into the narrative that Tim was "confused." The neighbors say they don't understand the reason for the request. So is Tim confused or are we being encouraged to believe that. Tim is not here to speak for himself.

Well, that is kind of strange then. Wonder if the windows were open at that time. Was this Tuesday?
Without knowing what the details of his conversations with his family that weekend, of course, I don't find it strange that the relative did not enter Tim's home. I think that could be a difficult decision. He's a grown man, and I can understand why they might be hesitant to invade his privacy. It's hard for me to judge that decision too much without more context.

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