Garrido's Attorneys

Excellent news! :woohoo:Hope it will be soon.:dance: I put it in the Media Thread for reference, this is big stuff!
Yes it is great just praying they don't alter them.... :snooty:
FWIW, I don't think it's fair to gang up on Natal. He is a realist and there is nothing wrong with that. I think he is simply being misunderstood and A LOT. It's unfair to take everything he says as an attack on JC or as an indication of him showing support for the G's. I know better. Honestly, I've never thought Natal was on any side but JC's. When he said "the other two souls" he was referring to the girls and not P&N. That was easy for me to figure out, why is it so hard for others to figure out?

Natal, sometimes I agree with what you say and sometimes I don't. Whether I agree or not, I usually understand where you're coming from and I wish others would, too. It gets tiresome watching people constantly talk about how horrible Natal is, when I know you're not. You're just misunderstood. I understand. I am, too.

with all due respect tizzle i've seen him do this for 5 months now
jaycee told the lawyers and garridos she doesnt want to see or talk to them.

so doesnt this constitute jaycee telling them to 'pound sand' as the defense put it?

take a hike creeps and start planning your insanity's your only shot and not a good one.

are the parole records gonna look like the jfk assassination records with everthing important blacked out?
jaycee told the lawyers and garridos she doesnt want to see or talk to them.

so doesnt this constitute jaycee telling them to 'pound sand' as the defense put it?

take a hike creeps and start planning your insanity's your only shot and not a good one.

are the parole records gonna look like the jfk assassination records with everthing important blacked out?
Possibilities Exist, after all it is a government run agency. They do get to fudge the records....:sick:
Natal it is good to have an opposing view on how we see the behaviors within a forced family of mind control. Problem is nothing is so black and white in these cases. If it were we would see these cases hit the courts before everyone looses the emotional memory of a child/adult child of abduction, abuse, exploitation and death for some. I must remind that this man had issues early on in life and those issues were not cured by anything, social services, mental health avenues, incarceration, or parole. Society kind of gave him the opportunity to move in and out of societies moral compass freely even allowing a flagrant display of his crime. When you look at the men who have kidnapped and held a human captive they seem so stunted in empathy and maturation. This says mentally deranged to me but will not be able to be used as a defense. Some of us in life have been forced to keep up on studies of the brain which has been the speciality in researching the last 6-7 yrs. With these studies in mind it seems this case cannot be compared to what is considered a normal nasty divorce because JD was not being manipulated/controlled by someone with a normal thouht process. It seemed to me for whatever reason (devine I feel) Jaycee began trusting her own thoughts in the later entrys and the earlier ones seemed as if she was trying to make sense of her situation. "God Bless the Child That's Got Her Own" :blowkiss::hug: for Jaycee!
My thought for today, well at least one of them.

I think PG and NG attorneys are trying to confuse the real issues with smoke and mirrors. The real issue is did or did not PG and NG kidnap, rape, torture and hold captive JD.

The two girls are the bi-product of these illegal action not the cause. For the attorney to try to make out the G's were great parents has absolutely nothing to do with anything.

As far as family matters that need to be discussed. That too is simple. JD is mama, PG is papa and NG is nada.

Papa is going to remain in jail so the girls stay with their real mother. There is nothing else to discuss. Now if PG wants to go to court to fight for the right to see the girls, that is up to him. However, it will no longer be the taxpayer paying for his attorney. He cannot use the public defender for his family court issue. He will be on his own.

Nancy has no say whatsoever in anything. She is a nobody. Basically she is an accomplice to wrongful acts. She has no legal rights to the two girls at all. Now if she wants to go to family court and fight this, she can, on her own dime.
And second thought for the day:

Another simple fact is that PG is a one trick pony. The trick is the same as the first time he got caught. Drugs were the cause, finding Christ has cured him. "he is a new man" "I raped and kidnapped Allisa a long long long time ago, I am different now, see they say how great I am." Same old story different time.

First victim - told he he would tell everyone she was a *advertiser censored*
Next victim - don't be an embarrassment to yourself
Jaycee - well he kept her locked up away from the world. Didn't need to talk her out of telling anything until now. So he tells her he hold no ill will toward her.

He has not changed. Now he may not have "sexual urges" but then he might have a medical reason for that and/or no opportunity.
And second thought for the day:

Another simple fact is that PG is a one trick pony. The trick is the same as the first time he got caught. Drugs were the cause, finding Christ has cured him. "he is a new man" "I raped and kidnapped Allisa a long long long time ago, I am different now, see they say how great I am." Same old story different time.

First victim - told he he would tell everyone she was a *advertiser censored*
Next victim - don't be an embarrassment to yourself
Jaycee - well he kept her locked up away from the world. Didn't need to talk her out of telling anything until now. So he tells her he hold no ill will toward her.

He has not changed. Now he may not have "sexual urges" but then he might have a medical reason for that and/or no opportunity.
I would say he is a good candidate to be poster guy for all the easons we don't, shouldn't let these fruitcakes out of the pen. Put them in general public and our lives go on!:banghead:
i might be out of touch with reality, (and most of you would say i am) but a convicted sex offender (and will be again) who raped there mother for 6 and a half years (at least) is gonna sue for his 'rights?" if that happens and th casee doesnt get 'summary dismissal' we might as well give up all hope our justice system can ever be fixed.
:( unfortunately that could exactly be the case. I did some research regarding rapist rights over their offspring and that is pretty much what it said. I could not believe it. However, hopefully, it will not come to that. It seems to be that giving rapist rights to see the product of their violence would be to rape the victims all over again.
Would be really good to put them in the general population of the prison and lock up everything. then give all the guards a day off. Without letting the prisoners know that the guards are having a nice day.
I think the population in prison will take care of it.

But no we give them protection...PLEAZZZZZZZZ.
i might be out of touch with reality, (and most of you would say i am) but a convicted sex offender (and will be again) who raped there mother for 6 and a half years (at least) is gonna sue for his 'rights?" if that happens and th casee doesnt get 'summary dismissal' we might as well give up all hope our justice system can ever be fixed.

If I tell you my opinion of this you will say I am nuts. But I am not and you can research it.
The secret societies have celebrations with minors. Yes I am saying they have sex with minors.
They also run this country...Guess who brings them minors...? hmmmm?:waitasec:
That is right...the pedophiles. No I do not need a mental hospital....:snooty:
It may look somthing like this...Bring a young boy to (wherever) and you wont be charged.
Just because I dare to say what few will ever dare to say, or accept.
Songlline, I really do not believe you are too far from the truth. It is so sad to realize that people today have absolutely no respect for life, even the ones who claim they represent God.
like i said. i must be out of touch with reality.

i still thought this country had decency and not all the lawyers judges and politicians were dirty.

i guess i better go watch godfather 2 again to claer me of that misconception..........
like i said. i must be out of touch with reality.

i still thought this country had decency and not all the lawyers judges and politicians were dirty.
i guess i better go watch godfather 2 again to claer me of that misconception..........
Not all dirty -is right - like a needle in a hay stack...Sifting them out is the challenge.

But it is just fine if you want to walk around with whatever perceptions you like.
Just don't close your eyes - that's all.
there is beauty in youth. I was young - that was then :)
there is wisdom with age. I have to stick with age, time teaches much.
song like i told you last week.......i've been jaded and cynical about our legal system since i was a teenager.
my opinion just gets worse about it as i get older ;)

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