George and Cindy give DNA samples ..

I reckoned it was kind of odd when that young feller not only refused the polygraph, but talked his parents out of taking it. Refusing the DNA test is just stupid because anyone knows it would be easy for them to make him.

When this first came to light, Lee had longer hair than now. About a week into it he shaved his head. Odd, aint it? Trying to avoid drug detection sometimes causes people to shave their head.

These detectives are looking at it as a chess match and each Anthony move is countered by them. They are like the Bobby Fischer of the LEO world.

I reckon that young feller thinks they are playing checkers

Lol! I think you're right about the checkers! :)
I wonder too can any of this DNA be used for paternity? To rule out what LP said about incest? Hate to be so blunt, but there it is.

It would depend on the search warrant

If the search warrant says for the purpose of ruling him out as far as hair/fluids etc in the trunk then no they can't run dna testing on it

If the sw says dna/ruling out then yes

If the sw doesn't specify its use then yes it can be used
When this first came to light, Lee had longer hair than now. About a week into it he shaved his head. Odd, aint it? Trying to avoid drug detection sometimes causes people to shave their head.
I reckon that young feller thinks they are playing

Lee shaved his head??..dont remeber that:waitasec:
I see no reason why he wouldn't allow them to do that tho - unless that baby daddy speculation could be true. I have not really given that angle serious consideration - but this action does not make it easy to ignore.

That's what I was thinking!
I honestly think it's process of elimination. Of course there was more than just Caylee's hair in the trunk. If you opened up my trunk I can guarantee that my husband, my three kids and my hair would all be in there for sure. Just putting their coats, sweat shirts, etc in there can cause hair to be in the trunk. I've only ever used my trunk as a changing table when my kids were little on long car trips, so other than that no bodies in my trunk! LOL!

I think LE is being through and LA is being a butt about it. LA isn't going to make things easy for LE.
It would depend on the search warrant

If the search warrant says for the purpose of ruling him out as far as hair/fluids etc in the trunk then no they can't run dna testing on it

If the sw says dna/ruling out then yes

If the sw doesn't specify its use then yes it can be used

Now I wonder just what did the search warrant specify? Shoot! :confused:
We don't know how much hair was found in the trunk. We know some had death rings, but there could have been other hair. And LE would want to know who that hair belonged to, but it doesn't make anyone guilty of anything, its just another puzzle piece.

Or Tes did find something that had someone's DNA in addition to Caylees and they need the DNA for comparison.

Why would they need Grandma's DNA ??
We don't know how much hair was found in the trunk. We know some had death rings, but there could have been other hair. And LE would want to know who that hair belonged to, but it doesn't make anyone guilty of anything, its just another puzzle piece.

Do you have the link by chance that says the hair found in the trunk did in fact have postmorten root banding on it?
I think you're probably right. Lee is just being difficult.

Yup, I agree, that's probably about the extent of it.

If I was in a situation where I thought LE was out to frame a family member who I believed to be innocent, I probably would have an attorney too.

I'm not saying that I agree with the Anthony's perception but I can see their bizarre behavior stemming from the belief that KC is being framed or railroaded.
I reckoned it was kind of odd when that young feller not only refused the polygraph, but talked his parents out of taking it. Refusing the DNA test is just stupid because anyone knows it would be easy for them to make him.

When this first came to light, Lee had longer hair than now. About a week into it he shaved his head. Odd, aint it? Trying to avoid drug detection sometimes causes people to shave their head.

These detectives are looking at it as a chess match and each Anthony move is countered by them. They are like the Bobby Fischer of the LEO world.

I reckon that young feller thinks they are playing checkers

That about says it, Bobby62! LOL
I just think Lee was resisting was because he's probably thinking that LE wants to drag him into the disappearance - and the lie detector test - he just watches too much TV thats all - he doesn't have a clue - he probably thinks the government is out to get just him too
I appreciate the news here about the DNA requests because I was wondering why first Geo. & Cindy and then Lee had appointments at the sheriff's office Tuesday and Wednesday. Lee does seem guarded and self-protective in recent weeks. Being euphemistic. I'll agree, he's paranoid. But he wasn't like that initially or possibly he just covered the paranoia well during his police interviews. If this is a development over the summer, I wonder what precipitated that. Nothing alerted me until he advised (strongly) his folks not take the polygraph after they had consented. He did spend too much time with the laptop at Tony's but there was little information to speculate from. Maybe what he has seen of his sister and of law enforcement has put fear into him.

Considering all he's been through this summer (i.e. losing his niece, finding out his sister is a murderer, etc.), I can understand him changing and becoming more paranoid. I'm sure having his phone conversations and police interviews released for the whole world to hear took its toll on him as well.
Question: :help:​

I seem to recall when the death band info first came out, one of NG's expert guests said that if tissue from the scalp came out with the hair, it could potentially have a death ring, even though there was no dead person.

I don't have a link...or a memory....

Does anyone remember anything like this from NG???
Considering all he's been through this summer (i.e. losing his niece, finding out his sister is a murderer, etc.), I can understand him changing and becoming more paranoid. I'm sure having his phone conversations and police interviews released for the whole world to hear took its toll on him as well.

Well, newsflash, Lee. You being embarressed or inconvienced or any other of your feelings are at the very bottom of the totem pole as far as what is important here. CAYLEE. Period.
I don't think LA would put his parents through this misery had he of known anything. He seems like a stable guy (please don't attack), has a steady job, his own place, nice car, girlfriend, side business selling items on the net, protected his parents from the protesters, supported his sister (even though he didn't understand the lies), helped LE in the investigation, and last but not least...he was intelligent enough to stay away from the media! Just because someone may seem a bit odd to you does not make him an accomplice nor does it advocate the incestual rumours that I refuse to read!

...and if I'm wrong:bang:! LOL
Question: :help:​

I seem to recall when the death band info first came out, one of NG's expert guests said that if tissue from the scalp came out with the hair, it could potentially have a death ring, even though there was no dead person.

I don't have a link...or a memory....

Does anyone remember anything like this from NG???

Yep I remember. It was on NG.

The only thing is to have decomp because of scalp with the hair you'd have tissue, to have tissue showing decomp it would have to be a painful experience for someone to have that hair pulled, kwim?

I hope that made sense. My daughter is begging to go make cookies, I'm distracted! LOL!
I don't think LA would put his parents through this misery had he of known anything. He seems like a stable guy (please don't attack), has a steady job, his own place, nice car, girlfriend, side business selling items on the net, protected his parents from the protesters, supported his sister (even though he didn't understand the lies), helped LE in the investigation, and last but not least...he was intelligent enough to stay away from the media! Just because someone may seem a bit odd to you does not make him an accomplice nor does it advocate the incestual rumours that I refuse to read!

...and if I'm wrong:bang:! LOL

Helping the LE by avoiding a poly and making them get a warrant for dna ? That's the problem the LE has had way to much "HELP" from this family. :
I just think Lee was resisting was because he's probably thinking that LE wants to drag him into the disappearance - and the lie detector test - he just watches too much TV thats all - he doesn't have a clue - he probably thinks the government is out to get just him too

ITA. And he might have been afraid, if he had smoked some wacky tobacky that he would lose his job if it was disclosed. I think collecting the DNA is just SOP in this kind of investigation and the media is just stirring things up with old events.
Yep I remember. It was on NG.

The only thing is to have decomp because of scalp with the hair you'd have tissue, to have tissue showing decomp it would have to be a painful experience for someone to have that hair pulled, kwim?

I hope that made sense. My daughter is begging to go make cookies, I'm distracted! LOL!

Thanks Insomnia!:blowkiss: Could you make an extra dozen. :praying:
Helping the LE by avoiding a poly and making them get a warrant for dna ? That's the problem the LE has had way to much "HELP" from this family. :

He did help LE in the beginning...who knows why he is refusing to help now:confused:! He could be p.o.'d at the way things are being handled, he may know exactly what happened, at this point I feel like Linda Blair with my head doing 360's (not the evil part)!:eek:

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