George Anthony Reported Missing *UPDATE FOUND*#2

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oh my god i feel so awful.

when i read that post i thought, i'll give CA the benefit of the doubt, it was probably for Caylee. OMG then reading your post i totally spaced that she was in that condition. omg where is my head today
That was my first thought too, like being asked to pick an outfit for the body to be buried in...
I am sure that GA is suffering. He has lost his gd. He is however responsible for his own actions. He chose to clean a car that he ahs admitted in LE statements he knew reeked of decomp. He chose to say what clothing he last saw Caylee in and when. He chose to gamble the life savings away and risk losing the home of his family - including the roof over the head of his "beloved" Caylee. He chose to go to a hotel w/case of beer and assorted meds. He chose to text and write questionable letter indicating a possible loss of the will to live. I have been touched in my life by those with continual suicide attempts for attention. It's time we make even mentally fragile people responsible for their own actions. If they are not legally insane, we need to teach them that they and not circumstances are responsible for their behavior. It is not WS's fault or anyone else's if GA has made these choices, it is his alone. We choose how we react to situations.

What is even worse is the fact that he thinks his daughter is innocent and questions her friends. Unbelievable!!!
I believe that the general public needs to be more aware of the signs and symptoms of depression and suicidal ideation. I will go back to lurking now. Thanks for the opportunity to post.
the more i read the more i wonder.....

I cant even beleive this is all happening

wonder what kinda good can come of this whole case

I believe it's possible that GA went to the hotel just to get away for a few hours. Unfortunately, he consumed a lot of beer which is a depressent. If he was already depressed (and who wouldn't be), the liquor certainly didn't help his frame of mind.

My initial reaction to this was terrible sadness and pity for GA. Then when I read that he doesn't believe KC hurt Caylee, I got a little angry. However, after thinking about it, this may have been GA's way of making up for his apparent lack of involvement in his family. Perhaps he feels guilty that he wasn't a good enough father and figured this was his last chance to be a "good" father to KC, regardless of how misconstrued this thinking may be.

I do hope he gets some help from a therapist that can convince him that the only way he will ever be able to function will be to face the truth no matter how horrible the truth may be.

Facing the truth is the only way this family will ever get any kind of peace and the only way little Caylee will get justice.

I don't think it's helping the family that they cannot have a memorial or funeral for their poor grandchild. Could you imagine thinking about your grandchild's tiny bones sitting in a box in a funeral home for weeks on end after having already been dumped in the woods like garbage? My God, I can't think of anything worse.

I just pray that they all get the hope they need.
NO matter that CA's behavior would try the patience of a saint, GA is responsible for his own choices. No one can make him do anything!!! Would a woman being cranky to her husband make her responsible for him physically attacking her? NO. CA could be a psycho and her behavior could not MAKE him do anything. Our society is rife with the pass the buck mentality, someone else made me do it. It's time to go back to the truth. We are each responsible for our own behavior. If GA wanted to do the right thing, he could have.

I agree. We all have to take responsibility for our choices.

It would have been better if he would have made an appointment to talk to someone and done that when he left the house.

It is true that suicidal people are not thinking logically, and I assume that is what was going on here.
Once again, many things are being put out by the media and assumed on here and other places to be "facts". The first being that he actually made ANY attempt at suicide. He obviously did NOT need any on-site medical rescue. So.... the initial report given here on WS regarding that was WRONG. I am also fairly certain that any responsible LE person who has actually seen a note would not be giving out its contents to the media.

Often, a reporter will ask a question, and if the person being interviewed does not DENY the statement, they will then report it as the truth. For example "are you denying the fact that the note spoke of suicide?" and the response will be "no I am not denying or confirming any content of the note"..... and the reporter writes the story as if the refusal to deny the statement means that LE confirmed the reporters allegations.
1) their lawyer thanks LE for "saving George's Life".
2) 7 cop cars and a helicopter were dispatched to the Anthony home
3) Empty pill bottles and beer bottles were found in his motel room
4) In the contents of the note George admitted taking pills.
All of these facts are in the news.
I'm also having a hard time understanding that IF he was so suicidal and HAD 'empty pill bottles' (if this is even true) then WHY would he not be taken by ambulance to monitor his vitals etc?? Instead he is casually loaded into the car of the police chief? Makes zero sense to me. I don't think they would go on George's word that the pill bottles that were empty only contained tic tacs and that's he just a little tipsy from a few beers. Wouldn't that be a little risky to not have him evaluated on site? Again, he may have been eval'd at the motel and/or this empty pill bottle scenario is bunk. Either way I still can't grasp why he was taken by police in lieu of an ambulance. :waitasec:
I'm also having a hard time understanding that IF he was so suicidal and HAD 'empty pill bottles' (if this is even true) then WHY would he not be taken by ambulance to monitor his vitals etc?? Instead he is casually loaded into the car of the police chief? Makes zero sense to me. I don't think they would go on George's word that the pill bottles that were empty only contained tic tacs and that's he just a little tipsy from a few beers. Wouldn't that be a little risky to not have him evaluated on site? Again, he may have been eval'd at the motel and/or this empty pill bottle scenario is bunk. Either way I still can't grasp why he was taken by police in lieu of an ambulance. :waitasec:

I think it may have been because he was alert and talking. They may have taken his vitals in the hotel and decided it wasn't necessary. Don't know, just a guess.:)
I'm also having a hard time understanding that IF he was so suicidal and HAD 'empty pill bottles' (if this is even true) then WHY would he not be taken by ambulance to monitor his vitals etc?? Instead he is casually loaded into the car of the police chief? Makes zero sense to me. I don't think they would go on George's word that the pill bottles that were empty only contained tic tacs and that's he just a little tipsy from a few beers. Wouldn't that be a little risky to not have him evaluated on site? Again, he may have been eval'd at the motel and/or this empty pill bottle scenario is bunk. Either way I still can't grasp why he was taken by police in lieu of an ambulance. :waitasec:

I'm really confused too. What the he!! is going on???
I could be WAY off base here, but why do I have this nagging feeling that this whole thing was contrived by George as a last ditch attempt to get KC to break? Things just don't add up. He knows that if he writes a rambling suicide letter and sends texts messages to everyone not only is LE going to be right on it but the media is going to pick it up and run with it and it will get right back to KC. I suspect that part of the reason the Anthony's haven't visited KC is because she would only turn them away - remember before the last time she was released she turned down several visits to not only CA and GA but LA as well.

If I hadn't seen how upfront GA was with LE in interviews, if all I had seen were his comments to the media that his daughter was innocent and Caylee was alive, I might believe he truly believes his daughter is innocent. But his demeanor to LE versus the public is completely incongruent and I think it's only because he figured KC would only see the side of his parents standing behind his daughter. I think he thinks he can break her.

However it is, IMO, there are only two options for what occurred - he is wracked with personal guilt for the situation and feels 100% responsible (bad parenting? the mistakes he has made in his life that have led to the current situation?) or he is trying to reach KC and maybe cause her to break out of guilt for what her parents are going through...
Once again, many things are being put out by the media and assumed on here and other places to be "facts". The first being that he actually made ANY attempt at suicide. He obviously did NOT need any on-site medical rescue. So.... the initial report given here on WS regarding that was WRONG. I am also fairly certain that any responsible LE person who has actually seen a note would not be giving out its contents to the media.

Often, a reporter will ask a question, and if the person being interviewed does not DENY the statement, they will then report it as the truth. For example "are you denying the fact that the note spoke of suicide?" and the response will be "no I am not denying or confirming any content of the note"..... and the reporter writes the story as if the refusal to deny the statement means that LE confirmed the reporters allegations.

The fact that he is shown in the video walking to the car, he got into the car (not an ambulance), so it appears that there was no medical urgency or necessity to get him to the hospital. I agree, it appears (strong emphasis on appears) that there was no actual suicide attempt. IMHO, as always.
Originally Posted by curiositycat View Post
I think everyone here knows I have never been a supporter of CA and to this day I am not...

However, yesterday I was going through picture after picture and video after video online trying to see if all the A's trash bags had red ties. I finally found one or two with yellow ties. In the process of this I saw at least three videos, where GA exhibited unneeded anger towards CA. In one he yelled at her several times to "get inside, get inside now". In one he grabbed her arm in a rough manner and even caused tears to come to her eyes.
I understand what you're saying, and I agree that the Anthony's--all of them, except Casey--have shown a fair amount of anger.

I imagine that they have been in a heightened state of arousal since Caylee disappeared. Edgy and anxious, their reactions are likely not typical. It simply is not fair to judge a man's history by (a) what his lying, histrionic, murderess daughter says, or (b) what he publicly displays during the throes of despair.

It's just not fair.
I feel terrible for George that it came to this....if he is involved, I will eat my words, but I think he's just a painfully hurt Father and Grandfather who is at his wits end.

This quote from the Orlando Sentinel made me say WTF?

"On Wednesday Cindy had asked George to pick out jewelry for Caylee's funeral, which seemed to upset him more, reports show.",0,7934495.story

Seriously? Jewelry? It's not a freaking fashion show...this would be the least of my worries. If they were picking out jewelry for Caylee, I could see that, but I don't think that's even relevant in this case. As a mother (or grandmother) I would throw on my old standby and that would be that.

Cindy's priorities are so skewed.

I agree. They would not be able to uncurl me from my fetal position.

Who was the jewelry for? Cindy? George? Caylee? I don't understand.
The 911 call is interesting. They deleted the types of meds he took with him. Wasn't that CA in the background?
I feel terrible for George that it came to this....if he is involved, I will eat my words, but I think he's just a painfully hurt Father and Grandfather who is at his wits end.

This quote from the Orlando Sentinel made me say WTF?

"On Wednesday Cindy had asked George to pick out jewelry for Caylee's funeral, which seemed to upset him more, reports show.",0,7934495.story

Seriously? Jewelry? It's not a freaking fashion show...this would be the least of my worries. If they were picking out jewelry for Caylee, I could see that, but I don't think that's even relevant in this case. As a mother (or grandmother) I would throw on my old standby and that would be that.

Cindy's priorities are so skewed.

Jewelry for Caylee's funeral? She's just bones now so I assume the jewelry is for Cindy?

"dark, veiled references to his daughter's friends"???

Give me a BREAK. I hope this is incorrect.

He must be in deep denial, and if he was drunk he must have been feeling sentimental towards Casey. That's delusional, after the evidence that's come out this week. Casey was probably the most troubled person in her circle of friends.
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