GUILTY IA - Cecilia Harris, 20 mos, Dubuque, June 2010

abandonment my @$$.

I'm with you on that one. One of Tamelia's own friends even thinks she KILLED little CC. But still says Tamelia "is not a bad mom". Is something wrong here or is it just me?

First she say's she killed her, then later in the article she say's it was an accident.

“No, I don't think CC is alive, she is not alive,” says Lorean Durrah.
“I think Tam killed CC,” says Durrah.


But Durrah says Tam is not bad mom.
“She was just scared when it happened,” says Durrah.
“I love her, and I will always be her friends, no matter what, I don't feel like she did it on purpose, I fee like it was an accident,” says Durrah.
Police: Baby considered a missing person
Officials term probe of human remains found at Tamelia Harris' home as a homicide investigation.


Police are treating the investigation into human remains found at the home of Tamelia Harris as a homicide investigation.

This is what gets me...

snipped from link...

In court documents, Lorean told police that one time Tamelia "picked up Cecilia by her arms and threw her on the side of the bed.”

Lorean also says the Tamelia told her that CC fell down the stairs.
“She fell down the stairs, head injury and was scared to take to the hospital, because she was scared what they would do, what they would say,” says Durrah.
“If she was not afraid to take CC to the hospital, CC would still be with us right now,” says Durrah.

And this wasn't the first time Tamelia didn't want to go to the hospital or call police.
In 2001, she left two of her kids home alone.
One of kids got a hold of a lighter and lit the house on fire.
Another child suffered severe burns.
Durrah says Harris did not want to take that child to the hospital either.

But Durrah says Tam is not bad mom.

NOT A BAD MOM?!?!? Is this woman stupid? If CC fell down the stairs, why was the room covered in blood? Why were there children's scissors covered in blood? Good mom's take their babies to the hospital when they're hurt... this isn't the first time she refused to take one of her babies to the hospital... Good moms don't allow their babies to die and then burn the evidence in a fir pit... Good moms get their children medical attention... regardless of what the outcome is...

(and fwiw, I had a pair of kiddie scissors laying around... so I checked it out... the rounded tips on them make it darn near impossibly to stab into something unless you use a TREMENDOUS amount of force! Not something a 20 month old could do on her own...)

July 10, 2010

Tonight court documents reveal more about the investigation into a mother of a child who has disappeared. We got our hands on these court documents that trace the investigation from the day police and dhs were called by someone worried about 20-month old cc harris. She went missing in late may, and may have been hurt.

Details and video at link

July 17, 2010

A mother behind bars for child neglect and abandonment says her baby is dead, and she didn't even have a funeral. Dubuque Police now confirm that the remains found in the backyard of that missing toddler's house, are human remains. Tamelia Harris already pleaded not guilty for those abandonment charges. Her 20 month old child, Cecilia or CC Harris, has not been seen since Memorial Day.

Court documents show that Tamelia Harris said a lot to a social worker in jail.
The mother told the social worker that “there was a bad accident with my daughter.” Harris went on to say that the baby passed away.
Good, the faster they push this through the system, the faster Cecilia will get justice. I hope she knows what they do to baby killers in prison...

I think she wants this trial to begin as soon as possible before a positive ID is made of the bones so she cannot be charged twice for the same crime. Not that any prosecutor worth a darn would let that happen. I also think that after a positive ID is made murder charges will be filed. Might not be first degree but a much stiffer penalty then neglect. With her own admissions and what they found inside the house and in the backyard they should have enough evidence to file the charges and get a conviction.

She has already had one conviction of neglect earlier in the burning incident and was let off with only probation. I'm not sure what the sentencing would be if she was convicted a second time for neglect, but it is no where near the sentence of lets say second degree murder.

Found a case involving second degree murder in Iowa. That would basically put her away for the rest of her life before she is even eligible for parole.

Mandatory sentencing requirements in Iowa call for a 50-year sentence, with 35 years before Shanahan could be eligible for parole. Under Iowa law, the jury is told not to consider the punishment as part of its consideration of the verdict.
ot.....i was in dubuque over memorial day weekend
I'm certain that Cecilia has already left this world and I am just as certain that her own mother is the one who MURDERED her and buried her in the backyard and burned all of her belongings.....all while being 'a good mom' apparently.
I've never in my life wanted a child to be dead.....but for some reason I can't help but be thankful that Cecilia will never have to deal with such horror again, that she will never again know what it's like to have her own mother shake her and throw her across the room, that she will never again feel the cold abandonment of being locked in a closet. I am also thankful that Cecilia's horrible death may be the ONLY way that her siblings would have ever been rescued from the same exact fate as their sister. I am so sad that she had to endure such a horrible, short life...but I don't think she ever had much of a chance anyway.
It shouldn't be a problem to have the body identified very soon. 3 weeks is enough time even if they have to get it from the bones. Not to mention, they could still file while waiting for the ID. Even if it is not Cecilia, they know it's a small child IF they think there is any chance it is Cecilia...which they do, because they haven't said it's not. So, either way it is a small child that she put in the fire matter who it is she will be charged with murder. With the evidence and the other statements they have enough to charge her with murder without a positive ID, which can come later.

Her attempt to get off with a lesser charge by rushing them isn't going to work. They will drop the charges and let her go for a couple of months before they will let that happen.
UPDATE: Delayed investigation in Dubuque child neglect case

DUBUQUE, Iowa - Police in Dubuque are being forced to delay their investigation into a child neglect case, as they wait for lab results on apparent human remains found in a woman's back yard.

Officers arrested Tamelia Harris in June on neglect and abandonment charges, after her 20-month-old daughter, Celila, disappeared.

Police say they had found a small child's remains in Harris' yard while trying to locate the missing toddler.

No word on when Harris' trial may begin.,0,5955917.story?track=rss
Police later found what they believe are the remains of a small child in the backyard of Harris' home. The body has not been identified, and police are awaiting lab results to identify the body and provide other clues about the cause and manner of death. The process could take several months. Police are waiting for the results before filing additional, if any, charges in the case.

Harris pleaded not guilty to the neglect charge
. She was scheduled to go to trial on Aug. 30, but the trial has been pushed back. No new date has been set.

I bet the lawyer files a motion due to her right to a speedy trial.

I bet they end up dropping the neglect charge and letting her go, until they are ready to file murder charges.

Unless they can charge her with neglecting or abusing one or more of her other kids, that would be a charge to hold her on and send her to trial on, while they work on the murder case.
Bumping for CiCi........Hope mom stays in jail until charged with murder!!!!
Police later found what they believe are the remains of a small child in the backyard of Harris' home. The body has not been identified, and police are awaiting lab results to identify the body and provide other clues about the cause and manner of death. The process could take several months. Police are waiting for the results before filing additional, if any, charges in the case.

Harris pleaded not guilty to the neglect charge. She was scheduled to go to trial on Aug. 30, but the trial has been pushed back. No new date has been set.

I bet the lawyer files a motion due to her right to a speedy trial.

I bet they end up dropping the neglect charge and letting her go, until they are ready to file murder charges.

Unless they can charge her with neglecting or abusing one or more of her other kids, that would be a charge to hold her on and send her to trial on, while they work on the murder case.

From the above link:

The body has not been identified, and police are awaiting lab results to identify the body and provide other clues about the cause and manner of death. The process could take several months.

Since when does it take several months to id a body? When they have dna - clearly they can get this mothers dna......
Or is this poor reporting? Or am I misreading this? :banghead:
I have no idea....the body was in a fire pit but I still don't think it should take that long...

From the above link:

The body has not been identified, and police are awaiting lab results to identify the body and provide other clues about the cause and manner of death. The process could take several months.

Since when does it take several months to id a body? When they have dna - clearly they can get this mothers dna......
Or is this poor reporting? Or am I misreading this? :banghead:

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