IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #6

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Well now I feel depressed. I guess I was foolish thinking that some momentum was building and this thing was about to bust wide open.

It seems like it's already going cold.

Sorry if I sound like a negative Nelly. Just so tired of children (and adults) who go *poof*.
Did they typically take a purse with them if they were just riding a few blocks around from the house?
New_here, I brought that up the day it was reported. I was told that wasn't allowed to be discussed because a family member said it.
I still agree .....abducted.......
what an odd word to use within the first hours of the little girls disappearing!
Well now I feel depressed. I guess I was foolish thinking that some momentum was building and this thing was about to bust wide open.
It seems like it's already going cold.

Sorry if I sound like a negative Nelly. Just so tired of children (and adults) who go *poof*.

I don't think u r being negative at all. It did sound more promising yesterday.
I wonder what made the LE sound so hopeful before. I know they can't release all the info.
that is an interesting quote from Grandma.

So either:
1) The girls bikes are planted, because they never went that far
2) Grandma had no control over the girls and had no idea where they were.

I don't know which is the right answer but I lean towards #2.

I think so, too. IMO she seemed overwhelmed and put out that the girls weren't home on time.

Grandmas are human, too (sorry to the Super Grams :) ) and like a parent might, I can see her thinking "those doggone kids, boy, when I get ahold of them...."

She may also have assumed that because she told the girls to stay on the block, that they did so and that this time is the only time they disobeyed.

jMO but poor woman didn't seem to have a tight rein on the girls. Kids test boundaries. That's part of being a kid.
that is an interesting quote from Grandma.

So either:
1) The girls bikes are planted, because they never went that far
2) Grandma had no control over the girls and had no idea where they were.

I don't know which is the right answer but I lean towards #2.

I am sort of leaning towards option 3) which is some combination of 1) and 2)

I do not think the girls regularly rode around the lake as suggested by witness. I do think the girls were sort of pushing the boundaries and were further than "on the block". I do think the rule was loosely "check back in every hour". I do think gramma was distracted trying to assist with Heather's full and busy household.

If you look at the excellent map for this case - it is a good 10 to 12 blocks to the lake. I doubt these girls, 8 and 10 respectively, would have gone all the way to the lake.

My initial instinct in this case was the bikes and purse phone were dumped there because of the limited visibility. I have tried on several theories along the way but I keep coming back to that. The bikes feel staged for me.
Of Course, I could be all kinds of wrong. Wouldn't be the first time.
TG talked to searchers Monday (per date of photo in the Globe Gazette)


As the group searched, a bicyclist stopped the officers to say he saw the two kids bikes on the trail at about 12:20 p.m., but no sign of the children.
Ted Gamerdinger of Waterloo said he rides the trail often.
“I saw the bikes laying on the path and had to swerve to miss them,” Gamerdinger said. He then went to the Evansdale Police Department to report the sighting.

End quote


How can the spokesman not know about him? I can understand thinking he was wrong, but to not even be aware of him. Especially, since he was brought up in yesterday's presser.

I am a Grandma so maybe to soft hearted, but why was a 10 year old expected to do chores on a visit? Then get reprimanded enough to try and run away? Was this parent controlling? Did she not like going there?
Hi, I've been following this board for about a week, and the girls case since the beginning. I do not live in the area, but am friends of a relative of Elizabeth's parents.

This may have been covered (so forgive me if it has) but what struck me as odd from the very beginning, was the use of the word "Abducted" by the family. (mainly Misty, Tammy, and Grandma). As a mother myself, it seemed like such an alarming word and odd choice. They consistently used the word abducted way before the FBI or other authorities used it. Why were they so quick to dismiss the lake? Or just that the girls had wandered off, maybe lost or hurt somewhere? No, immediately they said abducted. To me it felt like such a contrived, planned out word.

Just my thoughts from the beginning.


What I'm confused about is how did the family reach the thoughts the girls had been abducted? (My thoughts at first were abduction, but that's just me on the outside looking in with very little to go on other than my intuition and what little info was released at the time.)

1. why call LE when Lyric and her other cousin were a little late a few days prior to Lyric and Elizabeth going missing? My version of an answer - Lyric threatened to run away a few days prior. OK-that works, go to LE and have them pick her up.

2. why immediately call it an abduction when Lyric was late a 2nd time with Elizabeth? - she threatened to run away a few days prior to the first LE contact - wouldn't you say, my daughter was upset and might have run away? I don't remember hearing that but could have missed it.

3. why immediately try to steer LE from the lake? Could there be somewhere that Lyric threatened to go - or somewhere they suspected she'd go when she was considering running away? Is there someone she would have contacted to pick her up and that's why they weren't worried about the girls being in the lake - even with the bikes found there?

I so hope these are girls are back home soon! :please:

All the above :moo:
that is an interesting quote from Grandma.

So either:
1) The girls bikes are planted, because they never went that far
2) Grandma had no control over the girls and had no idea where they were.

I don't know which is the right answer but I lean towards #2.

BBM - where is the quote from grandma? - I can't find it...
I don't understand the LE statements. In one breathe they are saying we don't know where they are, if they are in Evensdale or not, but than in another breathe they say we are very confident they are still alive. HOW?

Are they trying to scare the kidnapper? Because if so your bringing false hope to everyone else. I do understand you have to do what you have to do.

And with the paddle boater, who saw him? The jogger? How do they know there was a paddle boater? And we don't watch a lot of TV so maybe the boater doesn't even know they are looking for him. And who would kidnap with a boater out on the lake. Wouldn't he see or hear the girls if they are screaming? That would be to risky. I think maybe the boater is the suspect.

Maybe they were not screaming because THEY KNOW THE PERSON!! IMO I don't think it is the family members though. I think it maybe a younger guy that chats to young girls online that likes to boat, and got them to come down to lake and check out his boat.
Just over than half of Evandale had been searched within 48 hours of the girls going missing, with Evansdale police going door to door.

http://www.kwwl.com/global/video/fl...1=v&at1=News&d1=213500&LaunchPageAdTag=Search Results&activePane=info&rnd=83696595

Thousands of volunteers gave up their weekend to search in some very unpleasant conditions.

I think so, too. IMO she seemed overwhelmed and put out that the girls weren't home on time.

Grandmas are human, too (sorry to the Super Grams :) ) and like a parent might, I can see her thinking "those doggone kids, boy, when I get ahold of them...."

She may also have assumed that because she told the girls to stay on the block, that they did so and that this time is the only time they disobeyed.

jMO but poor woman didn't seem to have a tight rein on the girls. Kids test boundaries. That's part of being a kid.
I think that is a great possibility.
Typical summer day for lots of families inmany cities.
Kids report in, take off on bikes no one knows where they really are.
My heart breaks more so after today's presser. :moo:
TG talked to searchers Monday (per date of photo in the Globe Gazette)


As the group searched, a bicyclist stopped the officers to say he saw the two kids bikes on the trail at about 12:20 p.m., but no sign of the children.
Ted Gamerdinger of Waterloo said he rides the trail often.
“I saw the bikes laying on the path and had to swerve to miss them,” Gamerdinger said. He then went to the Evansdale Police Department to report the sighting.

End quote


How can the spokesman not know about him? I can understand thinking he was wrong, but to not even be aware of him. Especially, since he was brought up in yesterday's presser.


AND Friday's presser. I am telling you, something is up with TG. I will leave it at that.

What I'm confused about is how did the family reach the thoughts the girls had been abducted? (My thoughts at first were abduction, but that's just me on the outside looking in with very little to go on other than my intuition and what little info was released at the time.)

1. why call LE when Lyric and her other cousin were a little late a few days prior to Lyric and Elizabeth going missing? My version of an answer - Lyric threatened to run away a few days prior. OK-that works, go to LE and have them pick her up.

2. why immediately call it an abduction when Lyric was late a 2nd time with Elizabeth? - she threatened to run away a few days prior to the first LE contact - wouldn't you say, my daughter was upset and might have run away? I don't remember hearing that but could have missed it.

3. why immediately try to steer LE from the lake? Could there be somewhere that Lyric threatened to go - or somewhere they suspected she'd go when she was considering running away? Is there someone she would have contacted to pick her up and that's why they weren't worried about the girls being in the lake - even with the bikes found there?

I so hope these are girls are back home soon! :please:

All the above :moo:

Respectfully in response to your post...

IIRC they went looking at first (like this time) and when they didn't find her and her other cousin, they called the police. If any of my kids were "late" and I couldn't find them, I'd be at the police station front desk. Calls require a response time...I need you guys to move asap. ;-)

JMO, but I think even with a "runaway" child...there is a pattern. I've heard many parents say, yes he/she has done this before but he/she comes back within (whatever time frame) or when he/she runs away I usually know where to find them. Keeping in mind the other incidents happened in Waterloo, having searched everywhere, the amount of time that had passed since last being seen (not usual pattern) I can understand the thought of...this is not "normal", someone had to have taken them. I agree...maybe not use the word "abducted" (I believe the first time this statement was made was either the day after/couple days after the girls went missing) but firmly believe someone took them.

The family went and searched the lake themselves before LE was notified, I don't recall them trying to steer LE away from the lake.
Does anyone believed this may have been planned by someone that has a lot to lose ?Their freedom, to put off court date? I feel there is a strong possibility, but that's just me!
Well, if there IS a person who inserted himself into case, giving possibly false info...then the girls are probably not coming home.
I'd think if they thought he was just a liar they'd say something. :banghead:

Not if he is the suspect. They wouldn't want him to know they were on to him.

Hypothetically. IMO. MOO.
Since I'm not ready to believe that "grandma" lied yet, I've been trying to figure out how what she's said could fit with what's happened, and have both be true - more or less. She said that when they usually go riding, she just has to yell for them, and they come home, even though she sometimes has to call for them a couple of times.

It sounds to me like they may have been spending time with somebody within the sound of her voice, which is most likely only a few blocks. If that person/those people said they were going to the lake with a paddle boat (a friend showed up with one?), they may have said they could have a ride before Lyric had to leave if they met them out there. Of course they could have pretended they had a boat and never even brought one with them as far as that goes.

If they were told to meet him/them there, it may have been so there would be no witnesses to them ever being together. I could see them being excited about it and just dropping the bikes. A vehicle may have already been out of sight there when the other cyclist went by. If the girls were already inside, they could have moved the bikes and left as soon as he was out of sight.. or could have really taken a paddle boat out for a short time with the girls locked in the vehicle to give themselves an alibi.
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