IA IA - Johnny Gosch, 12, W Des Moines, 5 Sept 1982 - What happened? - #1

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miles_draken said:
I don't care much about the whole conspiracy thing surrounding the supposed Franklin cover-up. I started this thread with one thing in mind, finding out what happened to Johnny Gosch. This whole Gannon thing that has come out in Washington now is very intriuging, but if he won't submit to DNA testing, which he has refused to do, then there isn't much further that part of the case will go. No matter how much he looks like Johnny's age progression, DNA is the only thing that would clear this all up. Does anyone know where Johnny's father is? It seems he isn't involved in the search like Noreen is. I don't know if this whole thing is high level government conspiracy or a bunch of nuts trying to make a buck, but I do know that a child was kidnapped in 1982. What happened to him?
The Franklin case very much is tied into the Gosch case. Before Gary Caradori attempted to fly back from Chicago he phoned his wife and told her he had the "smoking gun" for the Franklin case and that he also found out what happened to Johnny Gosch. However as stated in a previous post he never made it back to Nebraska because his plane went down.

There are a few other notes of interest that have taken place recently since the whole "Jeff Gannon" scandal broke the headlines.

First of all Hunter S Thompson supposedly committed suicide, you may wonder what in the world he has to do with anything. Well Paul Bonacci testified that on one of his "sexual adventures" that he took with Larry King he was flown to Vegas where they picked up Mr. Thompson before flying out to a resort in the redwoods of California where he and other boys were sexually molested. He claims that Mr. Thompson was in charge of making the "snuff film" of what took place. Now it would be easy to dismiss this as a fairy tale but we now know that what Bonacci was describing is in fact Bohemian Grove (DeCamp didn't even know at the time what Bohemian Grove was). Unless Bonacci had actually been to Bohemian Grove how in the world would he have been able to accurately describe it? Also if Mr. Thompson was involved and he knew that Gannon was in fact Gosch then surely he knew that his involvement may come out, so either he committed suicide or someone killed him (a whole other topic.) It is also a strange coincidence a recent article posted on Gannon's site was titles "Fear and Loathing in the Press Room", which could be a reference to Thompson's film "Fear and Loathing in Las vegas".

Anyways if you have never heard of Bohemian Grove then you need to check out the following link (which features prominent politicians at the club):


Second, the man that Caradori met in Chicago was Rusty Nelson. Rusty was hired by Larry King to be his personal photographer. Rusty supposedly had some compromising pictures of these powerful and prominent men that were used to blackmail them. Rusty is still alive (surprisingly) however again right after the Gannon in the Whitehouse story broke he was arrested once again. There is an article that explains Mr. Nelson's side of the story at this link:

Also two stories recently appeared in Des Moines area papers, the first was in the Des Moines Register:

The second was in a more independent paper:

In an interesting note not only was the author of the second article fired but the paper closed it's doors and changed it's name after the article was published (I confirmed this myself by calling their office):
messiecake said:
Theres "evidence" that the moon landing didnt happen and it was a government hoax and there are some esteemed people who have attached themselves to that (conspiracy) theory so your point is?????????
Nice move to try and discredit this info by immediately associating it with another "conspiracy" such as the moon landing hoax. Let's try to stay on topic. You don't seem to want to make a comment that relates to the info or try and refute it with other information, all you do is sit back and make remarks blasting the info that is posted. How about you contribute something relevant to this discussion?

And to answer your question my point is you are not the final say-so on what is fact and what is fiction so if you are not "buying it" then it really doesn't matter either way :hand:
How crazy this whole thing does sound. The Conspiracy theories that are flying around and those of you who discredit it as "impossible". Well not too long ago this very medium we are using, the internet, seemed "impossible". 9/11 didn't seem possible to many of us before it actually happened. The impossible things in this world are only impossible until someone does them. Something is happening to all these missing kids. I'm not saying Franklin Credit Union scandal is all they say it is, but why dispute it just because it sounds crazy. How many people laughed at the Wright Brothers the morning they flew for the first time? I feel we should just bounce theories off one another and investigate, not say that something is false just because it's hard to believe. Something happened to Johnny Gosch, it's just a question of what.
atx said:
Nice move to try and discredit this info by immediately associating it with another "conspiracy" such as the moon landing hoax. Let's try to stay on topic. You don't seem to want to make a comment that relates to the info or try and refute it with other information, all you do is sit back and make remarks blasting the info that is posted. How about you contribute something relevant to this discussion?

And to answer your question my point is you are not the final say-so on what is fact and what is fiction so if you are not "buying it" then it really doesn't matter either way :hand:

IMO YOUR conspiracy holds as much water as the moonlanding hoax conspriacy HENCE why it was brought up.Ive made numerous comments regarding YOUR theory and the "information" you have posted-what is it you want from me exactly??
THIS IS A MESSAGE BOARD! ALL ANYONE DOES IS SIT BACK AND MAKE REMARKS(DUH!)AND FYI according to many posters I have contributed MANY relevant things thank you very much.Just because YOU dont like them doesnt mean they dont matter! YOU do NOT run this forum(thank God) and its NOT up to YOU who can post OR what they can say THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!!

AND until proven otherwise I belive you are associated with certain person(s) who are involved in this hoax (if not your being the actual main person behind it) SO Mr.ATX/Johnny/BoyExploited I can and will say whatever I want about your theories OR anything else I darn well please on this or any other forum(unless I violate the TOS and bt expressing MY opinion is NOT in violation so youre SOL buddy!!)

Im not the only one who 1) Doesnt belive a word you say and 2) Thinks you have more than a vested interest in this hoax but you continue posting AND i will too!!

For those of you who may be a bit flabbergasted by all of this, I feel the need to reiterate that certain elements of what I have been posting are not “conspiracy theory” but they are fact.

The first point is that human “sex slave” trafficking is in fact real, and that many of these “sex slaves” are in fact children. On top of that it has been uncovered across the globe that government officials and agencies have been involved in this. Here is a link:


The second point is that there is evidence that our own government has been involved in this. On Thursday June 9, 1989 the Washington Times headline read “Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan, Bush” (for a scan of this headline visit http://thelawparty.com/FranklinCoverup/WTpage1.gif). In short Craig Spence, a Washington lobbyist, was giving “midnight tours” of the White House to “call boys”. What ensued is very interesting, you can view further reports about this at the following link:


For those of you who try and discredit Bonacci I must tell you that he gave a detailed description of the living quarters in the White House, which is an area that not even the press are allowed to go! And as you probably guessed Craig Spence’s life came to an end when he committed “suicide”.

Here is another examples of a government official being involved in related activity:

Homosexual Escort services operate out of Barney Frank’s apartment:


The third point I would like to make is about Bohemian Grove. As I said before Bonacci described being taken to this location and being sexually assaulted here, you can view an excerpt of his account at this link…although I must warn you it is graphic:


The Bohemian Grove is an extremely exclusive resort where politicians and other powerbrokers meet. The following website contains information as well as pictures of the powerful figures attending the meetings:


You may notice that there is a giant sculpture of an owl which is the pagan idol “Moloch” in the Bible. You may also notice the “Cremation of Care” ceremony which involves the members of the Grove dressing in robes and participating in a mock sacrifice. Seems kinda creepy? Hear what President Nixon had to say about the grove:


Again how could an orphan from Nebraska know so much about Bohemian Grove?


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There is one more person that is involved in the Franklin & Gosch cases that I have not seen mentioned yet. His name is Michael Aquino. He was a very high ranking military officer who held top Pentagon clearances. While in the military he was involved in several projects that involved mind control and psy-ops. He was also a suspect in several different pedophile cases and eventually went on to form the Temple of Set, a satanic organization. Here is an informative article about Mr. Aquino:


And a brief excerpt:

During the February 5 hearing, Noreen Gosch stunned the court with sworn testimony linking U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino (ret.) to the nationwide pedophile ring. Her son, Johnny, then 12 years old, was kidnapped off the streets of West Des Moines, Iowa on September 5, 1982, while he was doing his early-morning newspaper deliveries. Since his kidnapping, she has devoted all of her time and resources to finding her son, and to exposing the dangers that millions of children in American face from this hideous, literally Satanic underground of ritualistic deviants.​

"We have investigated, we have talked to so far 35 victims of this said organization that took my son and is responsible for what happened to Paul, and they can verify everything that has happened," she told the court.​

"What this story involves is an elaborate function, I will say, that was an offshoot of a government program. The MK-Ultra program was developed in the 1950s by the CIA. It was used to help spy on other countries during the Cold War because they felt that the other countries were spying on us.​

"It was very successful. They could do it very well."​

Then, the Aquino bombshell: "Well, then there was a man by the name of Michael Aquino. He was in the military. He had top Pentagon clearances. He was a pedophile. He was a Satanist. He's founded the Temple of Set. And he was a close friend of Anton LaVey. The two of them were very active in ritualistic sexual abuse. And they deferred funding from this government program to use [in] this experimentation on children.​

"Where they deliberately split off the personalities of these children into multiples, so that when they're questioned or put under oath or questioned under lie detector, that unless the operator knows how to question a multiple-personality disorder, they turn up with no evidence."​

She continued: "They used these kids to sexually compromise politicians or anyone else they wish to have control of. This sounds so far out and so bizarre I had trouble accepting it in the beginning myself until I was presented with the data. We have the proof. In black and white."​

Under questioning from DeCamp, Gosch reported: "I know that Michael Aquino has been in Iowa. I know that Michael Aquino has been to Offutt Air Force Base [a Strategic Air Command base, near Omaha, which was linked to King's activities]. I know that he has had contact with many of these children."​

Paul Bonacci, who was simultaneously a victim and a member of the nationwide pedophile crime syndicate, has subsequently identified Aquino as the man who ordered the kidnapping of Johnny Gosch. In his February 5 testimony, Bonacci referred to the mastermind of the Gosch abduction as "the Colonel."​

A second witness who testified at the February 5 hearing, Rusty Nelson, was King's personal photographer. He later described to EIR another incident which linked King to Aquino, while the Army special forces officer was still on active reserve duty. Some time in the late 1980s, Nelson was with King at a posh hotel in downtown Minneapolis, when he personally saw King turn over a suitcase full of cash and bearer-bonds to "the Colonel," who he later positively identified as Aquino. According to Nelson, King told him that the suitcase of cash and bonds was earmarked for the Nicaraguan Contras, and that "the Colonel" was part of the covert Contra support apparatus, otherwise associated with Lt. Col. Oliver North, Vice President George Bush, and the "secret parallel government" that they ran from the White House.​

There are many more links with info about Mr. Aquino online, do some research!
I am not a big believer of conspiracy theories myself, but I believe history can teach us a lot of what to believe may be possible. So for the non-believers of a conspiracy theory- I refer you to the rumors and theories of the "Disappeared of the Yonne" of in France and the history of that case and of the case of Dutroux in Belgium, who still insists that he was only a part of a larger conspiracy which involved judges, politicians, and LE. Investigations are still ongoing in Belgium and France. But they are 3 similiar stories in 3 different countries. At least check them out before dismissing the conspiracy theory outright.
MESSIECAKE... AS IT SAYS UNDER MY NAME.... "I'VE FOUND MY TINFOIL HAT". Do you want to borrow it? Or I can make you one exactly like mine! :D
messiecake said:
AND until proven otherwise I belive you are associated with certain person(s) who are involved in this hoax (if not your being the actual main person behind it) SO Mr.ATX/Johnny/BoyExploited I can and will say whatever I want about your theories OR anything else I darn well please on this or any other forum(unless I violate the TOS and bt expressing MY opinion is NOT in violation so youre SOL buddy!!)

Im not the only one who 1) Doesnt belive a word you say and 2) Thinks you have more than a vested interest in this hoax but you continue posting AND i will too!!

Could you please answer the following:
-What I need to do to disprove the accusation that I am Johnny/BoyExploited?
-How I "have more than a vested interest in this hoax"?

The irony is that your statements are false and better fit the bill of a "conspiracy theory" than anything I have posted :laugh:
Messiecake: Email Or Pm Me And I'll Show You How To Block Certain Posts So You Don't Even Have To Read Anything. It'll Look Like It "disappears". ;)


Ps: Atx: Thought You Didn't Believe In Slamming. I Kindly Suggest You Head To The 100's Of Other Forums Out There That Will Embrace Your "theories". No Matter How Many Times People Tell You They Don't Buy It, You Still Want To Ram It Down Our Throats. I'm Not Telling You To Go Away, I'm Suggesting You Go Where Many People Like You Believe In The Same Things.
First of all, this is a message board and what you call "ramming it down our throats" I simply call PARTICIPATING! I feel that I have brought a lot of new information and links to this thread in a short amount of time. Just because you, messie, and others may not "buy" into the information others have shown interest in what I have posted. Besides doesn't a good investigator look into all possible leads (especially on a case that has been cold for two decades)?

And my question to messie about what it will take to disprove the accusation that I am Johnny/BoyExploited is open to you as well, it's time to put that to rest...

AND IRREGARDLESS OF WHO YOU ARE.... YOU come out posting what's already plastered on the internet. Just because someone wrote it doesn't make it true. IT is a huge conspiracy. That's my two cents and now if you pardon me, I'm permanently taking myself off THIS PARTICULAR TOPIC. I'M DONE WITH THIS.
blueclouds said:

AND IRREGARDLESS OF WHO YOU ARE.... YOU come out posting what's already plastered on the internet. Just because someone wrote it doesn't make it true. IT is a huge conspiracy. That's my two cents and now if you pardon me, I'm permanently taking myself off THIS PARTICULAR TOPIC. I'M DONE WITH THIS.
Blueclouds..Please..there is no such word as "irregardless"..the word you are seeking is "regardless"..I'm generally not so critical, but many people read these forums, and this kind of language only attracts that 'ol turkey callin', beer guzzling, wrestling match kind of crowd. Let's raise the bar a bit and show atx some respect. In the words of Rodney King, "can't we just get along." Have a great life!:bang:
Well hopefully Messie sticks around long enough to answer my questions...I am particularly interested to know what she thinks my "ulterior motives" are for contributing to this thread.
I did check your link, and found that the word is sometimes used HUMOROUSLY, which couldn't have been what you were doing, bein' from Texas and goin' to Princeton and all that stuff. I'm from Texas,and we Texans know funny, just look at the political leaders we produce.......
Irreguardless of your vast education in the redneck ways of the world, your line didn't seem all that funny. Try this one.."Why do rednecks attend family reunions so often?" answer..looking for dates.
Here are two more cases I found where members of government and law enforcement where found to be involved in child *advertiser censored*:

http://www.family.org/cforum/fosi/*advertiser censored*/facts/a0026237.cfm

Operation Candyman

Date: On March 18, 2002, FBI Executive Assistant Director Bruce Gebhardt and Attorney General John Ashcroft announced the first phase of Operation Candyman.1

Subject: The investigation centered on a Yahoo! Egroup that invited people to trade pictures of child *advertiser censored*. The FBI estimates that there were more than 7,000 subscribers to the group, with around 2,400 living abroad. Those subscribing to the Candyman group were targeted in this investigation, but other Egroups were under scrutiny at the time Candyman was announced.2

Background: Operation Candyman began in January 2001 when an undercover FBI agent joined the site. He had instant access to about 100 images and video clips, most of which showed prepubescent children engaged in sexual acts with themselves and adults. Within a month, the agent received 500 e-mail messages, some of which included child *advertiser censored*.3 By the time Candyman was made public, all 56 FBI field offices were involved with the investigation.4

Results: More than 100 Americans have been arrested.5 The group administrator, Mark Bates, was sentenced to 30 years in prison.6 Those arrested included day care workers, clergy members, law enforcement personnel,7 a U.S. Army Sergeant,8 and others in positions of trust or authority. German authorities are investigating 1,400 people in connection with Candyman and British police have identified more than 2,000 people suspected of acquiring illegal material from the sites in question.9

Operation Ore

Date: Details of Britain’s Operation Ore first began to appear in September 2002 when two police officers who had worked on a high-profile child abduction case were arrested for child *advertiser censored* offenses.1

Subject: The investigation centers on the more than 7,200 Britons who allegedly subscribed to child *advertiser censored* through Landslide Productions, a Fort Worth, Texas-based company.2

Background: Operation Ore can trace its roots to the start of the United States’ investigation, Operation Avalanche, in April 1999. When American law enforcement officers analyzed Landslide’s business records, they discovered hundreds of thousands of subscriber from all over the world. After the Reedys were convicted, U.S. investigators released the names of international subscribers to Interpol. Britain received its list of suspects in September 20013 and began dividing them between 43 regional forces.4 Police targeted those in positions of authority or proximity to children first.5

Results: To date, British police have arrested 1,500 people, including more than 50 police officers,6 judges, two Members of Parliament, doctors, and legendary rock star Pete Townshend of The Who.7 News reports also indicate that the FBI is ready to turn over another 8,000 leads as a result of a separate child *advertiser censored* investigation.8 Police have determined that nearly one in five of those arrested was also sexually abusing children.9
The Jeff Gannon conspiracy is just that. He 100% not Johnny Gosch.

All the new propoganda is geared toward selling Decamp's and Noreen's books. That is all it is.

Fact: A mother knows her son no matter how long they have been seperated. So dont you think Noreen would at least have the mothers instinct toward Gannon?

I know these things because I was involved in all the hoopla in the late 80's and early 90's

I am the "Jimmy" dude that America's Most Wanted found.

I was not kidnapped when I was a kid but I ran away from home and went to Omaha and then got involved (forced) into this crap.

So when I say trust me that the person they think is Johnny is not.

This whole thing I believe is financially motivated (Now Days)

As far as Leonard Gosch's involvement, I am firmly convinced that he had a part of it.

Mr. Gosch, still lives in Iowa, if you go to the State of Iowa, division of courts, do an online record search you can see he has not diappeared.

I can back up everythign I say as I am really the only creditable person that knows what really happened.

By the way, Paul Bonacci was not involved in the abduction of Johnny. This is one of those Decamp flaunts.

It goes really deep, but not to the white house or satanic crap or anything like that. That is all conspiracy fantasies.

Sorry for the spelling, but I do the best I can.

I will take questions on this forum.

til then, have a good one.

Also, Decamp states Troy Boner has died. Another false fact. I just see him a few days ago, also there is no SSI Death index reporting on him,.
If you know it all then please spell it out exactly what happened to JOhnny. Is he alive? Did he go see his mother? Tell us everything that you know, please. If you are indeed in the know about all of this a spilling of the guts would help to dispell all the conspiracy theories.
cppweb........... First of all don't worry about the spelling!! ..............Are you really who you say you are? How do we know you are? Do you know where Johnny is?(You obviously dont have to tell us where it is..) Does his mother know where Johnny is? Is he alive? Did he run away like you?(its as likely a theory as any). Is there any way we can help find what happened to Johnny? I have a million questions..............
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