Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #18

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Wait a minute, the theory of the minute now is she was abducted/killed because she saw someone break a window? C'mon man.

I think baseballpuig was implying if she saw somebody trying to break into a home. I think the assertion is based less on evidence of the hardware store vandalism and more on the burglary reported on July 16th that happened on W Des Moines.
Here's a thought... LE and the family have had a clear picture of what happened for about a week now... There have been discussions between the family and LE regarding who this person is, and possibly have confirmed the identity with another family who possibly have lost track of a family member, not declaring that person as missing, publicly, to keep the press out of the loop, but working quietly with LE.
LE sets up a timeline, gives the families time to try to end this through negotiations, all the while keeping close tabs on the situation, drawing a clearer picture as to their location. Pushing back any official media remarks, just to take the thought of punishment out of the picture... But, there is a clear red line drawn, which would be before the PC on Friday...
Just a thought, but I'm thinking (still) that this is being orchestrated.

That's the best theory I've heard so far - well said!
Yeah. The things that cause me pause when it comes to him include:

1. He apparently resides near or where her Fitbit last pinged.
2. His record.
3. The repeated questioning of him and searches of the area around him.
4. His willingness to speak to the media a couple times and to speak to LE, but NOT to take a polygraph.
One would think that if he was sophisticated enough to know not to take a polygraph, he would be sophisticated enough to know not to talk to the media or to LE and invoke his right to remain silent.

But what makes me think this guy may be a red herring?

1. He may be subject to warrantless searches per probation or parole conditions, which means there wasn't probable cause to search him or his property.
2. As Mountainguy has said, he's almost too perfect of a candidate.
3. He isn't a sex offender (I think?)
4. He hasn't been arrested yet.

So, he hasn't been convicted of stalking, and, if he has been, it was a domestic situation?
Can someone tell me about the report that a neighbor said se saw a black vehicle slowly circling the area sometime around the date Mollie went missing? I saw such reports but others are saying they've been debunked or can't be discussed?

Is there a link?
I must have missed that one somewhere....was there a carnival held nearby that week? Also if there was, were carnival workers brought in to run rides?
I lock my bedroom door even....esp after watching the story about the serial killer in California for years cased homes and came back at night after loosening a window or mapping out an entry..keep my gun handy too...

Slightly OT
Yeah that was creepy the way the Golden State Killer would break in earlier in the day and leave a window adjar and also sometimes left items for himself in the house to use later on that night for the rape/murder.

Im with you and lock everything all the time. I even lock my car doors the moment I get inside my car. LOL

To me its such a simple step and I want to make it as difficult as possible on a potential criminal.

I honestly saw on the nightly news about a week ago that some car item thieves hit a whole neighborhood and they were running around and just checking any open car doors and then pillaging in them for any valuables. They skipped any cars that were locked. It was like a blitz attack on the block. There were 3 or 4 of them and they started on one end of the block and ran down the block hitting as many cars as possible. A home security camera caught them in action so you could see how fast they were moving.

Having a locked car on that block saved those homeowners.
This is somewhat OT, especially if it seems that she disappeared during her run, but for those of you in/from small towns where people don't lock their doors--do you not lock them overnight, either? Or when you leave the home? I'm a city gal (well, suburbanite, at least), and our house is locked up tight during the day, whether we're home or not, and we have a security alarm on at night. I cannot fathom leaving the house unlocked while I'm at home sleeping. Even out in the country, that would totally creep me out. And staying at the house alone? I guess having large dogs in the house makes people feel safer, but I wouldn't even count on that.

ETA--I don't usually bother locking my car's doors when it's in the driveway, but my sister's husband recently found a man in their minivan in their driveway, looking for something to steal, so now I'm even a little more careful about locking my car doors as well!
We always lock our doors at night, and I lock them during the day if I'm home alone. Otherwise they're unlocked during the day if more than one person is at home.
There were also events near Brooklyn over the week during which Mollie went missing, a county fair or carnival of some sort, and bicycle riders came through on a big group ride (and kept a lookout for Mollie).

These events and it being high summer could have brought more people into town than typically are out and about, and could cause an uptick in crime there IMO.

There was also a broken window reported at the hardware store in town.

So that makes 3 crimes in Brooklyn that week:
1) Mollie disappeared from home
2) A burglary occurred at a home in her neighborhood
3) Vandalism occurred at a business in town

Dear Twistinginthewind,

Great thoughts!

All of this extra "traffic" in the area may not have caused "alarm" to the citizens seeing strange vehicles driving around. Especially during the summer when students are home, etc., driving around.
Here's an updated list of what we know to keep in mind regarding any possible scenarios:
  • Mollie's jogging clothing and devices are missing
  • she has about 3 different routes and likes to mix them up
  • the dogs were in the basement
  • Dalton said the door was probably unlocked
  • she was seen running East on Pershing towards the Funeral Home
  • she was seen at the Funeral Home
  • she typically picks up the car at her mom's house before dark
  • she went for a run at 7:30
  • she usually runs for 45 minutes
  • LE reconstructed her run, relying on Fitbit data, cell phone pings and eyewitnesses
  • a digital signal led police to the Guernsey farm area
  • video was collected from various businesses
  • Mollie's mom was asked by FBI if Mollie was "in a home" at 9:45
  • she may have done homework (time unknown & unconfirmed)
  • Snapchat appeared to be indoors & taken that day, viewed at 10PM

Thank you for doing this and don't hate me, but I already have a question. She was seen AT the funeral home? Is that the NH sighting? I want to make sure I'm not missing one.
I think baseballpuig was implying if she saw somebody trying to break into a home. I think the assertion is based less on evidence of the hardware store vandalism and more on the burglary reported on July 16th that happened on W Des Moines.

Correct. Regardless I guess I was getting at both the burglary and vandalism could have happened by the same individual or individuals. Either way people that have guts to break into houses or break windows to steal aren’t the most level set people. And the fact it was two days in a row in a town of that size is ironic. Were they up to more than just those incidences. Where are they from? Could any of this be linked? Did she witness them trying to break into someone’s house and they followed her home. We just don’t know.
If there's someone that does NOT believe virtually every media event is coached, rehearsed, et al - I'd love to sell you some ocean front property in Arizona! :)

I think, in my humble observation, is this case is trying to cool the temperature of stressing a POI/suspect. If there is any opportunity for success this would be what it would look like. All I am seeing is control and strategy. I am assuming that the tips and investigation have given them what they need or they would be asking for more public help and releasing key items to media. Some of that has happened then it cools right back down.
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