Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #31

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If it was in fact raining, she may have been offered a ride because of the rain from someone she knows. She also is a very friendly, kind person, so she may have approached a vehicle more closely than she should have.

I did not think it was raining on her run. Thought it rained the next day?
This information has been posted here before, but here it is again:

"This is a new arena for us. That's part of the reason we called the FBI in. It's probably pretty new to them, too," Mitch Mortvedt, spokesman for the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, told CNN. "I don't know of another case here in Iowa where we have used specifically Fitbit info."

When her Fitbit pinged at a hog farm about 10 miles southeast of the house in Brooklyn, IA, where she was last seen, police searched the area but found nothing, Mortvedt said."

Everything We Know About The Disappearance Of Iowa College Student Mollie Tibbetts

I believe the word "ping" references a digital signature. Police admit that this is a "new arena" for them, and they may not use the best words to reference the digital evidence.
Bump for @Vedder
I do keep going back to MT's pinned tweet and the whole library incident as described by her is absolutely bizarre, IMO. The only reasons I haven't concluded that it's too coincidental to be a coincidence are: 1) She tweeted this back in November and 2) It looks like this incident happened at her university library, not her local (home) library. @PaulR , is there any way to determine the date she "pinned" this to the top of her Twitter feed?

I hope LE went back and checked whether or not a missing child wearing a pink hat & coat WAS in fact reported back in November and if it was, I hope they paid a visit to whoever called in that report.
It's not a ping like a cell phone ping. Ping is actually a technical term believe it or not, going back to early computer networking. Your computer almost certainly has a program called "ping" which is a version of this and tells you if you are having problems connecting to a server and how much latency there is.
For those of you that haven’t lived in a small town and think I’m off my rocker for saying Mollie just got in a car willingly with someone she knows, consider my perspective here:

I grew up in an Iowa town of about 1,500. On most nights I could walk uptown, see a car driving by, and tell you whose car it is. I could likely tell you about that person and their family. It would be almost certain that I would run into a friend and at least stop to say hi.

When I moved to Iowa City (much bigger, but still not considered a big city) I could spend all day biking all over the city and not once run into anyone I know. It would be highly unlikely to see anyone I would even wave to.

And now I live in a town near Brooklyn with a population I’d guess to be roughly 5-8k. It’s not like the small town I grew up in, I don’t recognize most of the cars I see. But I do run into people I know every single time I go anywhere in town. And this small town familiarity cannot be understated - numerous people who barely know me at all have accepted rides when I’ve offered. This happens and it happens a lot. Whether this happened to Mollie specifically or not is unknown, but it happens in Brooklyn daily and cannot be dismissed as unlikely.
For those of you that haven’t lived in a small town and think I’m off my rocker for saying Mollie just got in a car willingly with someone she knows, consider my perspective here:

I grew up in an Iowa town of about 1,500. On most nights I could walk uptown, see a car driving by, and tell you whose car it is. I could likely tell you about that person and their family. It would be almost certain that I would run into a friend and at least stop to say hi.

When I moved to Iowa City (much bigger, but still not considered a big city) I could spend all day biking all over the city and not once run into anyone I know. It would be highly unlikely to see anyone I would even wave to.

And now I live in a town near Brooklyn with a population I’d guess to be roughly 5-8k. It’s not like the small town I grew up in, I don’t recognize most of the cars I see. But I do run into people I know every single time I go anywhere in town. And this small town familiarity cannot be understated - numerous people who barely know me at all have accepted rides when I’ve offered. This happens and it happens a lot. Whether this happened to Mollie specifically or not is unknown, but it happens in Brooklyn daily and cannot be dismissed as unlikely.


I certainly hope you didn't get the impression anyone thinks you're off your rocker...we're just offering the other possibility. Neither (stranger or known perp) should be dismissed out of hand, imho.

BTW, thanks for the videos. They are much appreciated.

ETA: I grew up in a "town" of 500 before moving to the big city.
For those of you that haven’t lived in a small town and think I’m off my rocker for saying Mollie just got in a car willingly with someone she knows, consider my perspective here:

I grew up in an Iowa town of about 1,500. On most nights I could walk uptown, see a car driving by, and tell you whose car it is. I could likely tell you about that person and their family. It would be almost certain that I would run into a friend and at least stop to say hi.

When I moved to Iowa City (much bigger, but still not considered a big city) I could spend all day biking all over the city and not once run into anyone I know. It would be highly unlikely to see anyone I would even wave to.

And now I live in a town near Brooklyn with a population I’d guess to be roughly 5-8k. It’s not like the small town I grew up in, I don’t recognize most of the cars I see. But I do run into people I know every single time I go anywhere in town. And this small town familiarity cannot be understated - numerous people who barely know me at all have accepted rides when I’ve offered. This happens and it happens a lot. Whether this happened to Mollie specifically or not is unknown, but it happens in Brooklyn daily and cannot be dismissed as unlikely.

I do not dismiss/dispute the fact that people get in cars of other people they know, while out walking, small town or not. I just don't understand why a runner would? I suppose if they twisted an ankle or had some other injury? Or, if it was a pre-planned meeting? But otherwise, why take a ride and not just keep on running?

I also don't think you are off your rocker, lol, you have contributed greatly to this case and I really appreciate your videos and all of your insight!
I get what you are saying...but as they say...never say never...

In my opinion, if she was on a jog/run...why would she get into a car? Her activity was the run. Why even stop to talk to someone in a car while you are on a run? I would wave to a runner friend, but I wouldn't stop to talk to them...because they are working out! Am I wrong?
She was last heard from before her run. She was last seen wearing jogging clothes. This does not mean she was abducted on her run. She went running but could’ve returned home before leaving again on foot. Or something could’ve happened on the run or outside of the house upon returning, or on trek to mom’s, post run. LE has given her last communication as being right before her run, and last seen being in jogging clothes by witness(s). The “ping” or “sync” 10 miles south close to the pig farm is important. IMO, it means a car is involved, exact time, unknown.
For those of you that haven’t lived in a small town and think I’m off my rocker for saying Mollie just got in a car willingly with someone she knows, consider my perspective here:

I grew up in an Iowa town of about 1,500. On most nights I could walk uptown, see a car driving by, and tell you whose car it is. I could likely tell you about that person and their family. It would be almost certain that I would run into a friend and at least stop to say hi.

When I moved to Iowa City (much bigger, but still not considered a big city) I could spend all day biking all over the city and not once run into anyone I know. It would be highly unlikely to see anyone I would even wave to.

And now I live in a town near Brooklyn with a population I’d guess to be roughly 5-8k. It’s not like the small town I grew up in, I don’t recognize most of the cars I see. But I do run into people I know every single time I go anywhere in town. And this small town familiarity cannot be understated - numerous people who barely know me at all have accepted rides when I’ve offered. This happens and it happens a lot. Whether this happened to Mollie specifically or not is unknown, but it happens in Brooklyn daily and cannot be dismissed as unlikely.
To back SharonNeedles up, I lived in Iowa City for 8 years, and there existed a cultural pressure *to* take rides, even at times from people I didn't know (friend of a friend, or). Sitting at a bus stop, or biking home from Goodwill at 9pm after it closed (I took a ride from a stranger once in extreme cold. Turned out fine). Even in a town the size of Iowa City, when you move there you will learn the expression, "The Iowa City Turn Around." This is where, before you start talking about someone not present, you turn around to ensure either they aren't in the vicinity, or anyone who knows them is.

Never, coming from a large city to Iowa, would I have believed I'd let my guard down after a while. But I did. Were I to return to Iowa, my guard would go down once again. edit: MT could have caught a ride for countless reasons. I was in school there, & it was rare for me to go downtown without seeing someone I knew. Almost led to an overly-safe sense of familiarity with my surroundings. And people. The potential of something bad happening wasn't foremost in the mind as I went about daily life in Iowa, you know?
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IMO -- if the perp (assuming there IS a perp) is AT ALL familiar with the area, there's no way he's hiding a body in a field of any kind. Farmers are notorious for watching their fields like a hawk... and with very good reason. Farming is incredibly hard work and those fields are their livelihood. My granddaddy was a farmer, and although his farm was in SC and he mostly cropped tobacco, I think most farmers treat their beloved crops the same. He constantly checked up on his fields and would immediately notice if so much as a squirrel had disturbed anything. While he certainly didn't walk up and down every row of every tobacco, corn, or cotton field that he farmed, he definitely traveled around the outer edges of those fields at least once a week and would have noticed anything out of the ordinary (like footprints or drag marks or flattened crops, etc.) I can only assume the farmers in Iowa would notice it too.
She was last heard from before her run. She was last seen wearing jogging clothes. This does not mean she was abducted on her run. She went running but could’ve returned home before leaving again on foot. Or something could’ve happened on the run or outside of the house upon returning, or on trek to mom’s, post run. LE has given her last communication as being right before her run, and last seen being in jogging clothes by witness(s). The “ping” or “sync” 10 miles south close to the pig farm is important. IMO, it means a car is involved, exact time, unknown.

Absolutely, all of that is still on the table too! So many possibilities!
I find myself trying to refine her movements...would being alone change her routine? would she be more likely to take one route over the other based on the fact she was alone and no one would be waiting, did she even think about it?

if she was taken on her run, then did the perp go to the house and stage the schoolwork?
( that would be truly psycho but not impossible)

the problem I have mostly is that LE put her back at the house doing home work on her computer long after her run...sooo did an intruder come into the house and remove her?
was a crime scene cleaned up? has there been a forensic search of the house? why no struggle?

answer likely...very quickly incapacitated and dispatched away from the home.

but no one saw a vehicle and . there had to be one for this to work..unless she was taken at gunpoint to a secluded area by foot to a hidden car, still a huge chance of being spotted.

did she leave the house to meet a guy? this doesn't sound like her thing, but remember being 20? early 20's ? maybe a little crush? Not likely..I going to say no to this idea..unless those who know her think she could be lured by flattery or just being very naive and wanting to help someone who has issues. But then there would be no reason for there to be zero evidence pointing to this, no phone calls, texts, secret phones, contacts, social posts,

this is not a suicide, Mollie definitely would have left a note.

she does resemble Jodi Arias, and I hate saying it believe me, but the likeness is stunning to me and it worries me that her look could have attracted some weirdo who saw her picture somewhere.

if this is a SK then this guy scoped everything out one hundred percent and ditched that fitbit away from the crime scene. I say this is a highly organized killer based on the total lack of evidence. The Pigfarm dude does not strike me as organized, although he did strike me as a possible junky with all his scratching and groaning, it could also be an act.

although we still don't know the house has been sprayed down with luminol.

she has not been seen.

I do not dismiss/dispute the fact that people get in cars of other people they know, while out walking, small town or not. I just don't understand why a runner would? I suppose if they twisted an ankle or had some other injury? Or, if it was a pre-planned meeting? But otherwise, why take a ride and not just keep on running?

I also don't think you are off your rocker, lol, you have contributed greatly to this case and I really appreciate your videos and all of your insight!
I don’t think we could know why at this point. Numerous possibilies, especially considering the number of friends Mollie would have in and around that town. I couldn’t imagine that she wouldn’t stop and catch up if she ran into a friend that she hadn’t seen in awhile. It could be as simple as that turned into a conversation the ends with “it’s getting dark, let me give you a lift.”
what kind of warent does le need to be able to see other devices that "pinged" in areas in question on the 18th or is that not able to be performed with current laws( might be a worthwile piece of legislation ).
It wouldn't have to nessacarilly been somebody who was off work, the abduction was in the evening. Probably most locals were off work by 5.
I think we're just questioning who would sacrifice their sleep on a Wednesday when they could strike on a weekend and sleep in. I mean, Mollie running regularly would have meant other opportunities, especially if she wasn't taken at the house. but it is true that the person could have worked all day and went to work the next day. especially young people can easily tell themselves I'll make up for my sleep after work tomorrow. those of us older people tend to make ourselves go to bed. I'm always surprised by working mothers who manage to do it all. work, raise kids, and go to school sometimes. makes me tired thinking about it, but some people are just more energetic and it's easy for some of us to question how these people seem to have so much energy. Of course having to work the next day would not make any difference if there was an accident/cover up or it started out as a friendly conversation and later emotions got involved. I wonder if anyone seen Mollie casually chatting with anyone in town or maybe even one of the guys at the co-op, not necessarily the night she went missing. Electrical worker, Grass cutter. Maybe they saw her with the dogs and they developed an attachment after a friendly conversation. Or, maybe someone along her jogging routes fixated on her and tried talking to her.
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