Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 *Arrest* #38

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I don't know, but maybe we are looking too hard at him cleaning up. IF a blow to the head had already killed her and he stabbed her after heart wasn't beating would it even be so messy to clean up? I know in a animal cutting into it after it is dead, like a deer, sure you get your hands messy but you don't have blood from head to toe.
I honestly think there was a nugget of truth in his story and imo until the details come out I think that the first attack whatever it was was ca
RBBM. kpm, I know you didn't write this but are only quoting. The article's composition is so horrid that you can hardly understand what the writer is trying to say!
Do we think it means that the other 5 workers live in the same house/trailer lot too?
Irregardless, I would be humiliated to be a landlord of this property and connected to allowing my employees to actually live in these conditions.
This housing looks quite “fancy” as opposed to the citrus farms here. These people live in “dorms” ( worse than that actually). Imagine living in a “rent free” house with 15 other people! Wow what a benefit!!!!
Thanks for the info. What watch does your husband have? I typically use an old Garmin for my runs but I never wear the heart monitor strap. Thanks!

He has a Garmin as well.

Sadly, when I asked him if the watch would continue to monitor after the heart stopped, he said no. He thinks the watch would turn off.
Something that stands out to me, in this case, is Mollie. Us ladies are always told to be confident, yell, stand your ground, fight back. From what I gather, she did just that. As the case unfolded, I would see videos of her, I read her tweets, she seemed like a very strong woman. We’re told, if you’re confident, predators are less likely to prey on you, which makes me think that this was pre meditated, he was prepared. If this were more random, maybe she would have successfully scared the predator off, but it wasn’t to be. I think that’s one reason this case resonates with me as I try to be that confident woman too but sometimes that isn’t enough.
I agree. I just think she knew him enough that she wasn’t super worried. I grew up in a town just about twice this size and could name anyone in my school or those who hung at local places. There were some “off” people but nothing for me to worry about or so I thought at the time. He had the element of surprise on his side.
I guess we do it differently we provide housing for our fish crew. It all has to be reported as a non monetary benefit.

That way all expenses associated with housing ie utilities property tayes maintenance and general replacement if furnishings all deductible as expenses. It works out more beneficial for us that way. I thought farming and fishing ran under like rules. Farmers must take expenses for housing as an overall business expense.

I’d hate to think of the utilities, simply because there would be no incentive for employees to shut off lights or close doors and windows tight in the winter.

Employment benefits are a legit business expense which is what I thought I said. The owner said they have some type of arrangement concerning rent. I assume it is legal.
Not sure where you got that misinformation. To quote your link above:
..."Investigators say the video shows Rivera following Mollie before she disappeared."...

Don't see anything about CR talking to Mollie on video, especially given that LE barely got the color /shape of the car, and no license number or video of driver.

It’s from this article.....

Cristhian Rivera was arrested earlier this week after police saw him talking to Tibbetts on a neighbor's surveillance video the night she disappeared. He told detectives he approached her during her run, and when she told him to leave her alone and that she would call the police, he "blacked out."

New Details About Cristhian Rivera's Unsettling History — Including How He Followed Another Teen Girl In His Car Before Killing Mollie Tibbetts
Be safe always. Your life depends on it. I tell my girls over and over again. First thing in your car lock your door. Make it a habit. Lock your door. And then I pray.
Wow, I must be very careless.I have never done either of those things after getting in the car. I even leave my keys lying right on the seat when I park. If someone steals it good luck to them, they won't get 50 miles without it overheating.
I agree. I just think she knew him enough that she wasn’t super worried. I grew up in a town just about twice this size and could name anyone in my school or those who hung at local places. There were some “off” people but nothing for me to worry about or so I thought at the time. He had the element of surprise on his side.
Good point. I grew up in Southern California, you barely knew anyone! It’s possibly that she didn’t “freak out” as much as if it had been an actual stranger.
Mollie didn't "reject" CR, he chased her down and assaulted her on a street. You know that's not what I said. CR's intention or motivation or perceived slight is a different issue. Ok, he wasn't a migrant worker. He was just a temporary worker who has been reported in MSM to have worked on a number of different farms. We can pretend there wasn't a clear segregation in town between the upper-middle-class white families in Mollie's mom's neighborhood and the shacks provided to temporary workers though.
he may have chased her down on the street after she rejected him, though.
It’s from this article.....

Cristhian Rivera was arrested earlier this week after police saw him talking to Tibbetts on a neighbor's surveillance video the night she disappeared. He told detectives he approached her during her run, and when she told him to leave her alone and that she would call the police, he "blacked out."

New Details About Cristhian Rivera's Unsettling History — Including How He Followed Another Teen Girl In His Car Before Killing Mollie Tibbetts

I have not seen or heard this before, and I wonder if it might be misinformation. Is Yahoo News considered MSM here? I honestly don't know.
Having an interpreter for something as complicated as a court proceeding and being able to communicate in conversational English are two very different things.

I believe that CR had 5 weeks to fashion a story about the entire incident. (In the unlikely event he was caught). Once investigators piece together as much as possible I believe the results are going to be marketly different based on their fact.

I also think he probably sent money back to Mexico to help his family and he had to hold onto his employment because they expected it.

This man has been living an ultimate lie since he left Mexico. What’s more his family and Gf knew he was using forged documents. I think investigators may already have a very significant list of lies or inconsistencies

Some very significant charge modifications may occur in the next few days prior to the preliminary hearing. And I am certain LE HAS scoured his social media and are impressed with his “like” for a blog regarding gang activity. I hope he was a regular poster there.
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It sounded like they were relaying the story he gave them. I don't think that means they find anything that he said credible. Other than her body was where he said it was. Obviously if he was telling tales of memory blocks, that conveniently began about the time that he abducted her, he could be telling partial truths, re-arranged truths, or absolute lies.

If you confess it, they can use it against you. "Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law..."

Which brings me back to my unpopular opinion that this guy is not intelligent. If you're going to confess something that isn't true, you may want to try something that doesn't constitute first degree murder.
I have not seen or heard this before, and I wonder if it might be misinformation. Is Yahoo News considered MSM here? I honestly don't know.

I don’t know if it is
Employment benefits are a legit business expense which is what I thought I said. The owner said they have some type of arrangement concerning rent. I assume it is legal.
Churches provide housing for pastors too but that is far different than having people bunking up in rooms. It’s totally legal and legit. All I am saying is it’s not a perk in this case. Just look at the pics in the news. Nothing screams free housing is awesome in those pics. Just saying and has nothing to do with Mollie so I won’t discuss further.
I wouldn’t either. How else though do you explain the ping near the pig farm?
I don't! Unless like someone said, maybe it pinged off a distant towere or something like that. Look back at the post because I probably got the wording wrong but I just saw it somewhere. I think it was a reply to that same question
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