ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 52

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Simply hearing crying or distorted emotional noises wouldn't be unusual of any college student, especially one living at this residence. And I can easily see how having so many others in the house would add to the false sense of security.

It would not be hard for a tired, very possibly intoxicated student to shrug off whatever sounds are emanating from the rest of the house, and say "screw it" and retreat to the safety of your room and let it go. Throw in the fact there was just a DoorDash delivery and that's another easy reason to convince yourself everything is fine and the noise is just noise.
ITA. I don't think DM had enough info to process that a mass murder had taken place. Imo
Agreed with those who wondered why 911 wasn't called shortly after the surviving roommate saw BK ?
Shock ?
I would not be surprised if there was some type of dissociation going on. It's not uncommon for trauma survivors to check out mentally and emotionally -- to the point where the survivor does not trust reality ("derealization"). These events have shocked the nation. Imagine being in the house, potentially inches away from a masked slasher. It's a movie script -- not real life.
Okay, but all they can prove is that the knife was his and his car was in the area often, and D claims to have seen him in the house with a mask on. He can claim the knife was stolen and that he liked to drive around a lot and that D saw someone else, someone who is 5'10, not 6 feet tall like he is. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Pretty good guess that there was no other DNA on the knife sheath other than the victims (transfer) and the assailant, why they were able to isolate it to K. MOO
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I just don’t understand why she wouldn’t have called the police then. If I saw a man in a mask inside my house, I sure as poo would do like she did, lock myself in my room, but my next step would be to call the police.
Pretty sure it was just a face mask (like we are used to seeing everyone wear for Covid). Covered his nose and mouth, but she noted his eyebrows.
I’m so nauseous reading this. It’s so much worse than we thought. They were awake, they knew. The doggy did his part and barked. I can’t even fathom DM standing there. Worse than a horror movie. As the expression goes, any crime, there are 50 ways to mess it up. You think of 25 of them, and you’re a genius. Thankfully, he was no genius. Their friends and families. Thinking of them reading this. I don’t know how you ever go to sleep at night anymore envisioning what happened to your loved one. Those survivors will need lifelong therapy.
Oh my gosh...!....Yes indeed....!
So much worse....when you read the AA with the factual and precise way that it is written, it absolutely chills to the bone.
Kohberger intended to be caught, perhaps without making it blatantly obvious that he was doing so. The knife sheath placed next to the bodies of his victims was literally a purposeful calling card, along with Kohberger having had to know his DNA was on it. Cell phone pings? A 12 year old would've known better than to take a phone along on a crime spree on this magnitude, along with keeping the phone on your person while staking out intended the victims' residence on multiple occasions

Whatever Kohberger's ultimate goal here is, he absolutely planned to be captured eventually (maybe not quite as soon as he realized), but this was his intention from the get-go. Perhaps reveling in the world-wide attention he has already garnered was one goal, but Kohberger might also harbor some wild delusion that he is somehow far more capable as an individual than Rome's finest legions already arrayed against him.

Yet there can no other explanation for the fundamental mistakes he's made committing this crime, especially considering his academic background.
100 per cent agree
It's like he left bread crumbs - very simplistic
Either something is afoot ( and I have no idea what that would be) or he just wanted to be caught
Can someone help me understand this part of the affidavit? These times don’t jive with the period immediately following the murders. Are the times typos? From page 19:

“Additional analysis ofrecords for the 8458 Phone indicated that between approximately 5:32 p.m. and 5:36 p.m., the 8458 Phone utilized cellular resources that provide coverage to Johnson, ID. The 8458 Phone then stops reporting to the network from approximately 5:36 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. That is consistent with the 8458 Phone being the area that the 8458 Phone traveled in the hours immediately following the suspected time the homicides occurred.”
He came back in the early evening on 11/13 to see what activity was happening at the King Rd house, and turned his phone off again like he did during the murders? That’s how I read it, but it is confusing.
At first I was thinking she wouldn't have noticed blood because she was in shock. But she noticed his eyebrows so who knows...
IMO noticing blood on an all black outfit would be difficult. especially if the house was dark. i've never been in the situation of seeing blood on all black clothing, but that's my opinion.
I just don’t understand why she wouldn’t have called the police then. If I saw a man in a mask inside my house, I sure as poo would do like she did, lock myself in my room, but my next step would be to call the police.
Maybe he threatened her, e.g., put this finger to his lips in a "shhh" gesture, raised the knife or leaned towards her in a menacing gesture, or said something like "you're the lucky one", or even just walking by her out the door and letting her see him was enough of a threat/disabling to her, and she went into the "frozen shock phase" LE said she was in, until the other housemate came up in the morning, and even after the 911 call was probably in shock for quite some time.

Maybe she didn't have her phone in the room to call 911, &, tragically, what was done was done by then anyway, IMO, their lives couldn't have been saved at that point, and LE has caught him in the end.

No one knows how they would react under these circumstances, IMO, and I don't think she can be judged in any way without knowing the details/having "been there", and people should have great empathy for her. JMOO

"What are the symptoms of psychological shock?
  • The hallmark symptom of shock is feeling a surge of adrenalin.
  • You may feel jittery or physically sick, like you're going to vomit or have diarrhea.
  • Your mind will likely feel very foggy, or like you can't think straight.
  • You may feel out of body.
  • Your chest may feel tight.
  • You may feel a disconnection from what's happening, like you're watching a movie of events unfolding rather than actually being there.
  • You may feel intense anger and want to scream or yell—for example, if your child is injured while someone else is supposed to be watching them.
  • You may feel like you want to run."
What Is Psychological Shock? And 5 Tips for Coping
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This is really detailed and very incriminating but one question. Why did it take the girls so long to call 911?
Well known college student home where people came and went, frequently... probably assumed it was one of her roomies' guest that was leaving. Living in a low-crime area, it probably never crossed her mind that someone was there killing people.
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