ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 16

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Are you sure about that? In the medical field, unresponsive simply means the person doesn't respond when you talk to them or gently shake them. They may have fainted, be under influence of something, be knocked out, or even dying. That could easily apply so someone suffering some kind of vasovagal or neurocadiogenic syncope.
Can’t it just simply mean “hey we know this person is in her room but she’s not answering any of us”. Maybe we are overthinking. Maybe they actually saw nothing.
Isn't that crazy? The house was targeted but the victims were NOT? I just don't get this! Could this reporter have gotten this information mixed up? The prosecutor said nothing during the interview about the house being targeted. Is this reporter reliable!??
And THIS is why I say you cannot even trust MS 100% They do their best, but I don't know how well they all fact check, etc., especially on a popular headline like this one. Best to always go back to the Moscow Police Dept.'s page for information.
From the Timeline on the Media Thread, page 3, Su NOV 13, 11:58 am:

"officers describe a bloody crime scene, "especially on upper floors of the house" [37]"

In my opinion, by saying "especially" that indicates that the entire house was a bloody crime scene, but it was especially bad on the upper floors with only minimal evidence (blood) on the first floor.

I see two scenarios as to how the lower floor had blood: either the killer tracked it down or at least one of the surviving roommates went upstairs, saw the crime scene, and then tracked it down.

If the police seem very disturbed at what that crime scene looked like, I cannot imagine how very difficult it would be for a young college student to see the murder scene for her friends. It is so easy for me to believe that she could have gone back downstairs and fainted and this is what alerted friends to call 911.
Interesting perspective. I hadn't thought about it like this.
Isn't that crazy? The house was targeted but the victims were NOT? I just don't get this! Could this reporter have gotten this information mixed up? The prosecutor said nothing during the interview about the house being targeted. Is this reporter reliable!??
JMO brian entin is actually a really great reporter and was very boots on the ground during the whole gabby petito investigation. i think it's entirely possible for "they just think the house in general was targeted" could be a way to dispel the questions of which victim was targeted and were they more brutalized than the next.
It can mean that. It can also mean a building or in this case the house. Unless LE has something specific such as postmortem stab wounds on one victim only or many more stab wounds on one victim and not the others, or some tangible evidence left by the killer (such as a note with a word on it) close to one victim, it very well could be that the house was targeted because of where it's located, not much lighting, easy in and out, vulnerable occupants, etc.

Sure, I'll grant you they could have targeted the house or building, not knowing or caring who the occupants were, then decided to kill said occupants in a brutal, personal fashion. I suppose it's possible in theory, but it's so incredibly unlikely that I'm comfortable discounting that option.

All the discussions over possible interpretations of every little detail is interesting to watch. Like the 911 call - there are perfectly reasonable explanations for the little info that's been released, but people imagine something nefarious behind what's missing. Most times when the facts as we understand them don't make sense, it's simply because we don't have all the correct facts.
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from interviews with Xs family it seems like it was kind of an informal living arrangement as in like... they were dating so he might as well have been considered a roommate from how often he slept over kind of sentiment. IMO

i agree with the possible reasoning for why we dont know much about XE's nights because underage and likely to protect the appearance of Sigma Chi.

as for E's address, i dont think that has been confirmed anywhere.
OK thanks. This likely explains the vacant bedroom on the second floor.
I have been focusing my attention on things we do know about this crime.

We know that it was down in the 20s and the ground was icy and snowy.

We know that the terrain surrounding the home is fairly steep and obscured by flora on the back side and fairly open and level in the front.

We know that the area is very dark at night according to the residents in the neighborhood. They use flashlights to both see and be seen when walking their pets at night.

We think the sliders were illuminated by the Christmas lights hanging over the patio.

The neighborhood itself only has one way in and one way out if traveling by a car.

If the killer escaped by car he would of had to use Taylor rd to flee and i would be very surprised if the police didnt have video of his car that night.

What if he were on foot?

Because of the weather conditions and the terrain he could not of traveled far (maybe a mile or two?) but he could of traveled stealthily due to the limited visability of the area.

I'm thinking the killer would be dressed for the cold and could of worn a heavy coat, ski mask, and gloves, without drawing any suspicions and also concealing a bloody mess of his indoor clothing.

If he was traveling on foot in pitch blackness he could not of been careful with where he was stepping. I think it's likely he would leave behind footprints at least.

By foot or by car I think the police have some evidence indicating what route the killer used to get away.

Knowing what we know I'm inclined to think this was done on foot by someone who lives close by. Someone who understood the physical challenges of getting in and out undetected and the advantages they could exploit to achieve their goal.

I also believe that while this might of been an act of rage. It was not done spontaneously. This was planned out. The grudge might be from months or even year's ago as opposed to something that happened earlier that night.

Anyhow that's my 2 cents of my latest pondering of this.
So the vigil is being live-streamed? On one hand I understand, but, from an investigative point of view, I think it adds an extra layer of complexity since virtually anyone can watch it and you lose the benefit of the killer only having the option of showing up in person. Also, am I reading it correctly that there are 3 simultaneous vigils? 1) UofI Moscow campus 2) UofI Boise campus 3) College of Eastern Idaho campus (combination vigil for UofI Idaho Falls, Idaho State University, and College of Eastern Idaho)

"FOX 13 plans to stream Wednesday's vigil on and will also be streamed at"

from interviews with Xs family it seems like it was kind of an informal living arrangement as in like... they were dating so he might as well have been considered a roommate from how often he slept over kind of sentiment. IMO

i agree with the possible reasoning for why we dont know much about XE's nights because underage and likely to protect the appearance of Sigma Chi.

as for E's address, i dont think that has been confirmed anywhere.
OK thanks. This likely explains the vacant bedroom on the second floor.
In 2021 Idaho had 36 homicides. Where does the necessary experience come from in solving murders?
I just want to add, that while Idaho has a low murder rate for the US, it has very high levels for European standards. Like Albania and Belarus levels. MOO: And these smaller-homicide-rate countries, several with smaller than Idaho populations, manage to solve their murders just fine. I know the court system is different and all that, but I would not blame low homicide levels in a county for anything nor see them as a cause for concern.
It can mean that. It can also mean a building or in this case the house. Unless LE has something specific such as postmortem stab wounds on one victim only or many more stab wounds on one victim and not the others, or some tangible evidence left by the killer (such as a note with a word on it) close to one victim, it very well could be that the house was targeted because of where it's located, not much lighting, easy in and out, vulnerable occupants, etc.
Also I'm not sure if anyone has noticed that the house number was 1122 and the crime was committed in the 11th month of the year 2022. I know some experts have said this wasn't a rando-psycho but someone most likely known to the victims... Maybe it wasn't the victims themselves but the house and what it represented over the years since the watching started...
We are in agreement. I think a lot of people believe if the killer locked the bedroom doors, then he MUST have remained inside the rooms and exited through a window or sliding door (depending on the floor) on his way out. My point was that people forget that you can lock a bedroom door from the inside, leave the room and close the door and it will remained locked. I wasn't very clear.
Oh, we're definitely in agreement then! Sorry, you threw me off with the talk of recent remodeling!
Also I'm not sure if anyone has noticed that the house number was 1122 and the crime was committed in the 11th month of the year 2022. I know some experts have said this wasn't a rando-psycho but someone most likely known to the victims... Maybe it wasn't the victims themselves but the house and what it represented over the years since the watching started...
this just blew my mind holy smokes.
This photo of the roomies plus Ethan was taken on the day of the murders, correct? (I still think someone could’ve hidden along the balcony. Maybe.)


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I Would almost bet The Farm(don’t actually Have One) That LE Has at least 1 poi maybe several, think about it, If they’re looking at possible suspects They’re not going to say, I know it’s being dishonest To public but, the POI (S) May not even know They’re being watched by LE, Also if they were to say they had a POI with this massacre getting so much publicity Rumors would run rampant innocent people might be called out, And I’m thinking LE And FBI are pretty Angry that some information has already leaked out, compromising Their Investigation, I Still Think An arrest will Be sooner than later… Gow can you savagely Murder 4 people With todays Technology ( criminal technology) And get away with It… JMO
I agree.

I believe that they do have a poi or more. Law enforcement keeps a tight lid on many aspects of the investigation for the reasons you state in most cases and I'd also bet the Farm that there is a lot that hasn't been divulged. Just my opinion of course. With the crime scene being as described I'd find it hard pressed for the killer to not leave any DNA behind or maybe some other piece of evidence. There are other elements at play here that they do not want released for sure.

Interesting fact that caught my eye was that there was no evidence of forced entry. The surviving roommates have been cleared. Did they leave a door or window unlocked accidentally? Very strange circumstance in my opinion. Either way, I think the point of entry was from the back of the house where the sliding glass doors are or around that area.
I can see why they want to run it down, but I strongly suspect that it is going to be another dead end.

I was never issued a Kabar or similar knife for any ROTC training. They may have been some in the supply room that were just not issued out.

But... if the ROTC department has any on hand, they are probably considered weapons and not tools. Accordingly, they would be meticulously accounted for in the supply room. \

In the end, Kabars can be sourced far more easily from the home town pawn shop, and especially from Amazon and Ebay than they can from the ROTC department.
I'm sure at the beginning, they were hoping for inner-circle suspect. Find the weapon, seal the deal. Unfortunately, after more than 2 weeks, this is not inner circle and I agree on the weapon.
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