Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #19

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I wonder what Chad is talking about when he says he no longer aligns with JR's teachings, because their beliefs were the same, so where is he going with this....? MOO
I might have some ideas on that... This is speculation based upon those in my circles and what I'm understanding that way.

Julie believes Rexburg to be a "safe place" during the "callout" and it's likely why he wanted to move there to begin with. Since he's rejecting her stuff now... I guess it doesn't matter if he rides out all the tribulations in Hawaii because he now has his own version of things that obviously rejects Julie's Rexburg ideas.

Julie has a lot of out there ideas to be honest. I read her first two books and it was not well written, and bizarre, and convoluted to be honest. It made her "believers" panic. Panic is not a good sign though... so I rejected it outright.

Julie has taught via her books that one Sunday there will be a meeting that all who have all their food storage are invited to attend (elitist in my opinion) and that only these people will be informed of the coming "callout" that removes all the best people from most of the dangers of the tribulation period into "tent cities" in the mountains and they will be there for a couple years and God will hide them from everyone and purify them. This is why there is more of a push toward the prepping with these people than with average LDS members.

These are just some of the odd things Julie has taught and obviously Chad is saying he rejects a lot of her beliefs now (though he didn't always) and that anyone applying her beliefs to him is going to be wrong in his motives and ideas. That part is likely the truth - but only because he's come up with all his own doctrine now.
Be interesting to consider in the light of retrospection, where some of the people who were so vocal and certain about this being a "custody dispute" came from. :confused:
A custody battle is the only thing Chad can hang on to with his family. This poor missionary in South Africa, the whole family has probably united just to keep him calm. Chad has got to hang on tenaciously to the custody lie because what else has he got? The only other thing is the truth, and that results in a capital murder charge. MOO
Chad's brother did come out publicly early on.

Chad Daybell's brother issues statement 'pleading' for him to cooperate with investigation | East Idaho News

MOO His statement says "I have not been close to Chad since childhood..." which seems odd if you look at a map. MOO
oh right! i forgot about him, but now that reminds me of also reading that he was the ONLY one of CDs immediate relatives who spoke out regarding the children AND him saying his statement applied to himself and his own family, not necessarily to any other family members. which at the time i thought such a strange sort of disclaimer
The Rexburg event was held in a Mormon tabernacle? How often do non-church events put on by other organizations get held in a wardhouse, stake house, or other non-temple church building like this? I don't think I've ever heard of such a thing. If it happens, do the organization pay rent? I'd think organizations like PAP, in spite of their strongly worded disclaimers, would have a hard time convincing people they weren't semi-official in the church's eyes if they are holding things like this in church buildings. What am I missing? MOO

The Tabernacle is not owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints any more. It is owned by the city of Rexburg.

See here:
Rexburg Tabernacle - Rexburg, ID - Rexburg Online
So we've got the older (bossy) sibling thing going, plus maybe a touch or two of misogyny which while it might be getting better in society at large was, if anything, worse then and I'm going to say worse in the culture you both (okay, all three of us) grew up in as well. MOO.
Well done in delicately making your point. I speak the language of this culture fluently, and know exactly what you're getting at. I am a female in my 40s, and it's something I have dealt with my entire life. I do agree that things are getting better in society at large and probably within the LDS culture as well. But there will always be a power differential in the church as certain "powers" are only bestowed upon men. MOO
I don't... I just remember seeing this before, or seeing it quoted before, but since I'm a part of many forums and many groups in social media discussing this case, I really have no idea exactly where I saw it before, just that I did, so I know it's at least a month old by this point. I can't imagine Lori calling from jail with this story for a full hour of conversation.
Isn't it nice? After conversation with Chad, only listening to Chad's claims, he declares himself vindicated? And it all was about a custody battle? We know there was no active custody battle. Especially for Tylee. Tylee who actually went missing first. No reason to hide her whatsoever, because nobody was interested in fighting for custody of her after her father died.
The kids are not even mentioned by him. I screenshot it from the East Idaho news - there doesn't appear to be a date, but EI news say it was several weeks ago, so before recent events.
I want to point out that these documents don't pertain specifically to this case, but are linked to the EIN article as an example. They're from 3-ish years ago and talking specifically about Denver Snuffer who I think came up in past threads in talking about LDS splinter groups.

From one of the stake presidents referring to apostacy:

“All of the children in the XXXX and XXXX families were included when the sacrament was being administered (the children only drank grape juice) and the older children were also baptized. At first the *advertiser censored* felt that they had experienced an increase in spirit and light but this quickly turned dark.”

Didn't I just read something similar to the part in bold from who...LV? Can't remember. It had to do with children having light but then turning dark. ?? Who said that?
IMHO, there is just one very easy way for LV to make this legal mess go away....TELL authorities where your children are!!!!! I think there is a part of her that enjoys all this attention and control.... Sadly, I don’t think the children are still alive... I think once she found out that she wasn’t going to get the life insurance $$$ and Kay did she was going to get revenge by never letting Kay see J.J. ever just blows my mind that she pretends to be so religious but yet has no problem committing horrible sins...
I just did a search, and LR, nor LV, nor LD has a passport as of today, 2/23/20, have a passport, but according to this article, it can take 6 to 8 weeks to receive your passport. Even possibly as early as Dec. It is possible that they purchased the tickets before receiving their passports. Also possible that they assumed that they would receive their passport immediately if not days after applying. Hmmm, what if the FBI put a watch on their names and held them up “for a bit”. And that may have been why they did not take off for Mexico. Or as some have speculated, the Mexico ticket was just a ruse.

USPS Offers Passport Application Tips

The Mexico flight plan was first reported AFAIK, Jan. 28th (from our expert timeline: 28 Jan 2020 – A news crew got a tip that Lori and Chad had switched hotels in Kauai and were planning to take a flight to Mexico. The crew staked out both the front and back entrances of the hotel hoping to see them leaving (Dateline).) They may have simply been over heard talking about Mexico, or they aborted the plan because of such heavy reporter and civilian presence. Probably pretty certain “the powers that be” would have stopped that flight.

The trip to Maui was Feb. 16th to 18th, ( Chad and Lori Daybell board another plane and leave Maui | East Idaho News ) I doubt if they waited that long, so if they applied for a passport it would probably have been in Kaua’i. The nearest location to Princeville shown is in Kalauea, 6.7 miles or 13 min. They do appear to have limited passport appointment hours.

PO Locator | USPS

can you keep checking ... is there any chance that these applications are delayed? Glad you are also checking under Ryan...we know she has some official ID that says Lori Ryan... thanks for this,
beings and the 144,000. Moo[/QUOTE]
I'm beginning to wonder if this coming April conference (first weekend in April) we're going to hear some rather stern warnings, again, about these kinds of groups and the bad places it leads. In a way, I HOPE we do. Not that it's stopped people before, but good gravy! This EIN article has me feeling a little sick, and sad, and deeply concerned for people being drug into this kind of stuff. It's not healthy!!
I agree. This is so disturbing. I was born and raised within the LDS church near SLC. I have lived both in and out of Utah and been an active member my whole life. I hold a local leadership position within my ward and feel connected to the community. I have NEVER EVER once heard about PAP, preppers, tent cities, AVOW, or any of these conferences. My mind is blown. Can there seriously be a big following for all of this? Are there lots of Lori & Chads out there? It is so upsetting that church building are being used to hold events for these groups. This is so sad.
I might have some ideas on that... This is speculation based upon those in my circles and what I'm understanding that way.

Julie believes Rexburg to be a "safe place" during the "callout" and it's likely why he wanted to move there to begin with. Since he's rejecting her stuff now... I guess it doesn't matter if he rides out all the tribulations in Hawaii because he now has his own version of things that obviously rejects Julie's Rexburg ideas.

Julie has a lot of out there ideas to be honest. I read her first two books and it was not well written, and bizarre, and convoluted to be honest. It made her "believers" panic. Panic is not a good sign though... so I rejected it outright.

Julie has taught via her books that one Sunday there will be a meeting that all who have all their food storage are invited to attend (elitist in my opinion) and that only these people will be informed of the coming "callout" that removes all the best people from most of the dangers of the tribulation period into "tent cities" in the mountains and they will be there for a couple years and God will hide them from everyone and purify them. This is why there is more of a push toward the prepping with these people than with average LDS members.

These are just some of the odd things Julie has taught and obviously Chad is saying he rejects a lot of her beliefs now (though he didn't always) and that anyone applying her beliefs to him is going to be wrong in his motives and ideas. That part is likely the truth - but only because he's come up with all his own doctrine now.

That paragraph about the callout for all those with their food storage sounded exactly like one of the crazy things the lady in Nate's latest interview was talking about.
I might have some ideas on that... This is speculation based upon those in my circles and what I'm understanding that way.

Julie believes Rexburg to be a "safe place" during the "callout" and it's likely why he wanted to move there to begin with. Since he's rejecting her stuff now... I guess it doesn't matter if he rides out all the tribulations in Hawaii because he now has his own version of things that obviously rejects Julie's Rexburg ideas.

Julie has a lot of out there ideas to be honest. I read her first two books and it was not well written, and bizarre, and convoluted to be honest. It made her "believers" panic. Panic is not a good sign though... so I rejected it outright.

Julie has taught via her books that one Sunday there will be a meeting that all who have all their food storage are invited to attend (elitist in my opinion) and that only these people will be informed of the coming "callout" that removes all the best people from most of the dangers of the tribulation period into "tent cities" in the mountains and they will be there for a couple years and God will hide them from everyone and purify them. This is why there is more of a push toward the prepping with these people than with average LDS members.

These are just some of the odd things Julie has taught and obviously Chad is saying he rejects a lot of her beliefs now (though he didn't always) and that anyone applying her beliefs to him is going to be wrong in his motives and ideas. That part is likely the truth - but only because he's come up with all his own doctrine now.

I'd love a peek in his house in Salem to see if he and Tammy had their food storage or any prepper supplies. MOO
A look at the religious circle surrounding Chad and Lori Daybell | East Idaho News



I have no words.

(And I have to wait until later tonight to watch the video ).
Well done in delicately making your point. I speak the language of this culture fluently, and know exactly what you're getting at. I am a female in my 40s, and it's something I have dealt with my entire life. I do agree that things are getting better in society at large and probably within the LDS culture as well. But there will always be a power differential in the church as certain "powers" are only bestowed upon men. MOO

I was trying to keep out of trouble with the PTB at WS. But yes, that's it exactly.
From one of the stake presidents referring to apostacy:

“All of the children in the XXXX and XXXX families were included when the sacrament was being administered (the children only drank grape juice) and the older children were also baptized. At first the *advertiser censored* felt that they had experienced an increase in spirit and light but this quickly turned dark.”

Didn't I just read something similar to the part in bold from who...LV? Can't remember. It had to do with children having light but then turning dark. ?? Who said that?

I think the children turning dark is somewhat different language was MB.
According to Wikipedia that solid employment might not pay much.

The MSM article referenced to back up that statement comes up with a dead link FWIW.

ETA: I can't seem to include a link without mentioning the name of someone not related to this investigation so I removed the link.
we'll get there eventually..........
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