Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #40

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Regarding Chad Daybell's entry of a not guilty plea, that was a certainty at this point. His attorney is obligated to do everything possible to represent his interests and there is not a defense attorney practicing who would fail to enter that plea. On those very rare occasions when a defendant confesses and pleads early you can be assured his/her counsel advised them not to do so. Thus, there's nothing significant about this plea at this time. Most defense attorneys will also insist on the client's right to a preliminary hearing, which requires the prosecution to produce enough evidence to satisfy the court that the charges are legitimate. Everyone knows the charges are significant and counsel knows the court will bind the defendant over, but having the preliminary hearing allows the defense to get a peek at some of the evidence. Therefore, I fully expect there will be a preliminary hearing and we will hear at least some information about the investigation and how the bodies were discovered.

You can also bet your life that his counsel will be hoping to eventually reach some sort of plea. However, the biggest issue now is that nobody knows how much information and evidence the state has with regard to the other suspicious deaths. Almost certainly Chad is going to sit mute indefinitely until the state finalizes charges against him. Very possibly the state will put together a murder/conspiracy case against both Chad and Lori while continuing to investigate the deaths of their spouses. Now that there is indisputable proof of homicide with regard to the kids, it may make sense to prosecute now and keep the pressure on. Lori's outrageous silence and failure to cooperate with the authorities puts her in a very difficult position to defend herself now.

It is also almost certain that pressure is building rapidly on both of them now that the public knows without any doubt they were lying and knew the children were dead. To be loathed so deeply while also knowing murder charges are imminent has to be extraordinarily stressful and I expect at least one of them will attempt to cut a deal. That, in turn, very well may lead to the resolution of the whole stinking mess with at least Tammy's death and possibly that of Charles.

Great post and I agree 100%
So one observation from the report right now, and it may have already been noted; CD says the last time he saw JJ was in apartment 107. After! He was stopped leaving the residence while police were doing the welfare check. And he acted like he didn’t know LV well. Yet he told his family LV had no minor children. Page 4. I have no doubt he participated in the murders. Jmo
Why do you say that? They may not be complete.

They will have to give copies of those to them if additional charges are filed.

Yes, defense will get copies WHEN any additional charges are filed that pertain to murder. Right now the charges against Lori are because her kids were missing and she would not produce them to the court. Don’t want to give defense a heads up On what evidence LE has before defense actually needs any information. JMOO
This is an interesting subject about how much the Defense or Prosecution will delve into those two individual's "beliefs" during the trial.

The bottom line is the law of the land is the law of the land and it doesn't matter what the suspects believe. We have separation of Church and State for a case just like this one. They could worship the Devil or think one of them is God himself, but it still won't matter when it comes to deciding if they broke any of US laws.

But in order for the Defense to present their case or the Prosecution to present theirs, we may see statements about what those two people believed in.

It will be interesting to see how much of that is brought up during the trial. The jury and Prosecution will be well aware that they cannot use their belief system as any sort of excuse for any of it.
Agree 100%. But I don't think the prosecutor will bring up any of their whacko beliefs and I would be surprised if the defense does because it makes them look crazy.
Good "Aha" Moment !! I did not think of that.
I keep thinking she carried their Birth Certificates around, along with TR's bank card so that she could access their accounts for $$ they were receiving through SSI and SS survivor benefits.
We know she used the bankcard and probably at ATMs or for purchases, but if for some reason she had to go into a bank for funds, she would have their BCs for ID purposes.
I think the reason she carried their birth certificates around was for a several reasons.
1) If she needed to go to Social Security to update a new address or information. The kids wouldn't need to be present.
2) To open a new bank account in Hawaii. Again, kids wouldn't need to be present.
3) In case she wanted to file for food stamps or any type of welfare. LV had no legit income.
4) Maybe LVD or CD wanted to claim them on their income tax.
5) Maybe because LVD is just plain nuts!!!!!

Good "Aha" Moment !! I did not think of that.
I keep thinking she carried their Birth Certificates around, along with TR's bank card so that she could access their accounts for $$ they were receiving through SSI and SS survivor benefits.
We know she used the bankcard and probably at ATMs or for purchases, but if for some reason she had to go into a bank for funds, she would have their BCs for ID purposes.
I think the reason she carried their birth certificates around was for a several reasons.
1) If she needed to go to Social Security to update a new address or information. The kids wouldn't need to be present.
2) To open a new bank account in Hawaii. Again, kids wouldn't need to be present.
3) In case she wanted to file for food stamps or any type of welfare. LV had no legit income.
4) Maybe LVD or CD wanted to claim them on their income tax.
5) Maybe because LVD is just plain nuts!!!!!

On AC's (TR's Aunt) timeline, there is mention that CV was going to contact TD to inform her of his suspicions. Do we know if that ever happened? Did he ever email, text, or call Tammy?
I don't think we know that but can probaby assume he didn't. If he did it had to be before July 11, 2019 so I would think any fireworks in the Daybell home would have occurred then and not in October.
Edited to delete post carried over
I think the reason she carried their birth certificates around was for a several reasons.
1) If she needed to go to Social Security to update a new address or information. The kids wouldn't need to be present.
2) To open a new bank account in Hawaii. Again, kids wouldn't need to be present.
3) In case she wanted to file for food stamps or any type of welfare. LV had no legit income.
4) Maybe LVD or CD wanted to claim them on their income tax.
5) Maybe because LVD is just plain nuts!!!!!

I tend to agree with this, especially 5 lol!

So I think that rather than using the BC for themselves to create new identities, LV needed them to collect state benefits in the children’s name in whatever state she moved to. And also lends to me the idea that she was in it for the long haul. No doomsday in sight. A cold move and calculated move. MOO

And yes I said it like Mooo lol
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Agree 100%. But I don't think the prosecutor will bring up any of their whacko beliefs and I would be surprised if the defense does because it makes them look crazy.
It will form a major part of the evidence in any murder trials. IP's interviews with police in December, MG's interactions with Lori and Chad, as well as emails and any other witnesses to their beliefs.

Hang in there. We needed a full time timeline person in @Gardener1850 when this case first got our attention. I just lost an hour of my life learning how to used "dowsing rods" to find unmarked graves. :eek:
Lol!! And @Gardener1850 is awesome! Well, it’s a good thing for me now that this disgusting virus is outta me, I’m furloughed lol. Seriously this is a lotta work! But I’m thoroughly enjoying it.

ETA not enjoying the subject at all. But I can’t get emotional about it. Enjoying the website would be a better way to put it.
I'd seen this before but hadn't read it quite that way. Chad was certainly pointing the finger at Alex (via his apt) at that time. (In court this will equal - Alex did it all - as we expect them to say)

I would ask Chad, “Why did you go see the body or bodies ? Why did you WANT to go see the body Or bodies? Was it to know what size to dig the graves?” Sorry, but he gets to me.
Good point!
And we know AC took ZP's last name (at least it has been reported) which seems to be a huge leap for me to change my entire "identity" for a spouse that I am "all business" with during a quickie wedding in Vegas.
Was there an underlying plot plan of going from city to city and destroying zombies under assumed identities so they would never be caught?
I don't know but it looks to me that if LVD really believes she "cannot taste death" then she gets to spend her eternity behind prison walls. They will just keep erecting prisons and house her in the new one when they have to demolish the old in every 75 years or so. Faces of guards and inmates will change but LVD will remain eternally forever behind bars.
I’m sure she’ll be eligible for parole in a thousand years or so.
Agreed. Do you think IP’s memo will have a major impact?
I think it depends on whether it is admissible. It was written for his or MBP's lawyer, and may be a privileged communication. I don't know. The fact it was on the computer given to NP might be a back door to getting it in. I think a lawyer would know better than me about who owns it, and defense will obviously try to keep it out. Hopefully IP would cooperate, that would seem to be the best solution. If he cares about justice.

That was a great catch!!!!! Explain that one C!

For the record, my memory seems to play tricks on me BUT IIRC Alex told LE Lori lived or was in #107 when she really lived in #175. They checked #107 and it was empty or unoccupied. They also asked Chad when the last time he saw the kids and he said last time he saw JJ was in #107. So was it unoccupied or did Alex live there and it just appeared unoccupied?
I think it depends on whether it is admissible. It was written for his or MBP's lawyer, and may be a privileged communication. I don't know. The fact it was on the computer given to NP might be a back door to getting it in. I think a lawyer would know better than me about who owns it, and defense will obviously try to keep it out. Hopefully IP would cooperate, that would seem to be the best solution. If he cares about justice.

Yes, that all makes great sense. Thank you!
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