Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, stepfather found* #16

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Tylee conveniently, by intention or not, provided the means for Alex to lay claim to "self defense" by holding out a bat that CV conveniently grabbed.

Thank you. Tylee’s description of what she did with the bat is unrealistic. Her words make it closer to poking it at someone, than anything useful as defense... and I just don’t buy it.
Regarding the arm tattoos some, including me, have noticed in the released pictures.
1) I recall my one trip to Hawaii the filtered sun through the lush vegetation was dramatic from the second I got off the plane. This is most likely IMO.
2) as mentioned before, temporary henna
3) there are nylon shirts and individual sleeves available. Could she be wearing something like this in public to make people think it isn't her? Starting work on a real disguise maybe?
I feel that JR's quote regarding talking to CD's kids, AND that "Chad and Tammy had tight money problems" early in 2019 says very much in regards to just how much money is floating around. I think CD was the "thing" to be marketed, but that LVd somehow had the money. EG...had CD ever been in HI before. And the HI wedding pictures.. just further marketing of the future "god and goddess" to be marketed.

She also states in the same article, "What he had told me in February was that he and Tammy were tight on money and he was doing his best to keep his marriage together," she said.
That doesn't sound right for someone who is making $30,000.00 per month. MOO

Why believe JR on the topic of Chad’s finances, if nothing else she says is considered plausible?
And now that you mention that I remember it was AC who bailed MBP out of jail. So they have at least a friendly relationship of some sort IMO.
I feel stupid. Why did I not know this? There is just way too much info to retain.

ETA: Wait I DID know this, brain fart, please excuse me!
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In one of the early Hughes videos I believe Kay shared that CV was supporting many members of Lori's family - there was a reference made to him covering the cost of phone plans for an absurd (20?) amount of cell numbers. So you are correct that we don't know anything for sure, but I suspect Lori lived the good life by marrying well, not with any family money.

I suspect you are correct that he would have had quite a bit in IRAs for retirement since he was getting close to an age where he would have been able to retire :(

I really hope since he changed his life insurance, he also changed the beneficiary on all his retirement accounts.

Kay also said that Lori handled all the bills because Charles wasn't good with money. This is probably why Lori had access to the business account to begin with. She took over finances for Charles after Lori left so I assume he opened new personal and business accounts that Lori would not be able to access.

From the way Kay talked about it, she was shocked at how much money was going to pay for extended family and Lori doesn't seem like much of a saver so it wouldn't surprise me if very little was making it into a retirement account.

This would explain Lori's "5 kids and no money and his sister gets everything" text. No access to his banking anymore, no life insurance and little savings. MOO
So does she have long hair then and it’s very blonde on top and very brown below the shoulder?
Yes. She has brown hair in her picture of her marriage to JR. Now she has blonde on the top of her head but still brown underneath. Perhaps she is beginning to go grey on top and front and covers that with the blonde tints. MOO.
Why believe JR on the topic of Chad’s finances, if nothing else she says is considered plausible?
I do believe what she says about Chad and what she has said in the past. I just take the visions and energy stuff with a bucket of salt. We know she was close to Tammy as she published her books and she says she visited them weekly at one stage. Not everyone on here doubts what she says about Chad.
I am catching up on this thread, but wanted to respond to this post. Sorry if it has been discussed already!

Here in the U.S., constitutionally, we cannot be subject to ex post facto laws. Essentially, crimes cannot be punished retroactively if the offense was not a crime when the offense occurred. In this case, basically, if failure to respond to a court order is not subject to criminal liability with current laws, then they cannot retroactively make it criminal.

That’s a shame. I do feel that’s something needs to be done though to protect the children in the future though. I’m sure there will be at least one person in the USA following this case and getting ideas sadly. MOO

You make a very good point. Thank you.

I took the original poster's message to mean change the laws so this can't happen again.

Sorry for the confusion, I did mean for these kids and any future cases as I don’t really understand the constitution enough. It just worries me what this pair have got away with and how many others may be reading about it and making their own plans. MOO

Do you have a VPN that you can use and log on as if in the States? I use them when we travel internationally.
I’m pretty IT illiterate and use an old iPad to get online so I don’t think I can change my vpn. I’ll ask the kids though if they can show me how. Thanks.
And now that you mention that I remember it was AC who bailed MBP out of jail. So they have at least a friendly relationship of some sort IMO.
Alex would have been the prime candidate for the shooter at Brandon. If he really had an alibi, I only see someone else close to the family in this role.
The sightings of LV and husband are a regular thing now. On Lori, why not pull up your hair, put on a hat, sunglasses she is already adept at and wear a beach dress instead of the usual leggings. Chad could wear a baseball cap, sunglasses and take off those awful jeans. At least it would be much harder to pinpoint them. I get the feeling that she at least likes being recognized. Maybe it is part of the game they are playing.
I know we cannot sleuth non POI. I do find it interesting how the other male involved in the podcast that cannot be mentioned, who has extensive military and police training, could be confused with Alex in a stressful situation and has lived in Hawaii.

Is this the JR podcast?

Rewatching this (first time my hotel TV had horrible contrast settings) and I didn't even get through the opening credits before noticing something. There's video of two men at the storage locker, it looks like Chad on the left and Alex on the right. Chad is wearing a suit. Did he just come from Tammy's funeral or memorial service? What do you think @RexburgSleuth

Alex would have been the prime candidate for the shooter at Brandon. If he really had an alibi, I only see someone else close to the family in this role.
Yes, he certainly seemed like a good candidate. Brandon believed Alex to be the shooter. But one can't be in to places at ones (at least if one isn't a translated being-and since Alex is now dead, clearly he wasn't a translated being). So if it is Alex in the locker on Oct 2nd, then somebody else did the shooting.
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