IL - Actor Jussie Smollett allegedly attacked in hate crime being black & gay Jan 2019 #2*ARRESTS*

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Jussie sure has secured his place in Black History Month hasn't he?......

"In 2019, Jussie Smollett, a black man, hired two other black men to assault him so that he could claim they were racist white men in order to......."
But if they were wearing masks, how did he know they were white? (Well, obviously, he couldn’t have know they were white, since they weren’t. But why would he think they were white? Racial epithets? That doesn’t work—they’re often used by members of the same race.)

In the GMA interview it makes it seem like it wasnt just a guess about their skin color based off what they yelled to him. He said he saw part of their face and gestured to the bridge part of the nose.
But, sadly, that doesn’t seem to count or carry as much importance.
Yeah, it’s disturbing, but I think it’s something that he was counting on.

He could say those things without fear of repercussions, and he wasn’t exactly wrong when he thought that he could stage an attack like this, and have politicians, Hollywood, and the media, initially jump to his defense.

Everyone has their own views, but it’s pretty sad when people say “if you don’t agree with me, not only are you wrong, but you’re also a terrible person who is part of the problem.”

His social media expresses that very sentiment.

It is apparent to me that this hoax was staged in order to vilify an entire segment of the population, who don’t view the world the same way he does.

And prop himself up in the process.

This wasn’t a moment of weakness; it was diabolical.
Jussie Smollett Case to Go to Grand Jury


A grand jury will hear the Jussie Smollett case early next week ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

Law enforcement sources connected to the investigation tell TMZ, the 2 brothers who were arrested and then released are staying somewhere around the Loop in downtown Chicago under the watchful eye of police so no one gets to them. We're told cops especially want to make sure Jussie does not contact the brothers.

I would like to know the ticket sales for Mr. Smollett's show in California, before the attack and after the attack. Apparently after the attack, the show was sold out, to show support. The concert was in West Hollywood on February 2nd.

The Smollett Case: Key Moments, Fact Vs. Fiction

Found this.

Sat, February 2, 2019
8 PM
ADV GA $20/ DOS $25 / VIP ADV $30 /DOS VIP $35

Jussie Smollett - Tickets - Troubadour - Los Angeles, CA - February 2nd, 2019

Seats 400

The top 30 Southern California concert spots

The Empire star is scheduled to perform a sold-out concert at the Troubadour on Saturday

Jussie Smollett Flies to Los Angeles for Scheduled Show After Apparent Hate Crime: Report


Can’t find # tickets sold before attack.
One thing about this is that he has messed with the wrong people with this hoax. MANY public figures has come to his support and aid. He has made a lot of those same people have egg on their face because of it. At the end of this, he is going to be under the bus but also plenty of people to publicize it. He won't be able to get a job as a parking attendant in LA.

Jussie Smollett Case to Go to Grand Jury


A grand jury will hear the Jussie Smollett case early next week ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

Law enforcement sources connected to the investigation tell TMZ, the 2 brothers who were arrested and then released are staying somewhere around the Loop in downtown Chicago under the watchful eye of police so no one gets to them. We're told cops especially want to make sure Jussie does not contact the brothers.

I don’t blame them for sending this to GJ. At least they can wipe their hands clean of it.
I believe one of the biggest mistakes was doing the GMA interview. There were many things that didn't add up prior to that but more of a gut feeling. In doing that interview millions of eyes were on him, the story, the mannerisms and plenty of people who have been through real hate crimes. That interview could be and was rewound and replayed time and time again no doubt. It was THAT interview that it hit everybody, down to and including Robin Roberts. You didn't have to be a body language expert to see that she didn't believe him either.

Reminded me so much of CW's sermon on the porch...a lot of noise but no sense being made.
Found this.

Sat, February 2, 2019
8 PM
ADV GA $20/ DOS $25 / VIP ADV $30 /DOS VIP $35

Jussie Smollett - Tickets - Troubadour - Los Angeles, CA - February 2nd, 2019

Seats 400

The top 30 Southern California concert spots

The Empire star is scheduled to perform a sold-out concert at the Troubadour on Saturday

Jussie Smollett Flies to Los Angeles for Scheduled Show After Apparent Hate Crime: Report


Can’t find # tickets sold before attack.

That would be interesting for Grand Jury questioning. I am sure that the FBI will be on top of it.

Smollett couldn't have completely messed up more. If he wasn't going to be written off of Empire before, I predict a quick script change.
Everyone has their own views, but it’s pretty sad when people say “if you don’t agree with me, not only are you wrong, but you’re also a terrible person who is part of the problem.”

It is apparent to me that this hoax was staged in order to vilify an entire segment of the population, who don’t view the world the same way he does.

This wasn’t a moment of weakness; it was diabolical.


So well said, and one of the reasons why it's so awful!
"Monico is no longer representing #JussieSmollett. Per @RoeConn “A source with direct knowledge says there was a disagreement about the decision to release yesterday’s statement. He is now represented by Chicago attorneys Victor Henderson and Todd Pugh"
Rafer Weigel on Twitter

"The FBI is still actively investigating the threat letter addressed to Jussie Smollett and mailed to the Fox studios in Chicago. The feds have been “assisting” Chicago police in the alleged attack case as local detectives continue to take the lead."
Rob Elgas on Twitter
I'm sure the lawyer wanted no more statements made...
A number of security cameras are covered where you can't see where they are pointing. It sounds like he just assumed where a domed camera was pointing.
This is what gets me though; I think he perhaps wanted to be like "it was on camera!" knowing it really wasn't because of how the camera was pointing.

I don't think he thought there would be footage. Footage would have made it too clear this didn't go down as he stated.
Reminded me so much of CW's sermon on the porch...a lot of noise but no sense being made.
That was simply a performance, a completely transparent one in retrospect.

The smiles, the tone changes, the overacting.

We’ve heard many victims recount their stories on television.

This was nothing like that.

The difference is, those people were telling the truth, not trying to sell a work of pure fiction.
This is also from the TMZ article:

Our sources say early on they asked Jussie if he'd sign complaints against the 2 men who attacked him and he was clear that he would. But, when he found out the 2 brothers were the ones in custody we're told he said he knew them, felt bad for them and declined to sign the complaints.

So he was going press charges when he knew no one would actually be arrested, but when his friends got caught he's like "oh, okay, no." Yet, in none of his statements since has he said he learned who the assailants were, and he apologized for having key facts wrong.
One thing that I've thought might have happened is that he was in a romantic relationship with Abel who then with his brother confronted JS for cheating. JS and his manager then lied about what happened where they turned DV into hate crime/terrorism, which if JS lied about a domestic dispute, it would still be criminal, but it would be significantly better than something staged from the get-go and he would still be a victim of DV. However, given the confluence of all the circumstances, I think it's unlikely it happened that way, but there would be a reason for them to lie about this as otherwise it would still be criminal domestic violence/battery and while also JS's advantage to not say that happened - especially if he made it up spur of the moment waiting for LE to arrive - that it was some anonymous bogeyman rather than say he was beat up for cheating on one of his boyfriends.

I'll have to admit this scenario crossed my mind also.
Yeah, it’s disturbing, but I think it’s something that he was counting on.

He could say those things without fear of repercussions, and he wasn’t exactly wrong when he thought that he could stage an attack like this, and have politicians, Hollywood, and the media, initially jump to his defense.

Everyone has their own views, but it’s pretty sad when people say “if you don’t agree with me, not only are you wrong, but you’re also a terrible person who is part of the problem.”

His social media expresses that very sentiment.

It is apparent to me that this hoax was staged in order to vilify an entire segment of the population, who don’t view the world the same way he does.

And prop himself up in the process.

This wasn’t a moment of weakness; it was diabolical.
That's a symptom of the derangement syndrome at the fringes of both sides of our society today. Everything is expressed in apocalyptic terms until the slightest event results in world war III. There is no middle, there is no tolerance. The news realized there wasn't much money in being the news a long time ago and happily exaggerate for entertainment value.

I am 100% sure he and hundreds of thousands of others still think he is a good guy.

Its very sad
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