Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #147

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you know I think several or more people may have been accessing the a -shots profile..thus every person who had a log in or chatted on there has to be cleared before they can stick it on the actual killer and go to trial..every alias has to be discovered, the entire history has to be accounted for.
Two guys, one from Ft. Wayne and the other from Brownsburg were sentenced last week to Federal Prison for sexually exploiting 4 young girls. This article from the Dept. of Justice gives good insight into how these people operate. They are just plain disgusting, IMO.

This one...
"Israel met his third minor victim, who was between 14 and 16 years’ old, over Omegle. Knowing that the victim suffered from mental health issues, Israel induced her to produce child sex abuse material, and to sell the images and videos to others online. Israel took a percentage of the fees and paid the victim by sending her gift cards from Victoria’s Secret."
I don’t think suggestive fingerprints and touch DNA are going to put anybody behind bars in this case. They may help bolster a case against someone at trial but physical evidence is not working here. I think someone in LE a good while back actually said they had a lot of physical evidence but it doesn’t point to anybody.
This is a circumstantial case. It is a long and winding road, but eventually you have to say “we have enough” and go for it. I think that’s what we’re waiting on and we’re hoping it is soon.
Yep, there is a whole range of what suggestive fingerprints can show and “suggestive” can mean as little as evident finger-shaped impressions with no ridges, possibly even from heavy-latex-gloved fingers. This research might not be worth a read but the diagnostic photos at the top show some examples.
Uh Oh, SCHATZ...OMG!!! So KAK found a cell phone (Samsung Galaxy S5) in a rental car. (Sure ya' did KAK...insert smirking face of disbelief. Imagine that?! ) and just after you came back from Vegas and the first police interview KAK found another cell phone (the Apple IPhone 5C) on the microwave in his kitchen. (Sure ya' did KAK...insert smirking face of disbelief. Imagine that?!)
Ya' know, I have a problem with someone who just happens to keep "finding" all these cell phones and they end up having scandalous and illegal pics on them.
This KAK blob is one crazy aspirin. He just keeps lying, lying and lying. Every one knows when your kid keeps telling you "he found" expensive items... Oh well, I guess lightening could strike twice in Vegas and Peru, but to the same person??? I don't think so. Then again, with that kind of luck, he probably made a lot of money in Vegas on the slot machines and paid for the whole trip. (I don't think so, either.)

11 Q: Samsung Galaxy S5, umm which was the one that was, that you found in, in
12 Q: Vegas in-
13 A: Yeah
14 Q: -in that uh-
15 A: Um hum.
16 DC: Rental car?
17 Q: -yeah rental car. Umm and just in that little time that you had the phone I mean
18 which was two days I think you had the phone, somewhere like that or-
19 A: I-
20 Q: -couple days however long you were
21 A: (inaudible) know
(I'm thinking it was "I know")

I have learned a lot following this case... "investigative genealogy" is the biggest breakthrough in crime fighting since DNA. And, KAK is the text book definition of a pathological liar.

"However, pathological liars often lack empathy and their lies are more calculated, often causing harm to their victims. Pathological liars are frequently motivated by selfish desires and lie to manipulate others.

Some pathological liars have difficulty holding down long-term careers and tend to wander throughout life-changing jobs and relationships as their lies eventually catch up with them."
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Good early morning from SoCal. It should be a Federal crime to text me before 6:30 am on the one day I was supposed to sleep in! KELL1, I did pick up on the "moving around a lot" in terms of a particular type of offender. I believe the term the detective used was "things are stacking up." (I'll bring your post forward, later, ok?)
Somehow in the twilight thoughts between dreaming and awakening, I had one of those big "what if" moments. TK cut off ties to his son a couple of weeks after KAK's arrest and DNA test, right? "He is not talking to me or putting money in my commissary account, blah, blah, blah." And suddenly had a Maury Povich moment.....and it goes something like this:
"We just got the results back and TK, You-Are-Not-The-Father!" Wouldn't that be something? I had 3 clients this year alone who after years of paying child support, found out they were not the biological donor after all. In each case, they lived with the female, assumed it was their child and didn't want to "rock the boat" because everyone was so happy and in love, then. Sometimes a man doesn't even have to take a DNA test to prove they are not the donor. Many blood types are impossible combinations or a medical condition led to sterility.

I doubt that LE report the paternity part to relatives. LE might be twisting reality when speaking to inmates to put pressure on them (probably not in the presence of attorneys, though). But I doubt that - even if TK were not genetically related to KK - they’d reveal it to KK, much less TK. This information is too private, too personal and too pregnant with unexpected consequences (suicide of inmate, non-biological father beating up the mother of NPE child, whatnot). It gives control to the family, too. If TK has a friendly idiotic cop, that cop can broodingly, drunkenly blabber, over beer, “all of them wenches are the same. I heard…blah, blah, blah”, but even this is highly, highly unlikely.

TK distanced from KAK because TK is afraid of being accused of pedophilia, JMO. And not sending money to KAK is a hint “you are in for many years. You need support, so don’t drag me in”. Again, JMO.
You have to remember, that this individual "may" be completely innocent of these 2 murders, but the CSM case against him alone could be enough for those around him to want to distance themselves, if I recall LE said its the largest in state history.
RSBM for focus:

With that being said I have yet to find a supportive, credible article or link.

I did however come across an article regarding CSAM, pedophiles, and how trained K-9’s sniff out a specific chemical that help to track down pedophiles. This chemical is coated on all electronic devices — from thumbnails to SD cards.

And I wonder if this tactic has been deployed (employed?) with KAK and/or any other persons that he has had contact with, and anyone else that have had contact with all of those other people, and so on.

Here’s the link to the news article that I referenced, if anyone wants to read it: See how K-9s sniff out a telltale chemical to help track down pedophiles

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Two guys, one from Ft. Wayne and the other from Brownsburg were sentenced last week to Federal Prison for sexually exploiting 4 young girls. This article from the Dept. of Justice gives good insight into how these people operate. They are just plain disgusting, IMO.

This one...
"Israel met his third minor victim, who was between 14 and 16 years’ old, over Omegle. Knowing that the victim suffered from mental health issues, Israel induced her to produce child sex abuse material, and to sell the images and videos to others online. Israel took a percentage of the fees and paid the victim by sending her gift cards from Victoria’s Secret."
OMG !!!!
These monsters walk among us.

I have a few ideas on how to "punish" them but I dont think our justice system would allow my suggestions !!
But if KAK is so meticulous in these ways, wouldn’t he have researched how long DNA stays on a thing *before* this specific crime?

The only thing that makes sense to me is that he realized that he was in some way associated with the crime or the scene, in a way that would have left his DNA to be discovered, but wasn't a direct participant in the crime.
RSBM for focus:

With that being said I have yet to find a supportive, credible article or link.

I did however come across an article regarding CSAM, pedophiles, and how trained K-9’s sniff out a specific chemical that help to track down pedophiles. This chemical is coated on all electronic devices — from thumbnails to SD cards.

And I wonder if this tactic has been deployed (employed?) with KAK and/or any other persons that he has had contact with, and anyone else that have had contact with all of those other people, and so on.

Here’s the link to the news article that I referenced, if anyone wants to read it: See how K-9s sniff out a telltale chemical to help track down pedophiles

It's in the interview with KAK and the link is probably on the MEDIA page
There is the interview with KAK released and the affidavit of Probable cause but it is stated in the first one.
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RSBM for focus:

With that being said I have yet to find a supportive, credible article or link.

I did however come across an article regarding CSAM, pedophiles, and how trained K-9’s sniff out a specific chemical that help to track down pedophiles. This chemical is coated on all electronic devices — from thumbnails to SD cards.

And I wonder if this tactic has been deployed (employed?) with KAK and/or any other persons that he has had contact with, and anyone else that have had contact with all of those other people, and so on.

Here’s the link to the news article that I referenced, if anyone wants to read it: See how K-9s sniff out a telltale chemical to help track down pedophiles


AS for the article , the article basically talks about dogs being trained to sniff out electronic devices, having seen them in action I can attest their sense of smell is amazing, theres no way however that they can tell what is on those devices, they can just sniff them out even small devices, that may be hidden , the police usually have a warrant on the individual and can seize any electronic device.

Therefore the dog isnt really sniffing out CSM, but rather just the devices, they are being traded and stored on,

I dont know if dogs were used to sniff out electronic devices, that article is the first im hearing of it being done
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Could you expound upon the difference between the introverted psychological typology vs the social introvert?
Certainly, (Introverted pedophile) "The introverted behavioural pattern characterises offenders who have a sexual preference for children but essentially lack the interpersonal skills required to successfully groom and seduce them. Such offenders are similar to the inadequate situational offender, but they do have deviant sexual preferences. As such, their selection of child victims is more circumscribed and predictable across multiple offences. The lack of interpersonal skills means that these offenders engage in minimal verbal communication with their victims, who are often strangers. Such offenders are more likely to attend playgrounds or other areas where children gather."

Introverted personality type (general) An introvert is a person with qualities of a personality type known as introversion, which means that they feel more comfortable focusing on their inner thoughts and ideas, rather than what's happening externally. They enjoy spending time with just one or two people, rather than large groups or crowds

Introverted individuals usually have the interpersonal skills to interact with other individuals , they simply prefer to focus inward
RSBM for focus:

With that being said I have yet to find a supportive, credible article or link.

I did however come across an article regarding CSAM, pedophiles, and how trained K-9’s sniff out a specific chemical that help to track down pedophiles. This chemical is coated on all electronic devices — from thumbnails to SD cards.

And I wonder if this tactic has been deployed (employed?) with KAK and/or any other persons that he has had contact with, and anyone else that have had contact with all of those other people, and so on.

Here’s the link to the news article that I referenced, if anyone wants to read it: See how K-9s sniff out a telltale chemical to help track down pedophiles


Very interesting link, thank you.

As to the description of the size of CSAM case, JMO, everything depends on the units used to measure. It probably will be the biggest per one of the parameters used, question is, what to use?.

Does “the largest” mean, the people involved, the traffic through KAK’s Dropbox?

Or the head count of the children/adolescents involved in CSAM production?

Or the money/cryptocurrency turnover around this case?

Or the number of out-of-the-state/out-of-the country pedophiles participating?

Or, the sheer number of people arrested?

Or likely, “the biggest” could be simply expressed in terabytes, the carriers, the electronic medium? The speed of data transfer?

If it is the latter, then every subsequent case has the potential to be bigger, merely because the computers and phones memory becomes larger and larger, and processors, more powerful.

…there is a very interesting history, proving that *advertiser censored* affliction is not quite a choice, and might be genetic. The son was accused of collecting child *advertiser censored* on modern devices, the father had “one of the biggest *advertiser censored* collections in the world”. Out of respect to the fringe victims, I am not mentioning the name. But when I read about the “biggest collection” of the father, probably, postcards, books, paintings, my first thought was, likely, the collection was per necessity limited by the size of his mansion. But the son’s collection on one computer, could it have been larger than all amassed by the dad?

In terms of bytes of information on that coin mentioned in your link, maybe it had the potential to be the largest case, but it probably didn’t “change hands” too many times.

If I had to watch CSAM for a job, I’d probably start abusing antiemetics. But what is truly nauseating is that these pedophiles of *advertiser censored* addicts - they look normal. Average, but normal.
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AS for the article , the article basically talks about dogs being trained to sniff out electronic devices, having seen them in action I can attest their sense of smell is amazing, theres no way however that they can tell what is on those devices, they can just sniff them out even small devices, that may be hidden , the police usually have a warrant on the individual and can seize any electronic device.

Therefore the dog isnt really sniffing out CSM, but rather just the devices, they are being traded and stored on,

I dont know if dogs were used to sniff out electronic devices, that article is the first im hearing of it being done
KELL1 I read every one of you make at least 3 times! You are smart, wise and have expertise in a field I could never endeavor to undertake. I recently "cut ties" with a friend of more than 25+ years because her son is a convicted pedophile. (Repeat offender...and his threats were escalating.) Every time he was arrested, she would claim he was being railroaded, set-up, people were jealous of their lifestyle, status etc. I bet she paid over a quarter of a million dollars (if not more) in legal fees over the years. And, just as you stated, he would move to another place/town after each time he was caught. I'll be very old or dead before he ever leaves prison this time. Interestingly, he fled to Las Vegas and was captured there.
If TK cut ties because he doesn't want to be associated with his son's crimes, then good for him! The best line I ever read in a book: Loyalty to a condemned man must be greatly questioned. KAK did speak of wanting to leave town before his father woke up. I wonder what he didn't want Dad to know?
BTW: amazing link

Labrador Retriever Trained to Sniff Out Electronics Finds Hidden Evidence in Pedophilia Case​

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AS for the article , the article basically talks about dogs being trained to sniff out electronic devices, having seen them in action I can attest their sense of smell is amazing, theres no way however that they can tell what is on those devices, they can just sniff them out even small devices, that may be hidden , the police usually have a warrant on the individual and can seize any electronic device.

Therefore the dog isnt really sniffing out CSM, but rather just the devices, they are being traded and stored on,

I dont know if dogs were used to sniff out electronic devices, that article is the first im hearing of it being done


ISP is so preoccupied with KAK case. At the same time: how come the real owner of anthony_shatz profile, an Alaskan policeman, was never warned by ISP that two girls were catfished in his name and later, killed?

“ISP did not reach out and let me know prior to using the photos. It wasn’t until I saw their press release on their page to where I finally realized what had happened. I reached out to them after finding out and am in contact attempting to help in any way possible.”

We are talking about some criminal groups around Delphi, some pedophiles, how come no one warned that real guy, a cop, a father (now of three, I think)?

Least of all I want to accuse. But you see the weak point. How can things be changed?
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