IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #32

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Not to mention that at the time he approached them, the girls were on public property. The rail bridge was not only never owned by RL, but has also been signed over to the city by the rail company.

In addition, there is no indication that the girls even trespassed on property he owned ( the apparent path behind the cemetery). If RL was that angry about trespassers or if he had "claimed" portions of the public trail, I strongly suspect that he would of had previous encounters with other hikers and these people would have phoned the police about him following the murders.

Sadly, I think that if RL is BG, he approached the girls as an acquaintance, perhaps with a half-baked plan to initiate some kind of sexual encounter. The girls resist, then he panics and murders them.

I don't know . . . in broad daylight? I mean, I know that the murders did occur IN BROAD DAYLIGHT, but I just don't see the property owner up there on the bridge and/or hiking trail. Seems like he has too much to do on his 40 acres to be out strolling "getting some exercise"!

I hope I am right!
[Although I may be eating some crow, later, baked into a humble pie!]

Tropical fish are freshwater fish (and more commonly kept). I've kept aquariums for decades. On this subject I'm knowledgeable. :) Other subjects.....not so much.
This thread moves so fast it's nearly impossible to keep up. That said, I was wondering about something...

RL has been identified in the MSM as not a suspect in this case (I've heard journalists say it many many times) so I just have to wonder, why he's been named/sleuthed as if he is? If I missed something, someone please point me in the right direction?
There are contradicting reports. While they have not officially named him a suspect, LE has indicated the search warrant of his home is directly related to the murders and not to current probation violation charges and noted that they are seeking to clear him or move him up higher as a suspect than originally thought. The than originally thought is interesting, imo. JMO.

"We're trying to either clear him or see if he's more of a suspect than what we originally thought," Riley said."

Here - note, "at this time"
“At this time just because we’re serving a search warrant and he’s in jail, I don’t want people to make that connection that he’s under arrest for double homicide because he’s not at this time,” said Sgt. Tony Slocum, Indiana State Police.

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Tropical fish are freshwater fish (and more commonly kept). I've kept aquariums for decades. On this subject I'm knowledgeable. :) Other subjects.....not so much.

I will defer to your knowledge then, but I am still left wondering if either Abby or Libby had a fish tank... I don't see RL as being the indoor aquarium kind of guy but that is JMO!
My assumption only...
RL is not BG but I believe either knows who BG is May it be by relation or possibly a distant friendship he had with one of his children's friends.

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A crime can occur in someone home or on someone's property and that does not mean the person that committed the crime lived there,
Does anyone know why RL did not post bail after being arrested last week?
It looks like RL's dog is a cute little Norwich terrier. I hope a family friend is taking care of it and it's not simply in a shelter somewhere.

I wonder if we will know if they found anything or they will simply say again next week: RL is not a suspect.
I don't know . . . in broad daylight? I mean, I know that the murders did occur IN BROAD DAYLIGHT, but I just don't see the property owner up there on the bridge and/or hiking trail. Seems like he has too much to do on his 40 acres to be out strolling "getting some exercise"!

I hope I am right!
[Although I may be eating some crow, later, baked into a humble pie!]


I agree. He had to have known that the trail was subject to somewhat regular foot traffic and it would have involved a lot of chance to trek up to the bridge, see the two girls, be able to lure them away from the trail/force them off the trail without being seen, and commit the murder without further detection.
I have considered this possibility also, however if this were the case one would assume a more distant, secluded location would be chosen as the final place. Then again, who knows the rationale of whoever is responsible for this...

Good point but their options may have been extremely limited.
There may have been a LE vehicle that was guarding the entry and exit roads and maybe was told to secure the location and maybe was told to stay there throughout the night to be sure nobody came and went from the access roads. There may have been other public people coming and going through the night as they did some searching on their own.

The perp may have wanted to remove them and could not risk it.
The arm positions really strike me as distinctive. Rather compelling IMO.

I agree. The indentation in the top of the cap/hat of both the PO & BG is a little too coincidental to ignore either.
Does anyone know why RL did not post bail after being arrested last week?

(eta: edited name)

You aren't always given the option for a probation violation. Bail is for when you're waiting to be tried. If it's for a suspended sentence, you've already been tried and sentenced and basically given a second chance. If you screw up, you go back to serve the sentence. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
There is no bail for a probation violation. At least not in the states of Indiana or New York, I know that much. You wait until the judge sentences you, and many times the judge chooses to sentence you to do the original jail time that he DIDN"T make you do the first time, when he instead let you have the privilege of probation. Many judges get pretty peeved if you violate on a privilege/opportunity like that and just put you in jail to serve the original time. Some will let you back out with another chance and extended probation time.
Theoretically, if you have the pings showing the time and the tower locations ( Libby's cell phone was "pinging around town"), and now if you had Libby's cell phone and try a route in a vehicle, would the pings at some point possibly confirm such route?
And would the towers pick up any other pings emitted from any other gadget or cell phone from within the vehicle, so that the pings in the end overlapped based on towers and time? Would a gadget like for example a GPS in a vehicle transmit via synced social media or email address and showing pings?


If the person driving the vehicle had a cell phone that would be an easy thing for them to link. And they said over 70 subpoenas have been issued, I believe several would be for surveillance video from businesses. In those they may spot the pickup.
Here is an excerpt on tower dumps and how the FBI uses them. Maybe they did something similar if they could map where Libby's phone pinged then search the numbers to find a phone that pinged the exact places and times.

"Tower dumps aren't like going after targeted cell phone data on a known suspect; they are more like casting a limited dragnet, pulling in the phone numbers and (rough) location of everyone in the vicinity of the event. And tower dumps are usually obtained without a warrant, instead utilizing a "court order" with judicial oversight but a lower burden than probable cause. The FBI actually received more than 150,000 registered cell phone numbers from this particular set of tower dumps, despite picking the most rural locations possible. What the case agents wanted to do was scan the logs from all four sites on the belief that no single person was likely to be at all four banks during the robbery—except for the robber.
So the FBI dumped all the numbers into a Microsoft Access database and ran a query. As expected, only a single number came back, the robber."
Regarding RL's alibi, where has it been said that he had surgery on the 13th? Sorry, I've gone back through threads and i just can't find it. Also, this is the first search warrant for RL's property, correct?

RL's alibi is that he was in Lafayette buying tropical fish.

"He told Inside Edition that he has an alibi, saying he was buying tropical fish at the time of the murders.

I was not home during the time all this was happening, I was in Lafayette and I didn't get home until 6:30 in the evening and the neighbors stopped and asked permission to look back here for the girls,” he said."

Earlier, a poster mapped the route from RL's house to the fish store in Lafayette showing it's a hour round trip. Add in 15 minutes for the purchase and you have a total of 75 minutes. RL arrived home at 6:30 so it's possible he could have left his home at 5:15 pm, about the time the search began.

I'm curious what the rest of his alibi is. What was he doing all afternoon. And of course did his fish alibi pan out. A big IF, (he's not been charged) did he have opportunity to dispose of any evidence along his drive to Lafayette?

I'm not accusing him at all, only considering all possibilities.
I am so conflicted. Based on what LE has said (and has NOT said), as well as the searches conducted (with FBI and ISP there as well), I do think IMO that there is clearly SOMETHING going on. I am still of the opinion though that our BG is perhaps someone related to RL or someone who works for him...I just can not see BG in RL - the body types are too dissimilar IMO. He also seemed out of breath often while walking, I can not picture him running down the girls on that rickety old bridge.

I also come back to the fact that Libby felt threatened or concerned enough to take photos/start filming our articles RL has been quoted saying he knew the families (links in many of our backthreads). What reason could she have had to be concerned about this man whom they were at least somewhat familiar with? I don't see him being the "grumpy old man who wants people off of his property", and the crime just doesn't seem to fit that scenario IMO from what little we know. I think a strange man the girls didn't know would be more likely to trigger Libby's hinky meter.

I could be quite wrong of much conflicting information flying from all angles and every time I think I have a handle on it all something new comes along to knock me back into the realm of "what the hell happened?!". Hoping for resolution and clarity for the family (and the rest of us before we go bald from pulling our hair out).
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