IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #65

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Has the video been modified recently? I ask because I'm not hearing the highlighted quote. What I hear ends with "or whatever". No specific mention of males.

If the problem is my ears please share the the time stamp. TIA.

I agree I hear nothing about males. I listened 3 times and heard:

"The monsters that did this possibly could do this again and the next time it could be your sister or daughter or granddaughter or cousin or whatever, somebody you know and love and care about. And we don't want that"

Does anyone know if this video has been edited, or has it never mentioned "brother father" etc.

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From the last Holeman interview where he said that someone knows this guy and they need to do the right thing & turn him in:

@8:50 ... this person's probably going to do this again and I'd hate that to happen to you or your loved ones.... we can possibly stop this from happening again to your daughter or your mother or sister or anybody, it could be your brother or father as well.

I'm curious what you all think about the part I bolded. Is it just something he said or did he really mean it? If he meant it, then that puts a whole new light on the rapist/SA/child predator theories, doesn't it?

I think he's just imploring people to be open to every possibility and not assume "it couldn't be X, even though he looks like him, I know my brother/father/cousin/uncle couldn't possibly be a murderer!"

I always think back to BTK's family and how they were so completely unaware of the evil that lurked within him. Fortunately, his family was cooperative with police when asked for DNA. I'm sure they thought "I'll give them my DNA, no way it could be my dad!" I wonder if they would have turned him in if they'd seen a sketch like this? Just because they wouldn't think he could be responsible?

One thing I've learned in this life is that almost anyone can be capable of almost anything. There are a few exceptions, but I've learned to expect the worst of people.
OK. But what does connect drugs to this crime? Have you done any research on drug crimes in that area? What research have you done, what facts have you found, to support this assertion?

LE also has not stated that grilled cheese sandwiches have nothing to do with this crime. They've never said that the *advertiser censored* industry has nothing to do with this crime. So from this, should I now believe that grilled cheese and *advertiser censored* are involved?

Again, LE can't spend all day debunking theories. There's a whole lot they haven't said, but there is also a lot they have said. And I have to assume that what they have said, is what they feel is important to solving this case. So why not focus on the facts they have provided us with? Clearly, they know a whole lot more about what happened, than we do.

IMOO Fellow sleuths are keeping the option of a drug connection open for the following reasons 1. Someone close to the victims have had drug related crime in their past 2. Other mysterious homicides in the area such as the death of 4 little girls in a house fire in Flora & the shooting death of a teen girl after Abby and Libby were killed 3. The round up of various individuals in the area after the murders as a result of being questioned in the investigation of the murders. The links to these events are in media thread at the top of each thread and discussion throughout the other threads here. All JMOO
IMOO Fellow sleuths are keeping the option of a drug connection open for the following reasons 1. Someone close to the victims have had drug related crime in their past 2. Other mysterious homicides in the area such as the death of 4 little girls in a house fire in Flora & the shooting death of a teen girl after Abby and Libby were killed 3. The round up of various individuals in the area after the murders as a result of being questioned in the investigation of the murders. The links to these events are in media thread at the top of each thread and discussion throughout the other threads here. All JMOO
Believe it or not,I actually stayed within WS ToS on number 1 since I have been here,until today.Very interesting indeed.
I didn't say meth. I said heroin. I apologize for offering my thoughts and can see that they are not welcome here.

I would welcome more of your thoughts here. Sleuths who are local to a case are invaluable to those of us who are not local! Websleuths is generally a good exchange of ideas, theories without the pitfalls of other social media sites;). Please carry on helping us with a case close to your area!
On the flip side, could the possibility of DNA keep the monster(s) at bay? Afraid to leave more of a trail? Or perhaps they don't care, and will strike again when this evil fills their hearts? That's the nightmare to my thinking. JMHO as always.
And that is why we want more information to be released.The detective did say they feel there are thing's that would help,but they won't release it.The fact that they won't release info they think will help is a scary thought to me.Can it all be so G-13 classified?
If they have his DNA...could they get a partial match by comparing it to a relative....say, for example, a male 1st cousin?
Good points Ember. If we stifle speculation and theory there will be little to discuss. And we don't want to discourage posters who may subsequently know or bring up points no one else has mentioned.

Hey, I'm waiting for my new word of the day Shiressleuth. Lay one on me; something that relates to the case. :thinking:
No but I would still really like to know what the Sgt meant by this statement.

Was so busy all day, just catching up here, but today i have such a feeling and have come to possibly share the opinion of the police that these girls were somehow lured to this spot by this killer, perhaps he posed as a cute boy in a chatroom. Because he was completely prepared and I bet this is obvious in the crime scene, that he say had enough zip ties for two girls , or the items they were strangled with were items brought there by the killer. there could have been a second man waiting down the hill

but i think he was alone because it is obvious he has things concealed in his clothing.

I feel very very strongly that he wasn't just hanging out waiting for a girl to show up, but that he arrived there knowing there would be two little girls waiting at the end of that bridge. Either lured or he had been stallking them for some amount of time and knew exactly when they would be at that park.

leaving the phones was brazen, he's not at all frightened, but he loves it if you are. So this is that psychopath the one in the creepiest stories, the one who proudly displays his work and dares to be caught.

I think he quickly rendered them silent , I think it was sexually and sadistically motivated . And I think I found a secluded spot. he may have dragged the bodies back over where they were found in order that they could be found. But not out of helping them to be found out of guilt but to control the crime scene , destroy evidence and pose his victims. I also think he hid in the woods to observe the search.

He knew they were going to be there. He had to. it's evident in the crime scene and the cops know it.
minazoe: Your post gave me the chills because I believe you are exactly right. It seems you got in his head, and I am totally creeped out. You nailed it.
IMO - these murders have nothing to do with drugs (except that the perp was probably high that day).
Q: also early on, the ISP told the pubic that they would be very interested if anyone finds a discarded backpack. It's possible this perp had one on under that jacket, a front facing backpack. Is it possible that an eyewitness told the police they saw a man there with a backpack? However, there is no backpack (or jacket for that matter) included in the recent sketch. We do not know if Libby had one on her as we have no pic of her. We do know that Abbie was not wearing a backpack. Could the perp have put his muder clothes in that backpack? Why is there no jacket in that suspect sketch? They always do those sketches as close to the witness(es) description as they can. If not, they will explain why not such as the cap they said not to any attention to but focus on face.

Imo, there is no jacket in the suspect sketch for the same reason LE instructed the public to concentrate on the suspect's face and not the hat. Wherever the suspect is right now, he's probably not wearing that jacket or the hat. If he is identified, it will be by his facial features and not what he was wearing on one day last February. (and probably not even for the whole day if he changed out of those clothes after killing the girls)
Just :moo:
I didn't mean to say" I think I found a secluded spot) I meant to say I think HE found a secluded spot. thank you for calling....lolz
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