IN IN - Paul Raymond Harrod, adult, may have been using false identity, Hamilton County, 27 Nov 1992

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OT - - - > @cherrymeg We'll Bite - - - > Who are "The Springfield Three"? PM me please or email ( Don't want thread going off topic especially in a case as crazy as "Paul's". - E.M. - Social Media Director - GlacePR


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I do not think he is “little Joey”, however, is he truly grew up in Yonkers/Bronx, I’m going with running from/hiding from the mafia, just based on growing up there myself and knowing the area. My opinion only.

@stargazer17 Many times @ToniEmbry has said, "You just don't say your from Yonkers etc and name a school and not be from NY/NYC somehow especially back in a time pre-internet! I grew up in Chicago but worked in NYC growing up in T.V./Broadway and have a TON of Italian and Puerto Rican family in NYC/NY and moved there as an adult. People can reference things about NYC/NY and not be from there but not fu*$ing Yonkers! You have to be from NY/CT/NJ area bare minimum. It would be like saying you're from Rokonkama (with a giggle). You have to know about that place, you just don't scream out Rokonkama without knowing it!" - E.M. - Social Media Director - GlaccePR
I think the noses are completely different.

People's noses can look different as they age and it also depends on angles of photos. Ted Conrad wrote two letters to his girlfriend while on the run after the bank heist. He would've have been about 43 in 1992. If Detective Lockhart now has known writing samples from the fake Paul, he can contact Marshall Pete Elliot And get the samples compared. I think there is enough of a likeness and similarity of age for it to be worth it.

Retired U.S. marshal, 80, still on the case
I'm a bit confused. Where was a search warrant executed? On whom?
At the wife’s house in Sheridan Indiana. Learned several things from documents. Paul was in Hoven SD and opened a savings account! Have several things to submit for latent fingerprints and DNA.
Another case this is similar to is William Howard Hughes Jr-- he deserted from the military and disappeared in 1983. Hughes was arrested last year (June 2018) in California living under a false identity. I don't think Hughes looks much like fake Paul but it's possible Paul was someone like Hughes.


Neighbors stunned after "pleasant" man revealed to be long-missing Air Force officer - CBS News

William Howard Hughes - Wikipedia

Found Safe - Nm - William Hughes Jr,, 32, Albuquerque, 9 Dec 1983
I know some people think he's younger. But am I the only one who thinks fake Paul actually does look around 50 in the wedding photos? I feel like his hair looks like one of those guys that you know should have gray hair by now, but clearly dyes it to look younger. It's not like you can see wrinkles in these early 90's quality photos.
Photos From @CyresAres1 Served Search Warrant. We will be posting more photos and information (what was recovered) on the The Invisible Man Page on Toni's Blog Post tomorrow (4/6/19). Once everyone is up to speed on that intel @CyresAres1 can answer questions etc without having to spend time catching everyone up individually. There are so many great minded people on Websleuths we want everyone to be caught up so we can get to finding out #WTFisPaulHarrod?!?! - E.M. - Social Media Director - GlacePR

Is it just me, or does it seem like he is wearing a toupee in the wedding photos? His hairline seems much more receded in that profile view above. And we can see thinning hair on his crown there that is not visible in the straight on photos. He was more balding than it appears in the wedding photos-- unless that thin part is where his scars were? Another thought-- could the "scars" his wife claims she saw on his head have been a hair piece sewn into his scalp? Or scars from some form of hair replacement surgery?

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