Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #29 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Does anyone know where a copy of Travis' will is? I have not heard of anything other than his dog being willed. It would be interesting to see what else is in it and possibly provide a break from the penis pics which we all deserve.
I had a weird dream that when Juan got up to cross-exam Jodi, he stood, buttoned his coat, walked up to her and punched her in the face. Then he sat back down.

my wish is that Travis family would be granted that special button that controls her electronic shock thingy......that would be so wonderful!!!!! :blushing: And I know they would love it as well---or if it went off everytime she lied.....a gal can dream :please:
1 hour 29 minutes until the "Let me ask you this" drinking game begins.. Get those shots lined up. I will be doing espresso shots :)

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy sIII (so please excuse the typos!)

That and 'let me backup...' Groan!
When did this ficticious incident ("catching Travis" and his "abuse" of her as a result) allegedly happen?

that is where we will pick up today according to experts talking about what happened in court on thursday

we left off with the little boy's underwear that Arias allegedly got for Valentine's day along with "fun sized snack bars and peanut butter cups"

oye the details!
I know the fingers in the Penis picture has been debated, but I think this picture really brings it home If it hasn't already been posted. IMO


Good eye Rosemary!!!!! I think you are right!!!
This was talked about on the Travis facebook page. Its NOT TA! Those pics were not on his phone or on his computer. I believe 1000000000000% that that is Darryl!
NO doubt in my mind.

I could not agree more Snoop1. That's sinking to a low bottom claiming that. Of course this week will probably be the lowest the Defense will sink :furious:

But, but, Jodi was sworn in to tell the truth :puke:
Oh thank heavens. I meant to ask, too, was Napoleon home the night of the killing? and if so, then left alone for 4 days?
I'm still on page one so apologies if a dozen or two posters have already answered...

Napolean (intentionally misspelled apparently) was home. He was given free reign for the days before Travis was found and Enrique's girlfriend had been feeding him. (There was some confusion early on in following this case that Naps had been locked in with Travis. He wasn't.)
in the video I posted on the last thread (they were reading the court docs) the abuse expert, Laviolette, testified that this was the turning point of the relationship/abuse and that jodi has a right to talk about it

and that LaViolette's testimony will back it up (re: why she killed him)

so we are only JUST getting started with the worst of what is to come folks.


does she have long dark hair? featured on JVM??? She keeps have one lady that drives me nuts---even Jane W. isn't all that supportive of the defense which is a shocker to me.....:blushing:
:waitasec:About the pictures of the hands. Darryl has hairy hands. Travis doesn't. Hmmm...
I'm watching prior JA's testimony on InSession. She acts like some of the questions are a surprise. Like this is the first time she's ever spoken to the defense attorney. Weird that Nurmi would have coached her to act like this.
OT: Man entered Court of Common pleas here in Delaware, shot 2 Capitol Police Officers, killed his estranged wife and another woman in the lobby of the courthouse. Shooter shot dead by police. In the lobby before the metal detectors, which is at the door. Courthouse here on lockdown and the police have to secure 12 floors using the robots. The shooter had been featured on "America's Most Wanted", when he abducted his kids and took them to Nicaraqua. He was due in court today for hearing in Family Court.

I can only imagine what security must be like at the Maricopa County Courthouse. I know there were concerns about JA's security ? In closed door proceedings?

A dear friend of mine's husband is an attorney working at this courthouse. I am SO thankful he is safe.
I'm watching IS now, so this drunk lady story according to JA is evidence showing JA was abused by Travis, which shows why JA had to defend herself against Travis on the day she murdered him by stabbing him in the back?
I thought her lies couldn't get any more disgusting. I guess there must be a legal rationalization for letting the defendant spew such filth, but there certainly isn't a moral reason why she should be allowed this.

The only thing that makes it at all bearable is believing she'll be found guilty of 1st degree murder and that her lies on the stand will bury her beneath pity's reach.

The story of TA masturbating to little boy pictures is a new high for absurdity. If TA were a pedophile or a closet homosexual there MOST CERTAINLY would have been pictures of naked boys on his computer or at the very least evidence that TA had “clicked” on boy *advertiser censored* sites. There is not a shred of evidence that TA was homosexual or a pedophile. It is also utterly incredulous for TA to print out discoverable pictures of “naked boys”. A pedophile would view online pictures or saved photos archived in a computer file – that can be LOCKED with a password.

Once a again this is a highly salacious story concocted by JA and defense team to assassinate the dead victim It is likely that most if not all of the detail of sexual activity between TA and JA is embellished or completely fabricated to fit the “battered woman “ definition. I will be surprised if any of this “sexual abuse or perversity” can be corroborated by a 3rd party. One would assume that the victim of these sexual hijinks would share at least the gist of these unsavory events with her Mother a sister or “friend”.

Question – Is there a confirmed example of a bona fide battered woman who kept the abuse completely secret – no police reports, no medical records, no neighbor, friend, work associate, or relative reports?
For real: when she starts telling the pedeophile lie I wish that electronic device would jolt the almighty Hello right out of her.
I had a weird dream that when Juan got up to cross-exam Jodi, he stood, buttoned his coat, walked up to her and punched her in the face. Then he sat back down.

Omg :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::rocker:
Is this the Deanna Riley that according to JA Travis said was unstable?
Hurrah! I'm on page two! (By the time I catch up there'll only be another 33.15786 pages to read!)

Brilliant point. Travis left his beloved puppy to a mad woman. :waitasec: Travis practically worshiped his dog - in the tribute video I believe there's actually a picture of him carrying Naps on his chest in a baby carrier. And from online accounts it would seem Napolean was the type of pupster to challenge even the patience of saints at times. Just FWIW.
The jury doesn't know yet about all JA's lies after the crime. They know about the one where she said no jury would convict her. Not the 'ninja' one YET.

They do know of her lies. They have seen the interrogation tapes.
For real: when she starts telling the pedeophile lie I wish that electronic device would jolt the almighty Hello right out of her.
I don't know what they are called, but I'm imagining those prod things for livestock.
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