jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #49 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Ah ha - DUTY TO RETREAT is the phrase. Defense fighting to keep it out, but if not, her SD claim is a gonner - like her.

Duty to Retreat - first line of SD - she could have run out of the bedroom rather than turn into the bathroom/
Just saying y'all, I got a breast aug and bc two other friends had already gotten them, I only had to pay $3500 regular $4300. I live in louisiana. Not sure where she got them California or a cheaper state but that is my story not defending her. At. All.

This was in 2002 in Baton Rouge la. I was 18. I didn't go on a senior trip or get a dumb class ring you only wear a year. I got *advertiser censored*. I got my money's worth. Lol.
OF COURSE! Bring it up LOTS AND LOTS!! Whatever you do please DO NOT FORGET TO TALK ABOUT JODI AND HER FINGER!!!! She and her finger are the real victims here!! We wil discuss Jodi and her finger for hours and hours and hours!!

LOL!! But it's tragic really. She has 10 of them and Travis hurt her left ring finger and probably on purpose. Who will marry her now?

Seriously though, all the state needs to do is show the autopsy photos of all the defensive wounds on Travis hands on that big screen behind her, then play the tape where she's showing LE the boo boo on hers, followed by the receipt from the manicure she got less than 24 hours after she broke a nail to save her life. Game, set, match. :jail: Bye bye psycho.
Someone mentioned on the other thread about Jodi using big words that she doesn't seem to understand. It's an odd thing because I've diagnosed a few people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder over the years and that's something they all had in common--they would use a big or an "educated" sounding word but in context it would be just a little off or not quite convey what they seemed to want and it would leave you scratching your head. A whole conversation of that is seriously wearying.

Something like this?;

I'm a promoter of the people for the people and by the people and my magic lies in my people ties. I'm a promoter of America. I'm American people. You know what I mean? So therefore, uh, do not send for who the bell tolls 'cause the bell tolls for thee.--Don King


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i've never understood this. he was mutilated. that's not heinous? he had defensive wounds. that's not cruel? HOW can that even be questioned?

even if she shot him first, he wasn't dead and obviously suffered because he tried to fend off that knife as she stabbed him. honestly, how can they argue that?????

Here is where I found what the court concluded was the aggravating factor justifying seeking the death penalty against Jodi (interesting read....)

CR2008-031021-001 DT 08/18/2009
Docket Code 019 Form R000A Page 2


Following the evidentiary hearing on August 7, 2009, the Court took under advisement the defendant’s Request for Determination of Probable Cause on Alleged Aggravating Factor. In its Notice of Intent to Seek Death Penalty, Aggravating Factors, Witnesses and Evidence, filed October 31, 2008, the state alleges ONE aggravating circumstance, A.R.S. §13-751(F)(6) (especially heinous, cruel or depraved).

At the hearing, the State asserted that in addition to the cruelty prong, it was relying on the following theories to support the heinous and depraved prong:
gratuitous violence, needless mutilation, helplessness and senselessness.1

1 The State did not argue that the defendant relished the murder. The evidence showed that the defendant photographed the victim in the shower shortly before attacking him and several inadvertent photos were taken during the attack due to the configuration of the digital camera. The Court finds that the State has waived relishing as a factor to support a finding of heinousness or depravity.

(more at link)
Because by saying that he knows he'd never be called? :waitasec:

I believe it's just his 15 min of fame.
I do think him, though. He was the first one to mention the broken finger, and how he could vouch for her - long before it really came up publically.
I agree with you. I don't like the fact that he started it off with "my sister stupid comment" I found this to be low blow and unecessary...
HLN has a body language expert on who says Jodi's standing up to the prosecutor can be read in mixed ways by the jury. Also that not everyone even understands the body language display of Jodi. Frankly I think even a five year old could read her attitude so don't agree.

Something I have wondered about since I first started reading here in January. What is with the weird mirroring thing? The lowering of her chair to make her appear smaller, I get that, even though they went so far overboard that it was obvious to everyone what they'd done. But what's with the clothing? First she matches one of her attorneys. Someone suggested that now she's mirroring JM, and it sure looks like she is. Each one of her outfits when she first got on the stand seemed to be sending some kind of message, but not just the simple "sweet, young, girlish, innocent Jodi." I mean she's talking about all this, uh, unusual (don't know what to call it) sex, and she thinks white is going to have some kind of subliminal effect? And what does dressing like your attorney mean?
I may be in the minority here on this. I actually think the defense is doing everything they need to to keep their client from receiving the DP. I do not think Nurmi likes JA at all as she has also lied to him and made his job more difficult. I think Willmott may have more compassion for JA, however as I have watched Nurmi, I do not believe he does. I think he is just doing his job to the best of his ability. I know he has been subject of ridicule and I agree with some of what has been said here. He is dealing with a sociopathic client who has BS'd everybody and it can't be easy. I know we jokingly bash him for the types of clients he represents in his private practice. What I find horrific is that there is actually a NEED for legal representation for sex crimes that I would imagine the majority of which have been perpetrated on children. As I have posted here before, I had a need to consult with a defense attorney here where I live for my daughter. I wanted the best in town just in case...fortunately, she did not need his services. I am a victim's advocate at heart without question. I just think sometimes the defense lawyer "bashing" goes a bit far. I prefer to keep my "hatred" on the murderer, not on those who have been roped in to defend her. Respectfully, IMO.

I totally agree.

He's doing everything a defense attorney is expected to do. No surprise there.

Hate Jodi, not her defense team....... they are just doing their jobs.
This is from last night's thread, which is already closed, so I can't quote it properly. Sorry I'm such a slowpoke—I've been trying to get time to look up the video and post this since I read Pink Panther's interesting comment.

That $300 figure has never seemed right to me, so I went back and listened to croakerqueen123's DB's cross examination on YouTube. At about 1:07:45, Juan says JA's implants cost approximately $300 through a surgeon in La Jolla. That doesn't mean that's what they really cost, of course, but that's what I hear.

$3300 each really seems much more plausible to me, but that's how the misinformation (if it is) got launched.[/QUOTE

Maybe JA told Darryl Brewer her implants cost $300 as I am sure he would not have appreciated spending $3300 a piece on them. IIRC, she said she spent all her $ on the down payment for the house, so where exactly did she come up with all that cash?
I am sure he has been interviewed by both sides. Would be interesting to know what he has said.

I love how she got that shout out to him yesterday when she stated they were still friends. WTH

Remember in yesterday's testimony Juan mentions Jodi is the one telling Matt that the prosecution is going to interview him.

This sneaky, sleezy game with the magazines is going to show her for what she is - a liar who lied about everything.
Criminal defense lawyers are the scum of the earth...until you need one.

Criminal Defense lawyers are also real people.

They are not bad, horrible people. They have a job to do.

At the end of the day, they are just doing their job.
OF COURSE! Bring it up LOTS AND LOTS!! Whatever you do please DO NOT FORGET TO TALK ABOUT JODI AND HER FINGER!!!! She and her finger are the real victims here!! We wil discuss Jodi and her finger for hours and hours and hours!!

That "Fickle Finger of Fate" gives me the creeps. :floorlaugh:

Anybody remember "laugh in" or seen re-runs from years ago...LOL
There were a few 'jaw dropping' moments yesterday.. but for ME (MOO) the moment that stuck with me.. and I really hope the jury picked up on it.. was when he exposed her STALKING tendencies. We've all heard TA's friends talk about her stalking but when Juan asked her about standing there watching Travis and the girl, there at the back door... the hair stood up on the back of my neck and I was totally creeped out! AND she admitted it!!! AND the other thing that stayed with me was when Juan asked her about going to see Ryan Burns AFTER she killed Travis and she made the statement "I'm single" AFTER she just brutally murdered Travis and LEFT him there in the shower!!

You're absolutely right, Laceybug! I think we could fill more than a few pages in this thread with nothing but JA's mistakes on her first day of cross.

Another one (I like this game :) ): Having her demeanor completely contradict her statement about getting flustered when men like JM and Travis yell at her.

Did you SEE her face? She wasn't flustered, she was challenging him! It was so mismatched and insincere there is no way anyone didn't pick up on that, even subconsciously...

(other than the THs who really do seem to live up to that moniker all too often).
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